Chapter One
The thing that George said to her was sweet. It caught Rachel off guard.
Well... That was what they said first.
"My dress!"
"I'm sorry! I'm so, so, so sorry!"
And, well, that followed.
Then, it was like everything went in slow motion. Rachel lifted her eyes, maybe to glare at the fucking idiot for splashing coffee all over her. But when she saw his face she somehow... melted. Oh boy, was he gorgeous. With chiseled cheekbones and pink soft-looking lips and beautiful brown eyes. And were those... fangs?
The guy---- the idiot, she reminded herself, bloody gorgeous idiot--- seemed startled by her glare. Their eyes met. Blue and brown. Then the guy said something that someone never said before.
"You've got pretty eyes."
She blinked a bit, her mind processing what he just said to her. Then she blushed. Oh god, she blushed.
"S-Shut up," She heard herself mumble as she straightened her ruined dress. What would Paul say when he sees this?
"I could buy you another dress, if you like?" The idiot offered, already fishing out his wallet.
"I-I..." She bit her bottom lip. "It was an old dress anyway and I wasn't looking where I was going so---"
"Nonsense! I'll pay for the whole thing if it means making up to you, luv."
And there she goes again. Her blue eyes widened as she realized that her face must've looked like a tomato now.
The idiot laughed and that was when Rachel realized that it was a beautiful laugh.
"You're cute when you blush." He smiled at her. "I'm George Harrison." The way he said his last name sounded like 'Arrison'. Rachel thought it was cute.
"R-Rachel Starkey," She stuttered, cursing mentally.
"Hey Rachie I'm back---" Paul stopped in his tracks and raised an eyebrow. His eyes went from Rachel's stained dress and George's empy Starbucks cup, then his eyes widened at the tall boy. "George fucking Harrison is that you?"
"Paul!" George greeted. Rachel shifted on her feet awkwardly as he watched the two exchange some kind of weird, very complex brotherly handshake with each other.
"I see you've met Rachel---" Paul gestured to the girl. "---by spilling your frappucino on her dress." He mused, a thin eyebrow raising up in a playful manner.
"Are you... dating?" George asked, catching the empty Starbucks cup between his hands. Rachel watched the cup then her eyes travelled to his calloused fingers.
"Uh no, we're just friends."
"Have you heard about their new album..."
"Yeah! I heard..."
Damn those are nice hands, She thought, wonder what it feels like when he---
"Rachel? Yoohoo Earth to Rachel?" Paul snapped his fingers in front of her face.
"Uh erm what?" She blurted out, blushing madly red in embarrasment. "Could you repeat that Paulie?"
A knowing grin formed it's way in her bestfriend's lips. "George asked what clothing brand do you want, for the dress?"
"O-Oh, any brand would do. It doesn't really matter." She twirled the ends of her hair. It wasn't really long, but it's easier to maintain shoulder length than Sadako length.
"Y'know you didn't have to buy me this one." Rachel said shyly, fidgeting with her sweater. It was almost Christmas and it wasn't snowing in London but it was chilly.
"It isn't much, Rach." George said. And it was true. "The dress wasn't that expensive and what's important is that I made up for it."
"Are you being a gentleman now George?" Paul teased the taller. He shot Rachel a quick smile before engaging in another conversation with George.
Crap he knows!, Rachel panicked in her head. And he would never shut up about it when we get back to our flat!
"Stop glancing at her Georgie."
"I... What do you mean?" He glared at Paul when he opened his mouth. "And don't you dare sing Justin Beiber on me."
Paul simply smirked at him. "You know what I mean, Gear. You fancy her."
"Shhhh!" He clasped a hand over his big fat mouth. "Hey Rach?"
She turned away from a line of skirts and looked to him. "Hmmm?" Her beautiful blue eyes blinked and when she moved her head her bangs would fall on them.
She's actually kinda cute, he thought.
"I... Erm, me and Paul are just going outside for a chat!"
She nodded before going off to another section of the department store. "I'll be on the shirts section!" She called out. George watched as her cute bum swayed with every step. He felt creepy, but the way her blue dress complimented her petite body and her blue eyes was just perfect on her.
Especially her bum.
"George stop you look like a creepy stalker." Paul groaned out. "Seriously, stop looking at her arse."
A couple of people gave Paul and George a weirded out look. After all, you can't just say that in a mall.
"Jus' shut up Paul." He grumbled before yanking his hand
"You fancy her you fancy her you faaaancy her..." Paul sang quietly. "You faaaaancy her... George and Rachel sitting on a tree---"
"Shut up."
"Bye Paul. Bye Rach!"
Paul heard how George's voice changed when he mentioned her name. He waved goodbye before going in his car.
"Bye George!" Rachel grinned. And out of the corner of his eye, George was grinning too. Paul almost fangirled at that moment. Almost.
Ahhh so perfect!, Paul squealed mentally. He remembered to update his Twitter later on. Cue evil laughter.
"Oh my god."
"Wha's wrong Rach--- oh my god are you serious?"
Rachel's eyes were as wide as plates. Despite her stiff composture Paul could see in her eyes that she was screaming.
In her hands was the receipt for the dress.
And it had George's number on it.
Call me
Paul burst out laughing. "Oh my god! He fancies you oh my godddd!"
Rachel slapped his arm. "Just focus on the fucking road, Paul!"
Paul was making a weird, fangirling noise that somehow resembles a dying cat. Rachel bit her bottom lip so hard to prevent herself from bursting out into laughter.
"Oh my god," She breathed out. "Holy fucking shit!"
She can't believe it. Paul couldn't believe it. And George couldn't believe that he actually slipped her his number.
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