44. New Years
"Wow ..."
Genevieve's breath caught as she stood beside Esmie in the courtyard, gazing up at the Hogwarts castle, which had been transformed into a winter wonderland for the New Year's celebration. The castle, always majestic, now seemed to sparkle with an ethereal glow, its ancient towers draped in shimmering lights. Twinkling fairy lights adorned every arch and window, while enchanted snowflakes fluttered down from the inky black sky. The icicles hanging from the castle's rooftops gleamed in the moonlight, glistening like diamonds, and the grounds were covered in a soft, pristine blanket of snow that looked as if it had never been touched. It felt like magic itself had come alive, wrapping the entire school in a spell of winter beauty.
Esmie stood with Genevieve, the cold air making their breath visible as they both took in the breathtaking sight. It was moments like this that reminded them how special Hogwarts truly was. Esmie, still recovering from a lingering cold, momentarily forgot the chill in her bones as she marvelled at the transformed castle.
"It's like something out of a dream," Genevieve said, her voice soft with awe. She tucked her hands deeper into her pockets, pulling her scarf tighter around her neck.
Esmie nodded in agreement, her brown eyes wide as she stared up at the snowflakes twinkling in the air. "It really does feel like magic is alive tonight."
After spending Christmas at the Manor with their friends, they had all returned to Hogwarts for the grand New Year's party, which was being held in the Eighth Years' common room. It was set to be the biggest event of the winter, and students had been talking about it for weeks. Now, the night had finally arrived, and everyone was excited.
Genevieve glanced over at Esmie, her breath fogging in the air as she grinned. "You know, Pansy's probably already inside, plotting to make sure you don't wear anything too casual. She's probably been planning everyone's outfits for weeks."
Esmie laughed, her cold-ridden voice coming out hoarse but full of affection. "I wouldn't put it past her. She's been on me about tonight since the moment we received our invitations."
Before Esmie could say anything else, she felt familiar arms wrap around her waist from behind. She leaned into the warmth of Enzo's embrace, smiling as she felt his lips press a soft kiss to her temple.
"Wow is right," Enzo murmured against her ear, his breath warm against her cold skin. "You look stunning, Mie."
Esmie's heart fluttered at his words, though her flushed cheeks and red nose from the cold gave away the fact that she wasn't feeling her best. She turned her head slightly to glance at him, but before she could speak, Enzo was already frowning, noticing how flushed her face was.
"Darling, your nose is as red as it was last night," he said, concern filling his voice as he brushed a strand of her blond hair out of her face.
Esmie sighed, pulling the collar of her coat closer to her cheeks. "Yeah, I know. I'm feeling a little worse than last night," she admitted, her voice thick with congestion as she sniffled softly. The freezing air wasn't helping her cold, and she had felt the bite of the chill on her skin all day.
Enzo frowned, his grip tightening around her as he studied her pale face. "You're a little warm too," he said, placing the back of his hand against her forehead. His concern deepened, his brow furrowing. "Are you sure you're up for a party tonight?"
Genevieve stepped closer, nodding in agreement. "He's right, Es. You don't look great."
Esmie gave them both a small, tired smile, trying to act as if it were no big deal. "My head hurts a little, but I'm alright," she said, though her congested voice gave away just how unwell she was. As if to prove the point, she suddenly sneezed, turning away from Enzo and covering her nose with her gloved hand. She sniffled again, rubbing her nose and trying not to let the cold get the better of her.
Enzo exchanged a glance with Genevieve before turning his attention back to Esmie. "Come on, let's get you inside and out of this cold," he said softly, already guiding her toward the castle doors before she could protest. "I'll get some tea for you. You need to warm up before you even think about the party."
Genevieve smiled as she watched them head inside, waving after Esmie. "I'll see you in a bit."
Esmie let Enzo lead her through the grand entrance of the castle. The warmth inside was immediate, and she sighed with relief, grateful to be out of the freezing air.
As they made their way through the grand entrance and into the familiar warmth of Hogwarts, Enzo led her up the stairs toward their dormitory. The halls were quiet, save for the distant laughter of students already gathered in the common room. The party preparations were in full swing, but Enzo didn't let Esmie linger there. He steered her gently toward their dorm instead, opening the door and ushering her inside.
"Let's get you to bed," Enzo said softly, closing the door behind them.
"Enz, I'm fine —" Esmie began, her voice a little stronger now that she was out of the cold, but it was clear that her congestion was worse than she was letting on.
"You're burning up, Mie," Enzo said firmly, cutting her off. He led her to the bed, his hand resting on her back as he guided her gently but insistently. "You need to get some sleep. I promise you I'll wake you up for the party, but please take a nap first."
Esmie hesitated, glancing toward the door as if she might change her mind and join their friends in the common room, but her body betrayed her, and the throbbing in her head made the idea of resting far more appealing than trying to stay awake through the night. Finally, she relented, giving Enzo a small nod. "Alright ... I guess a nap doesn't sound so bad."
Enzo smiled softly and kissed her forehead again, this time lingering for a moment, as though the gesture could somehow ease the fever she was fighting. Esmie kicked off her shoes and shed her heavy coat, gloves, and beanie before crawling into bed. The warmth of the blankets was an instant relief, and she felt herself sinking into the comfort of the mattress as soon as she lay down.
Enzo pulled the blankets up over her, tucking her in carefully. He brushed his fingers through her hair, smoothing it away from her face, and leaned down to kiss her forehead once more.
"I'll leave some water by your bed in case you need it," he said, as he kissed her cheek. Esmie, already struggling to keep her eyes open, gave him a sleepy nod. Her eyelids felt heavy, and within moments, she had drifted off, her breathing evening out as she slipped into a deep, much-needed sleep.
Satisfied that she was comfortable, Enzo left the room quietly, closing the door behind him before making his way to the common room where the party preparations were in full swing. As he entered, the sounds of laughter, conversation, and music filled the air, and he spotted his friends already gathered near the fireplace.
Genevieve, Mattheo, and Danielle were lounging together, chatting animatedly as students bustled around them. When Enzo approached, Danielle was the first to notice his arrival.
"Where's Es?" Danielle asked, glancing around as though expecting her to appear at any moment.
"Still in the dorm," Enzo replied, his brow knitting with concern. "She's not feeling great, so I told her to rest for a bit."
Genevieve, who had been lounging on the arm of a chair, frowned. "Is she okay?"
"Just a cold, but it's getting worse," Enzo said, leaning against the wall beside them.
Mattheo grinned. "Let me guess. She's going to show up to the party in one of her signature outfits — sweatpants and an oversized shirt?"
Danielle laughed, nudging her brother. "Oh, absolutely. You know Es. She'll show up comfy as can be, and we'll have to rescue her from her own fashion choices."
Enzo rolled his eyes, chuckling despite his worry. "If she wants to wear sweatpants, she'll wear sweatpants. You two are relentless."
"We're just trying to save her from becoming Hogwarts' next fashion disaster," Danielle quipped with a grin. "You know she'll thank us later."
After chatting with them for a bit longer and helping prepare for the party, Enzo decided to head back to the dorm room. As he entered, he found Esmie buried under a mountain of blankets, still fast asleep. He quietly approached the bed, sitting down gently on the edge, and brushed her hair away from her face. The movement stirred her, and she blinked groggily, glancing up at him.
"Enz?" she mumbled, her voice raspy with sleep.
"Hi, baby, I'm here," Enzo said softly, his fingers trailing through her hair. He frowned, studying her closely. "How are you feeling, darling?"
"I'm alright," Esmie croaked, her voice betraying her congestion. Enzo frown as he reached for the bottle of water on her bedside table and handed it to her. She took a few small sips before handing it back.
"Do you want to go back to sleep, or do you want to join us in the common room?" Enzo asked.
Esmie sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes. "I'll come to the common room," she said. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, stumbling slightly as she made her way to the closet.
Enzo watched as she grabbed some clothes and began to change. When she turned to him, now dressed in her usual casual attire, she smiled faintly. "I'm ready to go."
Enzo stood and walked over to her, resting his hands on her shoulders. "Are you sure you're okay, baby?"
"Yes, I'm sure," Esmie nodded firmly, though she looked a bit pale. Enzo kissed her forehead, still concerned, but he didn't press her further. Together, they headed down to the common room.
As Enzo and Esmie made their way down to the common room, the warmth and excitement of the New Year's party greeted them. Students were laughing, chatting, and dancing, while the music hummed through the air. Enzo kept his arm wrapped around Esmie protectively, still worried despite her reassurances.
Just as they entered, a voice called out. "Esmie! Over here!"
Danielle was lounging near the fire with Mattheo, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she waved them over. Esmie blushed slightly, knowing that the teasing was about to begin. Enzo led her toward the group, where Mattheo leaned back in his chair, raising an eyebrow as he took in Esmie's outfit: sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt of Enzo's, hardly the glam party look.
"Well, well, well," Mattheo drawled with a smirk. "Look who's ready to dazzle the crowd tonight."
Esmie rolled her eyes, trying not to laugh. "It's comfortable, okay?"
"Comfortable?" Danielle chimed in, grinning as she gave Esmie a playful once-over. "Emsy, I'm pretty sure you wore that exact same thing to the last 'big party.' You really know how to make a statement."
Esmie crossed her arms, feeling her face heat up even more. "I was sick then too," she grumbled.
"Sure, but you've got to give us something to work with here!" Danielle teased, her tone light but affectionate. "At least let us help you find something that says, 'New Year's' and not 'ready for bed.'"
Enzo chuckled beside her, though his expression softened as he saw Esmie starting to shift awkwardly. "She can wear whatever she wants," he said, wrapping his arms around her again. "If she's comfortable, that's what matters."
Mattheo leaned over, grinning at Esmie. "Oh, don't worry, we're just teasing. You do you, Emmy, but Dani's right — let's not make a habit of stealing all of Enzo's clothes for parties."
Esmie groaned, rubbing her face. "You two are impossible."
Before the teasing could continue, Pansy appeared out of nowhere. She placed her hands on her hips and surveyed Esmie critically, a dramatic look of horror crossing her face.
"Es! What ... what are you wearing?" Pansy asked, her voice a mix of disbelief and amusement. She turned toward Danielle and Mattheo, raising an eyebrow. "Are you two just going to let her walk around like this?"
Danielle held up her hands in mock defence. "I tried. I really did."
Mattheo shrugged. "I was going to suggest she at least change into something Enzo doesn't own."
Esmie looked down at her outfit, shrugging. "It's comfortable," she repeated weakly.
Pansy rolled her eyes and then grabbed Esmie's hand, pulling her away from Enzo's arms. "Comfortable or not, we're fixing this. You are not showing up to the New Year's party in sweatpants, darling. I refuse to allow it."
"Pansy, come on —"
"Trust me," Pansy said, grinning as she dragged Esmie toward the dorms. "I've got the perfect dress for you. You'll thank me later."
As they disappeared up the stairs, Enzo watched with an amused smile. Mattheo leaned closer, elbowing him lightly. "Looks like you're about to see Esmie in full party mode. I'd prepare yourself."
Danielle chuckled. "Yeah, Pansy's going to work her magic. Just be prepared to pick your jaw off the floor when they come back."
Enzo smirked, shaking his head. "As long as she's happy, that's all that matters to me."
Upstairs, Pansy had already begun rummaging through her closet, pulling out various options until she found what she was looking for. With a triumphant smile, she held up a short, emerald, green dress with a low neckline and delicate straps.
Esmie eyed the dress warily. "Pansy... I don't know. It looks ... short."
Pansy grinned, thrusting the dress toward her. "Exactly. You'll look stunning. This dress is perfect for you."
Esmie hesitated, glancing between the dress and the mirror. "I'm not sure ..."
"Es," Pansy said firmly, placing her hands on her shoulders. "Trust me. You're going to look incredible, and besides, it's New Year's. You've got to start the year with a bang, right?"
After a moment of hesitation, Esmie finally relented, taking the dress from Pansy. She stepped into the bathroom to change, her nerves kicking in as she slipped out of her sweatpants and into the form-fitting green dress. When she stepped back out, Pansy's eyes lit up.
"See? You look amazing!" Pansy exclaimed, walking over and making some quick adjustments to the straps and smoothing out the fabric. "Lorenzo won't be able to take his eyes off you."
Esmie glanced at her reflection, feeling self-conscious. "Are you sure it's not too short?"
Pansy shook her head with a confident smile. "Not at all. It's perfect for tonight. You're going to steal the show."
With a deep breath, Esmie nodded, deciding to trust Pansy's judgment. "Alright ... let's go."
When they returned to the common room, the moment Esmie stepped in, all eyes were on her. Enzo's jaw practically dropped as he took in the sight of her in the emerald dress. His gaze softened as he made his way toward her, unable to hide his amazement.
"Wow, Mie ... you look stunning," Enzo said, his voice low as he wrapped his arms around her.
"See? I told you," Pansy whispered with a smirk before leaving them to rejoin the others.
Esmie blushed, glancing up at Enzo. "It's all Pansy's doing."
"Well, remind me to thank her," Enzo murmured, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You look incredible."
From across the room, Danielle gave Esmie a thumb-up, while Mattheo whistled in approval. "Told you, Enzo," Mattheo called out with a grin. "Jaw on the floor."
Esmie rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help smiling as she joined her friends on the dance floor, feeling far more confident in her new dress. Music echoed throughout the space, and the lights flickered enchantingly above the crowd. Enzo, never letting go of her waist, pulled her close and kissed her cheek.
"You look beautiful, baby," he murmured, his voice soft in her ear. His arm stayed securely around her, and Esmie felt a flutter in her stomach. She blushed when she felt her skirt ride up against him, quickly pulling it down as her cheeks heated up.
Before she could respond, Genevieve's excited voice cut through the music. "We're borrowing Esmie!" she announced gleefully, grabbing Esmie's hand and pulling her toward the dance floor.
Pansy, Josie, and Elsie were quick to follow, laughing as they all formed a circle and began to sway to the beat. The music seemed to pulse through the room, and Esmie found herself quickly swept up in the infectious energy of the girls. They twirled, laughed, and danced with wild abandon. Enzo stood by with the boys, but his eyes never left Esmie as she moved along with her friends, a soft smile on his lips.
"I told you," Pansy leaned in to whisper, grinning from ear to ear, "Lorenzo wouldn't be able to take his eyes off you." She gestured subtly toward Enzo, who was still watching Esmie intently, his gaze warm and full of affection.
Esmie giggled, catching Enzo's eyes for a moment. She waved at him, unable to stop the blush that coloured her cheeks. His smile widened in response, and for a while, Esmie let herself get lost in the rhythm of the music, dancing with her best friends.
Dani joined them, gliding onto the dance floor with a teasing smile. She threw her arm around Esmie's shoulders as they danced, her laughter mingling with the music. "Es, I've got to say — Pansy's dress choice? Absolute genius. You look hot!"
Esmie blushed again, shaking her head. "Oh, stop. It's just a dress."
Dani smirked and gave her a playful nudge. "Just a dress? Please. You're killing it out here, and don't pretend like you don't see Enzo practically drooling every time you look his way."
Esmie's eyes widened, and she covered her face with her hands, laughing. "Dani, you're impossible!"
"Come on," Dani continued with a wicked grin, "you've got him wrapped around your finger. I bet you could just stand there, and he'd still be totally mesmerised."
Esmie shook her head, but she couldn't deny the butterflies swirling in her stomach every time she caught Enzo glancing her way. "You're exaggerating," she said, trying to sound nonchalant, but Dani wasn't having it.
"Oh, am I?" Dani winked and nudged her again. "Just watch. Next time you look over at him, he's going to be staring, all dreamy-eyed and lovestruck."
Esmie groaned but couldn't help smiling. She snuck another glance in Enzo's direction, and sure enough, Dani was right. He hadn't taken his eyes off her for a second.
"See?" Dani said, her voice triumphant. "Told you so."
"Okay, okay, I get it," Esmie laughed, trying to hide her embarrassment. She was grateful, though — Dani's playful teasing helped ease her nerves, making the night feel more fun and relaxed.
Genevieve, who had been dancing alongside them, piped up with a grin. "Dani's right, Es. You've got Enzo hooked. It's adorable."
Esmie shook her head, her face flushing an even deeper shade of pink. "Alright, enough! You guys are going to make me too embarrassed to even look at him."
Pansy jumped into the conversation, "Oh, come on, Esmie! That's the whole point! We need to make sure you know just how stunning you are tonight," she teased with a wide grin, giving Esmie a playful nudge.
Before Esmie could respond, the music grew louder, and the group erupted into laughter. They threw themselves back into dancing, spinning around the room in a blur of excitement and joy. The energy was infectious, and soon their laughter echoed above the music, filling the space with a carefree happiness that seemed to sparkle in the air.
Across the room, Enzo stood near the refreshment table with Theo, both watching the scene unfold with amused smiles. Enzo leaned casually against the table, one hand tucked into his pocket, the other holding a half-empty glass of butterbeer. His gaze never strayed far from Esmie, and every time she laughed or twirled on the dance floor, his eyes sparkled with affection. A soft, almost private smile tugged at his lips as he watched her, clearly entertained by her antics but also clearly thinking about joining her.
Theo, always quick to notice, elbowed Enzo lightly. "Come on, Enzo," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know you're itching to get out there, before Esmie ends up getting Pansy killed with those wild moves of hers."
Enzo chuckled, shaking his head but unable to hide the grin spreading across his face. "Yeah, yeah," he said, setting his butterbeer down on the table and glancing back at Theo. "Someone's got to keep her from knocking out half the room with those dance moves."
Theo snorted in laughter. "Right, right, or maybe you're just looking for an excuse to dance with your girl," he shot back, raising an eyebrow knowingly.
Enzo gave him a look but didn't deny it. Instead, with a confident grin, he turned and started making his way through the crowd, his gaze locked on Esmie. As he walked, the crowd parted for him almost instinctively, the music thumping in the background as he closed the distance between them. He couldn't help but feel a warmth building inside him as he watched Esmie, her golden hair catching the lights as it bounced with each laugh and twirl. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright with excitement, and she seemed entirely lost in the joy of the moment, laughing with Pansy as they twirled each other in circles.
Without warning, Enzo slipped up behind her, smoothly wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back against his chest. Esmie let out a soft squeal of surprise, her body tensing for just a second before she melted into his embrace, recognising his familiar touch. A wide smile instantly spread across her face as she twisted in his arms to look up at him, her eyes gleaming with delight.
"Enzo!" Esmie exclaimed, her laughter bubbling up once again as she swatted playfully at his chest. "You scared me!"
Enzo's smirk softened as he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. "I couldn't help it. You were having way too much fun without me."
She rolled her eyes in mock exasperation but wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "I was just giving you a chance to catch up," she teased, though the warmth in her tone betrayed her affection.
"Well, I'm here now," Enzo whispered, his nose brushing lightly against hers, their foreheads almost touching as he held her close. "And you're not getting rid of me that easily."
Esmie's heart fluttered at his words, a rush of happiness filling her as she gazed up at him. "Good," she whispered back, her smile soft and genuine. "Because I wasn't planning on it."
The party swirled around them, but in that moment, it felt as though the rest of the world faded away. The music, the laughter, the people — it all became a blur as they stood there together, wrapped up in each other's arms. For just a few moments, nothing else mattered but the warmth of his embrace and the joy that seemed to radiate between them.
Eventually, after what felt like both hours and no time at all, Esmie began to feel her energy wane. The excitement of the party was starting to catch up with her, and her movements became slower, less animated. With a soft sigh, she excused herself from the dance floor, weaving her way back through the crowd toward where Enzo stood waiting.
He spotted her before she reached him, his expression softening as she approached. Without a word, he reached out to her, gently pulling her into his arms once again. "You're looking a little flushed, darling," he murmured, as he brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. His touch was tender, his fingers lingering just slightly longer than necessary as he tucked the hair behind her ear.
Esmie leaned into his touch, offering him a tired smile. "Yeah, I'm still a little warm. I think I'll grab some water."
Enzo nodded and let her go, watching as she walked over to the bar to grab a drink. When she returned, he immediately placed a hand on her forehead, his concern returning. "You're still burning up, baby. Are you sure you're, okay?"
"I'm alright, Sweets," Esmie reassured him softly. "My head hurts a little, and I've got a bit of a sniffle, but I'm fine."
Before Enzo could say anything else, Genevieve reappeared, grabbing Esmie's hand with a grin. "Come on, Es! We need you back on the dance floor!"
Esmie laughed as she was pulled away once more, waving at Enzo as she was whisked back to the centre of the room. "I guess I'm not getting a break tonight," she called over her shoulder, making Enzo chuckle.
As she rejoined the group, the music seemed to swell, and Pansy, Josie, and Dani were already waiting for her, dancing in full force. "Come on, Es! You can't leave us hanging now," Pansy teased, pulling her into the circle.
Dani grinned as Esmie was pulled back into the fold, leaning into whisper in her ear. "Don't think I didn't see Enzo checking you out again. He's practically counting the seconds until he can have you back to himself."
"Dani!" Esmie laughed, covering her face again. "You're too much!"
Dani winked. "Just keeping it real, Es."
As they danced, Astoria joined them, her face lighting up as she spotted Esmie. "Tori!" Esmie squealed, wrapping her arms around her. "You made it!"
"Of course!" Astoria smiled, hugging her back. The two girls twirled each other around, laughing as they moved with the music.
"How are you feeling?" Josie asked, sidling up next to Esmie. "Enzo said you weren't feeling great earlier."
"I'm fine," Esmie replied, her voice a little hoarse but upbeat. "I still feel a little off, but tonight's too much fun to miss."
Despite her slightly flushed cheeks and lingering sniffles, Esmie felt her spirits lifted as she danced with her friends. Every now and then, she caught Enzo's eye, his gaze always filled with warmth and admiration.
And of course, Dani couldn't resist one final nudge before the night was over. "Told you, Es. You're the star of the party — and don't pretend you don't love it."
As Esmie and the girls made their way back to the boys, laughter bubbled among them, the energy of the party still electric. Esmie settled beside Enzo on the couch, snuggling into his side as his arm automatically wrapped around her.
"You look like you were having fun, darling," Enzo said.
Esmie smiled, her face glowing as she nodded. She shivered slightly, and before she could say anything, Enzo had already taken off his jacket and draped it around her shoulders. "Here, this'll keep you warm," he said, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of her head. Esmie blushed, grateful for the warmth as she cuddled into him.
"I am," she replied, her voice soft. "I'm having a lot of fun." She sniffled, her cold still lingering, and Enzo chuckled, squeezing her a little closer. Esmie rested her head on his chest, finding comfort in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, and soon, her eyes fluttered closed. Enzo smiled, running his hand up and down her arm as he resumed his conversation with Mattheo.
It didn't take long for him to realise that Esmie's breathing had slowed, her body completely relaxed against him. He glanced down, noticing that she had drifted off, her face peaceful in sleep.
"Oh, baby," Enzo chuckled quietly, rubbing soft circles on her back. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, holding her close as she slept.
Mattheo, noticing the shift, nudged Enzo with a knowing grin. "Is she okay?"
Enzo smiled, looking down at his sleeping girlfriend with pure adoration. "She's perfect," he said softly, his eyes filled with warmth.
Mattheo rolled his eyes, laughing under his breath. "I swear, you've gone completely soft."
Before Enzo could respond, Danielle chimed in from her spot nearby, leaning against Ju Won with a smirk on her face. "You know," she said playfully, "Esmie falling asleep on you is peak romance. Maybe you're just so boring, Enzo, that you put her right to sleep."
Enzo laughed, shaking his head. "Not boring, Dani — just comfortable."
Danielle raised an eyebrow, her grin widening. "Comfortable, sure, but next time she dozes off, you should at least try to keep her awake until midnight."
Ju Won chuckled and slipped his arm around Danielle's waist. "Don't listen to her, Enzo. Dani's just jealous because she's been trying to get me to fall asleep on her all night."
Danielle shot Ju Won a playful glare, but the smile on her lips betrayed her. "Oh, please. Like you'd ever fall asleep with me around."
Ju Won grinned, pulling her closer. "You're right. I wouldn't dream of it."
As Esmie slept against Enzo, Josie wandered over, her eyes flicking to Esmie's peaceful expression. "She looks cosy," Josie commented, a soft smile on her face.
Enzo nodded, shifting Esmie slightly to ensure she was more comfortable in his arms. "She is," he said, as he looked down at her.
The party continued around them, the music growing louder and the chatter more animated, but Enzo stayed with Esmie, content to hold her close as the festivities went on. Midnight was fast approaching, and the energy in the room began to swell with anticipation.
As the crowd began gathering outside, preparing for the fireworks, Esmie stirred, coughing softly as she blinked her eyes open. She looked up at Enzo, her voice a little raspy. "Did I fall asleep?" she croaked, rubbing her eyes.
Enzo chuckled, brushing a thumb across her flushed cheek. "Yeah, you did, darling," he said softly, kissing her forehead.
Esmie blushed, sitting up a little straighter. "Oh no, I didn't mean to ..."
Enzo smiled, his eyes warm as he gazed down at her. "It's okay. You needed the rest." He noticed how red her cheeks were and ran his thumb gently across her skin before leaning in to kiss her.
"Enzo ..." Esmie murmured. "You're going to get sick."
Enzo grinned, pressing another kiss to her lips. "I don't care," he replied with a mischievous smile. "Kissing you is worth it."
Esmie sniffled and laughed softly, pulling away just as Pansy hurried over, practically bouncing with excitement. "Come on! It's almost midnight, and we have a surprise!" she said, grabbing Esmie's hand and pulling her up from the couch.
Esmie blinked, still a little dazed from her nap. "Where are we going?" she asked, looking over at Enzo, who was grinning behind her.
"You'll see," Pansy said with a mysterious smile, leading the group outside into the crisp night air.
The cold hit them instantly, but the excitement of the moment kept everyone moving. As they stepped into the courtyard, Esmie spotted Fred and George Weasley standing with Grace and Hope Black, all of them looking far too pleased with themselves.
"Hi, Little G!" Fred called out with a grin, spreading his arms wide for a hug.
Esmie laughed, running over to hug him tightly. "Hey, Fred!"
Grace and Hope took their turns hugging Esmie, and George ruffled her hair with a grin. "Why do I feel like you're all up to something?" Esmie asked, her suspicion clear as she narrowed her eyes at the twins.
"Why would we ever be up to anything, Little G?" George replied, his voice full of mock innocence. "We're just here to celebrate, same as everyone else."
Esmie rolled her eyes but laughed, turning back toward Enzo, who was watching her with an affectionate smile. He reached out, taking her hand and gently pulling her toward the rest of their friends.
As they stood together, the sound of fireworks filled the air, and Esmie looked up, her eyes widening in surprise as the night sky lit up with vibrant colours. "What ...?"
"Look," Enzo whispered, wrapping his arms around her from behind and pointing to one of the fireworks. Esmie followed his gaze, her eyes lighting up as she saw a firework explode into the shape of a chocolate frog.
Esmie laughed, turning to look up at him in amazement. "Did you help organise this?"
Enzo grinned, leaning down to kiss her temple. "Of course I did, Mie. I wanted to surprise you."
Esmie's eyes sparkled as she watched the colourful display above them, her heart swelling with gratitude and happiness. "This is incredible, Enzo," she whispered, resting her head against his chest.
While Esmie was lost in the beauty of the fireworks, Danielle was nearby, standing close to Ju Won. The two of them exchanged playful glances throughout the night, and now, with the fireworks illuminating their faces, Ju Won leaned in, brushing a stray lock of hair from Danielle's face.
"So, do I get a kiss at midnight, or do I have to wait my turn?" Ju Won asked with a teasing smirk.
Danielle laughed, lightly pushing him away. "You have to earn it," she said with a flirty smile.
Ju Won grinned, undeterred. "Oh, come on, Dani. You know you can't resist me," he teased, stepping closer, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
Danielle raised an eyebrow, her smile widening. "Hmm, maybe," she said, drawing out her words as if contemplating. "But I kind of like watching you work for it."
Ju Won chuckled, taking her hand and spinning her around playfully before pulling her close. "Alright, Riddle, I'll play along, but just so you know, I fully expect that kiss at midnight."
Danielle shook her head, laughing, but there was a spark in her eyes as she let Ju Won keep his arm around her. "You might just get it," she replied with a wink, leaning into him as they watched the fireworks together.
As the fireworks continued, Enzo glanced down at Esmie, his voice soft. "Are you ready for the new year, darling?"
Esmie looked up at him, her heart full. "With you? Always," she whispered back, smiling as the countdown to midnight began.
The crowd's voices rose in unison as they counted down: "Five, four, three, two, one ..."
When midnight struck, the sky erupted in the brightest firework yet, and Esmie found herself laughing as Enzo pulled her close, kissing her deeply as they welcomed the new year together, surrounded by their closest friends and the magic of the night.
Enjoy! Xo
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