One Rushed Morning
She strolls around her garden in the morning
Just as she always does
"Are you really so nice or are you secretly selfish?" A pink rose asks her.

She smiles
"Seeing him smile makes me happy,"

To her right, a white Dahlia squeals, its bright green leaves sway with the morning breeze,
"Such a pretty fairytale!"

Suddenly she shoots up to her feet.
"Oh no! I'm late!"

"Mummy needs to use the bathroom!" I almost yell as I shoot out of bed, "Snuggle with daddy in the meantime!"

I rush towards the washroom.


When I finally decide to leave the bathroom — which seems like hours later — I pray to God that Isaac has fallen asleep and his dad is nowhere near the bed.

One out of two turns to be right.

Walking into the dimly lit room, Isaac definitely seems to have fallen asleep. William, on the other hand, is still on the bed beside his son. It's closer now, the moment where I decide on whether I'm going home or not. My heart begins to beat like it's in a marathon, and I gulp in nervously as I take shaky steps towards the father and son.

A loud sigh leaves my lips when walking closer to the bed, I realise that William's asleep too. Just then a sharp, loud ping sounds around the silent room and I rush towards the stand that's housing my cellphone. Screaming a million scoldings to myself for forgetting my phone here when I had to rush into the bathroom for so long.

My fingers wrap around the iPhone and I bring it closer, clicking on the unseen messages.

"Oh god," I groan under my breath as I settle down on the edge of the bed tiredly. My mind's all over the place right now, I just need to sit at one place and talk to Saara. To let it out. See what she says.

It doesn't take a second before Saara's reply comes pinging back. Immediately I put the phone on silent. In all that has happened tonight, my brain is too tired to function properly. I tap on the message pop-up.

I frown. Although her second text message makes me scoff humorously, I still can't help but wonder about the serious topic at hand. I don't know if I should stay. It isn't appropriate. Where would I sleep if I stayed here? With a man and his child on their bed? I should just go home.

I press send and shuffle back anxiously until my back touches the headboard. A glance in Isaac's direction brings a smile on my face. I reach forward and caress his hair back slowly, away from his eyes. Maybe he needs a haircut. A few second later. Another message.

That's right. Isaac will probably create a fuss if I'm not here in the morning. Maybe I should just stay until I can explain my living issue in the morning. I could just take Isaac home whenever he wants. I turn to my phone's screen again. I don't know why but I need Saara telling me that I'm not stupid for doing this because no matter how much I try to question myself about how I feel... I'm still content.

I sigh. This is it. This is the part where I have to explain myself as much as I can to a cousin who's ready to smack me on my head in case I'm messing up.

Another second and another reply.

Glancing at Isaac, my gaze touches his father's and I watch him for a second. The man doesn't have very sharp features except for his piercing eyes and his nose. But even in his sleep, he still looks as forbidden as he does when he's awake. I turn back to my phone.

My eyes widen, why does she want to send me off to bed so early? Is she busy? With who? August? Are they? — I quickly shake my head, dismissing the horrible thought and begin stabbing in a reply.

A few seconds later, I let out a sigh of relief.

Then sigh tiredly as I get to the last sentence.

I can't help but grin. It's funny, both Saara and I are in a very complicated place in our lives again. At the same time. Again.

Saara and I usually have most of our great days at the same time. When she flourishes in her life, I'm usually doing great at the company and in school. But mostly when she messes up~ I usually mess up somewhere too. It's kind of fun if I think about it. That way we're never really alone. Especially when we mess up.

"I realise I don't know much about you, Gemma,"

I almost get a heart attack. My eyes snap towards the direction of the voice and there he lies, completely awake!

"Have you... have you been awake since I walked out of the bathroom?" I gasp, looking into the unreadable dark eyes of the man still lying beside Isaac.

"I'm a light sleeper," he replies simply, "I woke up when your messages pinged."

"Oh no," I groan, trying to keep my voice as low as I can. I didn't want Isaac awake as well, "I'm so sorry. You must be tired after work."

"That's fine. I have odd hours when I'm sleepy and when I'm not, because of the hospital," William replies, his piercing dark eyes once again peering into my soul. Or trying to read my mind.

"My full name is Gemma Windly. I was born on the 9th of March, 1994, in Cambridge," I inform him instead, trying to get back into topic. I can understand how he must feel about an unknown woman who's suddenly willing to pretend to be his son's mum. Ridiculously skeptical.

"We migrated to Canada during my 9th year because my mother got a promotion. My mother is the head accounts officer at a bank at Vancouver, and my dad is an agriculture professor. I'm a literary editor at Dreamcloud Publishing. Ah... I went to a local primary and secondary school in Cambridge and then to a private high school in Vancouver. I studied at the University of British Columbia for my degree. I'm currently doing my Masters here in Toronto. I live in Greenwood Coxwell. Right now my cousin, Saara, is also staying over. She's the one who has been texting me since I'm not home yet. If you're interested in seeing the documentation for confirmation then, for now, I have my employee identification card, my driver's license, my health insurance card, and my passport," I finish as gracefully as I can. This is the most talking I've done in one go for a while. That too, about myself.

"Thorough," William comments, slowly setting himself up on the bed. At his movement, Isaac groans and turns around, and we both stay still until he settles back down. Still asleep. Content with his child's conscious status, William extends his hand forward and I blanch, realising he really wants to see my identification cards.

There is nothing else I can do, so I reach to my left and pull my bag towards me. Opening up my wallet I slide out the cards and then hand it over to William.

"Miss," he mumbles to himself, making my eyes snap to his. He, on the other hand, continues to analyse my cards.

"Are you married?" He asks blandly. It's not a surprise when I can't figure out in what context he's asking me this. I can never make out this man's emotions from his face. He's always so detached and unreadable.

"No," I answer.


I raise an eyebrow at him, "No."

"Widowed?" He asks as he turns to look at me. My cards still in his hands.

I blink, wondering if he's being serious right now, "No."

"Engaged?" He continues asking as if he's checking every question out from a list.

"Negatory," I reply this time. My mouth has begun hurting just by saying no so much.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" William asks me, his deep voice sending a chill down my back.

Now, this is a question I've answered a million times before, " I don't."

Usually, after that question, I get asked why I'm single.

"Are you straight?"

I feel my jaw go slack. I can't help but stare at a very serious looking William. Is this man serious?

"What do you think?" I smile at him brightly, deciding that I don't want to be straightforward this time.

"You didn't ask for my identification. Still..." William announces as he turns around and hands me an envelope and a name tag. My cards are still with him.

"This man is very strange," I decide, turning away from his face to look down at the whatever he is handing me. I take it from his hands and begin looking over it.

First comes his medical licence. His name tag. I don't dwell much on that so I put it aside and open the envelope, carefully pulling out the papers inside. The first is his divorce paper. Next, Isaac's birth certificate.

"You're 29 then," I mumble as I glance at the papers for the last time before slipping them into the envelope. Looking at William I extend his things towards him.

"I am," he admits indifferently, taking his things and handing me mine.

"You look a lot younger," I shrug, slipping my cards into my wallet's cardholders, "Isaac's asleep so I think I should go home now. What time does he wake up? I'll be back before he does,"

"You're going home. How?" William asks as he places his things on his side of the nightstand.

"I'll catch a taxi,"

"A taxi?" He sounds unconvinced. It's a miracle I'm able to make out this emotion from him, I realise.

Still, I frown at the man in confusion, "Yes?"

Why does he sound so unconvinced? Maybe he thinks I like to spend a lot since Taxi's charge a lot.

"I've troubled you a lot today, and it is quite late. I'll drop you home," William makes a move to stand but I immediately shake my head. I'm not going to make him drop me home when Isaac's asleep in the house, all alone.

"It's completely fine. I don't think Isaac should be home alone. It's fine, I'll catch a taxi."

Willian's lips thin as he looks at me speak, and all the air of confidence washes away from me. How can a man look so foreboding and absolute just by... being! Why can't he smile at least a little? Like... like he was doing that night at the theatre. With that girl.

"I'll ask Mrs. Xi to stay here while I am gone. It's very late at night. I'm driving you home,"

I know William's not going to have if any other way except dropping me home. Amongst the many qualities he possesses, he seems to also possess a very strong knack for stubbornness.

My attention focuses on the man in front of me,
"Do you have a girlfriend? You're straight, right?"

William's expression goes blank with shock, "Excuse me?"

"Do you have a girlfriend? Are you straight?" I repeat my question dumbly, looking more confident than I feel. Inside, I'm swearing at myself for being so stupid! I don't even want to know these things! Well, sort of.

"I'm divorced. I don't have a girlfriend or a fiancé. As for being straight or not—" his eyes motion towards Isaac, "What do you think?"

I, however, remain stunned, my eyes stay frozen on the man's mouth. The mouth that is smirking. Seeing William smirk opens up my eyes to how different he looks when he smiles. Almost innocent and childlike.

"Are you sure Mrs. Xi is still available? You really should stay here. I'll call for a taxi. I know a driver or two."

It's like I've not spoken at all. Carefully getting off the bed, he tucks the blanket nicely over Isaac and begins walking towards the bedroom door.

"Let's go."


The car ride was silent save the sounds of the traffic outside and the directions from the GPA. I realise it must just be one of the most awkward rides I've taken for a while as we finally stop in front of my house and the sound of the car's engine dies down.

There's the awkward silence again while we both sit in the car. I don't know how much pleasantries to offer the man right now. Do I invite him in for tea? Would that be too much? Do I ask him for his number? Would that be way too much? What will he think of me when I invite him in for tea? Will he think I'm easy? Or trying to get into his bank account? I shake my head, ridding myself of these thoughts.

"Would you like to come in for tea?" I ask softly, albeit a bit meekly while I try not to look at the man.

"It's too late to have tea," William comments, "And you must be tired after all the trouble Isaac has put you through."

My eyes snap to the man. Why does he keep telling me that I've been troubled? I don't feel troubled. Just a bit overwhelmed for the future, I admit.

"Could you message me what Isaac likes and dislikes? Like food and other things?" I ask instead, changing the topic is always safer than pushing the old one he is so reserved. I don't know this man too clearly to know how he reacts when he is upset.

"I'll have Mrs. Xi give you a list of things Isaac likes and dislikes," William answers calmly. I wonder for a second if he even knows what his son likes or doesn't.

I suddenly realise we've been sitting in the car for more than five minutes now.

"Okay," I turn towards Isaac's dad and smile as my hands find the door's handle and pull it. Pushing the door open, I swiftly get out of the SUV and lift on my toes until I can see William's observant eyes very nicely.

"Thank you for driving me home, I appreciate it. I'll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight," I smile at the man brightly. I reckon if I have to be Isaac's mother for however long, I'll have to get along with his dad as well.

I think I see a hint of a smile on his face when he nods, turning the SUV back on, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I repeat in my head as I nod to the man and close the door of the SUV.

Watching the man drive away allows me to think about how different he is. So quiet and reserved. Always so observant and just kind-enough. I can't call him kind. But kind-enough seems fine.

Soon his SUV seems like a tiny dot on the street and I let out a sigh as I turn around, walking slowly towards the opening gate. Quickly moving in, I lock it.

It's been a very eventful day today, and an even more eventful night. So much has happened. Many life-altering things that I don't think I'd ever even been able to imagine on my own. Still, as I walk towards the front door right now, the silent calm of the night, the chilly breeze and the smell of flowers around me. I can't help but feel the happiest I've ever been.

Yes. Right now, I'm happy.


It's another one of the usual mornings. I am up by five and ready to pour myself into the new manuscript I've been eyeing ever since I was handed the stapled bulk of paper.

One by one each of the points in my morning routine goes by and by 6 I can't help but smile as the sun's cool rays begin to shine through the living room.

As the sun's rays hit my pale skin, so does the memories of yesterday. The memories of yesterday with William. With Isaac.


My eyes widen.


"Oh no! I have to be there before he wakes up!" I yelp as I jump out of the couch and bolt towards the bedroom in a matter of seconds.

"Oye! Shut it!" Saara growls as she shoves her head under her pillow. Had it been any other day, I would have shut up, but today I was extremely late. I didn't want Isaac to throw another fit.

"What are you yelling for?" Saara's sleep-coated voice asks, breaking the ticking silence.

"I'm so bleeding late! I have to be there before Isaac gets up!" I rush as I pull my yoga pants on and then pull my large grey sweater over my white tank top.

"Ohhhh yes," Saara's gruff voice fills the room again, "My nephew."

I don't say this out loud but I'm completely sure that Saara has no idea what she's talking about right now. So I ignore her and continue my task at the fastest pace.

"I'm locking the gate and doors in my way out. I'll call you okay," I call out behind me as I glance towards Saara. One glance and I'm pretty sure there are two eyes under the darkness of the pillow — looking at me.

"Unnnn," Saara replies loudly as she puts her hand up and motions me to leave.

I laugh all the way out of the house and the yard, hoping my best friend has been feeling better. I feel a little guilty, not being able to help her through getting over this breakup as much as I want to. I just hope she doesn't keep it against me.

My eyes analyse the busy morning street and I sigh. It's obvious I will not be able to catch the bus and get there on time, so instead after I lock the gate behind me, I quickly begin hailing a cab. Silently praying that I get a driver with good enough tolerance and character.

Thankfully a cab comes to a stop only moments later and I quickly get into the cab.

"25th Edmund Avenue, please," I breathe as my eyes meet the female driver's eyes in the rearview mirror.

"Got it," she nods, before driving back onto the main lane.

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