Chapter twenty-one (guns lay down ur arms give up the fight)
Paul and Rachel exchanged long, tearful (mostly from Paul) hugs.
"Paulie you bloody drama queen," Rachel laughed, wiping his tears away. "S-Stop crying!"
"I-It's my moment, okay?" He sniffed, chubby cheeks red. "Fuck, you'll be gone for two months..."
Rachel squeezed his hand. "Two months isn't forever, Paulie..."
She jogged over to John.
"Remember to Skype us, alright?" He smiled at her. "Paul wouldn't last a week without you."
"How about you Johnny?" She asked softly. "Got things to say to me before I go?" She joked lightly.
He smiled at her. "Komm bald weider."
(A/N Whoever knows German please don't comment the translation!!)
She blinked. "What do you mean?"
He shrugged. "It's German for come back soo. Now go, Georgie needs you."
She nodded and gave him one last look before going off to George.
"I love you," He whispered, brown eyes boring in hers.
She snaked her arms around his neck. "I love you too, Georgie."
He kissed her cheek. "I'm gonna miss you so much..."
She smiled. "Two months isn't very long, Gear. And before I go, can I do this?"
He shrugged. "Do what?"
"This." She took a hold of his scarf and yanked it towards her, crashing his lips on hers.
George's eyes fluttered close. He kissed back, moving his chapped lips against her full ones. He bit her bottom lip, making her gasp. George slipped his tongue in.
She felt him taste her. She moaned in the kiss. His hands were on her waist. She ran her fingers through his hair.
"I love you," She panted, breathless.
He pecked her lips. "I love you too---"
"Rachel!" Yoko called as she dragged her bag. "Rachel let's go!"
"Yes mum!" She yelled back. She looked at him one last time and went off.
They arrived, finally, after 7 hours. Rachel felt sleepy and jetlagged and...
And she missed George already.
"Make yourself at home, okay Rach? I'll just call the doctor and ask when's the surgery."
She tossed her suitcase on the couch. "Okay mum."
She scanned the house they were going to stay in.
It was very, very modern-looking. The beds were plain white and red. No One Direction throw pillows and no pink, fluffy duvets.
Rachel-Wachel: johnny where did you learn german?
Teddy-Boy: me paul and geo went to hamburg one time
Rachel-Wachel: teach me some when I get home okay? 😃
Teddy-boy: sure why not? 👌🏻😸
Oh. That year.
Rachel remembered Paul saying he had to go out of the country. He was gone for so long probably half a year. Then he came back with a grin, his bass strapped to his back saying "I've earned enough money to take us to London!"
"Rachel I ordered some---" Yoko stopped innher tracks. "You okay over there?"
She looked up. "U-Uh yeah I jus'..." She went quiet for a bit. "It's weird not seeing them for two months... Heck it's weird not seeing Paulie..."
Yoko ran a finger through her hair. "Well, we have to make up for lost years, right? Mother-daughter bonding?"
"S-Sure..." She mumbled, a bit shocked at the way her mum was acting. "Can I... Can I wear a dress?"
Yoko smiled at her. "You could wear anything you want, baby."
It felt weird, not having Paul fuss over her outfit or do her eyeliner for her.
It felt weird, not having Fifth Harmony and/or Taylor Swift booming in the speakers.
It felt weird, not opening the door to see George looking at her and smiling at her like he won the lottery.
He groaned as his phone buzzed beside him.
"Bloody hell who'll be calling at this hour?" George grumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He clicked call. "Hello? Joj 'Arrison here?"
"Georgie? Shit, did I wake you up?"
He sat up. "Rachie? Is that you luv?"
"No this is Patrick," She giggled. "What time is it there?"
He glanced at the wall clock. "About 4:30 in the morning."
"O-Oh... Sorry about that it's 9:30 in here..."
He smiled. "Don't worry about it, angel."
He could hear her breathe hitched a bit.
"S-Shut up, Gear." She replied. He could imagine her blushing. "How are you guys?"
"Paul's still a bit upset, John's cheering him up, he's at your flat by the way, and I'm still thinking about that little kiss we shared in the airport."
She widened her eyes. "Oh, that."
"Kindly explain?" She could hear the grin in his voice.
She huffed. "Well, if I wouldn't be able to see my boyfriend in two months---"
"Boyfriend? I like that."
"Hush." She placed a hand on her hip. "If I wasn't going to see you in two months I wanted to... y'know... Give you a goodbye kiss."
"If you give kisses like that I want more of them goodbye kisses." He smirked.
She laughed across the line. "Anything you want, daddy."
His eyes widened. "Fuck, Rach---"
"Maybe I'll do more than kiss when I get home. Would you like that, daddy?" She purred.
"Yeah Gear?"
He leaned against the wall. "I love you."
A big, goofy grin formed in her lips. "Love you too, Gear. I'll make sure I'll come home early, okay?"
Then she hang up.
George placed his phone back, plugged the charger, and flopped back to bed.
John was at Paul's doing who knows what.
And he was all alone in the flat.
Raising the duvet to his chin, he tried to fight back the feeling of loneliness with pictures of her. Usually, he would crave loneliness and some peace and quiet. John was a noisy and rambunctious flatmate. He loved him to bits of course but it was nice to have some alone time.
George stood awake for a while, just staring at the band poster-covered ceiling of his room. He didn't share with John unlike Rach and Paul did.
Hashtag no homo, anyway.
After an enternity passed him by he realized that he didn't like being lonely if it meant not having Rachel beside him.
Then, an idea popped in his head. So he grabbed his phone and opened notes.
And he started to write a song.
Since she's been gone
I want no one
To talk to me
He looked at it and sighed. John and Paul were the ones who wrote good anyway.
Sorry if the chapter is a bit sloppy :3
I planned the next chapter to be like the This Boy chapter but it might confuse you guys with all the friggen time skips so yeah :P
So uh yeah if you liked the chappie give it a vote and comment if you want :D
Peace and love,
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