38. A Satisfactory Potion


The hallway outside the Potions classroom was filled with the familiar buzz of students catching up before class.

Esmie, Genevieve, Mattheo, Enzo, and Danielle had formed their usual tight-knit circle by the wall. The air smelled faintly of bubbling brews and herbs, and Esmie fiddled with the strap of her bag, giving Enzo a playful nudge.

"Honestly, I feel like today's potion is going to be a complete disaster," she said with a dramatic sigh. "Slughorn always picks the worst days to challenge us."

Enzo leaned in slightly, grinning as he bumped her shoulder. "Come on, Princess. You know I've got your back if it explodes. Might be fun watching Slughorn's face when that happens."

Esmie laughed, though she couldn't help but feel a little flustered by Enzo's casual charm. She shook it off, turning to Danielle, who had been unusually quiet. A sly smile curled on her lips as she locked eyes with her.

"So, Dani," Esmie started, "I couldn't help but notice you've been spending a lot of time with a certain Hufflepuff lately ..."

Danielle blinked, but a faint blush began creeping up her cheeks. "Oh, Merlin," she sighed, casting a look at Esmie. "What are you getting at?"

Mattheo, who had been leaning nonchalantly against the wall, straightened up, his eyes lighting up with amusement as he crossed his arms. "Yeah, do tell, Emmy. Whose Dani been seeing?" He was clearly already enjoying where this was going.

Esmie, suppressing a grin, raised an eyebrow. "I think it's about time you fess up, Dani. You and Ju-Won ... it's official, isn't it?"

Danielle let out a groan but couldn't hide the tiny smile that tugged at her lips. "Alright, alright. Yes. Ju-Won and I are dating."

Mattheo let out a loud laugh, shaking his head. "Ju-Won? Really? You've got to be joking! The bloke can barely handle a broomstick, let alone you."

"Shut up, Matty," Danielle shot back with a smirk. "At least I'm not sneaking around for a year before anyone even found out I was dating someone."

The grin on Mattheo's face froze. His eyes darted to Genevieve, who was standing next to Esmie, trying her hardest to suppress her laughter but failing miserably. A deep blush crept up his neck, and for a moment, he looked like a deer caught in headlights.

Just then, the heavy wooden doors to the Potions classroom creaked open, and Professor Slughorn appeared, motioning for the students to come inside.

"Saved by Slughorn," Mattheo muttered under his breath, though the small, private smile he exchanged with Genevieve didn't go unnoticed by anyone.

As they all filed into the classroom, Esmie gave Danielle a nudge. "So ... Ju-Won, huh?"

Danielle smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, there's plenty of time to talk about that later. Right now, let's just hope none of us blow up the classroom."

The group entered the Potions classroom, their playful banter still echoing in the air as they took their usual seats. Potions was Esmie's favourite class, and she always felt a sense of ease when she was here with her closest friends. She had a special place at the table with Enzo, Danielle, Ju-Won, Mattheo, and Genevieve, and today, the feeling of camaraderie was stronger than ever. After the chaos of the article, the attacks, and the subsequent suspensions, Hogwarts felt peaceful again. Even though some of the boys responsible had been expelled, Esmie was glad the worst was behind her. Through it all, she and Enzo had found their rhythm again, their bond stronger than ever.

"No!" Esmie burst out laughing as Enzo dragged the quill gently across her forearm, drawing a heart with exaggerated focus. She squirmed away, pushing his hand back. "Those tickles!"

"Mie, I'm not done yet!" Enzo grinned, playfully holding her arm in place as he continued to doodle.

"Well, it tickles, Lorenzo!" Esmie retorted, trying to hold back her laughter.

Danielle, sitting beside her, chuckled softly. "He's been obsessed with those little hearts lately. Must be his way of showing he's gone soft."

Ju-Won, who was sitting nearby, smirked. "I think it's adorable, really."

Enzo raised an eyebrow in mock offence. "I have not gone soft, Dani. I'm simply creative."

Before Esmie could respond, Professor Slughorn glanced over the bubbling cauldrons already set up at each station, his expression grave as he started to give the day's instructions.

"Now," Slughorn began, addressing the class with a serious tone, "Amortentia is a highly potent love potion. It has the power to cause deep infatuation, and, as such, it must be handled with extreme care. One wrong move, and you could end up brewing something dangerous. You may begin."

Mattheo immediately rose from his seat. "I'll get the ingredients —"

Esmie, ever watchful, shook her head firmly. "Oh, no, Matty. You get the cauldron, scales, phials, mortar, and pestle. Gen and I will handle the ingredients."

Mattheo threw his hands up in mock surrender. "What, you don't trust me with the ingredients?"

Danielle leaned in with a teasing grin. "Considering how you botched the last potion, I think Esmie's got the right idea."

Esmie nodded, crossing her arms with an amused smile. "Exactly. You'd come back with everything except what we need."

"I'm deeply offended," Mattheo muttered, though the smirk on his face betrayed him. He turned to Enzo with a dramatic sigh. "Enzo, mate, back me up here."

"Can't do that, Matt," Enzo said, leaning back casually. "She's always right."

Ju-Won chimed in with a laugh, "You should just accept it, Mattheo. It'll save you some time and effort!"

With a resigned groan, Mattheo set off to gather the equipment while Esmie and Genevieve made their way to the supply cupboard. As they reached for the ingredients, Esmie noticed Genevieve's gaze darting back toward Mattheo, a soft smile tugging at her lips. Esmie bit her lip, trying to hold back her curiosity, but eventually, she couldn't resist.

"I still can't believe none of us noticed you and Mattheo were together during sixth year," Esmie said, raising an eyebrow. "You two kept it well hidden."

Genevieve chuckled softly, her cheeks flushing a light pink. "We were good at keeping it quiet. It was ... easier that way." She paused, reaching for a jar of powdered unicorn horn. "But after that party, things fell apart. We broke up not long before the war."

Esmie leaned in slightly. "What happened?"

"We had a fight. A stupid one, really, but it felt big at the time." Genevieve shrugged, though her expression softened as she continued. "But during the war ... he protected me, and I realised he still cared, more than I thought. He came to visit me a few times after everything settled down, and ..." Her voice trailed off, her eyes lighting up as she spoke of Mattheo.

Esmie couldn't help the grin that spread across her face. "You're so in love with him."

Genevieve's face turned a deeper shade of pink as she glanced away. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Please," Esmie laughed, grabbing some peppermint sprigs. "You're absolutely smitten, and it's written all over your face."

Genevieve didn't respond directly, but the shy smile on her face told Esmie everything she needed to know. They returned to their table, their arms filled with ingredients. As they approached, Enzo and Mattheo were already deep in conversation, with Mattheo whining about something in his usual over-the-top fashion.

"Your girlfriend is so bossy," Mattheo said, his voice dripping with faux irritation.

"She is not," Enzo replied, though the smile playing on his lips gave him away.

Esmie, sensing she was about to become the subject of this back-and-forth, crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "I am not bossy."

"Oh, really?" Mattheo quipped, turning toward her with a mischievous grin. "Then why did you send me on a scavenger hunt for all this equipment?"

"Because you need direction," Esmie retorted, hands on her hips. "If I left it up to you, we'd be missing half the things we need, which I can see we clearly are."

"How am I supposed to remember all that?" Mattheo groaned, throwing his hands up dramatically. "I can't keep track of every single detail."

Ju-Won, who was leaning casually against the table with a playful smirk, chuckled. "Sounds like someone needs better memory skills. Maybe a potion to help with that?"

Esmie rolled her eyes and walked over to the cupboard to grab the remaining items Mattheo had forgotten. As she rummaged through the shelves, she called back, "Or maybe just a little more motivation? A sticker chart could work wonders."

When she returned to the table, she found Mattheo had somehow managed to knock his textbook onto the floor. He looked up at her with wide, pleading eyes, trying to pull off his most innocent expression.

"Emmy, can you grab that for me?" he asked, his voice sweet but entirely insincere.

Esmie crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. "Absolutely not. You can pick it up yourself, Matty."

In response, Mattheo grabbed her textbook off the table, holding it out of her reach with a smirk. "I'll give this back when you pick up mine."

Esmie let out a dramatic groan but crouched down to pick up his book, handing it back to him with a glare. As she did, Mattheo grinned victoriously.

"Thanks, Esmie. Always so helpful," he teased, flipping through the pages as if searching for something.

"You're insufferable," she muttered, shoving a handful of ingredients into his hands. "Here, chop these up and try not to mess it up."

Mattheo gave her a playful salute. "Aye, aye, boss."

As the six of them began working on their potion, the classroom fell into a comfortable silence, broken only by the sound of bubbling cauldrons and the clinking of phials. From the next table over, Elsie's voice suddenly rang out.

"What's that face for, Harry?" she asked, glancing over at the boy next to her, who was scrunching his nose at the cauldron in front of him.

Esmie glanced over just in time to see Harry grimacing, clearly catching a whiff of something he didn't like. "All I can smell is that perfume Astoria wears," Harry muttered, looking across the room toward the younger Greengrass girl, who flushed pink and quickly looked away.

Esmie stifled a giggle as she exchanged a knowing glance with Enzo. "Well, that's not exactly a bad smell, is it? Just a bit strong, perhaps?"

"You think Harry's finally caught on?" Enzo whispered, his voice low with amusement.

Esmie grinned but didn't reply, her attention turning back to Mattheo, who was about to dump an ingredient into their potion far too quickly.

"Slowly, Matty!" she warned, eyeing him cautiously. "You'll ruin it if you add it too fast."

Mattheo rolled his eyes but followed her instructions, much to her relief. "Fine, fine. I'll go at your pace, but it's going to take forever."

Meanwhile, Enzo leaned in closer, preparing to add another ingredient. As he did, Esmie wrinkled her nose, giving him a sceptical look.

"Why are you wearing so much cologne today?" she asked, scrunching her face in mock disgust. "I can smell it from here."

Enzo chuckled softly, leaning down to kiss her cheek, which only made her blush deeper. "Baby, I'm not wearing any cologne. It's probably the potion we're brewing."

Esmie's face turned bright red as the realisation hit her. "Oh ... well, that's ... a relief?"

From the next table, Theo chimed in with a smirk. "So, are you finally going to admit what you smelled in the Amortentia back in sixth year?"

Esmie kept her eyes fixed on the cauldron, pretending to focus intently on stirring the potion. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Sure, sure," Theo teased, leaning over slightly. "What about you, Enzo? What did you smell?"

Enzo grinned as he glanced at Esmie. "A beautiful mix of pineapple, vanilla, and chocolate."

Esmie blushed even deeper as she finally admitted, "Wild bluebell and new parchment ... with a hint of aftershave, like the one Enzo wears."

"I knew it," Theo said triumphantly, his eyes sparkling with amusement as the rest of the class chuckled softly.

Ju-Won leaned forward, unable to resist joining in. "Sounds like someone's got a crush on Enzo. Should we be worried about the rest of the school finding out?"

Esmie shot him a playful glare. "Please, everyone already knows I'm dating Enzo."

"Touché," Ju-Won replied, raising his hands in mock surrender. "But you have to admit, it's pretty entertaining to see you flustered."

Mattheo, now focusing on chopping the ingredients, threw a mischievous glance at Esmie. "You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say you enjoy being the bossy one."

Esmie rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. "Someone must keep you all in line. Besides, if I didn't, we'd probably blow up the classroom."

"True enough," Ju-Won replied, a grin spreading across his face. "But let's be honest; it wouldn't be the first time one of Mattheo's experiments went wrong."

Esmie chuckled, recalling past mishaps. "Like the time he tried to make a self-stirring cauldron and ended up creating a potion that exploded everywhere?"

"Hey, that was an accident!" Mattheo protested, pretending to be offended. "I'm a genius, not a failure."

"Sure, if you say so," Esmie teased, her tone light.

By the end of the lesson, Slughorn had made his rounds, inspecting everyone's potions with a critical eye. He stopped at their table, peering into their cauldron before testing the potion with a small ladle.

"It's ... satisfactory," Slughorn said with a nod before moving on to the next group.

"Satisfactory?" Esmie muttered, her frustration clear as she slammed her textbook shut. "We brewed a perfect potion, and all we get is 'satisfactory'?"

Mattheo leaned back in his chair, smirking. "Always the perfectionist, Emmy, but you know, it's better than a 'needs improvement.'"

Danielle chuckled, giving Esmie a gentle nudge. "You've got high standards, but that's what keeps us all in check."

Esmie sighed, shaking her head as she packed away their supplies. "I just can't stand settling for anything less than perfect."

Mattheo grinned, nudging her playfully. "Good thing you're around to keep us in line, then. I'd be lost without your bossiness."

Esmie shot him a look. "Someone's got to keep you on track, Riddle." With that, she turned and walked away, leaving the boys to exchange amused glances.

As they packed up their things, Ju-Won leaned closer to Enzo and whispered, "You know, I think she secretly loves being in charge."

Enzo laughed softly, watching Esmie walk away. "She definitely does, but we wouldn't have it any other way."

Genevieve shrugged nonchalantly as she reached across Mattheo, her fingers brushing against his arm as she grabbed her textbook. Her chest was perilously close to his face, and he could feel the heat rising in his cheeks as his breath hitched. Desperate to maintain his composure, he turned his gaze anywhere but her, stammering, "U-Uh, G-Gen —"

"What? Oh, right —" A mischievous smirk played on her lips as she pulled the book closer, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She leaned back slightly, just enough to create a little distance but not enough to hide the playful glint in her expression. "I'm going to go help Esmie finish packing up."

"Uh — yeah — sure," Mattheo replied, nodding a bit too quickly, his heart racing as he tried to regain his focus.

"Need any help there, Riddle?" Enzo chimed in teasingly, an amused grin stretching across his face as he caught the awkward tension in the air.

"Oh, bugger off, Berkshire!" Mattheo snapped back, frustration mingling with embarrassment. He turned his gaze to where Esmie and Genevieve were sharing a laugh, the sound bright and infectious.

"Come on, don't be like that," Enzo continued, nudging Mattheo with his elbow as they both gathered their belongings. "You know I am just messing with you."

"Yeah, well, it's not funny," Mattheo mumbled, feeling a mix of annoyance and something else — something that made his heart race even more.

"Whatever you say, mate," Enzo replied with a chuckle, shaking his head as they started walking over to join the girls.

As they approached, Mattheo caught sight of Esmie's warm smile and Genevieve's playful grin. In that moment, he realised how much he wanted to be part of that laughter, to share in whatever joke had sparked their amusement. He took a deep breath as he calmed himself down before joining the group, the girls smiling over at him as he joined them.

As the group packed away their potion's ingredients, their laughter and teasing filled the air, creating a comfortable atmosphere that lingered long after class ended. Esmie, still smiling from Enzo's playful antics earlier, led the way out of the Potions classroom, her arm intertwined with his. Mattheo and Genevieve followed closely behind, Mattheo still recovering from his embarrassment moments earlier, while Danielle walked alongside them, engrossed in a conversation with Ju-Won.

As they made their way toward the Great Hall, the group fell into their usual rhythm of conversation, their voices blending into a lively hum. Enzo, his arm lazily draped over Esmie's shoulders, spoke first, "So, you smelled me in the Amortentia back in sixth year?"

Esmie, feeling her cheeks warm at the mention of that memory, glanced over her shoulder at him with a playful smile. "Maybe I did."

"That's why you said you smelled nothing, isn't it, Grisky?" Theo's voice rang out from behind them, his teasing tone making Esmie blush even deeper.

She turned to Theo, surprised he remembered. "Wait — you remember me telling you that?"

Theo smirked. "Of course I do. You were being all mysterious about it, but I knew there was something more."

Enzo raised an eyebrow at Esmie, his expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. "You told him you smelled nothing?"

Esmie fidgeted slightly, still feeling a little sheepish. "Y-Yeah. I knew exactly what I smelled, but I didn't want Theo to know. Back then, Enzo and I were just friends, and even though I had been in love with him for years, I wasn't sure he felt the same."

Mattheo, hearing the confession, let out a dramatic groan. "Oh, come on, Emmy. It was so obvious! You both were ridiculous."

Esmie rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help but laugh along with them. "Obvious to everyone but me, apparently."

"Obvious to all of us, actually," Danielle added with a soft chuckle, finally joining the conversation. "I remember watching the two of you, always so close, and thinking, 'Why haven't they admitted it yet?'"

Danielle's words made Esmie smile, and she looked at her best friend. "You never said anything."

"Of course not," Danielle replied with a playful shrug. "You were my best friend, and you weren't ready to talk about it, and besides, I figured you'd come to your senses eventually."

Genevieve, still walking beside Mattheo, gave Esmie a knowing look. "Well, you were lucky. You found your person, and now look at you two."

Enzo squeezed Esmie's shoulder affectionately. "I've been in love with you since the day I met you."

Esmie's heart swelled at his words. She had heard him say it before, but it always made her feel giddy inside. "I know, Sweets," she replied, leaning into him. "I guess I was just a little slow to realise."

"Yeah, we all saw it," Elsie chimed in with a laugh. "You two were so obvious! Enzo was always looking for ways to touch you, to kiss your cheek, anything to be close."

Esmie's cheeks turned pink again, and she tried to brush it off. "Okay, okay, but it wasn't just him! I was just as bad."

Josie, who had been quietly listening, finally joined in. "Oh, for sure. You were always talking about Enzo, always watching him, and I've been your best friend since first year, yet Enzo was always the one you told everything to first." Her words carried no bitterness, only the light-hearted teasing of a long-time friend.

Esmie turned to Josie, giving her a warm smile. "Hey, I told you things too!"

Josie grinned and hugged Esmie tightly. "Of course you did, but honestly, I never minded. I always knew Enzo was your person. You needed him."

As the group continued their walk to the Great Hall, Enzo chuckled softly. "You know, I still remember when Josie and Draco got married."

The casual comment caught Esmie completely off guard, and she turned to look at them in surprise. "Wait, what? You got married?"

Josie's cheeks flushed bright red as she shot Enzo a glare. "You remember that?"

Enzo grinned, clearly enjoying Josie's embarrassment. "Of course I do. You were always at the manor when we were kids."

Esmie's eyes widened with curiosity. "Okay, hold on. I need to know more about this wedding."

Draco, who had been silent up until now, smirked. "It was nothing. We were eight, and it was more of a game than anything else."

"Enzo, Maddison, and Delilah were there too," Josie added, her blush still prominent.

"Oh, I would've loved to be friends with all of you back then," Esmie said with a wistful smile. "It sounds like you had so much fun ... you know, before I met Enzo, I didn't have any friends."

The group fell quiet for a moment, all of them looking at Esmie with surprise.

Genevieve was the first to break the silence. "You didn't have friends before Enzo?"

Esmie shook her head. "No, not really."

Enzo wrapped his arm around Esmie and gave her a reassuring squeeze. "I'll always want to be friends with you."

Esmie giggled, leaning into him. "I hope we'll always be more than friends."

"Of course we will, Princess," Enzo replied, his voice full of affection. He kissed her cheek gently, making Esmie blush as she smiled back at him.

Lunch passed in a blur of laughter and conversation, the group reminiscing about old memories and teasing each other about the past. Afterward, they headed to their final classes of the day. By the time evening fell, they were all gathered in the common room, lounging comfortably around the fire. Esmie sat quietly, her head resting on Enzo's shoulder as she listened to the chatter of her friends.

After a while, she nudged Enzo softly. "I'm going to go shower. I'll be back soon."

Enzo kissed her cheek again, nodding. "Alright, darling."

Esmie smiled at Enzo before slipping out of the common room and making her way back to her dorm. With a contented sigh, Esmie grabbed some clean clothes and headed into the bathroom. The hot water felt like heaven as it cascaded over her, washing away the day's lingering stress. She closed her eyes, humming softly to herself as she let the warm steam envelop her.

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't hear the bathroom door creak open behind her.

"Hey, Emmy!" a familiar voice called out.

Esmie yelped in surprise, her heart leaping into her throat as she spun around and yanked the shower curtain closed in one frantic motion. "Mattheo!" she cried, her eyes wide in disbelief and irritation. "What the hell are you doing in here?"

Mattheo stood casually in the doorway, grinning like he'd just caught her in the middle of a harmless joke. "Calm down, Es. It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." His tone was casual, though he took a step back as she shot him a murderous glare.

Still fuming, Esmie turned off the water and reached for her towel, quickly wrapping it around herself. "That was different! I was sick and you had to help me shower. That doesn't make this okay," she growled, her frustration bubbling over as she adjusted the towel to cover herself properly.

Mattheo shrugged. "I've got an important question. I need your help asking Gen to the Halloween party."

Esmie blinked. "And you thought now was the best time to ask?" she asked incredulously, her irritation only growing. "While I'm in the shower?"

Mattheo raised his hands in mock surrender. "What can I say? Timing's never been my strong suit, but it's important!"

"Mattheo, I swear ..." Esmie muttered, pushing him toward the bathroom door. "I'll help you after I'm done showering, but for now, can you please leave?"

"Alright, alright! Thanks, Emmy," he grinned, leaning in to give her a quick, friendly kiss on the cheek before finally stepping out of the bathroom.

Esmie rolled her eyes as she closed the door behind him. Only Mattheo, she thought with a mix of fondness and frustration. His antics were exhausting at times, but she knew his heart was in the right place. Despite his annoying ways, Mattheo had always been a good friend — just like the rest of their close-knit group.

Once she was alone again, Esmie took a deep breath and finished getting dressed. The warmth of the shower lingered on her skin as she pulled on a comfortable pair of pyjamas. She padded over to her bed and immediately noticed a small gift box sitting neatly in the centre of her blankets. Her heart skipped a beat, and a soft smile spread across her face as she picked up the box.

Flipping over the attached card, her smile widened.

For you, my darling xx

It had to be from Enzo. Carefully opening the box, she found a chocolate frog nestled inside. "Aw, Enzo knows me so well," she murmured to herself, feeling a warm glow spread through her chest.

She unwrapped the chocolate frog and took a bite, savouring the familiar sweetness. The taste of nostalgia brought a smile to her face, and she settled onto her bed, the comfort of the moment wrapping around her like a blanket, but as she took a second bite, something felt off. Her throat tightened suddenly, and a sharp cough escaped her.

Esmie blinked, confusion clouding her mind as she tried to breathe, but her airway felt constricted. Panic began to rise in her chest. She stumbled to her feet, her vision blurring as a wave of dizziness overwhelmed her. The room seemed to tilt, and before she could comprehend what was happening, her legs gave out beneath her, and she collapsed onto the floor.

The half-eaten chocolate frog slipped from her hand, landing next to her as her body fell limp. Darkness swallowed her vision, and the world faded into an eerie silence.

Several minutes passed in stillness, the room empty save for Esmie's unmoving figure on the floor.

The door to the dorm opened, and Enzo stepped inside, his mood light and carefree. He had just been joking with the others in the common room and was eager to spend the rest of the evening with Esmie, but as he moved further into the room, a chill crept up his spine. Something wasn't right.

His eyes scanned the room, and then he saw her — crumpled on the floor by her bed, the half-eaten chocolate frog beside her.

"Mie?" Enzo's voice cracked with panic as he rushed over to her. His heart raced in his chest as he dropped to his knees beside her, his hands trembling as he reached for her. Her skin was pale — frighteningly pale — and cold to the touch. She was completely unresponsive.

"Esmie!" Enzo shouted, shaking her gently, desperate for any sign of life, but she didn't move. Her chest barely rose with shallow breaths, and her complexion was ghostly white.

Enzo's eyes darted around, searching for answers. That's when he saw the chocolate frog, half-eaten and lying next to her limp hand. His mind raced as dread settled deep in his gut. Something was wrong — very wrong.

Without wasting another second, Enzo scooped Esmie into his arms, his heart pounding in his ears. He held her close, trying to stay calm, but the fear gripping him was all-consuming. He bolted from the room, sprinting down the corridors as fast as he could. Only one thing mattered: getting Esmie to the hospital wing.

"Please, please be okay," he whispered under his breath, his voice trembling as he ran, dodging startled students along the way.

The familiar doors to the hospital wing finally came into view, and Enzo didn't hesitate. He burst through them, his voice hoarse with desperation as he called out, "Madam Pomfrey! Help! Please, it's Esmie!"

Madam Pomfrey hurried over, her eyes widening in alarm as she saw the state of Esmie in Enzo's arms. "Lay her down here, quickly!" she instructed, guiding him to a nearby bed.

Enzo gently placed Esmie on the bed, his hands shaking as he stepped back, giving Madam Pomfrey space to work. He stood frozen, watching as she began examining Esmie with a flurry of movements, her brow furrowed in concentration. Enzo's heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing with the raw terror of not knowing what was wrong.

"She'll be okay, won't she?" he whispered, his voice breaking as he stared at Esmie's pale face, desperate for reassurance, but Madam Pomfrey didn't answer right away, her attention fully on her patient.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly as Enzo stood by, helpless. Every second felt like a lifetime as fear gnawed at his insides. He couldn't lose her, and the thought of life without Esmie was unbearable.

"Please," he whispered again, his eyes never leaving Esmie's still form. "Please be okay."


Guess who's finally back with a new chapter?

Enjoy! Xo


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