Chapter thirty five

<band practice>
<also uhm playing at a resto-bar>
<bit of a filler at first but ehh>
<sorry if it's a bit long i don't like chopping up chapters>


"John don't touch me drums!"

He looked up with a sheepish smile.

"Okay, Rach!" He replied, sneaking down to get her drumsticks. Accidentally, he nudged against the cymbal, making the sound echo in the room.

Rachel shrieked. "John!"

"It was the sticks!" He said, raising his hands in defense.

She humphed, going over to him. "Jus' get outta there, Lemon."

He crossed his arms over his chest. "And if I didn't, Rachie-ella?"

Her blue eyes glinted with irritation and her pink lips formed into a pout. She crossed her arms in return, not backing down.

"She's very touchy of her drums, John." George said as he tweaked his guitar.

"I messed with her drums once," Paul shivered in horror. "It didn't end well."

"Oh really?" John grinned like a cat. Rachel watched with wide eyes as he dropped her drumsticks down his shirt.

"John no!" Rachel beat her fists down his back weakly. "Gimme back my sticks, Johnny or you'll regret it!"

"What? Your prince charming's gonna get it instead?" John teased, grinning even more as her cheeks turned red. He jolted when Rachel's hands went down his sides. "Ah no Rach--- ahahahaha!"

"This is for stealing my sticks!" Rachel laughed mercilessly.

"Ahahaha---no! Mercy! Mercy!" John cried out as he toppled down the floor.

"Mercy's for the weak!"

"Come on, come on. Break it up." George said, pulling Rachel off him.

Paul extended a hand to his boyfriend, not missing the jealous glare George gave John.

Rachel gave John a look. "Well?"

"Fine," He sighed, reaching down his shirt to retrieve said drumsticks.

"I'm cleaning those." Rachel said in mock-disgust, making George chuckle. "They'd smell like Paul."

"Excuse you, I use good body wash." Paul retorted, placing his hands on his hips.

"What kind of body wash?" George snickered.

"John Lennon body wash," Rachel whispered in his ear, making him laugh harder.

John and Paul exchanged confused glances.

Paul shrugged. "I'm jus' as clueless as you are!"


"Could I have a try?"

Rachel shrugged. "Sure, Geo."

Paul pouted. "He gets to try your drums and I don't?"

She stuck her tongue at him. "He's my boyfriend and he asked nicely. Unlike John Winston Lennon over there..." She shot him a playful glare.


George fumbled with the drumsticks, having no absolute knowledge with drums. He blushed in embarrasment when he felt Rachel's eyes on him.

"How do I...?"

"Oh, right! Uhm... You really just hit them, you know?" Rachel said nonchalantly. "It's all about the rhythm."

"That's what she said."

"Shuttup Lennon."

George, like a child, experimented with the drums. Rachel giggled as he tried to play.

"Show me how?" He asked, smiling at her.


Paul managed to land them a small weekly gig at a bar-resto named the Cavern (again, Mccharmly). It was run by an old, sweet couple named Desmond and Molly Jones. They both liked rock and roll and other old songs so they agreed to let the band play there.

It was literally a place for rock and roll; all of the legends had their pictures framed and hanged on the wall. Even the stage looked old looking.

John saw that there was only two microphones.

"Sorry, we could only afford two microphones." Molly said, an embarrased flush rising up across her cheeks.

John nudged Paul. "I guess we gotta share mics, eh?" He teased.


"Paulie? You okay?"

He gave him a look. "Do I look okay, Johnny?"

John sighed. This wasn't the first time Paul panicked before a show. He used to do this often, back at Hamburg when they used to be Paul and the Moondogs. It was a good thing they dropped the name. Honestly, John thought it was utterly ridiculous.

The Beatles (with an A!) sounded much cooler.

"It's gonna be fine," John reassured him, giving his hand a squeeze. "You're gonna be terrific."

"Thanks Johnny." Paul said, rested his head on his shoulder, squeezing back.

He kissed his head. "Where are we going, Macca?"

Paul grinned.

"To the toppermost of the poppermost," Paul replied, eyes twinkling as he looked at him.

"We're gonna hit it big, the four of us, Paulie." John rubbed Paul's knuckles with the calloused pads of his fingers.


John nodded.

"Trust me on this."

Paul smiled at him. "I think I'm gonna take you on that promise."

John grinned. "Have I ever said something untrustable?"

Paul laughed. "Is that even a real word?"

John laughed along, happy that Paul wasn't worrying so much anymore. Besides, they will be terrific.


Marsha Albert sighed for the umpteenth time today.

"Why did I agree on going with you again, nan?"

Her grandmother, Prudence, laughed softly. "Because you love me, darling." She teased, pinching her cheek. "Why can't you just enjoy the evening? Listen to some rock n roll and drink milkshakes, eat some greasy fries!"

"I don't even like rock n roll," She mumbled, taking a sip of her chocolate milkshake.

"Ah, but I tell you, darling. This band's good." Her grandmother said, green eyes twinkling.

"How long have they been playing, nan?" She asked, resting her cheek on the palm of her hand.

"About a 8 days, I suppose." Prudence replied. "They come here every night to play. Sometimes, they write their own songs too. Brilliant lyrics."

As if on cue, the said "band" her grandmother talked about, came up on stage.

"Good evening everybody, I'm Paul Mccartney and we're the Beatles." A rather cute bloke spoke in the microphone.

"It's spelled B-E-A-T-L-E-S, by the way." The pointy-nosed bloke added quickly. "Isn't that right, Paulie?"

Be-a-tles? How odd. Marsha thought, facing the band properly now. Hmm... They look pretty decent for a rock and roll band...

"Right you are Johnny!" The bassist (Marsha knew it just with one look) grinned. "And for our first number is...." He took a quick look at the notebook in front of him, making Marsha laugh a little. "Is Long Tall Sally by none other than Little Richard!"

"Fine lad, isn't he?" Her grandmother gushed. "Rather attractive, isn't he Marsha?"

Marsha blushed. "I-I... I guess?" She stuttered.

Prudence grinned. "Just wait till you hear the lad sing. I bet you'll fall for him there and there when you hear his voice!"

Before Marsha could protest, she heard the loud twanging of guitar.

"I'm gonna tell Aunt Mary about Uncle John!
He says he has the blues but he has a lotta fun!"

Marsha's mouth fell open. Gosh, was this guy for real?

She faced her grandmother. "Nan---"

"Hush." Prudence placed a finger on her granddaughter's lips. "I'm listening, Marsha."

"Oh baby! Yeah baby!" Marsha thought his voice couldn't get any better. "Woooooh baby! Having me some fun tonight! Ahhhh!"

People began clapping along. Paul flicked his hair (again, Marsha found that oddly attractive) and flashed them a quick, charming grin before continuing to sing.

"I saw Uncle John with long tall Sally, he saw Aunt Mary coming and he ducked back in the alley!" Everyone had started to tap their feet to the beat. "Woooooh baby! Having me some fun tonight~"

Marsha fished out her phone and took a picture.

"Nice singing there, Paulie!" The tallest of them grinned, showing off fangs.

Nice singing?! That was bloody phenomenal! Marsha thought, now eager to hear Paul sing.

"Ta, Georgie." Paul replied, smiling at him. "And this next song will be sang by John. Take it away, Johnny!"

"John... Paul... George..." Marsha mumbled to herself, eyes on the lads. What's left was their girl drummer. Marsha wanted to know her name.

"This song's called... Dizzy Miss Lizzy!"

Her grandmother cheered. "My favorite!"

Marsha laughed softly, holding her milkshake between her hands. She watched as George played his guitar with ease.


"And the next song will be sang by my love, Rachie." George grinned, shooting the drummer a wink.

She blushed, a cute, goofy grin forming in her lips. Marsha gushed. It was cute, the drummer and the guitarist.

"This song's called Boys!" Paul added cheerily. The adrenaline from performing and the cheers coming from the crowd made him a bit high.

The way she hit the drums was extraordinary. It was like she had neverending energy to play. Same goes to the others, especially Paul.

"I been told when a boy kiss a girl," She shot George a look. "Take a trip around the world! Hey, hey!"

"Bop shuop, m'bop bop shuop!" Paul and John sang, sharing a microphone. They were so close to each other Marsha thought they would kiss.

"My boy says when I kiss his lips, gets a thrill through his fingertips--- hey, hey!" Rachel bobbed her head to the beat, her wavy hair bouncing above her shoulders. "Well, I talk about boys!"

"Yeah, yeah, boys!" Paul chimed in.

"Don't ya know I mean boys!"

"Yeah, yeah, boys!"

"Well, I talk about boys, now~ Aaahhh, boys!" Rachel shot George a grin. "Alright, George!"

George was more than happy to comply, his fingers working down the strings as he did his guitar solo. Marsha noted how happy he was, his handsome, fanged grin showing off.

"Hey nan!" She said over the noise, knowing well that her grandmother's hearing isn't that well.

She turned, eyes bright. "Yes Mar?"

"I'm admitting it, nan. This band's good!"

Prudence smiled back. "And?"

"And I'm totally going with you tomorrow." Marsha grinned.


"Johnny look at this!" Paul gasped, yanking his boyfriend's sleeve.

John's shoulder bumped against his as he tried to see what was on the screen of his laptop.

Realization swept over him.

"Oh my god is that----"

"We're trending!" Rachel squealed, hugging George tightly. "They like our music, Georgie!"

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around his waist.

Paul's eyes were glued to the screen. He looked at John, eyes round with wonder.

"We're gonna be famous!" He exclaimed, kissing him hard on the lips. John grinned and cupped his cheeks, kissing him back.


Sorry if it was a bit long haha

Yay trending!

George's birthday is next ;)

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