Chapter four

If Rachel was ice , she would be in a pool of water in her seat right now because George was just shooting compliment after compliment right out of fucking nowhere.

In the middle of their breakfast, it was like it was only George and Rachel at the table.

And that left Paul and John.

"Tell me Johnny, did you teach George how to do that?"

"Do wut?" John asked with a moutful of pancakes and bacon. Paul cringed, disgusted, before noting that nothing could beat George's cheesy pick-up lines.

"Are you Google? Because you have everything I'm searchin' for."

Rachel grinned like an idiot, a cute little blush forming in her cheeks. She tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear and according to Paul's research (mostly from Tumblr) means she liked it.

George decided to go for it. "I would offer you a cigarette... but you're already smoking hot."

Yeah, cue cringing.

"That." Paul motioned.

"Hey, my lines aren't that bad." John pouted.

"Yeah I know but----"

"You must be the speed of light," Rachel almost purred. "Cause time stops when I'm looking at you..."

George chuckled. "That was a good one."

John raised an eyebrow at him. Paul raised his hands in defense.

"I thought it was a clever one!"

"'Clever'" John made quotations with his hands. Paul rolled his eyes.

If he wasn't so bloody handsome I'll sock him, Paul thought as he took a sip of his tea.


After the bill was paid and all of them were full, they walked out of the diner.

"So, my place or yours?" Paul rolled his eyes at he way John smirked pervertedly. But somehow, deep inside, he kinda liked him.

"Mine. I've got a Playstation." John boasted, a proud grin forming in his face. "Aaaand a Xbox! Wanna play Just Dance with me, milady?" He asked with a ridiculously-sounding posh accent.

Rachel shot Paul a glance and grinned. "Sure, why not." She shrugged. "And there's four of us, let's play together!"

"Crap." George cursed. Paul laughed.


Rachel's eyes were moving from one place to place when they arrived at the Lennison flat.

"Hey! Is that your guitar?" Rachel asked the taller. "Could you... Could you teach me sometime? Paul's a horrible teacher."

Well, Paul wasn't a horrible teacher. Paul was just a lazy fat-ass. And Rachel wanted to spend some time with George.

George shrugged. "Why not? I could head over to your flat."

Inside, Rachel was squealing. A bit. Maybe. Only a bit. First the sappy but utterly romantic pickup lines and now George would teach her how to play. She had always been crap at guitar.


"You're actually beating me at this!"

Rachel laughed before striking a pose, making her score earn double points.

Paul glanced at George and grinned. He had such a fine view. Too bad Paul didn't recommend yoga pants and if he did, George would've passed out from blood loss.

She was panting, bending over, her palms resting on her kneecaps. Her brown bangs stuck to her forehead. John ran a hand through his sweaty hair and grinned at her. She grinned back. Paul took a picture for his instagram and George was too busy admiring the sweet ass view.

"Now... It's... Your turn!" Rachel yanked George to his feet, making her chest crash in his.

"I-I'm a horrible dancer," George blushed when he realized they were very, very close.

"And I'm an octopus." Rachel deadpanned.

"Erm what---?"

"Jus' dance Gear!" John hollered.

She licked her lips, which were dry from panting, and flopped over on the couch. John ushered Paul into the dance floor (which was just a tiger-striped carpet) and sat down beside her. Rachel laid her head down on John's lap.

"You comfy there, Rachie?"

"It could go for a pillow," She smiled before facing the two dancers.


Rachel was actually really pretty.

Not in the drop-dead-gorgeous-godess sort of way. Rachel was... well, Rachel. She was lovely and nice and corny and just... pretty. Her eyes, her face, her cute big nose.

She wasn't probably society's standard beauty but she was just...

John brushed her hair from her big, beautiful blue eyes. Her eyeliner was smudged, giving her a panda-bear look.

She smiled at him, oblivious to the emotions bubbling inside of him. Her smile, her million-dollar smile. John liked it when she smiled.

Fuck, she was really, really pretty.


Paul's stomach churned with jealousy.

He knew he shouldn't be jealous. John was only trying to be friends with Rachel, trying to be close. He knew that that George was head over heels for the girl and John wasn't much of a douche to barge in between them. And Rachel knew Paul had a teensy wheensy crush on the pointy-nosed bloke. But he can't help but assume things.

Pushing the riridulous thought back in his head he concentrated on beating George on Just Dance 4.

Somehow, he saw in the tv reflection John brushing Rachel's bangs out of her eyes almost lovingly. The way his beautiful fingers touched her hair. Something flickered in his eyes.

And somewhere beneath him, a green-eyed monster began to grow.


George groaned in dismay when the screen showed Paul won. But Paul didn't look that happy.

"Ey Gear, where's the loo?"

"Left corridor, second... door to the right..." He panted, sitting down on the couch.

He glanced at the two and his heart felt funny when Rachel giggled at something John said. His chest tightened a bit but he shook it off.

They're jus' bonding, George thought as he stood up to get a bottle of water.

Fuck, that was intense.

The dancing, I mean.

George was never much of a dancer, more of a lover.

"John stop!" Rachel shrieked, followed by John's maniacal laughter. "Stooopp!"

"Make me!"

Rachel was writhing uncontrollably underneath him--- my god that sounded so, so dirty--- laughing and shrieking so loud. It was like someone was being murdered.


Rachel gasped. "Oh shit I didn't mean to---"

"It's fine, luv." The man grasped his cheek. "Damn, you could kick." He groaned out, still smiling though. But George could see pain in his eyes.

"Shit, could I get you something?" Rachel looked seriously worried, her hand on John's arm. George frowned at the closeness.

"Kiss it better?"

And on cue, Paul walked out from the bathroom. He froze at John's statement. A flicker of hurt shone in his eyes.

"I-I..." Rachel stuttered, eyes wide. Her eyes went to Paul and evidently gulped.


Oh my god what is this?




Okay guys hope you enjoyed the story so far and shit is going down :3 like funky town

Vote and Comment if you liked the chapter it helps me alot :D

Love you crezeh betches,


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