Something Like Normal. XIV.


"I have an idea." I said to Jocelyn as we ate our ice cream. Our last ice cream in Rome. Together.

"Oh no." she chuckled nervously. "Yuri Abramov with an idea? I better prepare myself for this."

"Good idea." I said and grabbed her arm to stop her. I moved in front of her and she looked up at me, her chocolate ice cream quickly melting in the Roman heat and her skin was slightly sunburned since we had gone to the lake yesterday. "I wanna go back to Genesis. Go to America."

Her eyes widen as she smiled, "What?"

"I want to go back with you to America." I said. "I have thought about for a while now Jocelyn. You can't change my mind."

"You're insane." she said. "You gotta go back home Yuri, your family misses you."

"I don't want to go back home though when the world needs to be explored. Jocelyn I don't want our friendship to end here in Rome." I said and her smile disappeared.

"I know, I don't either. But Yuri you know that's crazy. You need to go home to be with your mom, your family. Video chats, we'll keep in touch."

"And grow apart?" I asked. "Jocelyn, you're the only vary few people who I can trust. Please, Saint Petersburg or Moscow--I have no place there but people who use me. I want. . I want something like normal."

"I'm normal?" she asked and I nodded. She chuckled and put her spoon in her ice cream bowl. "Yuri, that's sweet but even if you want that what makes your parents will let you? And my parents would find it weird I'm bringing a guy back with their I Heart Rome t-shirts."

"We're friends though, nothing else." I said.

"I know but they'll find it weird, I mean. . .I haven't really mentioned about you other then I had a friend who was from Russia and you're a guy. They don't know you and I became close."

"So you don't want me to come with you?" I asked and her eyes widen.

"No Yuri, I do but. . ." she sighed and looked down at her ice cream bowl for a moment. "It's probably not gonna happen so we should forget about it."

"If I talk to my parents about it and they say yes, will you let me come back with you?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded,"I would, Yuri. You're my friend, one of my closest friends I ever grown to have." The soft breeze blowing blew her hair forward so I reached up and brushed the right side of her hair behind her ears. She blushed a little and I quickly pulled away. "How long have you've been thinking about this?" she asked. 

"Since last week when you talked about going back. Made me realize our time was coming to end but I don't want it to." I said.

She smiled and held her bowl up, "Here's to a new chapter then."


I played around with the stupid tie around my neck. I could never figure these things out and I always got frusterated. My dad finished helping Leo with his tie and came over to me to help. "I can not believe you actually got her parents to agree to coming."

"Her mother likes me." I said.

He finished and patted my shoulders,"Well she should, you're an Abramov. Leo, come here." he said and my brother did. He turned us to the mirror and put a hand on both of our shoulders, "My boys. Proud father moment." he said. I wasn't the only one who resembled my father, Leonardo had our father look but his mother milky white hair and green eyes where my father and I have brown hair and eyes.

"I'm going to go check on Jocelyn." I said as I turned and walked towards the door. I didn't really feel comfortable leaving her with Arina.


I was happy when Arina was done putting pins in my pulled back bun. I didn't know what she had been doing since she just sat me down and started doing my hair. She was a little rough and I can understand why little Eva gave her a hard time when she was braiding Eva long hair.

Arina turned and went over to the closet. She pulled out a black Greek style dress with a gold belt on the strap that would go across my chest to my shoulder had a gold band.

My eyes widen and I pointed at my chest. She nodded and my eyes widen as I hesitantly took the beautiful dress. I had brought the expensive blouse and jeans Yuri had bought me along to wear. I hadn't been expecting a dress to be given for me. Arina was in a red beautiful classy cocktail dress with her blonde hair in bombshell curls. Little Eva hair was in a beautiful braid with strains hanging out as she wore a pretty soft pink sundress.

I went into the bathroom and I held out the dress on the sink. I leaned against the sink as I moved back and forth. I was feeling pretty anxious about this, I have never been to a premiere before! I couldn't believe how calm Yuri was even though I told him people back in Genesis will know his little secret.

He already knew that but he apparently didn't care so much now that at least I know his secret. A pretty scary secret if I may say because I'm now stuck in this glamorous life Yuri so desperately wanted to get out of. I can see why now.

I heard a knock on the bathroom and I stood uo,"Jocelyn?" Arina said even though she pounced it wrong.

"Oh sorry! One second." I said even though she probably didn't understand me. I hurried out of my flannel shirt and out of my jeans into the dress. So maybe it was a little small around my bottom but other than that it looked beautiful. The gold floral pins in my hair shined. It felt so weird wearing this much makeup but I kinda liked it.

I seriously felt like Cinderella. I brought my hand up to my mouth as I smiled. Arina had took Eva and me to a nail salon to get my nails done which I never got. My tips were white from the French manicure.

I walked over to the door and Arina was on the mouth side holding a pair of gold three inch pumps. I wasn't so sure if I should since I sorta have wide feet and I do not need blisters by the end of the night and it's only five. I took them though as there was a knock at the door and she went to answer.

I sat down on the bench in the room and slid on my feet. I heard Yuri and my stomach did flips as as I stood up. I had to pull the dress down a little since it started to rise up.

Yuri was arguing with Arina until she finally let him come in. I blushed as his eyes widen as he looked at me and I held back my smile. I may not be that tomboy he knew anymore but I never dressed like this before even for the dance back in the academy.

Arina stepped next to Yuri with a grin and crossed her arms over her face and said something in Russian to him. She reached up and patted his chest before walking away.

I stepped forward and my heel twisted alittle, making me tumble a little. Both our eyes widen and Yuri even held one of his arms out like he was going to catch me from where he stood. I caught myself in time and forced a smile on my heated face,"I'm fine." I said and continued over to him. "You look pretty nice." I commented as I looked closely at him in his all black suit.

"Wow." he finally said and I couldn't help but giggle as I looked down at me. I was kind of enjoying his wow attention. I liked how I look to if that didn't make me sound so vain. I don't usually dress in cocktail dresses and have smokey eyes. "You look. . .wow. Arina does have one thing I can deal with."

I chuckled,"Don't make me blush Yuri. It's still me."

"I know," he said and put his hands in my waist. "But wow. I think it'll be awhile before I see you in another dress like this. "

"Well you know. . .There is prom." I hinted out and his smile stiffened, confusing me a little.

"Of course." he said before kissing my cheek.

"Yuri! Yuri!" Eva jumped next to us and Yuri looked down at his sister who spoke to him and Yuri said something back.

"She's excited." Yuri said when Eva ran out of the room saying papa. "She likes the premieres, she's an attention hooger where Leo is the oppsite."

"Takes that after her older brother." I said and he chuckled. "Are you as nervous as me?"

"Eh, not really." he said. "I actually feel like I'm not going to suffer tonight."


"Let's not have to drag you out." I said to Jocelyn as we pulled up to the premiere in the limo where she was squeezing my hand tightly. "It's going to be fine. Just smile, you only have to worry about falling which you won't if you stay calm."

"Right." she said.

My dad went out first and it was loud. So many fans and admirers of course. My father's helped my younger siblings out and then Arina.  I got out and Jocelyn froze when I took her hand to help her out. I gave her a 'hurry up' look and she quickly shook her hand, fear in her eyes.

I looked at my father not sure what to do. He came over to me to whisper in my ear,"Go in and talk her into coming out. Just join us when you do." he said.

I pushed Jocelyn back in as I slide into the limo and she talked quickly that I even missed a few things she said.

"I'm so sorry Yuri I just can't go out there! I'm so scared what they'll say and there's so many people! They're here for your father, I shouldn't be here!" she said.

"Jocelyn relax." I said and she didn't talk but breathed heavily. You're going to be fine, okay?" I put my hand behind her neck and kissed her. She gripped the collar of my suit as I kissed her for a moment before pulling away,"Can you come out now?"

She nodded quickly, "Yeah."

I opened the door and got out. I took her hand as I helped her out. I held into her hand as I pulled her over where my father was and I recognized some reporters from home. Oh how great.

I went next to my father right side since it empty from anyone. I put my arm around Jocelyn waist where she was stiffen as she smile but it looked a little weird since she was nervous.

We got our pictures taken and my uncle went off to do some interviews. Leo and Eva went to pay with some of the actors children.

"See it isn't that bad." I said in her ear since it was pretty loud.

She smiled and nodded, "I guess so."

I turned my head to look at my father and I turned to her,"Watch this." I said as I took my arm away and I stood behind my father and started making faces to photobomb him.

The interviewer kept looking at me and my father turned around. I chuckled as he lightly hit me and wrapped his arm around me,"This is my oldest, Yuri. He likes to cracks jokes as you can tell."

"I like stealing the show." I said.

"Apple doesn't fall from the tree it seems." my father said.

"So Yuri, any plans to follow in your father footsteps by becoming an actor like himself? Got the looks for one." the male reporter said.

I opened my mouth to answer but my dad spoke,"He is busy right now with school. He can think of that when he finishes. Right Yuri?" he asked me, giving me a look.

I shrugged and nodded,"Da, after school." Actually I did think of it before, it would be easy to get a role back home since who my father is but that was another thing I hated about his career. I'll never be hired for my talent, just buy my surname. My father wants to keep us out of this business until after school because that should be our only focus right now.

I left to go back to Jocelyn but I saw her taking to an interview from home. Oh no.

I walked over next to her and put an arm around her,"Oh hey." she said as she smiled up at me.

I forced a smile on my face,"Hey. What is going on here?"

"She was telling me how nice I looked." Jocelyn said. 

"Oh. Doesn't she?" I said and the female interview chuckled. "She always looks beautiful though."

"How sweet." the interviewer said. "So is it true you two are a couple? I don't know if you heard but there is talk back home."

I forced a chuckle, "Yes, but only half of it is true. Jocelyn is my girlfriend, but not my fiancée. As you can see." I said as I held her hand left hand up. "I hope that answers everyone question."

"It does." she said excitedly. "Did you really come out to be with her? If so, why?"

"I could be cheesy and just say love but there are lots of rain. I do love Jocelyn but we were friends before that and she is my best friend still. Being apart would be painful." I said as Jocelyn placed her head on my shoulder.

"Awe how sweet." she said. "Can we get a little kiss from you two?" she asked winking.

Jocelyn eyes widen as she chuckled nervously but just to get it over with I put my hand on her chin to turn her head towards mine and I planted one on her. I felt her giggle against my mouth as I pulled away after a moment.

I nodded at the camera,"Enjoy that." I said on my native language as I took Jocelyn hand and pulled her away.

"Sorry." Jocelyn said as we got near the end. where it was more quiet. "I was just standing there when she kept calling me over and it felt so awkward."

"It's fine. You ripped the bandage off." I said since it was true. At least if one got the truth out the rest will know and leave us alone. The stupid rumors of us getting eloped can go out the window now. I put my arms around her waist,"Weren't so bad out there. I did kind of expect you to fall. You are pretty klutzy." I said.

She scoffed and hit my chest, "Am not! And that kiss was a bold move. All I heard were your people snapping pictures."

"They love a good stunt." I said, winking at her and she giggled. "My father now has pictures so everyone believe he has the perfect family and that I'm not a runaway. Wanna skip this place?"

"I spent two hours getting ready with your step mom pulling at my hair." she scoffed. "And where would we go dressed like this?"

"Fine." I said and she placed her hands on my chest. "We'll see the movie and get something eat after."

"You read my mind." she said grinning. "I want Burger King. We have to drive out of Genesis to always have some."

"Arina would have a heart attack if she understood you. She's watching her figure." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Figure? She's a mother of twins who's a size one again. She's tall at that where I'm lumpy and short." I said. "And I like to enjoy a cheeseburger."

"You're not lumpy, your curvy." I said as my hands slid down to her bottom and squeezed. Her eyes wide and she pushed my hands away.

"Yuri!" she yelled as her face flushed brightly as she chuckled. "Never grab my butt again."

"You liked it." I said and she scoffed but continued smiling.

"It is inappropriate!" she said.

"I'm just showing off my affections." I said. "Even it's mostly muscle you have, you worked me hard when we came back. You kinda scared me."

She chuckled,"You are pretty thin looking. Start working out more."

"Would that make you wanna grab my butt?" I asked.

"Oh, my God! What am I going to do with you?" she asked as she shook her head giggling and I quickly pecked her.

I'm on a roll with updating this story! :)

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