Chapter two
"Paul, stop. Like seriously, stop."
"But you like him," Paul teased, a shit-eating grin in his lips.
Rachel pursed her lips and playfully slapped Paul in the face. The guy whipped his head in the complete opposite direction and gasped.
"But it's the truth!"
Rachel felt her cheeks grow warm and hugged the pillow on her lap. She felt torn. She buried her face in Macca's floofy pillow and let out a groan.
"He's attractive----"
"You were staring at his hands, Rach."
She looked horrified. "I-I... I wasn't!"
Paul crossed his arms, not believing. Not one bit.
"Liar." He whispered, smirking.
Rachel threw the pillow at Macca's face, hitting him straight in the face.
"No my beautiful face!"
"Beautiful my arse." She muttered under her breathe.
Fuck, maybe she did like George. Her heart went funny and she felt giddy all of the sudden.
"Oooh you are so thinking about him."
Rachel shot him a quick glare. "Am not!"
"You've got pretty eyes."
She really, really liked his accent. Then her mind wandered off again. And what she was thinking wasn't particularly innocent.
"What do you think of him?" Paul said, swiping through his Iphone. Rachel rolled her eyes.
He's probably stalking John on Facebook again, she thought.
She sneaked a glance at Paul's phone and he instantly recoiled. He hissed at her, making a cat-like hand-gesture.
"Enough about George, let's talk about John Winston Fucking Lennon." She countered back.
Paul laughed nervously. "Hah, what about him?"
"I can read you like an open book, Macca."
His cherub cheeks went slightly pink. "The man's straight, Rach!"
"Same for George, Paul!" Her mouth suddenly turned into a straight line. "Fuck, why can't I just be normal girl?"
Paul let out a sigh. He crawled over to her (his bed was awfully soft) and pulled her into a hug.
"You are normal, babe." He cooed, running his fingers through her hair. "Why don't you just give it a try? Talk to him, flirt with him, I don't care. Just speak to the man."
"We wouldn't work it out," Rachel sniffed, eyes a bit glassy. She mentally cursed. Why the heck is she getting so emotional about a bloke she just met?
"I'll sock him." Paul made a threatening gesture, making Rachel burst out laughing.
"You're as soft as Martha's fur!"
And on cue, Paul's puppy ran in and jumped on the bed. She barked and Paul picked her up and nuzzled their noses together. Then he started baby-talking to her. It was cute, in a weird human-dog way.
"Come here you cutie," Rachel laughed. Martha yipped happily and wagged her tail before lounging on her. She licked her face ethusiastically.
"I think you're forgetting something, Rachie."
Rachel put down the little puppy. "Hmm?" She widened her eyes in realization. "No! Nononononono---"
Paul pouted, bringing in his best puppy dog eyes. "Come on, Rachieee!" He held Martha in front of her then, as if automatically, her eyes turned big and pleading like Paul's.
Rachel bit her lip. "I-I... It's embarrasing!"
"Text him. Text him. Text him." Paul chanted. "Text him. Text him. Text him!"
"You know George you could---"
"You haven't even let me finish---"
John raised his hands in a form of defeat. He tapped his finger on his chin for a while before another lightbulb appeared on the top of his head. "What about---"
"No." George calmly stated, sipping his vanilla frap and crossed his leg over the other.
"Come on Gear, you're so obvious! Just ask Paul for another meeting or date with her and---"
"No. For the last time, no."
"But whyyyy?" John whined.
George shot him a hot glare. "You know why."
"It's almost 20-fucking-16 Hari, you already moved on! And this Rachel girl she sounds sweet from what Paul told me about." John added, hoping that it would change his flat mate's mind. "And he told me you smiled and laughed. Do you know how long before you actually curled up your lips?"
"I-I... I don't know, Johnny." George let out a sigh. "I feel weird around her."
"How weird? Like, Marilyn Manson weird?"
"God no!" He nibbled on his bottom lip. John noticed that he started doing that after the mall. "I slipped her my number. I wrote it on the receipt and it was really, really cheesy and cringey, I know. Then... I started looking at her..."
"Butt?" John drawled as if he already expected it. "Round, square or flat?"
"John!" He closed his eyes. "It was round."
The older grinned. "You are in deep fucking shit, Gear. You fancy her."
Then on cue, George's phone vibrated in his pocket.
Unknown Number: Hi George this is Rachel just texted to let you save my number 😊
"Text her back Gear!" John scanned the text again. "Damn she used an emoji. She must be serious! Text her back!"
"I-I--- What do I say?" George panicked, wiping his already sweaty hands on his jeans.
John shrugged. "I don't know just say something! You know how she would feel when you don't immediately text back!
Geo Harrison: Oh hi Rach what are you doing?
Rachel literally didn't expect her phone to beep right after a few seconds. Paul was at her side, nudging her shoulder.
Rachie Starkey: oh uhm just hanging out with Paul eating pizza, watching some movies. You?
The two anticipatedly waited, Paul a bit more eagerly than Rachel. Then after a few seconds, a text bubble appeared.
Geo Harrison: that's nice 🍕 BTW me and john are going to have a christmas gathering do you want to come?
"Fuck yeah I wanna come," Rachel purred making Paul giggle. "I wanna come all over---"
"Rach! Language!"
She blushed. "The fuck did I just say?"
Paul was grinning. "Just text him back."
Rachie Starkey: oh okay sure! can paul come too?
"I find your lack of proper grammar... disturbing." John spoke as he made a low, robotic sound with his hands clasped over his mouth.
George suddenly brightened up. "Aren't you planning to take us to the Star Wars premiere?"
John looked like he suddenly got a death wish. "Don't do it hoe---"
Geo Harrison: And also john's taking us to a star wars premiere🎫 the day before that you want to join us?
Geo Harrison: to the dark side?😈
"Oh my god you nerds," Paul mumbled. "And yes! John would be there!"
Rachie Starkey: ofc we'll be there 😆
"John no!"
"John yes, bitch." He shot back before tapping on the screen. He looked back at a mortified George and grinned. "Done and done." He hit send.
Geo Harrison: it's a date then 😉
"No. George wouldn't send that." Paul muttered.
Rachel's heart was pounding in her chest. It was like those moments in anime where the character's kokoro just went doki doki on it.
Rachel Starkey: i'll go get the popcorn 😚🍿
It's me
Jk awkward texting wooo! Also, I'm trying to write a lighted side unlike i'M FiNE, which has 100 votes wooo! Thank you BeatleNinja07
Peace and love,
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