1|We Need Help!

Lucy's P.O.V.

Lucy took a deep breath and sat on her bed looking at her brother. The evil was spreading all over Narnia by now and the only people that remained loyal to the royals were the Fauns, Centaurs, and some other talking beasts like Badgers and Bears.

It has been two days since Susan's and Edmund's disappearance: kidnapped of course, and they suspect the evil magic is probably from the White Witch, as it gets very cold in the middle of the day though it was still Summer and even all those disappearances points out to be of her. Even though it has been so long since her death, magic can make people immortal, kill or even rise from the dead. And from all these Lucy knew that her kingdom becomes weaker and weaker every second.

"Peter" she said. "We we mustn't wait. We should do something"

Lucy knew that her brother would do anything to save his siblings and Narnia. Just then Caspian, the King of Narnia under the High King came into the room. "Peter" he said. "There is something to show you"

And then Peter followed Caspian out of the room. Lucy of cause wanted to do the same but something that caught her eye made her stop. It was a book a magic book that was given to the four siblings by Aslan when he blessed them to be The Holders Of Magic.

She took the book and turned to the pages. A spell caught her eye. The girl read it carefully, wheels turning in her head. Then a brilliant idea came to her mind. Lucy jumped up, clutching the book in her hand, and ran out of the room to find her brother.

She found Peter with Caspian who was staring at the window with open mouths "Peter what-" asked Lucy but broke off with what she saw outside the window. "By the Loin's Mane" she said. "This is the work of the White Witch!" for she saw that it was snowing all over Cair Paravel. Lucy gave a frowned. Her eyes burning in anger.

"We must do something for this" said Peter. "Otherwise she would make herself rule Narnia again"

"What about asking the most powerful wizard the world has ever known to help us?" Asked Lucy suddenly remembering the reason she came.

"Who do you mean?" asked Caspian. "You don't mean what I think do you?"

"It is of Merlin, I'm thinking" said Lucy, her eyes glittering like stars.

"Lucy, but-"

"They would help us Peter" interrupted Lucy.

"I know they would help us Lucy" said Peter. "But we can't let them into danger. It's like we are taking them into a trap"

"I know Peter" Lucy said, gazing her eyes outside. "But if there is anyone who'd willing to help us, it's him!" She sighed. If Edmund was here he wouldn't agree. If Susan was here she would frown at her for thinking about this plan. Lucy missed her siblings.  "Please Peter this is the only way!" She gave him her famous puppy dog eyes. no one could resist that!

"No!" The High King said, frowning. "I don't want anyone to get into this trap!"

"Peter!" Lucy exclaimed. "Are you even thinking about what you're saying? Su wouldn't approve of your behaviour!" The girl crossed her arms stubbornly looking directly at her brother. "Caspian! Please tell him!"

"She's right High King" The dark haired King spoke up. "We could actually ask him and he would help! Aslan knows what he had been through!"

"You and I both know the extent of the White Witch" Peter frowned looking at Caspian. "She was dead and now- we don't even know what's happening"

"For once" the youngest Queen said, her eyes softening. "It's okay to ask help Peter. It's okay to show that even though we are all happy and bubbly we all have our own troubles"

"Fine!" Peter finally said, his eyes gazing out from the window. "But tell me- sister, how are we going to ask for help?"

"I can go" said Caspian. But Peter shook his head. "No" he said. "I am not going to put you in danger"

"But listen Peter" said Lucy. "We are the only ones that can be trusted. Even though we send a Faun or Badger would you probably think that Arthur would even listen to them?"

There was a long pause. The High King looked thoughtful. The Peter said "You are correct Lucy. But I can't risk your lives.I will go and deliver the message"

"Narnians need you Peter, and so do you" said Lucy to Caspian. "But there is no need of me here right now. I will leave"

"No Lucy" said Peter "No way. Camelot is a dangerous place"

" Good Aslan, Peter! We are wasting time here!" The Queen exclaimed, her eyes steady. "I can take care of myself. Please Peter this is the only way" begged Lucy.

Peter seemed to consider that for a moment. There was a long pause. "Okay then" said Peter finally. "But you must promise me to do what exactly I say"

"I agree to work on tour word" said Lucy winking to Peter.

"Come 'on let's go to the stables" said Peter. "Lucy bring your cloak with you too"

Caspian's P.O.V.

Caspian followed Peter to the stables. And on the way he dragged him in to a conversation. "Will King Arthur be able to help us?"

"Arthur has a kind heart Caspian." said Peter. "Besides we are going to ask Merlin"

"Has he been here before?" asked Caspian. "I can't remember him"

"Yes he was here" said Peter. "Two years before. I think you wasn't there... Went on a voyage or something. Edmund and Lucy was close to him more than  Susan or I"

"I can remember Susan mentioning his name once" said Caspian. "He came for a vacation I think"

"Oh yeah" said Peter. "He said that Arthur had given him a few days off and came here"

'Oh that's why both of them knew about Merlin so much' thought Caspian. "What about King Arthur?" he asked. "Has he been here with him?"

"No, I don't even think he even like to come, if he knew that we can use magic here" said Peter "He has banned magic from his kingdom just like his father"

By now they had entered the stables, and Caspian saw that Lucy was already there with her cloak. "Wow" he said. "You have a good speed"

Lucy smiled. Her smile almost spread all over her face 'Just like Susan's' thought Caspian. For a moment his thoughts went back to the tome he had spent with her, and the good times he had spent with the Gentle Queen danced in his vision.

"I still don't want you to do this Lucy" Caspian heard Peter's voice and came back to his mind. "You know what kind of place is Camelot"

"Peter believe me. Nothing is going to happen" said Lucy. "I promise, I won't run into trouble"

"Of course not! I know you better than anyone! You don't run into trouble" The High King said sarcastically. "The trouble usually finds you!"

The young girl smirked as Caspian gave a laugh. "You know me well brother" she said.

"One thing then" said Peter. "Don't reveal yourself. Which means don't reveal that you are a Queen here. As soon as you get there ask help from them, but make sure that they would not know about our secret"

"I know what I should do Peter" said Lucy a bit harshly. "I am a Queen and I can think for myself"

"But he is right Lucy" said Caspian. "You are going to no ordinary place. Magic has been banned from Camelot ever since King Uther's time. So if you reveal your royalty, if there is someone who has been to Narnia or heard about, they would tell that you are a witch. And you would walk into serious trouble if they do"

He wanted to speak more, but he was rather tongue tired for the royal siblings. Even though Lucy was younger to Caspian, he knew that she had ruled Narnia before his time.

"Okay" said Lucy. "Shall we move then Peter? there is no time to waste" she wore her cloak over herself and got ready to go.

"Take your cordial and dagger with you" said Peter. "Right. You know the spell alright?"

"Yes" said Lucy. "But one thing is the spell need a little sacrifice from blood" with that she pulled out her dagger and went near her mere Swanlake. "Lucy are you sure that this is alright?" ashed Caspian. He didn't want Lucy to risk her life.

"Look here Lucy" said Peter. "I don't want to loose you, like Edmund and Susan. And Su would have my head if she knows! Please just be careful"

"I will" Lucy promised. "But you must do the same. Promise me that you you won't run into troubles" she winked and hugged Peter, while he kissed her temple.

"And you" she turned to Caspian. "You must promise me to protect him" this was unexpected. And protecting Peter is the hardest to do among a list of hard things to Caspian. But finally he said "I will. I promise"

"Now get back Peter" said Lucy and drew out her dagger. Then she cut her hand from the wrist. Muttering magic words under her breath she went near Swanlake.

And the next thing Caspian knew was standing in the stables with Peter, without Lucy who had dissaeared into thin air with Swanlake.


So this is like my first ever story on Wattpad. Thank you for reading this. Please comment!The next chapter wll be more interesting! ;D

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