Chapter 1

Alrighty here's the first chapter y'all! Hope you like it! Moxy's not coming until a little later because plot and I don't want to rush this :) Thank you for understanding and hope you enjoy. I'm not doing end credits so remember that you are loved <3

MAJOR EDIT: This book was discontinued before it begun whoops XD Heres a half chapter.

Lou looked at the sun set on the Institute through his mansion window. Every day new dolls came and old ones went. Almost like clockwork he would see each doll pass by him, waiting for their chance at the Big World. Him guiding them through each obstacle and leading them to a happiness he would never reach. He worked hard to get to where he is now. The sacrifices he made to stay leader of Perfection. But he no longer felt the pride of succeeding with him. No, that feeling left him the same day he left Ox.


Lou sat on a nearby chair and sighed as the awful memories slowly crawled back in his mind. He remembered being excited that something different arrived. A few dolls gasped and stared at the green doll, who seemed just as surprised . After years of the same faces admiring him, he wanted someone to stay with him. To help him through the agony of watching others receive love and affection where he never did.

A friend...

Someone to laugh with when they were messing around or pulling pranks. Someone to cry with after a heated argument. Someone to have at his side no matter how daring the task at hand may be. Lou never realized he had that with Ox until it was too late. He would never admit to himself how much he missed him.

The way his eyes sparked when he had a prank up his sleeve. His laughter and whoops of joy when music was heard and he danced without a care in the world of what the others thought of him. How he dragged Lou with him and they danced. Lou never felt so alive and carefree.

Lou walked to his study room and used a small key to open a hidden drawer. He gently picked up a photo and looked at it nostalgically. It was a picture of Lou sitting next to Ox, having a genuine smile on his face while Ox did bunny ears on him. They had just pulled another prank on Dirk and the other bots.


"Louis! Did you see the way they jumped! It was hilarious." Ox was laughing so hard tears were falling from his face. Lou suppressed small giggles from the sight.

"Oxy we almost got caught this time! They all probably think it's us." Louis whispered in between laughs. He ruffled the fur between his ears and looked around to see if anyone caught them yet. He gently grabbed Ox's ear, because he can't reach his small arms, and pulled him away from the scene.

He froze when the mechanical bots stood in front of him. If the robots could show facial expressions, there's would probably be angry with a side of glitter. The blond cleared his throat and fixed his composure.

"Hello gentleman. How y'all doing?" He realized his slip up too late. Ox snickered at the slight accent Louis was gaining from him. The doll gave a glare at Ox and smiled at the bots. "I see you find yourself in a...situation right now so I'll start up your cleaning machine and head to the mansion after ok? Ok" Louis saluted the glittered bots and dragged Ox with him.

"Louis got in trouble~" Ox sang teasingly.

"Oh shut up." Louis flushed with a small smile on his face,


Lou returned the picture in the drawer and locked it. He wished he could take it all back, he wanted his brother back there with him. But the pressure of the students who thought Ox was too different always came back. Lou was devastated when Ox wanted to go to the Big World but he put a fake smile and let him try.


"Louis please? Training can help make me better and go to the Big World!" After a few weeks of hearing the same words over and over, it starts to change your perspective.

"Ox you know I hate that name and why do you want to train? You can stay here with me, have fun everyday! You can live in the mansion with me." Louis was slowly panicking at the thought of his best friend leaving him forever. Ox shook his head, "The others don't like me Louis. They'll never listen to me. Pleeeeeee~"

Louis groaned and covered his face with his hands in defeat. "Fine you can start tomorrow." Ox hugged Louis tightly.

"This is why your my best friend." Ox exclaimed.

"I'm your only friend" Louis sighed.

"Doesn't stop you from being the best." the green bunny shrugged.

Because Ox learned most of the training through watching the others, he caught up in no time, much to Louis' dismay. Ox was currently running the yarn course, speeding past the other dolls with ease. He wanted Ox to stay with him, but if he passed training, he was closer to leaving for the Big World.


Louis didn't even realize he did it. He would have never done so if he knew the consequences that pursued after. In his moment of desperation, he pulled on a string of yarn and tripped Ox. The sudden force of the string caused the ball of yarn to roll towards the other students. They tumbled and fell, only noticing Ox with the yarn.

Some scoffed and groaned in disgust, while others untangled themselves and continued the course. Louis saw the whole ordeal unravel before him, and yet he didn't stop to help his friend.

'The others will see me with him.' was the only excuse he used to comfort himself.

Sorry it wasn't that much lol. But like I said, I prefer making smaller parts and chapters than entire books. Here's pretty much a summary of what was going to happen (spoilers?)

A lot of Lou remembering Ox and the traits that made him a good friend, including a spark he saw in him. The same spark he sees in Moxy. This confused Lou and made him question if what he did to Ox was right. Leading to the events of the movie, Moxy's cheeriness and spirit is slowly driving Lou into having feelings for her. He then realized Ox is still alive so he makes the spy girls bring him. They have a nice heartfelt chat but Ox said something that made Lou snap so he made sure Moxy and her gang left Perfection for good. After Ox reveals that they're rejects and everyone leaves, Mandy goes to Uglyville, you know the song, blah blah. They get caught. Mandy gets thrown in recycling. Lou confesses to Moxy in a whisper before throwing her in. He throws all the uglies in. He wins and basks in triumph.

Months later, a new batch of dolls is made. While he's teaching, he notices they all look familiar. One doll says something that shows she's still feisty Moxy with no memories of before. Lou panics and makes sure he spends as much time with her as possible so the other Uglies don't find her. Leading to him resparking his feelings for her. She pretty much has him wrapped around her finger. Time skip, they both fall for each other, they begin to date. When Moxy goes to visit Lou she stumbles on the hidden drawer and sees the pic of Ox. Memories flood in and she breaks down. Lou finds her and tries to apologize but she slaps him and leaves to find whats left of Uglyville with her old friends.

I'm not sure what else, Lou practically dies, Moxy confesses she still loves him happily ever after? Idk. lol not really important but Ox called Lou 'Louis' because he hated it, but after Lou leaves him, he only goes by Lou. Moxy was the only other that began to call him Louis, as an ugly and a pretty doll.

thats it :/ sorry I couldn't finish this book but hey something new is coming soon :D

I FORGOT TO MENTION THIS BUT the names of the uglies would slightly change, so Mandy would be Maddy , Babo is Barry, and so on. We would have a little sneak peek at Moxy's new life and the start of her day which would start as a reprise of the beginning of the song 'couldn't be better' Where she sings nearly the same thing. I renamed her Macy because yes (also molly and Moxi are taken) She would either hum it softly or bust her lungs out, take your pick.

lemme try to write it, *squiggly flashback lines*

An alarm blared monotonously, to begin the start of the day. Macy yawned and smiled as bright as the sun, ready to begin her new day. She jumped out of bed and slid in front of the mirror. She giggled and brushed her long (and very bright) pink hair. She began to hum a small tune. It sounded famier, yet so foreign at the same time. Almost as if she had heard it from another life.

"Hello gorgeous lets check out how you look today." She began softly. She looked through her reflection and winked.

"Cute and perky, Oh my gosh look how much you weigh!" She placed her hands on her hips and admired her small figure. She fluffed her hair and grabbed her hairbrush as a microphone.

"Hairs pinkish red, Got this flower on my head and woah." Macy put on her signature pink flower and acted surprised at her look. Before laughing and making a confident pose.

"Girl you couldn't look better!"

At this point, maybe someone knocks on her door and she stops singing. Well something interrupts her because I couldn't figure out how to rhyme Perfection with anything. XD

Forgot to add that before sorry

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