Chapter eight
When the song was done, Rachel waited for a response.
"I know, I know I sounded horrible..." She muttered, eyes going down to her blue vans.
"Horrible? You mean wonderful, right?" George cheered her up. "I didn't know you sang so well. You were wonderful, luv!"
Rachel's breathe hitched at the nickname. She blushed red and looked down, her brown bangs hiding her face. George gently lifted her face. Their eyes met and whenever they met it was like time stopped all around them.
"I-I..." Rachel stuttered. "T-Thanks Gear, you're too sweet."
George's cheeks were tinted pink. Rachel's heart was ready to burst out of her chest. But hers wasn't the only heart that was pounding.
"My turn~" John sang out before flipping the music book.
"YOU MAKE ME DIZZY MIZZ LIZZEH!" John screamed into the microphone. "THE WAY YOU ROCK AND ROLL!"
By the third (or fourth, Rachel didn't care anymore) she was drunk. Not shit-faced drunk but drunk enough to be all giggly.
"Geeooorrgiieee~" She slurred, wrapping her arms around her neck. "Georgie-sempai notice me!" She pouted, a giggle escaping her throat.
"Yes luv?" He laughed. Geore wasn't thag totally drunk but he was tipsy.
Rachel grinned at him like a cheshire cat. "D-Did you know that you're *hic* fuckinh hot?"
George raised an eyebrow. "Why yes, yes I do."
Rachel giggled and planted a big, sloppy, wet kiss on George's neck.
"Where did you say the loo was?" She asked, swaying a bit.
"U-Uh left corridor s-second door to the right!" He stumbled out, cheeks red.
George touched his cheek. Sure, it was a playful kiss. But it was a kiss, nonetheless.
She woke up with her head ringing. She lifted her face and was met with George's adorable sleeping expression. His hair was messy and he looked so innocent. His eyelashes resting on those beautiful cheekbones of his.
In short, he looked like sleeping Beauty.
Rachel carefully got off him and straightened her skirt before going to the bathroom. She had to puke.
"G'morning Rach." She looked up to see John wearing a pink apron while flipping pancakes.
She burst out giggling at the girly design of his apron. It was as pink as Paul's sweater and it had sparkly hearts all over it. What's worse (or better, depending on how you look at it) was a big, cursive KISS THE COOK right smack in the chest.
"What? It was my aunt Mimi's!" He crossed his arms over his chest.
"It's cute," She immediately regretted the words. John raised an eyebrow. "I-I meant the apron. The apron's cute." She blurted out.
"I know." John said with a small hint of a smile in his lips. "I'm cute." He chortled, smirking at her.
Rachel rolled her eyes. "Keep dreaming, Lennon." But she still smiled at him.
George woke up to Paul's snoring. His best mate's legs were dangling off the couch. A dried trail of drool (try saying that five times) glistened on his chin. He reached out for his phone and took a picture, snickering. That'd get him for taking a picture of him in the bathroom.
He heard laughing from the kitchen-slash-dining room and he stood up. He stretched his arms and yawned.
"What does a dog say when he lands on sandpaper?" He heard Rachel ask.
"Ruff ruff ruff!" He heard John bark.
Rachel laughed. George could picture her cheeks reddening as she laughed, her blue eyes twinkling.
"Oh! Good mornin' Georgie." Rachel greeted with a warm smile. Her brown hair was a bit of a mess from last night (that sounded so dirty, George thought) and her bangs were swept to the side, no longer hiding her brilliant blue eyes.
"G-Good morning," He stumbled out. He sniffed the air. "Is that... pancakes?"
"Yeh, Johnny made them." She took a piece and chewed. "They're great!" She said with a mouthful of pancakes. George would've found it gross, but she was still cute. Heck, she'll always looked cute to him.
"Eat up." John grinned, flopping a pancake at his plate.
"A pink apron? Really?"
"I hope you ladies had a wonderful time," John grinned.
Paul rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes we did."
"See you soon?" George asked, eyes full of hope.
"Gear, they live just a few walks from here." John butted in, totally not ruining the moment.
"Of course I'll see you soon." Rachel smiled, abruptly pushing John away. She bit her lip and something amazing happened.
She kissed his cheek. And she was sober enough to know she did it.
"Dude, stop."
George was smiling like a loony, lips stretched to his ear. He was so happy he was in cloud nine. He felt like he was on drugs.
"She kissed me!" He yelled, arms up as if he won the war.
"George, what the fuck are you doing----"
John watched as his best mate opened the doors to the ledge.
"Bloody hell," John muttered as George hooted like he was Jack from Titanic.
"I kissed him..." Rachel muttered, eyes wide with disbelief. She was curled up around Paul's limited edition One Direction pillow. "I kissed him, Paul!"
"I know, I was there for that!" Paul scooted to her side.
"What do I do? He thinks I'm a girl!"
Paul tried to take the pillow from her. "You are a girl!"
"W-Well I'm not naturally a girl!" Her voice went quiet. "What if he freaks out?"
He rolled his eyes. "He won't. Stop worrying your head about him because he won't! Now gimme back my pillowww..."
"Fine, but give me something cuddly." She pouted, handing the One Direction pillow back.
Paul bent down to get another pillow. He stole a glance at his best friend. She was looking at her phone as if she was expecting a call. He knew he was physically there but she was in another world in her head.
And George was in that other world.
Awwie Rachel kissed him! Also, merry Christmas everybody!! *cue recorded cheer*
If you liked the chapter give it a vote and write a comment if you want ^_^
Bye boo,
Team Mclennon
Team Starrison
Or.... *dramatic piano* Lennstarr?
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