50. The Wedding


Esmie smiled softly as she adjusted Matilda in her arms, her daughter a comforting presence as the day she'd long dreamed of finally arrived.

She gazed around the yard, taking in the elegant decorations, the delicate flowers, and the twinkling lights strung between the trees.

"Wow, everything looks perfect, Josie," Esmie said, following her friend across the lawn. There was a sense of magic in the air — not just the kind she and her friends had grown up with, but something deeper, more emotional. It had been nearly two years since Enzo had proposed to her, and now, after all the planning and anticipation, today was the day they would become husband and wife.

Josie turned to her with a proud smile. "Enzo helped with a lot of the planning, you know. He was so particular, making sure everything was just right. He wanted it to be perfect for you."

Esmie's smile grew at the thought of Enzo meticulously planning their wedding day. "Oh, I'm sure he did," she said with a chuckle. She could picture him now, stressing over every tiny detail, making sure the flowers matched her favourite colours, and the tables were arranged exactly how she liked them. It was so like him to pour his heart into making everything flawless.

As Matilda shifted in her arms, Esmie adjusted her hold on the baby and looked down at her tiny face, a fond smile spreading across her lips. "Don't scrunch your little face at me, Princess," she cooed softly, smoothing a lock of Matilda's fine hair back into place.

Josie peeked over at the baby, her expression softening. "She's precious, Esmie. I can't get over how adorable she is."

Esmie's heart swelled with pride as she looked down at her daughter. "She's only two months old, but she already reminds me so much of Enzo. She's got his eyes, his nose, and she even scrunches up her face the same way he does when he's thinking too hard," she said, her voice filled with affection as she rocked Matilda gently back and forth.

Josie laughed. "That's so sweet, and from what Enzo's told me, Finley is practically your twin."

"I don't know about that," Esmie replied, though a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She thought of her son, Finley, who was now thirteen months old. He had grown so much already — walking, babbling, exploring the world with wide-eyed curiosity. Time was flying by, and part of her wanted to press pause, to keep him small and innocent for just a little longer.

"Is Finley with Enzo?" Josie asked as they made their way through the yard, admiring the setup for the ceremony.

"No, he's with Mattheo," Esmie said with a soft sigh. "Enzo was a bundle of nerves this morning. Between getting ready for the wedding and watching our toddler, I think he was about ready to explode, so Mattheo offered to take Finley for the day, and offered to bring him to the wedding." She chuckled at the thought of her best friend wrangling her son. "Though, if Mattheo teaches Finley any bad habits, I swear, he'll have me to answer to."

Josie raised an eyebrow, grinning. "Mattheo with a toddler — that must be quite the sight, but why is he bringing Finley to the wedding instead of Enzo?"

Esmie rolled her eyes playfully. "According to Mattheo, Enzo was far too nervous to be trusted with a toddler and needed all his focus on preparing for the ceremony. Honestly, I'd be surprised if Enzo's not pacing right now."

"Sounds like Mattheo's doing you a favour, then," Josie said with a grin. "Though I imagine it'll be adorable when Finley toddles down the aisle."

Esmie laughed softly. "Oh, I'm sure it will be. Mattheo did send me an owl this morning to explain his master plan. I swear, those two — Enzo and Mattheo — are going to be the death of me one day."

"Well, now that the boys are occupied, we should probably get started on your hair and makeup," Josie suggested, gesturing toward the house where they would be getting ready for the big day.

"Definitely," Esmie agreed, glancing down at Matilda, who had started to doze off in her arms. "Pansy, Hermione, Danielle, Elsie, and Genevieve should be here soon to help. Rosie's coming too — she's going to watch Matilda while we get ready."

Josie hesitated for a moment, her expression shifting. "And ... are you still sure you're okay with Tom coming to the wedding? I know things were complicated for a while."

Esmie plucked a delicate flower from a nearby arrangement, carefully breaking the stem before tucking it into Matilda's headband. She smiled down at her daughter, her voice thoughtful. "Yes, I'm sure. Honestly, I never thought I'd become friends with Tom Riddle, but he's nothing like his father. It took me a while to understand that, but I trust him now. He's been nothing but good to Rosie and their family."

Josie nodded slowly, her brow furrowing. "Speaking of Tom's father ... why do you think Voldemort named his son after himself? You'd think he'd want something a little less ... obvious."

Esmie tilted her head, considering the question. "Probably because he hoped Tom would carry on his legacy, take up his cause when he was gone. That's why he gave him the name Tom Riddle — so he'd never forget who he was meant to become."

"I suppose that makes sense," Josie said, her tone thoughtful. "But I bet Voldemort never counted on Tom falling in love with Rosie and having two daughters he'd do anything to protect. He's so far from the path his father laid out for him."

"And now they have another daughter to add to the family," Esmie added with a smile, thinking of Rosie and Tom's ever-growing family.

"They really do," Josie nodded. "It's hard to imagine Voldemort ever seeing that coming."

The two friends made their way into the house, the atmosphere warm and filled with excitement. As they entered, a knock sounded on the door, signalling the arrival of more friends ready to help Esmie prepare for her perfect day.

Josie went to answer the door, returning with a whirlwind of laughter and smiles as Pansy, Danielle, Hermione, Elsie, Genevieve, and Rosie joined the room. Genevieve had Rosie's nine-month-old Charlotte on her hip, while Rosie held Ana, who was almost four. Jazzlyn, now six, skipped in, her excitement palpable as she twirled her dress, her curls bouncing.

"Look at how big Charlotte's gotten," Esmie said, her eyes lighting up as she watched the little girl wriggle in Genevieve's arms.

Rosie sighed playfully. "She's a bundle of energy these days, and all Ana wants to do is keep her entertained. Sometimes it feels like I have two toddlers running around."

Esmie laughed, recalling their countless "mum dates" where Finley and Charlotte would babble and play together. "I can imagine, and what about Ana's tantrums — has she grown out of those?"

Rosie gave a knowing look. "They've calmed down a bit, but she's still got Tom's stubborn streak. It's like looking at a smaller version of him, attitude and all."

At that moment, Ana tugged on Rosie's robes, looking up with wide eyes. "Mummy, where's Daddy?"

"Daddy will be here soon, Princess," Rosie said softly, stroking her daughter's hair. "In the meantime, why don't you help Mummy take care of Charlotte and Matilda?"

Ana grinned. "Okay, Mummy!" she chirped, clearly excited to be helpful. Esmie smiled, watching the interaction, feeling a swell of warmth at how naturally maternal Rosie was.

As the two mothers settled Matilda into her cot, Esmie whispered, "Tilly should sleep for a few hours. I've got bottles in the fridge, and her extra clothes and diapers are in the bag. If anything happens, just let me know."

Rosie nodded with a smile. "Go get ready, Es. We'll be fine."

Esmie kissed Matilda's tiny forehead, whispering, "Mummy loves you, Tilly," before joining her friends in the other room, where a sense of excitement filled the air.

As soon as she walked in, Pansy rushed toward her, pulling her into a tight embrace. "Es, you're glowing already!" she exclaimed.

Esmie blushed, self-conscious. "I don't know about that. I'm still in my pyjamas, and I've had an allergic reaction to something, so now I've got this rash all over my neck."

"Es, you look beautiful, and once we're done, Enzo's not going to know what hit him."

Esmie chuckled, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. "I hope so."

"Oh, he won't be able to take his eyes off you, Es," Elsie said, stepping forward with a smile that was warm and full of reassurance. "You're stunning now, and you're going to be even more radiant once we finish with you. Enzo's going to be one very lucky man."

Esmie smiled gratefully at Elsie's words. Her friends' unwavering support was exactly what she needed today.

"And to make sure we're all in the celebratory mood," Elsie added with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "we brought champagne!" She expertly popped the cork and poured glasses for everyone, adding a playful air to the preparations.

As Elsie handed Esmie a glass, she hesitated. "I haven't had a drink in forever," she said with a nervous laugh. "What if I end up too tipsy to walk down the aisle?"

Danielle nudged her with a grin. "If you can survive motherhood, a little champagne is nothing, besides, if you get tipsy, I'll make sure you make it down that aisle. You've got backup."

Esmie laughed, taking a small sip. "Alright, but if I end up not making it to my own wedding, don't say I didn't warn you."

"I'd drag you down the aisle myself if it came to that," Danielle teased. "But don't worry. You've got this, Es. No way are we letting anything get in the way of your big day."

As the room filled with laughter, Jazzlyn skipped over to Esmie, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Esmie, are you going to wear a princess dress today?"

Esmie knelt to Jazzlyn's level, smiling at her excitement. "I am! Do you think it'll look good?"

Jazzlyn's face lit up. "Yes! I want to see it! Can I wear a princess dress too?"

Danielle joined the conversation, grinning. "Of course you can. In fact, I think we should all wear princess dresses today. What do you say, Jazz?"

Jazzlyn giggled, spinning in her own dress. "Yes! I'm going to be the prettiest princess, just like Esmie!"

Danielle leaned in closer to Esmie with a wink. "Looks like you've got some competition."

Esmie laughed, pulling Jazzlyn into a hug. "I'm sure you'll be the prettiest princess of all, Jazz."

"Daddy says I'm a princess too!" Jazzlyn declared, looking proudly at Esmie and Danielle.

Danielle chuckled. "He's right. You are a princess, Jazzlyn."

As Pansy worked on Esmie's makeup, she noticed the rash on Esmie's neck and frowned. "Does it hurt?"

Esmie shook her head. "It itches a little, but it doesn't hurt too much."

Pansy nodded, applying makeup with careful precision. "Let me know if it starts bothering you. I'll make sure it's covered up."

Esmie gave a soft smile. "Thanks, Pans."

Danielle stepped closer, her playful side showing as she grinned. "So, Es, if you start getting cold feet, I've got a backup plan. We'll grab our brooms, head to a remote island, and sip cocktails until the wedding stress is a distant memory."

Esmie laughed, feeling her nerves slowly melt away. "As tempting as that sounds, I think I'll stick with marrying Enzo."

"Well, the offer stands," Danielle said with a wink. "And if Enzo so much as blinks wrong, I'll make sure you've got an escape route ready."

As Josie finished styling Esmie's hair into soft waves, the room began to buzz with a mixture of light-hearted banter and anticipation. The girls worked together seamlessly, Pansy applying makeup, Josie doing hair, and Elsie offering support and kind words whenever Esmie's nerves surfaced.

Once they finished, Esmie stood in front of the full-length mirror, taking in her reflection. The dress, the hair, the makeup — it all came together beautifully. Her breath caught in her throat as she took it all in.

"Wow," Esmie whispered, twirling slowly to see how the dress flowed around her. "I don't even recognise myself."

"You look absolutely incredible," Elsie said, stepping up behind Esmie and giving her shoulders a gentle squeeze. "Enzo's going to be speechless."

Esmie turned to her friends, her eyes brimming with emotion. "I don't know what I'd do without all of you. You've made this day so special."

"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Danielle said, pulling Esmie in for a tight hug. "You've got us, Es. Always."

Not wanting to be left out, Jazzlyn hurried over and wrapped her small arms around Esmie's legs. "Me too, Esmie! I'm with you too!"

Esmie knelt, pulling Jazzlyn into a hug, her heart swelling. "Thank you, Jazzlyn. I'm so glad you're here."

Danielle smiled, watching the interaction fondly. "You've got quite the support squad, Es. We're all here for you, no matter what."

Esmie looked around the room, her heart swelling as she soaked in the love and support that surrounded her. Laughter and warm smiles filled the air, making her feel deeply connected to the friends and family who had gathered to share in her special day. As her gaze drifted toward the door, she saw Mattheo enter, holding Finley in his arms. The sight of her son with Mattheo brought an even bigger smile to her face.

"Oh, wow, Emmy," Mattheo said, his eyes lighting up as he took in Esmie's appearance. "You look so beautiful. Doesn't your mummy look beautiful, Finny?"

"Mumma!" Finley babbled excitedly, reaching out with his tiny arms, eager to be held by his mother.

Esmie's heart melted as she walked over to them, gently taking Finley from Mattheo and resting him on her hip. She smiled, looking up at her best friend. "Thank you for looking after him."

Mattheo grinned, his affection for Esmie and Finley clear in his voice. "Of course, Emmy. You know I adore him. I'd happily look after him any time."

Esmie moved closer, balancing Finley on her hip as she leaned into hug Mattheo. He carefully wrapped his arms around her, making sure to be gentle so as not to disrupt Finley. He kissed the side of Esmie's head, lingering for a moment before pulling back.

"I'm so happy for you, Emmy," Mattheo said softly. "And I'm honoured to be the one walking you down the aisle today."

Esmie blinked back tears, overwhelmed by the love she felt for her friend. "I can't thank you enough, Matty. I'm so grateful you're doing this for me."

Mattheo smiled warmly before stepping back and making his way to Genevieve, who had been watching the interaction with a soft smile on her face. Mattheo wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forehead as they shared a moment. Esmie watched them with a tender smile of her own, feeling grateful for the happiness they had both found.

Josie then approached Esmie, holding her veil. "Alright, let's get this final touch in place," she said, carefully adjusting the veil into Esmie's hair before stepping back to admire her work. Josie beamed with pride as she hugged Esmie tightly, kissing her cheek. "You're perfect."

Esmie returned the hug, feeling a surge of love for her best friend. When she looked around at the group — Danielle, Pansy, Elsie, Hermione, Mattheo, Genevieve, and Josie — standing by her side, she felt overwhelmed by their collective support. They were more than friends; they were her family.

As if reading Esmie's thoughts, Danielle walked over with a playful smirk. "You're going to knock everyone's socks off, Es. I'm pretty sure Enzo won't be able to keep it together when he sees you."

Esmie laughed, the nerves in her chest lightening. "I hope not. That's the goal, after all."

"Trust me, he'll probably be a puddle of tears," Danielle teased. "And when he starts crying, I'll be there to remind him how lucky he is."

Esmie grinned, knowing Danielle's humour was her way of keeping the mood light. "Thanks, Dani. I needed that."

"You know I've always got your back," Danielle said, her smile turning softer. "Today is your day, and we're all here to make sure it's perfect."

Mattheo then linked arms with Esmie, stepping forward. "Alright, enough with the mushy shit. Let's get you married," he said with a grin, gently leading her toward the door.

As they descended the stairs, the music began, signalling the start of the procession. Josie, Elsie, Hermione, Danielle, Genevieve, and Pansy walked ahead of Esmie, creating a stunning line as they made their way down the aisle. Rosie took a seat beside Tom, casting a loving glance toward Esmie before settling down.

At the entrance of the aisle, Mattheo turned to Esmie, his expression softening. "Ready, Emmy?" he asked.

Esmie took a deep breath, her heart racing, but she managed to smile. "Yeah, I'm ready."

With a reassuring smile, Mattheo offered his arm, and together they began their walk down the aisle. Esmie's eyes immediately found Enzo, and when he turned to look at her, his face crumbled into tears. The pure love and emotion reflected in his eyes made Esmie's own well up, and she fought to maintain her composure.

As they reached the end of the aisle, Mattheo gently lifted Esmie's veil, leaned in to kiss her cheek, and whispered, "You've got this, Emmy. Go knock his socks off." He smiled and took Finley from her arms, stepping aside to stand behind Enzo with the little boy.

Esmie gracefully ascended the small steps leading to the altar, holding her dress as she moved. She handed her bouquet to Josie and took her place in front of Enzo, who was still wiping tears from his eyes.

"You look so beautiful," Enzo said softly.

Esmie beamed at him, her heart overflowing with affection. "And you look so handsome, my love."

As the ceremony began, they soon reached the moment for their vows. Enzo's voice trembled as he spoke.

"I call upon the people here present to witness that I, Lorenzo Charles Berkshire, take you, Esmeralda Lillian Grisky, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise to love you, to care for you, and to respect you for all my life."

Esmie's breath caught as she echoed her vows. "I call upon the people here present to witness that I, Esmeralda Lillian Grisky, take you, Lorenzo Charles Berkshire, to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise to love you, to care for you, and to respect you for all my life."

The celebrant smiled warmly at the couple before turning to the crowd. "Esmeralda and Lorenzo have chosen to exchange rings as a symbol of their commitment to each other. The band of the wedding ring represents everlasting love — a circle with no beginning and no end."

Rosie crouched beside Ana, gently guiding her toward the altar. "Do you want to give the rings to Esmie and Enzo, sweetie?"

Ana nodded eagerly and walked up to them, carefully holding out the rings. Esmie knelt to thank her before taking the rings and handing one to Enzo.

"Lorenzo, please place the ring on Esmeralda's finger and repeat after me," the celebrant instructed. "Esmeralda, please accept this ring with all my love."

Enzo's hands shook as he slid the ring onto Esmie's finger. "Esmeralda, please accept this ring with all my love."

The celebrant then turned to Esmie. "Esmeralda, please place the ring on Lorenzo's finger and repeat after me. Lorenzo, please accept this ring with all my love."

Esmie shakily took Enzo's hand and slid the ring onto his finger. "Lorenzo, please accept this ring with all my love."

With joy, the celebrant announced, "I now declare you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

With a playful gleam in his eyes, Enzo gently dipped Esmie back before kissing her deeply. Esmie laughed against his lips, overwhelmed with joy. As they stood back up, their friends and family erupted in cheers, clapping and whistling for the newlyweds.

Amidst the applause, Danielle leaned in closer from her spot beside Josie, a sly grin on her lips as she nudged Esmie, "See? I told you he'd be a puddle. You've got that boy completely wrapped around your finger."

Esmie laughed softly, casting a teasing smile at Danielle. "I think we both do, don't we?"

Danielle's eyes sparkled as she winked playfully. "No doubt about it, Mrs. Berkshire. He never stood a chance."


"You want me to twirl you around in a circle?" Tom asked, looking down at Ana with an expression of hesitant disbelief. For someone so confident in every other aspect of his life, dancing with his daughter seemed to be the one thing capable of making him nervous.

Esmie stood with Rosie on the edge of the dance floor, biting her lip to keep from laughing aloud. After the wedding speeches and the opening of the dance floor, Ana had spent a solid ten minutes begging her father to join her. Now, Tom had finally given in.

"Yes, Daddy!" Ana cried with a huge grin, bouncing excitedly in her fancy dress.

Jazzlyn, standing nearby, was quick to join in the fun. "You promised us both, Daddy!" she reminded him, tugging on his other hand.

Tom sighed dramatically, giving Esmie and Rosie a half-hearted glare that said, Help me. Esmie simply smiled back, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You're doing great, Tom!" she called teasingly, her tone filled with encouragement.

Rosie, standing beside her, grinned at her husband. "Remember, Tom, you're the one who taught them how to be persistent."

He sighed again, but there was a playful glint in his eyes now. With a resigned chuckle, he crouched down to meet Ana's height. "Alright, Princess. Hold tight."

Ana giggled, her arms outstretched, as Tom gently lifted her into the air and twirled her in a circle. Her giggles filled the room, infectious and full of joy. Jazzlyn spun beside them, her laughter ringing out as she twirled on her own, trying to keep up with her dad and sister. Despite his initial reluctance, Tom soon found himself smiling widely, his usual serious expression melting away as the happiness of his daughters overtook him.

Rosie took a sip of her drink, a soft smile tugging at her lips. "Who would have thought the Dark Lord's heir could be brought to his knees by a couple of tiny girls?"

Esmie grinned. "I don't think he ever stood a chance." She watched Tom carefully lift Ana again, both daughters shrieking with laughter as he tried to keep up with their boundless energy. It was clear that beneath his calm, composed exterior, he adored these moments with his girls.

Meanwhile, across the room, Enzo had other plans for Esmie. "Come on, Mrs. Berkshire," he said, reaching for her hand with a charming grin. Without giving her a chance to resist, he pulled her onto the dance floor, spinning her effortlessly into his arms.

Esmie's laughter bubbled up as Enzo twirled her around. "You never get tired of showing off, do you?" she teased, letting herself relax against him.

"Never," Enzo replied, his arm slipping around her waist as he pulled her close. He pressed a kiss to her neck, making her giggle as they swayed to the music.

"Alright, break it up, lovebirds," Elsie called out as she joined them, pulling Theo onto the dance floor with her. "You're making the rest of us look bad!"

Esmie laughed, leaning against Enzo as he wrapped both arms around her waist. "What can I say? We've had a lot of practice."

Theo raised an eyebrow, his tone playful. "Yeah, well, don't rub it in too much. Some of us are still learning."

Before anyone could respond, a small voice echoed across the dance floor. "Daddy!" Finley's tiny legs carried him as fast as he could manage toward Enzo, his arms outstretched, determined to join his parents in the fun.

Enzo's face broke into a wide smile as he bent down to scoop Finley into his arms. "Hey, little man," he said warmly, lifting Finley up and spinning him around. "You want to dance with Daddy?"

Finley giggled, his little hands grabbing onto his father's shirt for balance. Esmie's heart swelled at the sight; her gaze soft as she reached over to brush Finley's hair back. "Hi, baby," she cooed, her fingers gently trailing over his cheek.

Enzo glanced at her with a grin, wrapping his free arm around Esmie's waist and pulling her close again. "You want a drink, love?" she asked, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Nah, I'm good. I'll stay here and dance with this guy," Enzo replied, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. Esmie smiled, kissing him quickly on the cheek before stepping away to grab herself a drink.

As she made her way to the drinks table, she spotted Hermione approaching. "Esmie, you look gorgeous," Hermione said warmly, giving her friend a bright smile.

"Thanks, 'Mione. You look beautiful yourself," Esmie replied, glancing over at Harry and Ron, who had joined them. The sight of the trio together brought a rush of nostalgia, reminding her of their days at Hogwarts. For a moment, it felt like they had never left.

"Es!" Josie's voice suddenly rang out, breaking Esmie's reverie. She turned to see Josie practically bouncing toward her, her excitement clear. "I have something for you and Enzo," she announced, wrapping Esmie in a tight hug.

Esmie laughed, hugging her back. "Josie, you didn't need to get us anything. We said no gifts!"

"I know, but I couldn't resist," Josie said with a mischievous grin, pulling an envelope out of her bag. "Trust me, you're going to love this." She grabbed Esmie's hand, tugging her toward where Enzo was still dancing with Finley.

"Hey, love," Enzo greeted, wrapping an arm around Esmie's waist as she approached. He pressed a soft kiss to her cheek before turning to Josie with a curious look. "What's this all about?"

Josie handed Esmie the envelope with a proud smile. "I know you weren't planning on a honeymoon, but ... I've made some adjustments to that plan."

Esmie raised an eyebrow in surprise as she opened the envelope. Her eyes widened as she read the contents, a gasp escaping her lips. "Paris? You got us tickets to Paris?"

Josie beamed. "Yup! And don't worry about Matilda and Finley. Rosie and Tom have already agreed to watch them while you're gone. It's all sorted."

Esmie's eyes filled with tears as she flung her arms around Josie. "This is incredible! Thank you so much, Josie!"

"You deserve it, Esmie," Josie said, hugging her tightly.

Enzo, smiling broadly, wrapped Josie in a quick hug of gratitude. "You're amazing, Jos. Thank you."

Across the dance floor, Danielle's voice called out, filled with teasing mischief. "Save some of that affection for Paris, you two! We don't need a show right now."

Ju Won, standing beside Danielle, chuckled. "Yeah, you're setting the bar a little too high for the rest of us."

Esmie laughed, rolling her eyes playfully. "Oh, please. You and Dani are worse."

Genevieve, sipping her drink nearby, raised an eyebrow with a grin. "Oh, please. Let's talk about Mattheo. He's been making eyes at me all night."

Mattheo, ever the charmer, pulled Genevieve close with a grin. "Can you blame me? Look at you."

"You're insufferable," Danielle teased, poking Mattheo in the ribs, making everyone burst into laughter.

Esmie, still in awe of Josie's surprise, turned back to Enzo, her voice soft and full of love. "I can't believe we're really going to Paris. I can't wait to start this next chapter with you."

Enzo's eyes softened as he pulled her closer, his forehead resting against hers. "And I can't wait to spend forever with you, Mrs. Berkshire," he whispered before kissing her softly.

The rest of the group continued their banter, but for Esmie, the world seemed to quiet as she melted into the kiss. She couldn't imagine being anywhere else.

Back on the dance floor, Tom continued spinning Ana around while Jazzlyn danced beside them. "Daddy, you're actually really good at this!" Ana exclaimed, her eyes wide with admiration.

Tom chuckled, shaking his head. "Don't get used to it, Princess. This is a rare event."

Jazzlyn laughed, grabbing his other hand. "Just one more twirl, Daddy!"

Rosie, watching from the sidelines, grinned and leaned over to Esmie. "Who knew Tom Riddle would become such a softie?"

Esmie laughed softly. "He's completely wrapped around their little fingers."

Danielle, overhearing the conversation, smirked. "Let's be real, we're all wrapped around someone's finger tonight."

"Yeah," Esmie said quietly, a soft smile blossoming on her lips, her eyes shining with unshed tears of joy. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Esmie glanced back at Enzo, who was now gently swaying with Finley nestled securely in his arms, the two of them lost in their own little world. Enzo's face was alight with joy, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he cooed softly to Finley, who responded with delighted giggles that danced in the air like music.

Esmie's heart swelled, feeling as if it might burst from the overwhelming love and gratitude filling her. Memories of their journey together flashed through her mind: the challenges they had faced, the laughter they had shared, and the moments that had cemented their bond. Each memory was a thread woven into the tapestry of their life, creating something beautiful and unique.

Taking a deep breath, she savoured the happiness radiating from her family, the sound of their laughter wrapping around her like a comforting blanket. She couldn't imagine a more perfect scene. The world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the three of them suspended in their own bubble of bliss.

As the evening sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows that danced across the ground, Esmie felt a sense of peace wash over her. This was home. This was love, and as she stood there, watching the man she adored and the child they cherished, she knew that whatever the future held, they would face it together — united, resilient, and forever intertwined in each other's hearts.


Enjoy! Xo


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