5|Memories Beyond All
So hello people! I'm here! So how are you?
Anyways just want to state you the ages of the main characters of this story.
Peter and Arthur are 24 while Caspian is 23, and as Susan is 21, Edmund and Merlin is 19. Lucy is still 17.
I think I made that clear. :)
Italic: Memories and telepathy thoughts
Lucy's P.O.V.
Lucy was thinking about the past.
"Come'on Ed" said Lucy, trying take his brother outside the castle. "I know that you love to go on a ride with me" She knew this would work, at least she needed him to cool down. Edmund and Peter don't always fight, but that day was gloomy, and Lucy knew than no one could interfere when her brothers fought like that. So the best way to cool them down was (in her opinion) taking them on a ride or letting them to work on something they like.
So she went to the stables and mounted on Swanlake her mare as Edmund mounted on Blackshot. On they went on riding. After about half'n hour they entered the city with high spirits. But Lucy felt someone powerful was there within the region. "What is it Lucy?" asked her brother who noticed that the girl was shifting uncomfortably.
"Don't you feel it Ed?" Lucy replied him with a question. "There is someone powerful nearby" Suddenly her gaze fell on a raven haired boy and she knew that something was odd with him. "There" she said to her brother pointing at the boy. "I feel something different on him"
Both royals got down from the horses and went into the city. The raven haired boy was happy in their opinion buying and helping the people in the city. The siblings were now felt obvious about the power the boy had. Lucy silently walked and stood next to the boy as Edmund stood next to her.
"Hello!" she said to the boy, and the raven colored head turned towards them. "Oh Milady; My Lord! It's a pleasure to meet you!"
Lucy smiled. "Call me Lucy and him Edmund" she said as the boy introduced himself as Merlin. He looked elder to her, about the age of Edmund, and talking about both of them, the boy looked a whole lot like Edmund except, Merlin had beautiful emerald blue eyes while Edmund had brown "Well" she started. "We were just wondering that we haven't seen you around in the city and we thought that you-"
"Oh yes" Merlin cut off. "I am new here. Well, at least just came here for a holiday" and then she noted the expression on his face, "Sorry" he said again. "I just- can't control myself when talking" he watched as both the royals started laughing at his words. Lucy was glad to meet the boy, she had never seen anyone with a nerve to talk to the royals as friends, but this boy was completely different. She liked the way he talked.
"Where are you from?" her brother asked.
"I'm from Camelot" replied Merlin.
"Camelot? I thought Magic has been banned from the-" just as she let the words out, Lucy wished that she would've never said them, as half the way through her sentence she saw Merlin's face darkened.
"How- how did you know that?" the boy asked, surprised and speechless.
"Well it's obvious for us" said Edmund "You are a powerful wizard. We can feel your powers. Don't worry Merlin, you're not in trouble" the last bit was to cheer up the boy, and of course that was true, Narnians don't kill people for what they are gifted with.
"Who are you?" Lucy asked not expecting his obvious answer.
"Well, the druids call me 'Emrys' though I don't prefer that name" he said with a smirk.
"No way" said Lucy remembering one of the books she read in England during her spare time. "Emrys, King Arthur's servant, the greatest wizard that ever walked on Earth"
"Er- I don't think that's me..." the boy said. "The last part I mean. I'm King Arthur's servant though"
"How old are you?" Edmund asked from the boy who looked like his twin.
"17. Why, do I look any younger?" the boy asked and he was replied with laughter from the royals.
"Come with us Merlin" said Edmund placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. "You are supposed to have better respect than any one else"
The raven haired boy smirked and a smile appeared on his lips.
Arthur's P.O.V.
He was so shocked to figure out what was happening. He saw an arrow got shot on his best friend, Brandits following them and heading to a forest for a sake of a young girl. And now Arthur saw Merlin lying on the ground half conscious. "We have to do something" said Arthur, he could see the arrow on his friend's shoulder and his blue tunic was soaked with red blood.
"We have to remove the arrow from his shoulder before he looses too much blood" said Lucy. The girl seemed to have a knowledge about healing while Arthur knowing nothing about that, so he stood silently letting the girl to help his friend.
"Okay then" said Gwaine, "Arthur pull the arrow. Both of us can hold him" Arthur was surprised by his Knight's sudden 'I-got-this-alright' expression, but didn't complain about it.
The two Knights got hold of Merlin, while Arthur tried to pull out the arrow which was now visible from the front."Alright Merlin, this is going to hurt" he said getting hold of it. Without another word the King pulled out the arrow ignoring the loud cry form his manser- friend. Arthur was upset, he didn't wanted Merlin to be in such a state. He looked at Lucy. She looked upset as he was.
"Let me see the wound" she said. Arthur leaned into Merlin's wound before he talked to Lucy. "Um.. Lucy, wounds are not a good sight for girls. Besides this is worse"
"May be I can heal it" she said.
Arthur tried to object but Lucy ignored him. She looked at the wound. "Oh Aslan!" she said and then turned to the others."I'm sorry. But this is beyond my power. I may be able to heal the wound, but we have to take him to Narnia as soon as possible"
"What do you mean?" asked Arthur. He saw the girl taking a small glass vial from her pocket. "I was talking about this" said Lucy. "It is the juice of a fire flower that grows only in Northern Mountains in Narnia. Now if you may let me see the wound again"
She went near Merlin and put a drop of juice to his wound from the vial. The wound started healing until there was a small scar on his left shoulder. But even though the wound was healed, Merlin was laying there solemn and pale.
"Why is he not waking up?" asked Arthur troubled.
"Oh no!" cried Lucy. "Give me the arrow. By this time he should wake up, or else there must be something wrong"
She took the arrow and examined it. At once she stabbed it into the nearest tree. A yellow colored liquid pored down from that place.
"Oh,Great Lion" murmured Lucy. "This is a poisoned arrow. There's nothing I can do!"
"What!" shouted Gwaine. "You mean you can't cure him?"
"I can't give him any more cordial. I gave him some yesterday too. too much of cordial will burn him" said Lucy.
Arthur went near Merlin and touched his forehead. It was burning hot. "We have to do something" he said. "Otherwise he will-" he hated to say the word 'die'. He couldn't lose his friend, he couldn't bear it.
"I never said we can't do anything to save him!" said Lucy, Arthur saw a tear in her eye. "There is a way. We have to go to Narnia as soon as possible'
So how was the chapter? Great? Good? Bad? Useless?
Please tell me what you think.
Until next time...
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