[스물 넷] Sequence of Events

There were five truths Maiya Rhee had realized since the start of the apocalypse. Each had been at a critical moment in her life.

These truths were forever burned into her mind, shaping her into the person she was today.


The boy was being chased by at least a dozen monsters. Sweat was clinging to him in the humid, summer air; his shirt drenched as he ran at full speed from the monsters.

He wasn't sure where to go, running past the abandoned cars that led towards the airport.

His journey at the start of the apocalypse had begun there; it was the only place he knew in this unfamiliar city.

His run came to a halt as he saw the road blocked with huge semi. The monsters were approaching, but he still had enough time to escape. He began climbing on top of a car, trying desperately to continue on to the airport.

He climbed from car to car, finally reaching the semi. He thought he had conquered his last obstacle until he lost his footing.

He landed on his back, knocking the wind out of him. This precious minute of breathlessness had cost him. He could hear their hungry growling right in front of him and he painfully tried to move away. He had his body halfway under the nearest car when the one he had known as Claudia grabbed onto his leg and pulled him back.

He let out a scream that was accompanied by several gunshots. The monsters fell to the ground around him instantly.

The boy panted with fear, looking around at the scene. He immediately looked towards his savior who looked back at him impatiently.

"I wasted good ammo on your ass," She clipped her gun back to her hip. "So quit staring and get up."

"T-Thanks," He finally spoke, casting his teary gaze downwards at "Claudia." He stroked her hair, earning the sigh of the other woman.

"There's no use crying about it. Whoever she was, she's gone now."

"I know... But she was special to me. She was one of the few friends I made... during this whole thing," He sobbed.

The woman looked around worriedly, knowing that there were sure to be more coming. There always was.

"Why? Why did you risk your life to save mine?" The boy remained seated on the road.

"I was trained to protect and defend. I saw someone in danger and I helped. Isn't that what separates us from them?" She nudged a body with her boot.

"Claudia was a good person," The boy stated absentmindedly, continuing to look at the body.

Maiya opened her mouth to retort, but the snarls of approaching monsters forced her to harshly whisper, "We need to go."

The boy looked wide-eyed at her before scurrying up from the road. Maiya shoved another gun into his hand as she reloaded hers.

"I-I don't know how to use this! My brother was the one-"

"Then learn. Your life depends on it now," Maiya started to walk ahead of him, not planning on having this kid tag along with her. But he had other ideas, which Maiya firmly put a stop to, telling him that she had done all she could.

"I don't have anywhere or anyone else to go to. My whole family's probably dead... so are my friends," He explained sadly.

Maiya sighed, knowing she was in the same spot. "Alright. But if you are a burden to my survival, I will not hesitate to ditch you."

The boy nodded with wide eyes, understanding completely this woman was dead serious about leaving his ass behind if he slowed her down.

So the pair began their long and uncertain journey outside the ruins of the city once known as Washington D.C. A journey Maiya realized was as strange and foreign as the potential ally beside her and as dangerous and broken as herself.


The pair were bloodied and dirty and lost throughout the Virginian woods. They had just lost their camp in the recent days to a herd of walkers and were shaken up from the experience. Jeffrey had been crying while Maiya hadn't been sleeping, making their appearance even more ragged.

"I can't go on," Jeffrey sobbed, falling to the ground. "What's the freaking point?! The world's over! And we have to accept that!"

Maiya leaned against a tree, looking down at him pathetically. "I'm not going to just give up. That's for the weak. We're here now; we're the ones who live."

Jeffrey looked at Maiya deeply, thinking about her words. He thought of his family and how they would want the same for him; wherever they were.

Suddenly, gunfire and screams rang out throughout the dead forest. Maiya was about to spring into action, but Jeffrey stopped her, telling her they had no ammo left.

"We need to look after ourselves first," Jeffrey explained.

"If I would have looked after me first, you wouldn't be here," Maiya scoffed, running towards the source. Jeffrey let out a sigh of annoyance, following her lead grudgingly.

In the middle of a clearing were a young man and woman, surrounded by several 'monsters,' as Maiya had grown to call them.

The man was shouting as he fired several bullets into the monsters while the woman beat and impaled the beings with her spear. It seemed as if they had everything under control, but the man had run out of bullets. The woman was also beginning to show signs of exhaustion.

This was enough to cause Maiya to act. She took out her only weapons; two sickles. She rushed into the battle with Jeffrey, who had a machete.

One last rush of adrenaline flowed through the both of them as they slashed, and slashed, and slashed. Their anger, their sorrow, their pain was sprayed across their already darkened clothes and skin.

Red was all they could see.

They collapsed once their spree was finished. Maiya knew she should still be on her feet in front of strangers, but her fatigue prevented her. Still, she made it known that if they tried anything she had sickles clenched in her hands.

"Thank you," the man stated warmly. "We were nearly goners until you two showed up."

"It's no problem," Maiya panted, looking up at the man. He startled at how bloody her face was.

"What were you even doing out here?" Jeffrey asked.

"We were on our way back from scavenging," the woman answered in a distinct British accent. "Then our car broke down and we had to walk back. We lost all our supplies though..." She looked at the scattered remains of their earnings dejectedly.

"Hey! Are you two part of a group?" The man exclaimed.

"No... not anymore," Maiya responded hesitantly.

"Oh, well I don't know if you would like to join ours then. We're always looking for new members who will contribute," the man smiled.

"Dante..." The woman started to say, but 'Dante' ignored her.

"Lillith, we need people like them. People who can pull their weight. That's who he's looking for," Dante reassured. "He's always taken a shine to those types of people," he chuckled.

Maiya looked at Jeffrey in curiosity. Jeffrey shrugged and said they should at least check it out.

"How many people are there in your group?" Maiya decided she should get some information on these people before she went with them.

"About thirty. We're a small group," Dante replied cheerfully. "But we need all the help we can get at the moment. And it would be the least we could do after what you did for us. We can at least give you some food and clean you up."

"Thanks..." Jeffery's tone didn't sound so grateful.

"Then we better start going back." Lillith started to lead the way impatiently. "Our leader isn't the most patient of men."

Dante laughed at this. "He's pretty cool. I've known him since high school- he was my coach. You two will fit right in! He loves the youth!"


Maiya and Jeffrey could only stare in awe at the large factory that stood before them.

"Welcome! To the Sanctuary!" Dante gestured around.

"It's a cheesy name, isn't it?" Lillith smirked, placing her hands on Maiya and Jeffrey's shoulders.

"Well, don't tell Negan that. The name is part of his vision," Dante remarked sarcastically.

All around, people were working on the chain-link fence, gardens, and chicken coops. This was The Sanctuary in its early days.

"C'mon, it's time you met the man himself," Dante motioned for them to follow. "We really owe our lives to him."

"He has an... interesting personality just to warn you," Lillith chuckled, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.

Maiya felt a wave of anxiety come over her as she walked into the factory. A voice in her head was telling her to run. To get far away from here. Bad things were going to come.

Nonetheless, she ignored this warning and found herself looking up at a grinning man on top of the stairs.

"I see ya' both have returned empty-handed. But with something more interesting in tow," The man slowly walked down the stairs, never taking his eyes off Maiya. She turned her head away, feeling disturbed by this.

"Yes, Negan. Our car stopped working, so we had to walk back. Then we were attacked by some walkers when these two saved us. We lost everything in the fight though. But next time, we will repay our lost supplies. I promise," Dante explained, albeit nervously.

"Dante! Don't worry about it! You're one of the hardest workers here; always have been!" Negan slapped Dante on the back playfully. Dante laughed at this, relieved he wasn't in trouble.

"Excuse my French, but you two look like shit! What the hell happened to you?" Negan questioned.

"We just lost our camp," Jeffrey gritted his teeth in remembrance.

"Mmm... tragic. Well, how would you like to live here?" Negan smiled. "You get food, shelter, protection with the small cost of contributing to The Sanctuary. It's a once in a lifetime offer!"

Maiya and Jeffrey exchanged glances, wondering if they should take up this deal. Negan must have caught onto their hesitation as he said, "I get it. You're unsure. But I treat all my Saviors with the upmost respect. Without them, there would be no Sanctuary. Hell, even I wouldn't be here. Tell them, Dante."

"It's true. I found Negan again after all this happened. He had been one of my favorite teachers in high school so that's how I knew he would be the best leader. No one else could have led us to what we are today. He really cares about each one of us. He can be crazy sometimes, but that's what makes him connect with us."

"I consider Dante to be one of my most loyal men," Negan continued. "Great kid. So is Lillith even if she is moody."

Lillith rolled her eyes in mock annoyance at this. "It's not going to get much better than this. The Sanctuary is home."

"So... what do ya' say?" Negan grinned eagerly, leaning back as he did so. "We're gonna need everyone on board if we're gonna rebuild civilization. I don't know about you two, but I miss the Internet and cable TV."

She wasn't sure what Jeffrey was thinking at the moment, but she could only guess that agreeing to Negan's ideology of rebuilding the world must have been out of desperation...and hope. A hope that crossed her face as a smile as she accepted this offer.

At the time, she realized that even though this was a gamble The Sanctuary could be her new home. Negan's charisma had convinced her this could actually work. She realized that this was the first time she believed in the hope of rebuilding a new life; a new world.


Anger was what coursed through Maiya's veins as she bowed before Negan. The original concern she held had been lost, but apparently remained in the others as she looked around.

Things had drastically changed within The Sanctuary, and not for the better. The relations between Negan and "The Saviors" had been tense in the past weeks. Their leader had become more demanding, more brutal, and more unpredictable.

He also had started carrying around a new weapon; a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.

As he swaggered by, he twirled the bat whistling in delight. People reflexively glanced up to him; unsure if he would swing it at someone. The paranoia was high in the compound as was the misery.

But not everyone was miserable. One particular man named Simon, who had grown close to Negan, was enjoying his newfound position of power. Maiya blamed their "friendship" as the cause of Negan's deterioration.

"Something's going to go wrong. Something really bad is going to happen if we don't do something," Maiya told Dante later on, away from earshot.

"What can we do? Negan's just worried about getting enough supplies and guaranteeing our survival. Things have become scarce and he recognizes that. It'll pass and you'll see him back to the man he used to be," Dante sighed tiredly.

"Why do you keep defending him? Can't you see he's working us to death? He keeps demanding more and more supplies for his survival!" She whispered angrily. "It's never enough for him."

"He's doing what he can. It's all for us."

"...I'm going to talk to him then. People are scared and he needs to know how we all feel. He needs to know that we don't think he's fit to be our leader."

"What?! No! Don't do that!" Dante pleaded, but Maiya had already made up her mind.

"There was a time when things were good around here! When we weren't living under the threat of some barbed bat! Negan's going to run this place into the ground. And screw that Simon guy! He's the only one benefitting from all of this!" Maiya pushed past Dante, heading towards Negan's domain.

She was determined to talk to him about this. If he truly was a good leader, he would listen and not throw her out. She practically marched to his door and knocked furiously.

The door suddenly swung open, revealing a giggling Lillith in a lacy, black dress. Her smile dropped when she met an agape Maiya.

Lillith brushed past the flustered woman, leaving Maiya to process what she just witnessed. Her suspicions were only confirmed when she walked into the bedroom and saw Negan zipping up his jacket.

"He-ey! Maiya! You caught me at a bad time. But I could be up for another round if you're willi-" Negan started to say before Maiya interrupted indignantly.

"What the hell?! No! What is wrong with you?!"

"Whoa, she came onto me first. And how could I say no? Ya' see, we worked out a deal where she is basically 'my wife' in exchange for never having to work or earn points again. You could get in on this too. You'd be treated like a queen."

Maiya felt as if she had just been slapped in the face. Actually, that would have been a better insult than what he just suggested.

"All of this just proves what I came here for! You have crossed the line, Negan!"

"What are ya' trying to say?"

"That you shouldn't be our leader anymore."

Negan's face contorted and he gave a dark, booming laugh. A laugh that sent chills down Maiya's spine. He moved past her, going to the side of the bed and revealing the barbed-wire bat.

Maiya froze, staring at him as he walked towards her.

"And what exactly are you going to do about that?" He practiced swinging to the side of her. She flinched, losing her voice completely.

"I said!! What are you going to do about it!" He roared. "That's what I thought. While I appreciate your candor here and the guts it took to say this, don't forget who's really in charge here." He pointed the bat mere inches from her face.

"I must admit, I am a little worried about you. I need to know where you stand with me," Negan continued, taking the bat away from her face. He went behind her and leaned in close to her, whispering, "Who are you?"

The next words Maiya uttered made her realize that in order to survive she had to conform. She was always someone who had challenged rules, but right now she recognized her powerlessness. The time would come when she would challenge Negan's rules, but today was not that day. So with a heavy heart, she answered,



That day did finally come.

After what seemed like years, when in reality were months, a civil war broke out in The Sanctuary.

Many of the youth had grown jaded with Negan's rules, senseless violence, and brutal demands. The final straw had been when Negan had thrown a young man into the furnace after he stole some supplies.

They had finally gathered their courage to challenge Negan and his beloved "Lucille."

Maiya recalled how she thought that luck was going to be on their side. They were going to win this. They were going to win their freedom.

Beside her on the battlefield was Jeffrey, who had become quite a pro at firearms. As they took out Saviors left and right, Maiya was beginning to grow confident in their victory.

"We need to find Negan! He's the priority!" Maiya instructed.

"Where is he then?!" Jeffrey called back.

"If he's as smart as he thinks he is, hiding!"

Suddenly Jeffrey exclaimed, "Maiya! I see him!"


"He went behind The Sanctuary! I'm going to go for it!"

"Jeffrey, wait! NO!!!" But the boy had already vanished behind the large factory.

Maiya immediately stopped shooting and took off after the impulsive young man. That was the problem; Negan was incredibly intelligent. He wouldn't just be here in the open, not without an agenda.

As she turned the corner, she cried out at the sight in front of her. Jeffrey stood frightened with his hands raised and his gun on the floor. Behind him was Negan grinning sadistically, pressing Lucille on his shoulder. Jeffrey winced at the pressure.

Maiya immediately raised her gun and aimed it at Negan; her face twisted in rage.

"No, no, no, sweetheart," Negan wagged his finger at her. "Get on your knees where you belong."

She felt the end of a gun jabbed against her back and she released her weapon. As she kneeled down, she turned her head to see just who was behind her.

Simon. Of course. With the same idiotic smirk and arrogance that Negan had.

Around them, more Saviors were gathering in a circle with guns trained at Maiya and Jeffrey; the latter who was forced to his knees by Negan.

Maiya could feel her eyes become watery as she looked at Jeffrey. She was trying to be strong for him, but she knew what was coming. He looked back at her equally sad, trying to give her a reassuring smile.

"I guess you thought this was all a front! That I wasn't the guy with a bat!" Negan circled the pair. "But maybe this is all on me! Maybe I didn't make things clear enough!" He stopped right in front of Maiya. "You all are going to witness history in the making! You're going to witness just what Lucille is capable of!"

Negan dropped to the ground, eye-level with Maiya. "As punishment, I'm going to kill Jeffrey," His tone was low and threatening, but his expression showed enjoyment in watching the woman struggling to keep her composure. "Your rebellion has failed. Look around. You've lost."

His words were a stab to her heart as she confirmed he was right. The tide had turned and they were on the losing end. The Saviors had gotten the upper hand.

But the rebel in her wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her defeated. So she leaned in closer to Negan, their faces inches apart, and angrily whispered,

"It might take years; it might take the rest of my life. But I don't care how long it takes, I will kill you. Each and every one of your men. You'll think you've escaped; that I've given up. You'll wake up each day thinking you're safe from me. But then the day will come when you won't be."

Negan's confidence vanished for a brief moment; he was visibly shaken by what she had just said. His mouth twitched, but then his usual smile appeared on his face once again.

"Damn. That was hot as hell," Negan chuckled, angering Maiya even further. "I'm a man of my word and I said I was going to do it." Negan rose to his feet and raised Lucille with both hands. Jeffrey tensed up and Maiya felt herself on the edge of a breakdown.

This was it.

They were both going to die here.

Maiya gave one last look to Jeffrey, but the latter had his eyes closed tightly.

But then the world around them exploded.

Several bombs went off around The Sanctuary, knocking everyone to the ground. Maiya didn't waste this distraction, snatching her gun up. Simon tried to take the gun from her, but she knocked him out with the end of it. She shot every Savior on sight while Jeffrey wrestled with Negan for Lucille.

Negan had gotten hold of Lucille and was about to bring it down on Jeffrey's skull when a sudden chain wrapped around his arm, preventing him from doing so.

Dante emerged, holding the other end of the chain firmly. Negan's arm struggled to break free of the chain, but the only thing that happened was Lucille falling beside Jeffrey.

Maiya pointed her gun at Negan; her finger hovering over the trigger.

"It's over, Negan!" Maiya proclaimed.

"Wrong again!" Negan grinned.

"Maiya, we have to go! We're losing badly!" Dante pulled the chain back and helped Jeffrey up.

"But- we can't! We have to fight!" Maiya didn't take her gun off Negan.

"We'll die!" Dante reasoned desperately. "Even with the bombs we set... I'm sorry. Lillith is waiting in the woods with some others."

Maiya let out a howl of anguish before crying out, "I swear, we will return! You're a dead man walking!"

As the remaining youth ran deep into the forest, Maiya ordered the people to keep running until their feet bled and not to stop for anything.

She took one last look at The Sanctuary and saw The Saviors gathered around Negan. There weren't that many left and she had no idea how they would rebuild after this. How Negan would get the supplies he wanted, but that was beyond her worry right now.

It was as she began running again that she realized she should have run when she first set sight on The Sanctuary; on Negan. She should have listened to that inner voice.


The final realization came when her people had found their current home- the Smithsonian Castle as it was formerly known.

It was the ideal spot for them. It was large, could be secured, and far from Negan.

It was a miracle they had been able to clear it, but they did with the little weapons and numbers they had.

Maybe it was that they were in their prime age. Or maybe all the labor they did at The Sanctuary had finally paid off.

Everyone sat around inside exhausted. She told them to rest and tomorrow they could start securing the place.

They all looked to her in guidance, which she felt was a mistake after all she had cost them.

But as the oldest, she knew would automatically be the leader.

Maiya explored the place, wanting to be alone with her thoughts. She collapsed next to a pile of scattered and damaged books.

Her attention was brought to a particular cover that showed several sharp instruments and laboratory flasks.

The title read 'Frankenstein.'

She wasn't sure why she started to read this; reading was practically obsolete in this world. But maybe it was because of the cover and the theme of science in the novel.

But upon reading it, an idea came into her mind.

Science had been the driving force of humanity. That had never changed nor would it.

The people around her were of high intelligence; almost genius level when they were in college. But they were all working towards a future with no guarantee of a stable life; of a stable country.

Their efforts were going to probably be unrecognized.

A smile crossed her face as she realized that they could be the new founding fathers. They could go down in history as the ones who rid the world of this plague. Suddenly all vengeance sworn on Negan had disappeared and a new goal developed in her brain. One of more importance and necessity.

The ones who historians would study and analyze.

The ones future children would learn about in schools.

The ones who would be seen as heroes.

The ones who found a cure.

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