"Starry wishes don't come true sometimes..."
Disclaimer: I do not own trolls (They are DreamWorks Productions) I do not own the pictures, or the songs.
(This is a trolls on the on beat fanfic)
(Its, Archer-centric)
(There are going be about 3-7Chapters in this fic )
(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)
(I don't watch Trolls: the beat goes on a lot, so forgive me if some characters are a bit ooc)
(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)
Archer admitted, that he might have judged Poppy a little to harsh. He wondered through the forest, in deep thought. He heard footsteps.
He punched the nearest thing next to him.
"Ow!" A dramatic voice.
Archer turned around..
He was surprised, with what he saw.
Branch was the ground, holding his face, in serious pain. He glared, playfully at him.
"The one time, I actually wanted to cheer up someone, I get punched" He chuckled.
"Sorry man, just reflexes" Archer replied solemnly.
Branch, suddenly got serious.
"I'm sorry about Poppy.." Branch apologised.
"Its alright man, what's happened, is whats happened, you can't change it" Archer answered.
Branch was shocked, He didn't know that Archer was that deep. Then again, what else didn't he know about him? He managed to keep the secret of his Parents that long, anyway. Branch looked at him, like proper looked at him. Archer looked fed up at life at the moment, and Branch couldn't blame him. Life, had only given him misfortune so fair. He studied Archer for a long time, and there was conclusion that did stick in his head, Archer was dangerous in a way. For example, He played a pretty good actor, when the partycrashers invaded. He could have actually been on their side, because Guy Diamond had to kiss Poppy. But, Branch was glad Archer had a good enough heart to help them all.
"Hey.." Archer turns his head to meet Branch's eyes.
"What was song about last night?," Branch questioned.
Archer hesitated before answering..
"What song?," He tried to play dumb..
"YOU know" Branch countered.
Archer sighed.
"You really want to know?" He asked.
Branch nodded, interested.
Archer sighed, then folded his arms out of habit.
"My mother made some mistakes in the past," Archer started. "You understand if I don't tell you what she did?" Branch nodded. Archer thanked him, and continued. "She often would go out for long periods of time, with us not knowing what she was doing.." Branch looked shocked at that. "That's not even the worst bit" Archer continued. "Then one day, she just disappeared, completely left us. Bash broke down that night, and we got blamed that she left by the people closest to us" He nearly ended. "We stayed with family, and practically relied on ourselves. Bash broke down so many times, that others called him a baby for losing his "Mom". He nearly locked himself away" Archer continued. "I promised that we wouldn't let people bully us again, and abandon us, so it was a bit of trouble picking out friends, because we would get picked on for being the "Mommyless" kids" Archer nearly finished.
Branch encouraged Archer to carry on..
"Contrary to what people think, Bash was full of emotions, so I was the only one he could count on" Archer then finished with. "There was one thing I learned those years ago, don't get to close with people, especially the ones you love, they'll just abandon you, and don't get attached to people that often. And this was when I was fourteen Branch," He finished off.
Branch, was shocked at that. Archer had been through all that, at just that age. His eyes were full of sadness, but he didn't look like he was about to cry.
A questioned burned on his mind.
"Is that why you were hostile at the fun dungeon?" Branch asked.
Archer nodded. Branch then realized something.
"YOU were worried we were going to use you, didn't you?..." Branch questioned.
Archer's silence answered him.
"Just to let you know," Archer turned. "We wouldn't use you like that" He finished.
Branch then changed the subject.
"What happened with you and Poppy?" He asked. "I wasn't there"
It was true, He wasn't.
"Ok, I'll explain" Archer started.
Archer was walking, he was in a good mood, even though he didn't know why.
He heard chuckling, he was curious. He walked towards it.
There was a good amount of Partycrashers there, and only few trolls, as well.
He was shocked, by what he saw...
Poppy, and his brother Bash, were on the ground. Their hands were near each other, and they were in a dominant position, their eyes were closed, and their lips, were together.
Archer let out a audible growl...
Their eyes opened, and they stumbled up, strangely not blushing.
"Ar-Archer, it's not what it looks like" They both told him at the same time.
Archer folded his arms.
"Amuse me, what does it look like?" Archer replied, his voice hollow.
"He.." Poppy. "She,I..." They both trailed off.
"WHAT IS IT!?!?" He finally snapped, surprised at his own rage.
"I tripped over, and fell on Poppy" Bash answered, afraid.
There was silence for moment, then Archer laughed.
"That is the most stupid excuse I've ever heard," Archer started. "Even more rubbish than fathers, all those years ago. At least he had the decency to tell the truth" He finished.
"Archer, I'm sorry" Poppy quickly spoke up.
"Apologies, don't mean anything, if you keep doing what you're sorry for" Archer simply told a tearing up Poppy.
Archer walked away then.
Archer, finished telling Branch what happened.
Branch, was shocked.
"YOU think Poppy, did this on purpose?" Branch asked.
Archer shrugged.
"One time, I believed her," He then added. "The second, that can't be coincidental" He finished.
"Didn't Bash tell you what happened?" Branch asked to.
Archer nodded.
"Why didn't you believe him?" Branch questioned confused.
Archer stiffened. Branch noticed that.
"When I was back at my original home, I heard worse excuses than what he said" Archer replied.
Branch nodded, he didn't push any further. He felt Archer opened up to him. But, He was admittedly shocked, that he as that blunt. What had Archer been through?
That was a question, that burned in everyone's mind..
Archer, looked at Branch, He seemed to be in deep thought.
"Thank you.." He started.
"For what?" Branch was confused.
"For listening to me" Archer replied.
Branch, nodded as a reply. He looked at Archer again, He thought he could cheer him. They say that trolls instinct, tells you when you need it. Branch thought this, but was shocked when he felt obligated to sing a song. For some reason, He knew the right song.
(A/N: I thought this song is good, it cheers me up all the time~😂)
*I know the feeling*
*Of finding yourself stuck out on the ledge*
*And there ain't no healing*
*From cuttin' yourself with the jagged edge*
*I'm tellin' you that it's never that bad*
*And take it from someone who's been where your at*
*You're laid out on the floor and you're not sure*
*You can take this anymore*
So just give it one more try
*With a lullaby*
*And turn this up on the radio*
*If you can hear me now*
*I'm reachin' out to let you know*
*That you're not alone*
*And you can't tell, I'm scared as hell*
*'Cause I can't get you on the telephone*
*So just close your eyes*
*Well honey here comes a lullaby*
*Your very own lullaby*
*Please let me take you*
*Out of the darkness and into the light*
*'Cause I have faith in you*
*That you're gonna make it through another night*
*Stop thinkin' about the easy way out*
*There's no need to go and blow the candle out*
*Because you're not done, you're far too young*
*And the best is yet to come*
*So just give it one more try*
*With a lullaby*
*And turn this up on the radio*
*If you can hear me now*
*I'm reachin' out to let you know*
*That you're not alone*
*And you can't tell, I'm scared as hell*
*'Cause I can't get you on the telephone*
*So just close your eyes*
*Well honey here comes a lullaby*
*Your very own lullaby*
*Well everybody's hit the bottom*
*And everybody's been forgotten*
*Well everybody's tired of being alone*
*Yeah everybody's been abandoned*
*And left a little empty handed*
*So if you're out there barely hangin', on*
*Just give it one more try*
*With a lullaby*
*And turn this up on the radio*
*If you can hear me now*
*I'm reachin' out to let you know*
*That you're not alone*
*And you can't tell, I'm scared as hell*
*'Cause I can't get you on the telephone*
*So just close your eyes*
*Well honey here comes a lullaby*
*Your very own lullaby*
*Well honey here comes a lullaby*
*Your very own lullaby*
Archer, looked slightly better.
"Thanks Branch" He told him.
Branch nodded, He then looked up.
"We might as well get back, it's a half walk to the village, and it's gonna get dark soon" Branch offered.
They walked away, while talking..
Poppy walked in the village, sad. She ended up with the snack pack.
"We're sorry Poppy" The twins told her.
"It's ok" She said sniffling.
"If I may interject, why did you kiss bash?" Biggie questioned her.
"It started like this..." She slowly explained.
Poppy, was looking for Archer.
She ran into Bash, and a few of the partycrashers.
"Hey, Bash" She started. "Have you seen Archer?" She asked.
Bash, took a step towards her, to talk to her. But, something happened..
Her fell..
Poppy, was shocked they tumbled on the ground. Bash was on top of her, their lips accidently touched. Poppy, closed her eyes, in pain from the fall.
They heard a audible growl.
There was Archer, He did not look happy with them.
Their eyes opened, and they stumbled up, strangely not blushing.
"Ar-Archer, it's not what it looks like" They both told him at the same time.
Thry saw Archer, had folded his arms.
"Amuse me, what does it look like?" Archer replied, his voice hollow.
"He.." Poppy started. "She,I..." They both trailed off.
"WHAT IS IT!?!?" He Finally snapped, surprisingnthem at his rage.
"I tripped over, and fell on Poppy" Bash answered, afraid.
There was silence for moment, then Archer laughed.
"That is the most stupid excuse I've ever heard," Archer started. "Even more rubbish than fathers, all those years ago, at least he had the decency to tell the truth" He finished.
Bash, was shocked, did he just say That?
Poppy, was too, what did he mean by that?
"Archer, I'm sorry" Poppy quickly spoke up.
"Apologies, don't mean anything, if you keep doing what you're sorry for" Archer simply told a tearing up Poppy.
Archer walked away then.
Poppy, finished explaining.
"W-o-o-w" Guy Diamond gasped.
"That's intense," Commneted smidge.
"Yeah, it was" Cooper cut in.
Poppy, said her goodbyes and left.
The snack pack, saw another troll pass them.
"Hey Pastra" Biggie called.
"Yeah!," She called, as she came over.
"Do you know what happened with Poppy and bash?" They questioned her.
"Yeah," She started. "I was there, bash fell on her and they accidently kissed" She confirmed.
The snack pack, now they had someone to confirm it, fully believed Poppy.
"Is there anything else you need me for?" She asked.
"No" Suki told her.
Pastra nodded, and left.
Archer and Branch, came back to the village.
"Hey Archer?" Archer turned around. "You wanna sleep in my pod tonight?" Branch asked. "Things seem tense between you and Poppy".
"Yes, thank you branch" Archer appreciated the offer.
They got to his pod, which he shared with Creek.
"Hey Branch, hey Archer" Creek greeted the, as they stepped inside.
"Hey creek" Branch greeted him back. "Is it ok if Archer spends the night?, things are kinda tense with Poppy" Branch finished.
"Sure," Creek replied. "He can stay as long as he doesn't mind using the guest room" Creek finished talking.
"I don't mind, and thank you" Archer replied.
"Is it ok if I turn in right now?, I'm kind of exhausted" Archer started.
"Its alright mate" Creek answered.
"Sure" Branch told him as well.
Archer nodded gratefully, and went towards the guest room.
He went to the bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep with exhaustion.
Branch watched him sleep for a moment.
He stepped out.
"Poor thing" He told his mate.
"He's been through a lot, hasn't he?" Creek asked.
"Yeah..." Branch trailed off. "He told me some of his past"
"Really?, " Creek replied shocked. "Wow.."
Branch yawned.
"YOU coming to bed?" He asked his mate.
"Yeah" Creek answered.
The two, went to bed that night.
Poppy, stirred from her sleep. She didn't know why though, She decided to go for a walk then she saw something..
Branch, woke up. He checked on creek, then Archer, He wasn't in the room. He searched for him, and was surprised with what he saw.
Poppy and Branch, saw each other and went closer.
They saw Archer and Bash, together staring at the stars..
They heard their conversation..
"Its been so long since I've seen you" Bash started.
"What do you mean?" Archer asked curiously.
"I haven't seen the real you in a long time" Bash continued.
Poppy and Branch, looked at each other confused. They turned around, the snack pack was there to, with the same faces. They greeted them, they greeted back, and they turned around again.
To their surprise, Archer simply chuckled.
"He died the day he lost hope of his family" Archer simply told him. "He carried around the burdens, the expectations, while his big brother lived almost oblivious to it all" He finished.
"Its like your a just..blank" Bash told him.
"So I've been told" Archer replied.
Bash could tell there was along on Archer's mind...
(A/N: I really like this song, I feel like it sets out the mood for this chapter~😃)
Bash, then looked directly at Archer. His BROTHER looked Conflicted.
"Is it Carlisle, and Aqua?" He asked.
"Part of it" Archer answered.
"Its sorry about the accident" Bash apologized.
"Yeah right" Archer sarcastically replied.
Bash, then grew annoyed.
"YOU know, you need to relax" Archer's eyes twitched.
'How can you be near the people, who hurt us?' Archer thought furiously.
"I don't need, nor have i ever needed protection, from anything" He countered.
"No?" Archer growled. "So you didn't me to protect you when you were with your friends, or how you nearly got hurt because of the alligore" Archer countered.
"Well.." Bash knew he had been beaten..
"Did you know what I did for this family?" Archer asked rhetorically.
Poppy, and the others were confused. What was you going on? They looked, Bash had the decency to lol guilty.
"Archer, I.." He was interrupted.
It was like a fuse had blown in Archer, He snapped.
They all saw his eyes, darken. And it was frightening the way he spoke.
"Do you know what I'd do?" He asked.
Theynehard him yell.
"Who's the one, that took the blame,huh? I'M THE ONE THAT NEARLY ALWAYS GOT THE PUNISHMENTS!!" He carried on. "Who's the one, that got in trouble, for your mistakes? The one who always had the shouting, the one who still has the scars under this shirt, the mental words that still stuck with him today. The one who was at your side through when our mom left us. I wanted to grieve to, but I had to be strong for you," He got in Bash's face, panting. "I WANTED TO GRIEVE TOO, BUT I COULDN'T I HAD TO BE THE ONE, WHO WAS STRONG, BECAUSE I CARED ABOUT YOU THEN, AND I STILL DO!!!" He finished, panting.
His face, was one of sorrow.
"I'm sorry, I had no idea" Bash stated in sadness.
"Well.." Archer trailed off. "Now you do" Archer walked, to Branch's pod, and collapsed into sleep, due to his exhaustion.
Bash went to his pod, as well.
The snack pack, were shocked.
"Wow.." Biggie didn't know what to say.
"I can't believe he's been through that" Branch commented, poppy nodded.
"That definitely was pent up rage.." Creek chimed in.
"Well, we'd better get some sleep, it's gonna be long day tomorrow"suki suggested.
Everyone nodded, and went to their respective pods.
Poppy, fell asleep that night so wondering two things:
1. If Archer was okay, and what his past was like.
2. If he would actually forgive her, for her accidental infidelity.
(A/N: I'm not sorry for this chapter, I wanted to spice things up a notch~🤣)
(The next chapter, will be out in a day or two~😋)
(Also comment down, and vote,If you liked this chapter~😗)
(Also, someone give an idea for the next chapter, anyone who does, will get included in it.~😄)
(Credit to @ArcherPastryLife115 for the accidental kissing idea, this wouldn't have been a chapter without it~😙)
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