One Late Night

"Why do you love the sun so much?"
She asks a sunflower
The loyal flower smiles to itself
before turning to the pretty girl
dressed in blue

"Pretty girl,
don't you see?
I am merely a shadow,
awaiting his light.
He breathes life in me
when he shines,
& I
I bloom before his sight.
He is far away
and so I can only look.
In this lifetime,
that is all
I can hope for."

The girl thinks about it
The sunflower's selfless love
Could she
do the same?
and humble herself
to just that much?

"I am afraid,"
After a moment's silence
she finally admits

"Dear child,
do not be afraid
For your fate is nothing like mine
Where I can only watch
from afar
You can stretch your arms,
and hold

do not fear
who your sun is.
Do not fear
who your sunflower turns to.

For while I may not have
For while I may only
console myself into
wanting just this much
To share his light,
while my roots keep me here,
can hope for more
Your feet are not bound
There is no distance
If you want none found

So child,
be brave
and love freely
For just as he is yours
You could be his too
You too could be the sun
his sunflower turns to"

Around 10 in the morning finds us all settled and progressing in our work; One of the many alternative/indie songs blasts through my earplugs as I continue to proofread and edit the work at hand.

"Attention everybody!" Sean suddenly stands up and speaks loudly. Instantly the entire office's attention around me moves to the man and I find myself also taking my earplug off.

"Why exactly does he look so excited?" I ask myself, frowning when I realise Sean looks like he's almost vibrating on his spot with excitement.

"Read your emails, now!" Sean exclaims, grinning excitedly before sitting back down. Curious, I glance at Jennie to find her looking at me with the same expression. Shrugging, we both turn towards the computers before us. There is only one way we'll find out what's up with Sean.

Signing into my office email, I click on the latest unread. It doesn't escape my attention, however, that the email is from Nathan. It also doesn't escape my attention when I notice that Sean has gone ahead and forwarded it to us even though we don't need it.

To all staff members,

Today I have realised that although I may have joined the office two months ago, I have officially come into the office only for two weeks and I still do not know most of you all.

I believe in having a closely knit work environment where colleagues know each other well. This is because I firmly believe that unity and companionship enable productivity and quality work.

Therefore, with this email, I would like to propose compulsory monthly office dinners that will aim to build comradeship and a level of professional intimacy by socialising and relaxing with our colleagues. Since I am new, this time the dinner and entertainment will be on me.

I am aware that some of you might not be able to avail yourself today since this is a last-minute email, and thus to everyone who can make it this time, let us gather downstairs in the entrance parking lot at 5 in the afternoon from where will move to a restaurant of the majority's choice.

Looking forward,
Nathan Jinda
(Chief Editor, Bloomington Publishing)

P.S. All future gatherings will be organized by Sean. Thank you for your hard work, Sean.

"Oh my gosh! This is so exciting! I'm definitely going! Who's going?" Wendina squeals, turning towards us and both Sean and Jennie raise their hands instantly.

"Free food? Who can turn away free food!" Jennie grins, already looking ready to just jump up and get going.

"He... he said I'll do all the future plannings... did you guys read that??!! I'm definitely his favorite!" Sean's eyes sparkle dreamily and I find myself almost smiling at the whimsical look that screams out 'lovestruck fool'

"Or maybe he wants you to do all the dirty work like booking places and securing tables before we march there and enjoy the night?" Tully whispers as she comes to stand beside the already ready to leap and slit her neck off looking Sean. I know it's about to take a turn of the worst, looking at Sean's face I just know it — that's why I quickly try and divert the conversation.

"I can't make it,"

That captures everyone's attention.

"What?" Wendina gapes.

"Why?" Sean's eyes narrow at me, looking genuinely curious.

"Yeah, why? Honestly, you of all people should come along! You're too much of a homebody!" Tully frowns at me as well, folding both her arms in front of her in a demanding manner.

I gulp. Regretting even mentioning anything right now. I think I liked it better when Sean was ready to fight Tully and vice versa.

For a second I wonder if I should tell everyone. Maybe I should just be like "I can't because I have a date tonight, guys. Sorry!"

Of course, Tully, Wendina, and Sean will be ready to fire me with questions the very next second. Maybe then I can just answer with the truth again. Well... half the truth.

Maybe I can just say something like, "Oh his name is William, he's a surgeon! I love his son, and his smile. I think I'm falling in love with him and constantly fear that this will not end well. It probably won't but I'm an idiot anyway so YOLO, right?"

I want to groan out loud but stop myself to a silent facepalm instead. In this moment I don't care if they will judge me for being so weird — I strangely don't care.

"Well?!" Tully whispers excitedly, probably ready to know all about my suddenly busy life. I still. Instead of answering her, I find myself looking at her.

She's wearing a dark green long-sleeved shirt today and fitting black pants. It's formal but craftily designed to flatter her figure, I can see. My gaze lowers to her body — she does have a wonderful figure. Then lifts to her face — and a beautiful face too. Instantly all the silent debating and all the signs of approval for my previous plans just dies a silent death here and now.

Instead, an alien sort of fear seeps into my chest and I immediately begin devising lies I can tell. Suddenly I don't feel like sharing William and Isaac with them. I don't feel like telling Tully about William. She's beautiful. She's beautiful and competitive. I know her... I've known her for years... she likes seducing other people's boyfriends for the sake of 'saving her friends'. So far only Jennie's husband has defeated her. Regardless to say, none of the other ladies can complain. In fact, Sean can't either. She has saved all of them from dating losers after all. Still, just the thought of her near William has me tingling in a very disturbing way.

Realisation hits me like a sharp lightning bolt striking a coconut tree. I'm jealous. I'm jealous of something that hasn't even happened yet. I'm jealous just of the thought of William with Tully.
My wide, probably mortified looking eyes snap up to Tully's and I know she can probably see the panic on my face because her smile fades slightly and she just blinks, waiting for me to say something. I on the other hand? I want to disappear.

"Let her be guys, she must have prior commitments. This is a last-minute thing anyway," Jessie comes to my rescue and I shoot her a thankful look immediately. At least someone has my back.

"I smell something fishy," Sean clicks his tongue and I cringe at the sound, just as I always do whenever he or even Saara makes it while filming one of her YouTube videos.

Somehow I still find myself with an analytical mind and I can't help but glance up Sean and wonder how he will react with William. Although no one in the office knows about it — mainly because Sean forbids me from telling anyone — but Sean and I have known each other since high school days. In fact, he even dated my best friend of that time when he hadn't identified publicly as a bi-sexual.

Although he is a very different person from what he was then. I still know him enough to know that he isn't a threat. Sean's just a large kitten, all hissing, and clipped claws.

As if noticing my eyes on him, his eyes snap to mine and I blush when he tilts an eyebrow up, "I know booboo, I'm sexy as hell but I'm kind of into our male boss right now so wait for me to start liking the vaginas better again, okay?"

"Shut up," I grumble when Jennie chokes back her laughter beside me — and glance at Wendina instead. Immediately, I look away. Wendina is definitely not the sort I need to fear. She fiercely believes in girl code. Good girl.

"I'm putting my bet on a boyfriend Gemma doesn't want me to meet," Tully, who's still been standing here all this while huffs, sparing me a challenging glance before finally turning around and marching back to her desk.

"Keep him away from her," Wendina whispers bitterly as soon as Tully has her back to us, "She tries every trick in the book until they really put her down rudely or give in. Trust me, she's the reason why I found out my fiancé of two years had a rape play fetish."

"Yeah honestly, hide him away," Sean whispers as well, nodding in agreement to Wendina, "She texted that asshole Manny for two months before he finally sent her his dick pick. She promised marriage and all sorts of fake ass promises. When the deed was done, she forwarded the pictures to me with two words only 'You're welcome'. I almost went to jail for killing two bitches that day."

"I thank God every day for giving me such a faithful husband," Jennie sighs, making both Wendina and Sean shoot her glares, "I thank my husband every day as well, for being loyal to me."

"Ah," An oblivious Jennie sighs contently, "I'm just so lucky to have him."

"I'm about to go to jail for cutting a bitch," Sean looks at me directly in the eyes and smiles.

I can't help it. Despite my awkward uncomfortableness and mortification from hearing their sad experiences with Tully, I find myself letting out a loud string of hysterical laughter.

And here I thought my life is too weird to explain. Everyone around me is living a twisted life.

I sigh.

God bless everyone. Especially Tully. God bless her with a husband so that she stays away from everyone else's. Yes, God bless her indeed.


A muffled ping of my phone brings me back from the world I was currently in and editing. A poor girl from a fishing village and her quest to find her mother who had left her when she was a child.

Still, curious, I pull my phone from under a stack of papers and open the message. My heart jolts when I see the name of the sender.


I stare at his name for a second, he never texts me first unless it's the days when Isaac is over at mine and he wants to check up on him. I'm always the one starting conversations. Slowly, I begin glancing towards the message.

By the last word of the text, I'm smiling. A glance at the wall clock has my smile brightening. It's exactly 1 PM. William doesn't have a designated 1-2 PM lunch period like other offices... I stop myself. I can't let myself think that he waited to remind me on time. I can't. It's dangerous.

Still, my smile only widens and I begin typing back.


Closing William's message thread, I quickly open Mary's instead. I wonder how Isaac is doing right now. Has he eaten?

It takes thirty minutes before I get a reply. Pushing aside the worry, I'd just begun to get into editing the twentieth chapter when my finally phone pings.

Smiling at the older woman's scolding and care, I press send and put my phone aside. Then I move back to the manuscript. I have a feeling the girl is about to find her mum soon.

Suddenly though, I stop. My mind suddenly shooting out the information that William will be picking me around five at the front parking lot. The same parking lot everyone else has decided to meet. At 5. The same parking lot Tully will be in.

A chill runs down my arms at the thought and my eyes snap to Tully who's sitting on her desk, completely unaware.

No way. I'm not letting her see him. Nope.

Before I know it, I have my phone in my hand and have pressed send.

The reply comes instantly and for a second I can't help but wonder if William is sitting at his desk, free for a while.
Then indecisiveness begins to creep in. How can I ask William to pick me up from somewhere else? This is the first time he's asked me ou— I blush. Shaking my head and the thought away. I can't inconvenience him. What if he thinks I'm too fussy?

Heaving out a long sigh, I glance at Tully again.

Never mind. I'll just ask him anyway. Anything is better than letting him meet Tully.

It feels like forever until the reply finally arrives. In the time that I waited, a thousand thoughts go through my mind. I wonder if he is upset, I wonder if he's typing a dozen texts asking me reasons, telling me no, telling me how of a hassle it is for him.

Still, when the reply finally pings in my phone and I click on the message notification. I find myself letting out a breath of relief.

"I don't want to drag this on, I might be disturbing him at work," I think to myself as I quickly push back a 'thank you' and put my phone aside.

Tully is not going to ruin the warm little world I have found for myself. It's not going to happen.


Five O'Clock arrives faster than I expect it to. One minute its lunchtime and the next it's one minute to 5 and everyone is already buzzing with excitement because of the official dinner.

"Okay guys, let's go!"

My eyes snap up to the speaker and I watch a still fresh and pristine looking Nathan Jinda standing in front of his office, his silver iPhone in his hand.

Then I look away. Turning towards Jennie I grin and lean into her side a little, "Have my share of good!"

"Have a great time on your date," Jennie winks cheekily in return as she begins to get up like everyone else in the office.

I think I'm a little surprised. I'm the only person not going.

"Gemma, you're not coming?"

My wide brown eyes find Nathan's blue orbs across the office and I find myself beginning to tingle under the death glares Tully and Sean are giving me.

"I'm sorry sir. I have prior commitments,"

"Commitments," Nathan looks surprised.

I smile awkwardly, "Sorry, sir."

"Well have a good evening!" Nathan smiles kindly, waving his hand in front of him in a brushing-off manner, "Let's go, everyone!"

And suddenly the office is extremely quiet. Looking around my desk, I begin tidying everything up slowly.

When I'm done, I reach for the phone instead. Opening the camera, I quickly begin going over my face and hair. I suppose it's only expected to appear and smell presentable when a man wants to take you out for dinner, right?

"Need to smell good too," I mumble to myself as I take out my miniature bottle perfume and spray it over me. Basking in the tiny drops of fragrance that falls to my skin.

Just then my phone pings and I immediately feel like I'm going to faint.

This is a date. I'm hundred percent sure it's a date. It's totally a date. William has asked me out on a date. Two months. More than 60 days. And he's finally done this. I didn't think he would. I hoped he would but I didn't expect him to actually do it.

I frown.

Wait... is it a date? Maybe he just wants to thank me for yesterday? A sigh slips from my lips and I nod. This makes more sense. I shouldn't get ahead of myself. I shouldn't think anything until he says it by himself. That is the only way I'll save myself from completely breaking my own heart. Just enough to have hope to pick myself up again in the future. Yes... that's it.

"Alright," I whisper to myself as I stand up, my resolution made.

"Let's go. You can do this, Gem. You can do this."

"Good evening Gemma!"

"Thanks, Rupa. Have a nice evening too," I smile at the young receptionist as I pass her by, "Oh and please double check that the door is locked, will you?"

"Sure, Gem. Don't worry!"

The elevator moves into motion as soon as I step in and press the parking lot's floor number. Soon enough I'm down and the elevator doors are opening on my face.

"Yeah, let's go there! I heard that restaurant is really nice!"

I freeze. My heart begins to thump like I'm suddenly facing my worst nightmare. I probably am. I'm probably going to have nightmares about this from now-onwards because standing in front of me right now, in the underground parking lot, is everyone from my office.

Eyes wide and throat suddenly dry, I take an unsteady step out of the elevator. Instantly Jason's head snaps towards me and he grins, "Oh! Gemma! We all realised that our cars are parked here and not in the outdoor parking lot. Why are you here?"

The lump in my throat stops from me from replying, and I glance nervously in the direction of Tully to see her eyeing me with a knowing expression.

I feel myself pale, awkwardly licking my lips as I try to move myself closer and act as normal as possible.

"Hi, guys,"

"Changed your mind, Gemma?" Nathan smiles, and I give him a short glance before looking around the parking lot nervously. As long as Tully doesn't see William, my heart is safe.

"Actually no. I'm getting picked up,"

"Ah!" Sean nods. Then grinning, turns to Nathan, "We should get going as well, shouldn't we?"

Just then a black Audi comes and stops right beside us, and I almost facepalm myself — knowing exactly who is inside.

The passenger side's window opens and everyone except Nathan and I immediately bends to look in. This time I do groan.

When I finally bend down and meet Willian's eyes, he smiles at me warmly and motions me to get in. If this were any other time, I would have been mesmerised — William doesn't genuinely smile a lot. But it's not some other time... Tully the 'Friend's heart protector' has seen him... William's gone now. And so is my heart.

"What the heck that's your boyfriend, Gemma?" Wendina breathes, standing beside me and I let out another groan. Sneaking a peek at a suddenly bright-eyed Tuliana.

"See you tomorrow, guys!" I wave at everyone and quickly get in. As soon as the door shuts close, we're already driving away. The window in my side begins to slide up and the doors lock close. Before I know it, William reaches out and turns the AC in too. The AC is on too.

"Are you okay? William turns towards me after a few minutes of silence.

"Ha?" I blink, not hearing him properly. I know it must be obvious, my attention is elsewhere. Have I ruined tonight already?

"You looked flustered back there," I sense William's eyes on me again.

"Oh," I mumble, "Tully likes to seduce her female friend's crushes, boyfriends, fiancés, and husbands, to protect her friends. We're... friends."

"So?" I notice as William's voice quietens — deepens.

I let my head fall, embarrassment seeps into my system and I shut my eyes closed when I say the next sentence.

"I wanted to hide you," I mumble.

"You don't trust her?"

I sigh, "No."

"Hmm..." William nods understandingly, and I bite my lip and look out of the window. Slowly silence settles in the car and all forms of conversation just seems to... disappear.

How many minutes pass by in this silence, I do not know. All I know is that the bustling nightlife of the city rustles by as we drive to wherever it is William is taking us. Everything outside twinkles; buildings, streets, people. Inside, we sit in darkness. Darkness and silence.

"Where are we going?" I ask, my tone light and nonchalant to my ears. On the inside though, I feel like I'm back in University, finally building up enough courage to raise my and ask my teacher a question in class.

"It's this Chinese restaurant my family always likes going to. Are you tired? We are about to reach,"

I shake my head, "I'm not tired, just curious. Don't worry."

"You must be tired though," I glance at William, my eyes darting between his face and body posture.

"You're tired," I bite my lip at the revelation. I feel stupid. Of course, he's tired. He has to walk around attending to patients and doing surgeries. All I have to do is sit down and correct people's mistakes.

"How about we just get takeaways and go back to your place?"

William glances my way, I feel it but I don't dare look, "We're not going home yet."

And the silence settles between us again.

"We're here,"

I look up from my phone and my eyes widen when they fall on a traditional Chinese looking house.

"It's beautiful,"

"Yeah," William agrees and I turn towards him to find him watching me. My breath catches in my throat and I instantly look away. The telltale signs of my face burning up tells me I'm probably as red as a beetroot right now.

"Erm... let's go," I clear my throat, quickly closing the message thread between Saara and I and shoving my phone into my handbag. Opening the door and getting out feels like an accomplishment met in record time. And before I know it, I'm out of the car.

The chilly night air greets my flushed skin with open arms. A content smile settles on my lips as I just stand there and inhale, take the clean night's air in. The air feels cleaner here. Despite the parking lot being almost full and the muffling noise coming from inside the restaurant, outside... it's still very quiet. Peaceful.


"Hmm..."I turn towards William, still smiling. Then reality sets in and I feel myself begin to blush once again.

"Oh! Yeah!" I squeak, to my mortification, as I begin to speed by him towards the entrance of the restaurant.

If someone had asked me this morning If I thought those hand grabbing scenes really happened in real life, I would have said no. Right now though, as I feel William's warm, slender fingers wrap around my wrist and pull me back, I can only let myself move in the direction he wants me to.

When my back collides with his chest and he takes a step back, giving me space, I can only watch him ~ thankful for his hold on me, unsteady on my feet.

I don't know if I'm breathing. But if I am not breathing, then how am I still standing here? In front of him? Or is it him holding me what's really keeping me up?

I don't even know anymore.

The only thing I know, the only thing I know for certain at this moment, as I am breathing the clean night air, as I am staring here with my head tilted up, looking at the man before me ~ is how exceptionally fictional this seems. Is this why people wrote fairytales? Because love feels so unreal?

"Do you really not trust your friend?"

My breath hitches at this question and I find myself looking down at the part where our skins are currently meeting. I just can't look at him.

"Yes..." It's almost a whisper, I know. But any louder than that seems too ambitious for my throat right now. I want to scream. Why can't I be like the other girls? Why can't I be like the girls in these novels nowadays? Why do I have to show much this is affecting me? Why do I have to be so honest? Wouldn't it hurt me less in the future... if I protected myself a little more?

"Then trust me."

My head snaps ups and my wide eyes instantly find William's serious bronze orbs. Did he just... say what I think he said?

"I'm... sorry?"

I stare at the man standing in front of me. I feel as my eyes begin to become foggy, but still, I dare not blink. I'll never admit it out loud, but I'm scared. Scared that if I blink... this moment will be gone. William will change the subject and I'll have no other option but to accept it. Accept the moment's loss.

William just stands in front of me, looking at me silently for a moment. I don't know what he's looking at, I don't know what he's searching for. But I refuse to look away. I refuse to blink.

Then suddenly William is leaning forward, and I can't help but gasp sharply when he stops at my face level. I can almost taste the peppermint in this breath, the mixture of his spicy cologne and the chilly night's breeze. He's so beautiful.... can I... can I possibly let myself hope?

I blink, and William leans in closer, the tip of his nose now touching mine. I close my eyes as his fingers find my cheek, twirling the loose flowing wisps of hair and carefully tucking them behind my ear.

"Trust me," he breathes. His warm breath touching the flushed apples of my cheek.

I do.


I'd just like to present to you guys a trailer of my next romance novel:



I will begin putting out the updates for this story after I am finished with 'Someone Like You'.

So it might be a little bit of a wait,
but I hope the trailer gets you as excited about the novel as I am ☺️

I had a lot of fun making this trailer so I hope you all look forward to this book!

until the next,

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