One Misty Midnight
"It's so cold tonight,"
She mumbles.
The pads of her thin fingers,
softly running along
the closed window seals of her room
"It's misty too,"
She observes.
A small smile settles on her lips
She sighs
"Oh what a wonderful night
to be utterly alone
Just like the moonless dark sky."
Nine weeks later.
One exciting morning
The Bloomington Publishing Inc.
There is something in the air today. A strange sort of electricity that seems to have charged the entire office. It has been here since the morning, as soon as I had taken a step in, I had felt it. My stomach had fluttered, and my skin strangely buzzed under the charged up atmosphere.
Everyone else seems different too. The heavy silence that carried through every corner of the office under the watchful eyes of Alicia, seems to be completely gone. Instead, now I sit here and witness the unguarded conversations and laughter all around me.
I suppose it has something to do with the new Chief Editor, who I have still not had the opportunity to meet. I frown. Wasn't last week his first official week in the office after being appointed? I look around the loud and happy room once again and tilt my head in curiosity. Maybe this new energy around the room because of the new boss.
Nodding, I turn back to the manuscript before me with a satisfied mind. This explanation definitely makes sense.
"Hey, Gemma?"
At the sound of the soft voice speaking my name, my head snaps up and I smile when my eyes find Jennie's. Jennie Dsena, two years my senior in the company, has always been a great colleague ever since I first joined. She had been out of office for the past couple of months on maternity leave for her first child and had just come back to work today.
"Yeah?" I whisper back, imitating her tone as I pull my chair closer to her. I suppose she's also feeling awkward about the change in the atmosphere around here.
"I've been meaning to ask you..." The woman's eyes sparkle with excitement and I find myself getting nervous. It never great when Jennie's excited. It means lots of rule-breaking ideas or lots of blushing. Jennie can be quite shameless. I wonder which one it is today.
"Have you seen the chief editor yet?!" The question comes out a little louder than both I and she had expected, and instantly the entire office quietens down. I can feel it as my entire face turns red, my eyes now twice its normal size while I stare at the still excited and slightly guilty looking woman beside me. I don't even want to look at all the people silently waiting for my reply. It's weird, why are they even so interested in my answer?
"No, I haven't, why?" I ask Jennie instead of only answering her. In the back of my mind I know why she's asking me, the editor is probably hot.
"He's so hot!" Jennie whispers this time around and I sense a couple of heads nodding in agreement around us.
"True," Sean agrees, nodding his head from the cubical in front of me.
"Yeah, he's really good looking — and single!" Wendina whispers as loudly she can without being obvious.
"Back off ladies! He's mine!" Tuliana huffs as she struts over in her high heels. Turning towards her I smile, noticing the widening of her bright blue eyes immediately.
"Is he that hot?" I ask her curiously. Knowing Tully and from her habit of heavily publicising her past relationships, we all know she's always dated models or people who could be models. Her standards are higher than my paychecks.
"An absolute feast!"
"Even his name is beautiful!" Sean sighs, coming to stand beside Tully with a sheepish smile on his face.
"Nathan Jinda seems like a normal name to me though," I frown, completely confused where they are seeing the wow factor here. Wait... Jinda? Maybe it's Jinda.
"How dare you say that?!" Tully gasps, placing her palm over her chest. I roll my eyes at that.
"Yeah! Take it back!" Sean follows her, staring at me with his wide, shocked eyes.
"When did you get to see him?" I ignore the two and instead turn my attention to Jennie. How has she been able to see him when this is both our first time in the office since he's been here.
"I met him in the elevator in the morning," Jennie shrugs, "He's very well mannered."
"Ah," I nod, "Okay."
"Anyway! I know that we are the only two single women in this office and I've just come here to tell you — back off. He's mine." Tully huffs again, folding her arms in front of her.
"Don't worry, Tully. I'm not interested," I assure the girl without a second thought and turn back to the desktop before me.
"Good, I won't have to be mean to you then," Sean grins at me and then turns to Tully, "Watch me get him first bitch."
"Over my dead body," Tully hisses at Sean. Turning, her gaze lands on me for a second before she finally turns around and marches back to her cubicle.
"Bitch gonna end up dead soon," I hear Sean mumbling under his breath while turning towards his own cubicle.
"You're going to regret that," Jennie whispers when it's just the two of us again. Thankfully managing to keep her voice low this time.
"Regret what?" I frown.
"Saying you're not interested. He really is hot. Six feet 3 inches of delicious milk chocolate, eyes like the Pacific Ocean. I even checked his hands — and girl, no ring!!" Jennie whispers excitedly, wiggling her fingers.
My eyes catch her wedding and engagement rings and I smile, "I really am not interested, Jen."
Jennie stills, "What?"
She blinks, "Why?"
Grinning now, I pull my own hand up from my lap and reach for my cell phone. Then I turn the phone towards her, watching as her eyes widen when she sees my wallpaper.
A smile of my own flutters on my lips while I recall the wallpaper in my own mind. William had clicked the picture three weeks ago when we had gone to the park. I can't help but let the blush wash over my cheeks whenever I think about William.
Things had changed since we had had that talk in my kitchen nine weeks ago. Nine. Time has flown by so quickly. It feels just like last week, and yet it has been a little more than two months since that afternoon. So much as changed since then — and yet nothing had changed at all.
Isaac has slowly grown more confident in me, now he also throws tantrums once in a while. Although I must admit he's gotten more and more protective too. I can't count the number of times he has yelled at his father, Kris, Saara, or the housekeepers because he thought they had upset me. He has also gained a bit of weight. Mary and I have been very happy about that, I can now feel it when I pick him in my arms, he just looks healthier now. He's a lot less afraid of William as well. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I suppose it's a good thing, their relationship has improved tremendously too. I suppose it's because William is a lot less awkward with Isaac.
William. My blush deepens when I think about Isaac's father. After the talk in my kitchen, I wasn't sure how things were going to be between us. Had we both expressed our feelings? Did he know I like him? Was that enough? What would happen next? Would we date? Would things be more solid now?
We didn't. It wasn't.
The next day, things went back to normal with William and I. Granted, yes, things weren't as awkward when it came to skin-ship. Like, now we are comfortable falling asleep on the same bed if Isaac is in the middle. We have ended up falling asleep while watching movies a lot of times. I'm also okay sitting beside him with his arm around my shoulder, or hugging him, or him hugging me or holding hands. William pecks me on my cheeks a lot too. Never in private. But always quite often when we are in public. Just randomly. Sometimes I wonder if he is just mirroring Isaac's actions. I do feel that they have some sort of unspoken competition going on.
Still, there hasn't been a sudden tag placed on us. After that day, William had not tried to assert himself in my lifestyle unless necessary and neither had I. We didn't text each other until needed, there were no calls until one had something regarding Isaac to say. There wasn't any vast difference in the way we interacted face to face while we were not in front of Isaac. Surprisingly, no one except for Saara, Kris and Mrs. Red in our immediate circle of people have gotten to know about William and I so far. Which is as nice a feeling as it is uncomfortable. Although I must admit he often does get jealous of men. I don't think that's going to change. It's an observation I have made, Mary was right — William is quite a jealous person.
"Gemma! Is he yours?!" Jennie gapes bringing me back to our conversation, as she reaches for my phone and pulls it closer to her face.
"It's complicated but yes. That's Issac, he's almost five."
It seems like minutes before Jennie finally rips her gaze from my phone's screen and looks up to me, "You have to tell me everything!"
"What about his father?" Jennie asks quietly after a few minutes of silence when I finish telling her the entire, "It seems like he likes you too, Gemma. Why don't you two just make everything real? You guys won't have to lie then."
"We're just takings things slowly, Jennie. Plus I'm afraid he's still not over his wife,"
"Ex-wife," Jennie emphasises 'ex' and I flinch, wondering when I'm going to stop unconsciously thinking of William as a married man. As a taken man. Maybe then I'll stop feeling guilty every time he touches me and I like it.
"Can I see a picture of him?"
"Ah," I blush and then quickly nod, finding a picture of Kris and William and shoving my phone towards Jennie.
"Let me guess, it's this one," She points at William and I blink.
"How did you know?" I ask her, genuinely curious.
"He just seems like your type. Grounded,"
"Is that his house?"
"Yeah," I nod, wondering if she will think I'm a gold digger now.
"Seems rich. Not surprised, they both look very rich," Jennie nods, looking analytical now.
"Yeah, William and Kris are both surgeons."
"Ah! Doctors! No wonder, they look smart too!" Jennie nods again, her eyes snap to mine and she grins, "I can't wait to see the look on Alicia's face when she gets to know you've scored yourself a surgeon."
I gape at the woman before me, "How would she even know?"
"Tully and she are tight, don't you remember?"
"Oh," I sigh, remembering their infamous friendship, "Yeah I remember."
"How's little Vivian?" I ask her quickly, deciding its time to change the topic. She takes the bait.
"Oh, he's wonderful! You know he just never lets me sleep! I'm a walking zombie! His father helps a lot too though — "
We talk about her baby for an hour.
A glance at the wall-clock's direction tells me that it's almost four in the evening. A content sigh leaves my lips and I lean back onto my chair, smiling. Today has surprisingly been one of the best days I've had in this office. Somehow, although I am more used to being alone when working, being in this new environment today wasn't half as bad. When so much time has been spent, and it is already the afternoon, I don't even know. And I also managed to get two chapters thoroughly down! Yes, today has been a good day.
Another glance at the wall-clock's direction and I wonder what Isaac must be doing right now. On a normal day for the past few weeks, he has been having naps around one, after lunch. He's usually awake by now, but is he bathing or having tea today?
My hand reaches for my phone for the fifth time today and I quickly open Mary and I's message thread.
Typing a quick message asking about Isaac's health and current activities — one that resembles the first four — I press send and wait for Mary to admonish me about worrying too much.
A minute or two later, her text arrives. My hand quickly reaches for my phone and I smile when I read that Isaac is still asleep. Then I smile harder when she tells me to leave everything to her and focus on my work or she's telling William.
A chuckle leaves my lips when I think about the threat again. What will William even do? Glare at me non-stop like he usually does when he's jealous? Or seclude himself until someone comes banging on his door when he's upset about something?
"It's almost 4.30, he's going to come out of his office! I'm so excited!" Sean whispers giddily, already beginning to pack his stuff.
"How do you be sure that he comes out at sharp 4.30?" Jennie asks the giddy man curiously, even I feel myself perk up with the sudden curiosity bubbling in me. Just who exactly is this man they are all so crazy about?
For a second Sean looks at Jennie with a look of disbelief, then he speaks, "That's because he has always been coming out at four-thirty PM. Sharp!"
I roll my eyes, all the balloons of curiosity deflating and falling down at my feet. What an obvious answer, how had I not thought of that?
"Five minutes left!" Tully whispers excitedly as she walks past us and towards the printer in the corner of the office.
"Okay, let me know when this Chief Editor of ours comes out of the office. I want to see his face too now,"
"Don't even think about it, Gemma!" Sean hisses at me at that and I immediately put my hands before me in a dismissive gesture.
"I'm not interested. Trust me. I won't ever be,"
"You'll regret saying that," The very beautiful, and workaholic, Wendina, speaks up for the second time today and I turn towards her just as Jennie echoes her agreement.
I stop, taking a moment to breathe and assess how I am feeling. If my curiosity really is curiosity and not shielded interest. I feel nothing.
"I won't," I assure everyone, confident in my answer.
Sean looks pleased, Wendina looks disappointed, and Jennie excited. I wonder what she's so excited about. Is she excited about watching me possibly fall for the boss? As if knowing what I'm thinking about, Jennie's eyes find mine and she wiggles her eyebrows mischievously. I shake my head at the woman. This is just too much. Just how hot is this man?
"Any minute now!!" Tully sighs dreamily as she passes us again, this time with a stack of papers in her arms.
I begin packing my things. To be honest, I would have stayed back just to see how hot out new Chief Editor is, but the excitement to get back home is far greater than spending more than my discussed office hours here waiting for my boss to come out of his office. It's not like he's running away, and even though I'm curious about how he looks, I'm not desperate. I can see him any day.
"It's 4.30!!" Wendina chuckles under her breath and I pick up my bag, already getting up on my feet.
"Oi! Where are you going?!" Jennie hisses at my movement.
Turning towards her, I smile, "I'll just see him during office hours someday. I need to go back home now."
"You're a crazy bitch passing on this opportunity!" Sean chuckles at me, looking secretly impressed. I almost smile. Almost.
"Keep the opportunity as a gift from me to you. I have to go now. Gotta catch a cab quickly," I say instead, already devising ways on how to catch a cab the fastest way possible.
"Why don't you buy a car already, Gemma!" Jennie sighs, looking a bit exasperated at me.
I shrug, "Yeah I'm thinking of getting one for myself. I didn't really feel the need for it until recently, but right now it feels like a staple."
"Why? What's changed?" Wendina asks, being the ever-curious being she is.
Getting out of my chair, I push it into its place. Tucking it against the table, I look at Wendina and smile, "I have commitments now."
Then I begin walking away, ignoring the stunned silence I am leaving behind around my cubicle.
When I reach the ground floor, I'm almost dead. I wonder why I ever decided to take the stairs whenever I come to work as a form of exercise. I almost always end up nearly dead by the end of it.
"Bye Gemma!!"
I turn around and ceremonially wave brightly at a bright-looking Jason.
"Bye Jace!"
I don't exactly know why he always comes downstairs to say goodbye but I never question it. Saying goodbye doesn't hurt. I suppose he's only trying to get on my good books because of Saara. I giggle at that thought.
Jason and Saara, sitting on a tree.
I shudder all the former signs of giggling gone. Yeah, better not. It's too early for her after the breakup anyway.
Shaking my head to get rid of all the stupid thoughts suddenly dancing around my head I walk towards the street and quickly begin my disastrous attempt at hailing cabs.
Finally, one good empty cab feels pity for me and decides to stop before me. Instantly I find myself getting in and giving the cab driver William's address. Today being Monday, it's my day to stay over at his.
"We're here," the driver speaks up after a few minutes of silent driving. I lift my head up from my phone to see that he's right, we're really have arrived.
"Thank you," I thank the driver as I check the amount on the meter and pay him as quickly as I can without fumbling. The fear of him wanting to quickly leave and find a new job hits me right in my chest as I hurriedly try to pay him and get out.
"Have a nice day," The driver exchanges pleasantries and I smile at the kind-looking man.
"You too, sir,"
"Good evening Gemma!" Olly, William's bodyguard, greets me happily as I walk through the open gates. Oliver is a very good looking man, with 6ft 4 inches worth of pure height and muscle. Even being in his early thirties, the Romanian man who William's father had strangely hired to be his bodyguard only three weeks ago still looked to be in his twenties instead, and had quickly become the center of all the housekeepers' attention.
"Hey, Olly! Thank you!" I grin at the tall, humble giant and wave at the security guards as I walk through the gate and instantly feel my bag being snatched from me.
"You don't have to do that you know?" I sigh as I let the man hold my bag and guide me towards the house as if I'm a very important person.
When he had first arrived, he hadn't even so much as looked at anyone except William. However, when he realised that William had absolutely no intention of taking me him to work with him, he began interacting slowly with Isaac instead, trying to find another person to protect. Somehow that intention had extended to me as well. I suppose maybe it was the day after I requested him to sit down and have lunch with us when we were out at a restaurant. Just Isaac, Olly, and I.
And well now here we are.
"It's nothing, Gem. You must be tired after your day at work,"
"Still, it's just a bag," I sigh at the tall man, having to crane my head up just to look at him.
"Just let me feel useful please, Gemma. It helps me feel like I'm at least doing something to get the pay-check Mr. Noo senior shoves in my bank account."
This shuts me up. Just as it does every time he says it.
"Is William home by chance?" I ask him instead. Olly drives him around now, so if Olly is home there is a high chance that so is he.
"No, he isn't. He just sent me early. He's staying back for an emergency,"
"Oh," I nod, not knowing what else to say. Over time, I've come to realise how different William's working hours are from mine.
While I get more flexible hours that let me stay at home and then have desk time per month accordingly, he's at the hospital for more than ten hours, six days per week and that's not even taking the on-call days. Not to mention he gets called in regardless of being on-call or not. This month he's been on call on Fridays and so it's hardly ever until Sunday when he gets to relax completely. That is unless he is needed at the hospital again.
Sometimes I still find myself wondering that if William had not been a doctor if William had been something else, maybe if William had even been taking over his father's companies — would he and Shirley have lasted then? Would she have not fallen out of love with William? If they had had more time for themselves and Isaac had not arrived so soon — would they still be together? Love is about the perfect timing and circumstances after all.
A part of me believes that anyone can fall in love with just about anyone. It all depends on what time it is in both those people's lives. The perfect time to collide, the perfect time to profess, the perfect time to progress. So much can be lost by missing the right timing, to give an entry for goodbyes to walk in.
Isn't it like this in the novels too? The second male protagonist always decides to love and support the female lead from the sidelines without expressing their hearts. Even when they are so much better for the female protagonists, even when everything would be so much better if the two formed a couple — the second male protagonists remain silent in hopes for a natural reciprocation — right until the male protagonists express themselves too, and the game is over. The male lead protagonist has shot and has already scored.
Maybe if the timing and circumstances had been right... Shirley would be here right now instead.
"Yes, love?" I smile at the whispering child lying down beside me. It's almost midnight now, and even though its almost midnight, tonight Isaac refuses to sleep until his father gets home. Lying on the right side of the bed, Isaac is still on the way to taking almost all of the bed. Every minute he inches closer and closer to where I am settled, seated on the bed with my back leaning against the headboard, my laptop turned on and on my lap. Now, I'm also allowed to edit and proofread soft copy manuscripts — something I'm very thankful to the new Chief Editor for. I don't know much about his looks, but he sure does seem like a rational human being.
"I'm bored," Isaac yawns, and settles his head on my upper arm, openly looking into the laptop screen now with fascination.
"Would you like to listen to music then?" I ask the little fellow instead of telling him that it's past his bedtime and to sleep. I know for a fact that there is more chance of William coming back home at the crack of dawn, bathing, and being off for work again before 7 AM than him coming back home now — but I can't tell Isaac this, so instead of scolding Isaac into sleeping, or telling him that his dad might not come back home tonight, I decide to play the slowest music in my library in hopes of the child to fall asleep listening to it.
"Can I watch Tom and Jerry?"
"Yes you can," I reply, kissing the surprised-looking child on his forehand, "But tomorrow after school, okay?"
The loud sigh that leaves Isaac's mouth makes me giggle and turn towards him to give him another kiss.
"I won't sleep until Pa comes home," the sleepy child grumbles but snuggles closer rubbing his face against me as he begins to already close his eyes.
"If you say so sweetie," I smile, caressing his hair softly until I hear his breathing change and know that he's asleep. For a moment I continue to run my fingers along the prince's thick, black hair. I know tomorrow morning he will probably throw a fit, he'll probably not even speak to me for a few minutes. I decide to wake up early and make him something delicious to make up for tonight.
"My little peanut," I whisper lovingly at the sleeping child as I lean forward and place a kiss on his hair.
Still smiling, I slowly turn my attention back to the manuscript at hand. The manuscript at hand? A disaster. Or maybe it's personally just not my style of reading. The male and female protagonists keep on marrying everyone except each other. The male lead, Arik, has two marriages under his belt. The female lead, Penny, so far has one. The funny thing? They have two children. With each other.
It's no surprise when I find myself yawning after twenty minutes. It's definitely no surprise when I find myself turning off my laptop, getting out of the bed, and placing it on the study table.
Turning around, I slowly make my way towards one of the large windows in this room. I look outside.
The night is a dark one, the only source of light outside are the tall, vintage, streetlight styled lamps William has around his yards. From staying here over time I have come to understand that the securities working the night shift turn them off around 12.30 in the morning.
My eyes move on, trailing the thick mist that shows quite brilliantly under the tall lamps' golden light and I smile. It certainly is quite foggy tonight.
I stand here for a while, just staring outside at the slow-moving mist. I decide to move when I finally begin feeling the strain on my legs. Turning around I slowly pad my way back to the bed, quickly I find myself shuffling under the blankets until I'm snuggled with Issac who is now in the middle of the king-sized bed.
Then I fall asleep.
I feel it when he enters the room. The lights flick on and his slippers scuffle against the floor as he strides closer to the bed. I'm completely awake by the time he comes to stand beside the bed. For a few minutes, his tall shadow just looms over Isaac and I while he stands by the edge of the bed and just... looks at us.
My heart is beating crazily by now. I begin to wonder if I should let him know I'm awake. Instead, I keep my eyes shut tightly.
My mind goes into overdrive. Is he alright? Why is he so quiet? Is something wrong? Is he hurt? Why is he standing there? Does he not want to sleep? Maybe he's replying to a text?
All of a sudden, I feel when William finally moves again. My heart begins to race as I realise that he's walking around the bed. Around the bed to my side.
I wonder if this is the time I should jump out of bed. Still, in a very foolish turn of events, I continue to pretend to be asleep. I don't know what's going on, but at this point, I'm a pigeon ready to fly right into the tall glass window and then fall stunned to my death.
It seems like forever, but he finally comes to my side of the bed. Again I feel as he just stands there. Looking over me. The room suddenly seems more silent than ever. All of a sudden, I am acutely aware of the silence in the room and every single movement William is making. I can't help but wonder what he is even thinking? What is he even doing?
Suddenly he lowers himself down on the bed beside me, and I almost yelp. I can feel his hesitance, just as I can suddenly smell the scent of the shower gel on his skin, or the smell of fabric softener in his bedclothes — or even the smell of mint in his breath.
Just how close is he to me?
The lights shut now and I clench the bedsheets under the blanket in nervousness. Is he... is he going to sleep beside me?
As if to answer my panicked question, he lies down. A few inches away but still beside me.
I freeze.
But inside I'm losing it. The butterflies in my chest are fluttering. I don't know if I'm trembling or if I'm as stiff as a log. All I know is that I have no idea what I'm going to do if he holds me. I have no idea at all. All I know is that I feel guilty. I feel guilty because I want him to. I want him to hold me. I want him to show a sign. Any sign of his feelings. If he's upset, I want him to seek me for comfort. And that makes me feel even more guilty. So so guilty because he's not mine. Because I'm afraid that despite everything, his heart still belongs to Shirley. Everything still belongs to Shirley.
I am like a mere flower in his garden, my fragrance and beauty can only provide momentary comfort, momentary happiness. I am comforting and so I'm plucked and set in a vase. Admired and appreciated. I can only be loved for a few moments because I am plucked to be withered. And so I can only bloom, I can only give so much comfort, give so much fragrance, as I slowly fade. Until I wither.
But Shirley... she is like this bed. Although William and Isaac spend most of their time away. Although they stay away for long periods of time, sometimes not giving in much importance and finding substitutes for periods of time. But in the end, this is what they come back to. They come back to bed.
In the darkness of the room, William sighs softly and I find it safe to open my eyes. It takes me a minute or two to gather enough courage to take a peek at William. Even though I know I won't be able to see his face, even though I don't know how to give him comfort, I still want to. To turn around and peak at the silent man.
"I had a rough day,"
My sharp gasp echoes around the room and my hands instantly goes up to my palpitating heart as I try to calm the crazy beating down. His voice sounds different tonight, heavier. I didn't expect that — it shocked me. And how did he even know I am awake? How could he have known?
"Y—you knew I was awa—awake?" I stutter, gulping down my crazily beating, but slightly embarrassed heart.
"Yes, you seemed tense when I was observing you," William replies a matter of factly. Once again, silence washes over the room.
"Oh," I mumble stupidly when I find nothing to say. Then I remember his initial words.
"I had a rough day,"
"Are you hurt? Do you want to talk about it?" I ask the man, now completely turned towards him while he continues to lay on the bed, on his back, the lamps outside shine a little inside the room and I can make out him looking up at the ceiling.
Still, I can not read any sort of expression on his face. I wonder if he looks worried, or if he looks angry. I wonder if there is any sort of indication on his face that would otherwise be able to tell me what his condition is, what he thinking on.
"Can I hold your hand?"
I hear it. The vulnerability in his voice. The silent edge too. He's taken a chance. It has been weeks and he's taken a chance tonight. He's trying to let me in. But he's still guarding himself.
What exactly went wrong today? I still. Did a surgery not go well?
As if asking that question is the answer. As I ask the question in my head I know that it's true. A surgery must not have gone well.
My eyes try to search for his in the dark. I find nothing. Still, it doesn't take me a second to decide. It doesn't even take me a second to think about the implications or the consequences. Frankly, I don't. I don't think about them.
In this moment all I know is that William is upset, William is vulnerable and tired. And if I can provide even a third of my energy to him, if I can provide even a minute of comfort to him — even if I'm just a flower and will wither one day into uselessness. Even if I will fade and someday be forgotten. I will. I will comfort him. Because... because I care for this man. Because... I like him.
"Yes... you can,"
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