40. Muggle Studies
"Esmeralda, you're a girl."
Esmie looked up from her parchment, narrowing her eyes at Mattheo. They were in the middle of Potions class, and his random outburst had completely interrupted her concentration. She sighed heavily, placing her quill down and crossing her arms.
"Ten points to Mattheo Riddle for stating the obvious," she said dryly, shooting him a sideways glance before trying to refocus on her work. She scribbled a few more notes but felt a soft kick under the table. Esmie shot him another glare. "Seriously, can you quit it? I'm trying to focus, Riddle."
"This is so boring," Mattheo groaned, slumping further in his seat. "Do you even understand any of this?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do," Esmie replied without missing a beat. "We're supposed to identify which potion is a medicine, which is a poison, and which one gives magical enhancements." She returned to her notes, eyes flicking briefly to where Enzo was sitting, diligently working alongside Genevieve. She felt a twinge of envy at how focused they both were and turned back to Mattheo with a raised eyebrow. "Why did you even want to sit next to me, anyway? Wouldn't you rather sit with Gen?"
Mattheo hesitated, casting a quick glance towards Genevieve before shrugging. "Normally, yes, but I figured you'd help me with this Potions stuff. How can you make sense of all this?"
Esmie shrugged. "I like Potions. I've studied a lot. I wonder if the school kept any of Snape's old notes from when he was teaching here."
At the mention of Snape, Enzo stopped writing, his quill still hovering over his parchment. It was the first time she had mentioned Snape since his death, and his name lingered in the air. Esmie gave Enzo a small smile before Mattheo's voice cut in again.
"Right — anyway, back to my point — you're a girl."
Esmie rolled her eyes, not even bothering to look up. "Say that one more time, I dare you, Riddle."
"Why do you keep making this point, Mattheo?" Danielle piped up from behind Esmie. She had been quietly working, but the ongoing conversation had caught her attention.
Mattheo groaned. "Because girls know what other girls like. I need advice."
Esmie and Danielle exchanged glances before Esmie raised an eyebrow. "What's your problem, then?"
"I want to ask Genevieve to the Halloween party, but I don't know how to do it in a way that doesn't make me look like a complete idiot."
Danielle rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair and giving her brother an amused look. "Just ask her, Mattheo. You're overcomplicating this."
"Exactly!" Esmie agreed. "Just ask her."
Mattheo shook his head. "No, no, I need to make it special or something. How did Enzo ask you, Esmie?"
"He didn't have to ask me. I already know we're going together," Esmie answered, trying to hide her smile as she glanced toward Enzo, who was still working quietly.
Mattheo scoffed. "What if he doesn't know that you're going together?"
"I know we're going together," Enzo said calmly from his seat, his voice cutting through the conversation as he looked up at Mattheo. He gave Esmie a small smile before turning back to his notes.
"See?" Esmie said, smirking at Mattheo. "It's all about understanding each other."
Mattheo rolled his eyes and leaned closer to Esmie. "I didn't realise he was listening."
Danielle chuckled softly from the other side of the table. "You might want to work on your subtlety, Mattheo."
"I'm pretty sure the whole class can hear you," Esmie added with a grin as she finished writing the last of her notes. "And for the record, Gen will probably say yes if you just ask her. You don't need to put on a big show."
"I don't know ..." Mattheo said, glancing nervously toward Genevieve, who was still deep in her book. "What if I mess it up?"
"You won't mess it up," Danielle said with a reassuring smile. "Just be yourself. Gen likes you, you idiot."
Esmie gave a small nod of agreement. "Yeah, just don't overthink it. She's not looking for grand gestures. Just ask her — she'll appreciate it."
Mattheo let out a frustrated sigh, leaning back in his chair. "Fine, fine. I'll just ... ask her, I guess."
"Finally!" Esmie laughed, putting down her quill triumphantly. "I'm done with this stupid assignment."
"You're the only person I know who would be excited about finishing this boring crap," Mattheo muttered, shaking his head.
"It's not boring, and I'm allowed to be proud of myself, thank you very much!" Esmie shot back with a grin. She stood up and walked to the front of the room to hand her parchment to Professor Slughorn, who gave her an approving nod.
As she returned to her seat, Danielle gave her a mischievous smile. "Well, Esmie, you survived another round of Mattheo's endless questions."
Esmie laughed softly. "It's a miracle I haven't hexed him yet."
Mattheo made a face at but didn't say anything. He looked over at Genevieve, contemplating his next move.
Danielle leaned closer to Esmie and whispered, "Think he'll actually ask her, or do you think he'll chicken out?"
Esmie smirked, glancing at Mattheo, who was still staring at Genevieve like he was plotting some grand scheme. "I give him five minutes before he chickens out and asks for advice again."
Danielle chuckled. "Agreed."
Esmie smiled at Danielle, waiting as her friends handed their work into Professor Slughorn. Once the last parchment was submitted, the group left the classroom together, chatting as they made their way down the bustling corridors. Ahead of them, Josie and Draco were lost in their own world, deep in conversation, and Esmie couldn't help but smile as Draco wrapped his arms around Josie, pulling her closer.
"So, Mattheo wants to go to the Halloween party with me, huh?" Genevieve asked, linking her arm with Esmie's and gently pulling her away from Enzo. He furrowed his eyebrows at the sudden separation, watching the two girls as they walked off down the hallway together.
"Yes, he does," Esmie replied, her smile widening. "And I'm pretty sure he's trying to figure out some big, romantic way to ask you."
Danielle, walking on Esmie's other side, chimed in, "Oh, definitely. Mattheo is all about making a grand gesture. He's probably stressing out over how to do it right now." She glanced over at her brother, who was laughing with Theo and Ju-Won, while Enzo looked exasperated by their antics.
Genevieve's face flushed slightly as she shrugged. "I don't know ... I just didn't expect him to ask me."
"Why not?" Esmie asked, genuinely curious. "From what I can tell, he's totally smitten with you."
Genevieve hesitated, chewing her lip nervously. "You really think so?"
Esmie nodded confidently. "I'm sure of it, Gen. I've known Mattheo since our first year, and trust me, he's never asked me — or anyone — for advice on asking a girl to a party, let alone making it romantic. That's a big deal for him, and besides, you two are together."
Danielle smiled softly, nodding in agreement. "She's right. Mattheo might not always show it, but when he cares about someone, he's all in. You should've seen how he was talking about you earlier — he's serious."
Genevieve's brow furrowed, her gaze flickering between her friends. "You two really think he feels that way about me?"
Esmie gave her an encouraging smile. "Absolutely. You just don't see the way he looks at you when you're not paying attention."
"Trust us, he's head over heels," Danielle added with a knowing grin.
Genevieve fell quiet for a moment, clearly deep in thought. Then, she looked back at them, her voice soft. "I love him, I really do."
Esmie's expression softened as she placed a hand on Genevieve's arm. "I know you do, Gen. Have you told him that?"
Genevieve shook her head, looking slightly anxious. "I'm scared. The last time I told him I loved him, we broke up not long after. It wasn't because I said it, but ... I haven't said it since."
Danielle gave her a sympathetic look. "You can't let that hold you back. You and Mattheo are in a different place now. I think if you tell him, he'll appreciate it."
"Danielle's right," Esmie added. "Mattheo isn't the same person he was back then. He's grown up a lot, and I'm sure he feels the same way about you. You just need to trust that."
Genevieve looked torn, biting her lip again. "But ... what if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he's just asking me because it's expected?"
Esmie glanced over at Mattheo, who was watching them from a distance, his eyes lingering on Genevieve with an intensity that made her smile. She turned back to her friend, "Gen, I think you're worrying for nothing. Look at him — he's been staring at you for the last five minutes like you're the only person in the room."
Danielle nodded, following Esmie's gaze. "Yeah, he's not asking you out of obligation. Trust me, I know my brother better than anyone. He's crazy about you."
Genevieve smiled a little, her shoulders relaxing. "You really think so?"
"I know so," Esmie said, giving her a reassuring grin. "You should take a chance and tell him how you feel. I don't think you'll regret it."
Just then, Josie peeled away from Draco and walked over to join the three girls, looping her arm through Esmie's and giving her a warm smile. "How have you been, Es?"
"I've been doing a lot better now that the rumours about the retrial have been dropped," Esmie said with a relieved sigh. "The journalist who wrote that piece in the Daily Prophet even sent me a formal apology letter."
Josie raised an eyebrow. "Wow, that's impressive. They don't usually apologise."
Genevieve nodded, looking impressed. "Any news on who poisoned you?"
Esmie's smile faded slightly as she shook her head. "McGonagall and Slughorn are both stumped. I have my suspicions, but nothing I can prove."
"You do?" Danielle asked, her tone curious. "Who do you think it was?"
Esmie hesitated before shrugging. "I can't say for sure, but something about the whole situation feels ... off."
The conversation paused as they entered the Muggle Studies classroom. Esmie made her way to her usual table with Enzo, Danielle, Ju-Won, Draco, and Josie, while Genevieve and Mattheo settled at the next table over with Elsie and Theo. Pansy, Hermione, Harry, and Astoria sat nearby, already engaged in a quiet discussion.
As they took their seats, Danielle leaned in closer to Esmie. "You really think Mattheo will make his move soon?"
Esmie grinned, glancing at Mattheo and Genevieve, who were whispering to each other at their table. "I think he will. It's only a matter of time."
Danielle smirked. "I can't wait to see how this unfolds."
Esmie chuckled, settling into her chair. "Me neither."
"This class is ridiculous. I don't understand why we must take it," Draco complained as he dropped into his chair, crossing his arms with a look of pure disdain.
"I think it's fun to learn about the way Muggles live," Esmie said, smiling as she pulled out her textbook and parchment.
Draco gave her a sceptical glance, his brow furrowed in confusion. "But you grew up in that world, didn't you?"
Esmie shrugged as she set her quill down, meeting his gaze. "Yeah but seeing it from a wizard's perspective makes it fascinating. You get to understand it from both sides."
Danielle, sitting beside Draco, shot him a teasing grin. "Oh, come on, Draco. You know the real reason you hate this class is because you're terrible at it. Admit it."
Draco's eyes widened in mock offence. "I am not terrible at it. It's just ... impractical. Muggles don't even have magic."
Ju-Won, who had been listening quietly, leaned back in his chair with a playful glint in his eyes. "Well from what I have read, they do have some clever inventions. Like the microwave. It's not magic, but it gets the job done!" He paused, then added with a grin, "And don't forget the TV shows — like that one where they trap people in a house and film them. It's genius!"
Danielle nudged Draco playfully. "Is that why you didn't know what a microwave was last week?"
Draco scoffed, turning away as if wounded. "How was I supposed to know Muggles heat their food in tiny boxes? That's not normal."
"That's the fun part," Esmie chuckled. "What's normal to them isn't normal to us."
"The Muggle world has some great movies, though," Enzo added, grinning as he leaned back in his chair. "And Esmie's taught me a lot about it."
Esmie gave him a soft smile. "I have."
Just then, their professor entered the room, introducing the day's group project. Draco groaned again, dropping his head onto the desk as the group began sorting through the assignment.
As they worked, Draco's confusion quickly returned. "Wait — what is a ... television?"
"It's life-changing!" Enzo said with enthusiasm, giving Draco a dramatic wink.
Draco raised an eyebrow, looking unconvinced. "Okay, but what is it?"
Esmie chuckled, leaning forward to explain. "It's a device that transmits moving images and sound. It's mostly used for TV shows and movies."
Josie, listening in, turned to Esmie with wide eyes. "Wait, so you grew up with one of these?"
Esmie nodded. "Yeah, we had one in the house. I wasn't really allowed to watch it much, though."
Danielle tilted her head, intrigued. "Seriously? Why not?"
"My parents didn't like the idea of me wasting time on it. They thought it was a distraction from schoolwork," Esmie explained, flipping through the project questions.
"These are pretty easy," she said with a smile. "We'll finish them in no time."
At the next table over, Mattheo threw his hands up in mock frustration. "This isn't fair!"
Esmie looked over; eyebrows raised. "What now, Matty?"
"You have an unfair advantage! You grew up in the Muggle world, so you already know all the answers," Mattheo protested, though his tone was more playful than serious.
Esmie rolled her eyes. "Mattheo, the answers are literally in the textbook. You just need to read it."
Mattheo grinned mischievously. "Still feels like cheating."
Ju-Won leaned back, a playful smirk on his face. "Or maybe you're just lazy, Mattheo. You know, you could always ask Esmie to help you out."
Theo, smirking from his spot next to Mattheo, added, "Potrebbe semplicemente aiutare il resto di noi. Anche noi dovremmo essere suoi amici."
Elsie's eyes lit up at the sound of his words. "Oh my god, I love it when you speak Italian."
Theo winked at her. "Allora dovrei parlarne più spesso."
Esmie raised an eyebrow. "Okay, for those of us who don't speak Italian, what did you just say?"
Theo shot her a cheeky grin. "That's the point, Grisky. You weren't supposed to know."
Danielle laughed, shaking her head. "See, Draco? You're not the only one lost today."
Draco smirked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I feel so much better now."
As they continued working, Ju-Won leaned over to Esmie, whispering conspiratorially, "You know, if you ever need to distract Draco in class, just mention something about Muggles and he'll be thoroughly confused for at least ten minutes."
Esmie snorted, trying to stifle her laughter. "I'll keep that in mind."
By the end of class, Esmie's group had finished their questionnaire. She stood up to hand their work to the professor, and once the group was dismissed, they all made their way down to the Great Hall for lunch.
As they entered the bustling hall, the scent of roasted chicken and fresh bread greeted them. The long tables were already filling up with students, and Esmie and her friends made their way to their usual spot. Enzo walked beside Esmie, wrapping his arm around her waist, and kissed her cheek softly as they headed to the Slytherin table.
"Still think Muggle Studies is ridiculous?" Esmie teased Draco, looking back over her shoulder as they walked.
"Absolutely," Draco replied with a small smile, though his usual grumbling was absent.
Danielle smirked, giving Draco a teasing nudge. "Maybe you should ask for tutoring, Malfoy. You clearly need it."
Draco sighed dramatically, shaking his head. "I think I'll manage without. Thanks for the offer, though."
"Oh, I'd love to tutor him," Danielle quipped, flashing him a grin. "First lesson? How to operate a toaster."
Draco groaned but couldn't hide his grin. "Merlin, help me."
The group finally sat down at the Slytherin table, Enzo gently pulling Esmie to sit down beside him as she giggled. Mattheo, Genevieve, Ju-Won, and Theo joined them, with Elsie and Josie squeezing into the bench beside them.
Danielle took her seat across from Draco, still smirking. "So, Draco, what have we learned today?"
Draco pretended to think it over, drumming his fingers on the table. "That Muggles are strange, confusing, and unnecessarily complicated."
"And?" Danielle prompted, leaning forward with an expectant look.
Draco sighed, unable to hide his smile. "And maybe I need to learn a bit more before making judgments."
"Now we're getting somewhere," Esmie laughed as she grabbed a piece of bread from the table and offered it to Enzo.
Enzo took it with a wink. "See, Malfoy? You're learning."
Draco gave a mock bow, his sarcasm in full force. "Always a pleasure to be educated by the experts."
Ju-Won, unable to resist, leaned over to Enzo. "I'm betting Draco would faint if he ever had to use a Muggle bathroom. No magic? How do they survive?" He feigned horror, causing everyone to burst into laughter.
As the group settled into their meal, the Great Hall buzzed with energy, students chatting and laughing as they ate. Esmie glanced around at her friends — Danielle and Ju-Won teasing Draco, Theo, Josie, and Elsie talking in low voices, and Genevieve trying to get Mattheo to share his dessert. She smiled to herself, feeling a deep sense of contentment.
"How are you feeling, Princess?" Enzo asked, his arm wrapped around Esmie's waist.
"I'm feeling great, Sweets," Esmie smiled brightly, spooning some yogurt into a bowl and sprinkling pineapple on top.
"So, what costume should we wear to the Halloween party?" Enzo asked, eyeing the yogurt bowl. Without warning, he reached over with his spoon and took a bite, causing Esmie to give him a playful glare.
"We're doing a couples costume?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.
"We could, if you want to," Enzo grinned, clearly enjoying his stolen bite of yogurt.
"You're going to wear a couples costume?" Mattheo chimed in, leaning across the table. Without waiting for permission, he grabbed Esmie's bowl and scooped out a spoonful for himself.
"That's my yogurt, Mattheo," Esmie protested, watching in amusement as Mattheo took a bite and instantly made a face of disgust.
"That's revolting. How can you eat that?" he exclaimed, shoving the bowl back to her as if it were cursed.
Josie, sliding into her seat beside Esmie, laughed as she joined the conversation. "It's her favourite thing besides chocolate frogs."
"True," Esmie nodded, eating another spoonful while Enzo reached over for more. She grinned at him. "Want me to make you your own bowl?"
"Please," Enzo said, smiling like a kid. Esmie grabbed another bowl, filling it with yogurt and pineapple before handing it to him.
"Thanks, Princess," Enzo said, taking it gratefully and digging in.
Ju-Won leaned over to Esmie and whispered, "You know, I bet Enzo would look great in a pirate costume. Imagine him trying to swashbuckle!"
Esmie chuckled, covering her mouth to suppress her laughter. "I'm not sure he'd appreciate that."
"Then let's make it happen!" Ju-Won grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I can already picture it. He'd have to practice his pirate swagger."
As Enzo took another bite, Ju-Won nudged him playfully. "What do you think, Captain? Ready to take on the high seas in tights and a tricorn hat?"
Enzo nearly choked on his yogurt as he shot Ju-Won a glare. "I'd rather not think about it, thanks."
As Enzo continued eating, Draco looked up, still confused. "I still don't get this television thing," he said, shaking his head.
Esmie smirked mischievously. "Wait until I tell you broomsticks aren't used for flying in the Muggle world."
Draco's face twisted in horror. "What in Salazar's name are you talking about? Who would make a broomstick that doesn't fly?"
Esmie exchanged amused glances with Hermione before answering. "Muggles don't have magic, Draco. They use brooms for cleaning."
"Cleaning?" Draco repeated, his face a mixture of disbelief and revulsion.
Danielle, who had been quietly listening with a smirk on her face, jumped in. "That's right, Draco. Imagine sweeping a floor without magic. You know, like a common house-elf, but without the convenience."
Draco groaned, rubbing his forehead as if the idea gave him a headache. "How do they survive?"
"They manage just fine," Hermione said, smiling knowingly. "They have plenty of other ways to get by."
"Muggles have a lot of ways to entertain themselves," Esmie added. "Before I came here, I used to read a lot of books."
Ju-Won, leaning forward, quipped, "And they have all those weird shows. I mean, who wouldn't want to watch a reality show about people trying to catch fish with their bare hands?"
Esmie chuckled, glancing at him. "Exactly! It's all about perspective."
Then an idea flashed in Ju-Won's mind. "Hey, how about we film our own Muggle-style show? 'The Trials of Draco Malfoy: Surviving Muggle Studies.' We can include challenges like making toast and ordering pizza without magic!"
Everyone erupted into laughter, and even Draco couldn't help but smile. "Merlin, I'd rather not have my life turned into a circus act, thank you very much."
Enzo shot Esmie a teasing grin. "Oh, you have more books than just Peter Pan and Wendy?"
Esmie narrowed her eyes at him, but before she could retort, an idea flashed in her mind. She snapped her fingers. "I've got it! I know what we can do for our Halloween costume."
"What's the idea?" Enzo asked.
"Peter Pan and Wendy Darling," Esmie announced with excitement, her eyes lighting up.
Mattheo snorted from across the table. "Oh, this I've got to see. Have fun in tights, Enzo," he teased, smirking.
Enzo paled slightly at the thought of wearing tights, and before he could respond, Esmie kicked Mattheo under the table. Mattheo yelped, glaring at her. "Oi! What was that for, Grisky?"
"You can't prove it was me," Esmie said innocently, turning back to Enzo. "So, what do you think? Peter Pan and Wendy?"
Enzo sighed dramatically but smiled. "If it makes you happy, Princess, I'll wear the tights."
"Perfect!" Esmie grinned triumphantly.
Elsie, sitting nearby, leaned toward Theo. "We're going to the Halloween party together, right?"
Theo placed his hand over his heart in mock offence. "That's how you're asking me? Cara Mia, I'm deeply wounded. Where's the romance? The fireworks?"
Elsie rolled her eyes and glanced at Esmie for support. "Theo always needs to make a scene."
"You see, Esmie? Some of us expect a big, romantic gesture," Mattheo exclaimed dramatically, throwing his arms out for emphasis.
Esmie laughed, shaking her head. "I don't need any grand gestures. We already know we're going together."
Enzo nudged her playfully. "But what if I asked you in a big, romantic way?"
Esmie looked up at him, her smile soft. "I'd still say yes, Sweets."
Enzo chuckled, leaning down to kiss her quickly. "Good to know."
Danielle, watching the exchange with a grin, leaned forward to tease them. "You're all absolutely ridiculous," she said, laughing. "Esmie's dressing Enzo up in tights, Mattheo's having a meltdown about romance, and Draco is still traumatised over brooms not flying. It's like I'm surrounded by children."
As laughter erupted around the table, Ju-Won turned to Esmie, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "So, how do you feel about starring in our Muggle show? I think you'd be a natural."
Esmie rolled her eyes playfully. "As long as I don't have to teach Draco how to use a microwave, I'm in."
As the laughter and banter continued, lunch passed quickly, and soon the group stood up, grabbing their bags as they headed to their last class of the day. Enzo kept his arm wrapped around Esmie's waist as they walked together through the corridors, chatting with their friends.
"I still can't believe I agreed to be Peter Pan," Enzo muttered as they walked. "I'm really going to have to wear tights?"
Esmie grinned, leaning her head on his shoulder. "You'll look amazing in tights, trust me."
"Only for you, Princess," Enzo sighed, but there was amusement in his voice.
Mattheo, walking beside them, snorted. "I'll be taking plenty of pictures, just so you know."
"Shut it, Mattheo," Enzo called back, though he couldn't help but laugh.
Ju-Won added with a mischievous grin, "I'll be the one holding the camera. This will be one Halloween party to remember!"
The group entered the classroom for their final lesson of the day, which was Defence Against the Dark Arts. As they took their seats, the chatter continued, the excitement for the Halloween party still in the air.
Professor Percy Weasley entered the room, a jovial demeanour in place as he greeted the students. "Ah, welcome, welcome! Today, we'll be practicing non-verbal spells, so I expect full concentration."
Esmie slid into her usual seat with Enzo beside her, while Mattheo sat nearby, still grinning over the tights comment. Danielle and Ju-Won settled in on the other side of the room, though Danielle threw one last teasing glance at the group before focusing on her work.
As the class progressed, the students practiced their non-verbal spells, but the energy remained light, filled with laughter and banter whenever someone's spell went awry.
At one point, Draco managed to accidentally knock over a stack of books with a poorly aimed Levitation Charm, causing Mattheo to burst out laughing. "Draco, you're worse than the Muggles with their non-magical brooms."
Esmie bit her lip to stifle her laughter, while Hermione rolled her eyes, though she was smiling too. "At least Muggles don't knock things over with their brooms."
Danielle, who had been practicing her own spell with ease, glanced at Draco with a teasing smirk. "Maybe you need more lessons in both magic and Muggle studies, Draco."
Draco groaned, rubbing his temples again. "This day just keeps getting worse."
As class continued, the room buzzed with energy, and despite the focus on spell work, the conversations kept flowing, each friend adding their own piece to the ongoing banter.
By the time the lesson ended, the group was still laughing and teasing one another as they packed up their things. Enzo grabbed Esmie's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as they walked out of the classroom together, their friends close behind.
The excitement for the Halloween party lingered in the air, and as the group made their way down the corridor, Esmie couldn't help but smile. Being surrounded by her friends — bickering, laughing, and teasing — felt like pure magic.
Later that night, the dormitory was quiet and still, the peaceful calm that only the late hours could bring. Esmie had fallen asleep in Josie's bed, the two girls deciding to have a sleepover. Josie's gentle breathing was the only sound in the room, a soft rhythm that usually lulled Esmie into a sense of security, but tonight, that sense of peace was shattered.
It started small — a fleeting image that Esmie could ignore, but the nightmare grew rapidly, overwhelming her mind. Darkness surrounded her, pulling her back into memories she had buried deep. Her heart pounded as she was jolted awake, the terror of the dream still clinging to her. Her breaths came fast, and she quickly wiped away the tears that had slipped down her cheeks. She blinked, trying to orient herself in the darkness of the room, struggling to shake off the lingering fear.
The nightmare had returned — a nightmare she hadn't had since her fourth year. She sat up, her body trembling as she carefully climbed out of bed. The last thing she wanted was to wake Josie, who slept peacefully beside her. With a deep breath, Esmie tiptoed across the room, slipping out quietly and into the hallway, the cold floor chilling her feet as she padded down the corridor.
The walk back to her own dorm was slow, each step weighed down by the heavy emotions the nightmare had dredged up. She barely noticed the portraits on the walls or the moonlight filtering in through the windows. Her only thought was reaching Enzo. The comfort of his presence always made the nightmares bearable.
When she finally reached her own dormitory, she opened the door slowly, careful not to wake anyone. Her eyes scanned the dark room, immediately finding Enzo's bed. He was fast asleep, his steady breathing filling the quiet space. Esmie moved silently, slipping out of her slippers and crawling into bed next to him, doing her best not to disturb him.
But the bed shifted as she settled beside him, and Enzo stirred. His sleepy voice broke the silence. "Mie?" he whispered, groggy and confused.
Esmie cursed softly under her breath. "S-Sorry," she whispered back, her voice shaky. "I had a nightmare and couldn't sleep. Go back to sleep, love."
But Enzo, now more awake, frowned. "You had a nightmare, baby?"
Esmie swallowed hard, her throat tight. "One I haven't had for fourth year," she admitted, her voice small.
Without another word, Enzo wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, his warmth instantly soothing her frayed nerves. She nestled against him, feeling the tension in her body start to melt away.
"I thought those nightmares had gone away," Enzo murmured, his voice gentle as he stroked her hair. "You know they can't hurt you, right? They're in Muggle jail for life."
Esmie's chest tightened. The rational part of her knew he was right, but the fear lingered. "What if ... what if they're released? What if they come after me?"
Enzo held her tighter. "You're safe, Princess. They'll never, ever hurt you again. I promise. I'll always protect you."
Esmie squeezed her eyes shut, the memories from that terrible Christmas break in her fourth-year flashing in her mind. She remembered it all too clearly — how she had been fourteen and how everything had changed that night. The brutality of it, the way her mother had turned on her afterward, calling her names, rejecting her. Her mother's words still cut like a knife, telling her she wasn't welcome at home anymore. The bruises and blood that marked her body, the way she had staggered to Enzo's house, barely able to stand.
She remembered Enzo's shocked face when he saw her at his door, battered and broken. Despite his surprise, he had taken her in without hesitation, helping her clean up and listening as she tearfully told him everything.
The memory of that night played vividly in her mind, and Esmie clung tightly to Enzo now, her fingers gripping the fabric of his shirt as if he were her lifeline.
"I've got you, Mie," he whispered softly, feeling the tremor in her body. "It's alright. I've got you. I promise, no one will hurt you ever again."
Esmie buried her face in his chest, as the panic that had risen from the nightmare slowly began to ebb away, replaced by the solid warmth of Enzo's embrace. His heart beat steadily beneath her cheek, a rhythm that soothed her as she let out a shaky breath.
"Come on, darling," Enzo murmured. "Why don't you try to get some sleep? I promise I won't let go of you."
Esmie nodded, the exhaustion pulling at her, "Alright."
Enzo pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, holding her even closer. "I love you, Mie."
"I love you too, Sweets," she whispered back. She lifted her gaze for a moment, finding comfort in the way he smiled at her, the love and reassurance clear in his eyes.
Esmie allowed herself to settle into the warmth of his arms, feeling the tension leave her body as she closed her eyes. The familiar comfort of Enzo's presence wrapped around her like a protective shield, easing the lingering fear from the nightmare. Slowly, her breathing evened out, and she felt herself begin to drift into sleep once more.
Enzo held her securely, his arms a constant source of comfort and safety. "I won't let go, Princess," he whispered softly, though Esmie was already falling into a peaceful slumber. "I've got you. Always."
And with those words, Esmie surrendered to the calm, finally able to sleep, knowing that with Enzo by her side, the nightmares couldn't reach her anymore.
A lot of cute friendship moments in this chapter 🫶🏻
Enjoy! Xo
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