7| Attack at Cair Paravel
Peter's P.O.V
Peter knew it will happen but never thought it would. The Witch's army attacking Cair Paravel when they were at their weakest point wouldn't do good for the Kings and their loyal friends.
Peter gazed out of the long window. An army of black dwarfs, hags, werewolves and many other dark creatures were seen giving out battle cries accross the now snowy battlements of the castle.
A sound of footsteps made Peter look around to meet Caspian in the eyes. A look of hopelessness crossed the dark haired King's features.
"My Lord," the latter addressed his King with a bow. "All has been arranged. We must leave"
Peter sighed. "Caspian," he said, his voice breaking. "I- I can't leave Cair- just like that!"
"We can't fight back at them, Pete" the brunette spoke. "There won't be any battle between us. It'll be just slaughter"
"No one has taken over this castle before!" The king was on the verge of tears. He quickly blinked them away. "Oh Aslan where are you?"
"Come Your Majesty. We must flee. We cannot fight back" King Caspian said to the heartbroken High King.
Peter nodded and grabbed his sword and the winter coat. The two Kings and the Noble Beasts flew out of the castle through secret hallways. Their ears echoing from the victory cries of the darkest of creatures in all of Narnia.
It was when they were halfway through the Western Woods slowly and carefully (because of the thick layer of snow), that the High King remembered something he forgot. Something magically important. Peter didn't dare to leave it in the castle in the hands of the darkest of creatures.
The High King suddenly stopped. Glenstorm the Centar glanced at him, concerned. The King gave them the directions to a set of caves accross the woods, which they had found the other day and turned out to be a perfect hiding place untill they could gather their battlements.
And Peter hesitantly turned back.
Caspian appeoached him looking at the young man curiously. "Peter! Where are you going?"
"I'm going back to the castle!" The blond haird man said, not meeting the other's eyes. "Lead the others into the caves. And make it quick!"
The other's eyes hardened. "Back to the castle?" He exclaimed. "What! Are you mad? That's suicide!"
"I have no choice" Peter snapped back. "I forgot the Crystal of Skye. We cannot take risks by keeping it in the castle "
"Would this Crystal be of such improtance" The young King asked considering. "To get yourself killed?"
Peter sighed. "Caspian," he spoke softly, his voice loosing the little patience he had. "If the Witch gets hold of this Crystal, no one would ever be able to live to see the light of the day again!"
"I'll be coming with you then"
Caspian said, tightening the grip on his sword.
High King smiled. "I'll have you know that this is very dangerous"
"Then I'll have you know that your sister made me promise to keep you safe, and if I don't, she'll have me beheaded and eat my flesh for dinner" said Caspian trying to lighten the mood.
"Somehow," the High King said with a smirk. "I can really believe Lucy doing that"
The two Kings gave a hearty laugh. "In all seriousness," said Peter, now his voice serious. "Tell Glenstorm to of our plans. And that well be back by an hour or two" 'That is if all went well'
Once everything was settled, The two Kings of Narnia harried into their lost castle. Getting in was not as easy as they thought it would. Werewolves, black dwarfs and hags were grading every entrance to the castle. Peter decided to get in through one of the secret passages. It lead them them to the dungeons of the castle.
Thorough the dim light Peter saw two guards patrolling among the cells. He signalled Caspian to attack them at once, but suddenly the sound of familiar voice made them freeze.
"How dare you to lock us in our own cells!" The voice said. "You have no right to attack our own castle!"
Peter could recognize that voice anywhere. It was Susan's, troubled but steady.
With a quick nod to Caspian the two Kings attacked the two guards, taking them by surprise, a quick fight made them fall to the ground followed by surprised gasps of Edmund and Susan.
"Susan, Edmund" Peter addressed his brother and sister. "Are you alright?" He looked all over them for inguries. Edmund's forehead was bleeding and Susan had a minor scratch accross her jaw. Their clothes were torn, and the two of them shivered from the cold.
"We will be alright dear" said Susan, Her voice gentle. "What are you doing here?"
The single thought ran in Peter's head 'they're alright.. they're alright'
"How can we get you out Ed?" Peter asked hopping for a positive answer. It was Edmund who looked over the security of the castle, The Defender of Narnia. If there is anyone who knows how to break from them, it's him.
The raven haired boy sighed. "It's no use" he said. "They are all magically bonded. I made the enchantment myself!"
"But- but- surely there should be a way!" Caspian said, holding Susan's hands through the cell bars.
"Maybe- some powerful magic would do the trick," Edmund said, "Oh don't look at me like that Pete! It's either the keys or just powerful magic like Aslan's!"
"Dont worry Peter," Susan's soothing voice calmed the King. "Leave us! Be safe"
"No!" Caspian exclaimed suddenly. "I won't leave you!"
Peter decided to leave them alone to talk to his brother. "What happened?"
The youngest King replied, "It was after that feast, we were all drunk weren't we? I was getting ready to bed, when I heard a noice- like something breaking. When I looked to see who it was, someone knocked me out. I'm telling you Peter, we have a traitor in our midst!"
"What?" The High King gasped. "How -"
Edmund shook his head. "We can't do anything about it now. Tell me, how is Lucy?"
Peter glanced at Caspian, who was busy sneaking glances at his sister to notice the conversation. The High King was silent. The guilt of sending her little sister to a land where she could be killed, stabbed him in the gut. "She -" Peter spoke, finally finding his words. "She'll- be fine. I know she will be"
"Where is Lucy, Peter?" Asked Susan, her eyes going cold.
Peter looked at Caspian, his eyes begging for help. "You don't have to worry about her" The Talmarine King said finally. "She'll be fine"
"You have to leave now!" Susan said, her eyes glistening with tears. "Both of you!"
"We won't - we can't!" Peter objected, worried for their safety.
"If you get captured, there will be no use isn't it?" Said Edmund. "You don't want to put Lucy through this?"
Peter's heart pounded. He couldn't leave his siblings just like that! He grabbed the cold hands of Edmund and Susan. "Take care" he said blinking away his tears.
"You too" said the Queen, giving each of them a kiss on the cheek. Peter glanced at the shivering hands of the girl, and took of his woolen coat. "Have this" he handed the coat over to them through the bars.
"Come on, " said Caspian looking at the exchange. "We've got no time!"
It was heartbraking for Peter to leave his siblings out in the cells. But he had no choice. If he was somehow captured, there was no one to run the army and Lucy would be all alone.
The Crystal of Skye was a symbol of hope to all the Narnians. Lucy was the protector of the jewel and it was always under her care. He was a fool to forget about the Crystal! Peter dreaded to know hat the White which would do with the precious jewel.
For the first time, Peter doubted his choices. Was he wrong to send Lucy to Camelot? What if she was hurt? What if no one would help them?
"Son of Adam" Peter heard a familiar voice in his head. Aslan. "Don't doubt your opinions. You have decided what was the right thing to do. And it will always be in hand at the end"
"PETER! Watch out!" Caspian words snapped him off his trance, a barely missing a sword slash from one of the black dwarfs. With one slash of his sword, the dwarf dropped dead in the floor.
Soon, the two Kings reached Lucy's room avoiding more guards. The room wasn't guarded and the two of them slipped in, without much trouble.
And in the room, near Lucy's vanity, sat a lady in all white!
Hello! I'm back!
What do you think of the chapter?
Did I do okay with Peter's character?
What about Caspian?
Do you think that the Peter you know would send Lucy to Camelot?
Please tell me what you think!
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