One Quiet Night
Eyes closed she listens as the strong winds outside continue to sing
"It's quiet tonight," she thinks.
The winds outside sing louder.
"How did it go with Dante?"
It's past 12 AM, but Saara and I are both wide awake. August ended up leaving around 11 and we've been in bed ever since, just talking.
"It's a very quiet night tonight, isn't it?" Saara says instead. I turn my head towards her in bed. I know I can't see anything in this darkness so I turn until my back is pressed against the mattress, and close my eyes.
"It's not quiet when we're actually talking. You don't want to talk about it?" I ask softly. I know Dante is a soft topic for Saara right now so I don't want to push her.
"How do you think it went, Pen?" Saara sighs, turning in the darkness as she speaks.
"It probably didn't work, huh?" I reply.
Dante's not one of the most sought-after lawyers in our city for nothing. I should have known that it would go this way. Actually, apart from moving in front of Saara's apartment, he hasn't done any other thing that can implicate him as a stalker. Dante's always been a very smart man after all.
"No," Saara groans, twisting again on her side of the bed, "He completely ignored everyone else and treated it like we were still dating. It's obviously hard for him to let go of the 7 years he's spent with me."
"What about Rob?" I ask instead of pushing the conversation to where Saara wants to take it to. To giving Dante another chance, "What's his status with Rob?"
I hear her sharp intake of breath and I purse my lips. This confirms it. She's been ignoring this aspect of the situation. She's completely ignoring Robert.
"I don't know," Saara admits and I nod. I'm sure Dante wouldn't be that much of an idiot to go around talking about him with Saara anymore.
"Well that's that then," I reply lamely. I don't know what else to say anymore.
"What do you think that little kid who mistook you for his mum must be doing right now?" Saara giggles suddenly, completely trying to change the topic. I find myself letting her.
"I'm sure he must be asleep," I smile, thinking of the small boy with big, sad, brown eyes.
"What about his dad?" Saara teases, and this time I'm the one taking in a sharp breath.
I can't help it. The man comes to my mind like a soft breeze. His dark eyes and his deep velvety voice.
"Probably with his wife,"
My voice is quiet. Too quiet. It's probably giving away too much, but in the darkness of the night, I let Saara see my real feelings.
"Do you really think that was his wife?" She asks, her voice is quiet too. Too quiet. When did this get so serious?
"You don't think that that's his wife?" I ask her instead of answering her. A question for a question.
"I don't know,"
I feel her attempt a shrug and I can't help but smile.
"Just go to sleep Poofy," I grin at my best-friend in the darkness.
"Alright, Mum,"
I hear the laughter in her voice and my grin widens.
"Night Poofy,"
"Night PenPen,"
"Oi, where are you rushing to?" Saara's groggy voice calls out from behind me as I rush towards the gate.
It's twelve in the noon and the girl has just woken up now. Still, I let her sleep because I know she spends her nights secretly crying. She thinks I don't know, that I can't hear her when she sniffles under her blanket, but it doesn't take much to catch the drift when we're only a few inches away from each other.
"Going to the company!" I call out behind me as I hurriedly slide the gate open and just as quickly close it behind me, "There's a staff announcement and I'm wanted!"
"Oh! Oh! Okay, what do you want for dinner?" Saara yells from the front door as I begin rushing towards the bus stop.
"Whatever you like!" I yell back, sending a hasty wave her way before breaking into a lame excuse of a sprint.
I'll admit, I never participated in any of the sports day activities during my primary education life. High school? Yeah, P.E classes was never a priority. My sole purpose in that class was to not fail, and that was the only reason why I even showed up and jumped around aimlessly.
Regardless, those choices have already been made and all I can do now is live with it. So I continue to huff as I rush towards the bus now waiting for me at the stop.
"Thank you," I pant as I get onto the bus and find any random seat. The bus is quite full today and so the only seat I find empty is the seat directly behind the driver. I shuffle to the corner, making space for the next person who gets in.
We reach my stop sooner than I expect and I quickly reach up and press the bell. Immediately the bus comes to a stand at the next bus-stop.
"Excuse me," I smile at the young girl sitting beside me as I begin making my way towards the exit.
Stepping off of the bus, I straighten the invisible wrinkles off of my navy blue dress and begin walking my way towards the company, hearing my white sneakers squeaking against the city sidewalks.
"When are you going to start acting like a full-time employee, Gemma?" Alicia snaps at me as she stands over my desk while I sit in my chair, my head down. The office is silent, probably listening to Alicia having her dig at me again.
"It is in my contract that I can work from both home and the office," I reply back as kindly as I can. Which isn't much. I really am on the verge of resigning and finding a new job in some other publishing company.
"And this so-called contract is getting renewed today, isn't it? Are you sure you're eligible to be employed in this publishing company?" Alicia smirks down at me and my eyes harden as I stare up at the woman.
This is it. I'm not busting my arse doing my Masters Degree to be questioned on whether I'm qualified enough. No matter how many times I've lowered myself just to let her feel secure about her status and position, all she does is try to push me further and further down. If I let this carry-on, I don't think I will have any confidence left in me.
"I have a double major Bachelors degree, a Post-Grad, and I'm doing my Masters right now, Alicia. I'm also an honours student. And I get all my work done on time. I think it's better if we do not talk about qualifications. Please."
"Are you trying to insult me by saying you're more qualified than I am?!" Alicia's sharp voice cracks through the silence of the office and I stand up, tilting my chin up in defiance. The woman is taller then I am by a few inches, however, I ignore that as I look right into her eyes. I'm not going to let her have her satisfaction today.
"You've brought that up yourself," I reply calmly, shrugging.
"Listen here, Gemma! I'm your superi—"
"Good afternoon everyone!" The CEO of this branch of the company, Mr Archinson, strolls in the office but then stops as he spots Alicia and me, "Is there a problem here?"
"Yes," Alicia responds firmly, "I was just firing Miss. Gemma for work incompetency."
Mr Archinson turns towards me with wide eyes, "Miss Windly?"
It feels like the world is crashing down on me. All the hard work I've given to this company for the past two years feels like it meant nothing. Still, I smile. I can't afford to do anything else because I treasure my pride too much.
"Alicia thinks that I am incompetent with my work because I don't come to the office every day like she does but instead works from both home and the office as agreed in my contract. Which, sir, I'm sure you know about since you were the one who got it drafted."
"Was it not stated in the contract that you must be in attendance at the office of at least 35% every month? Mr Archinson frowns, "Have you been complying with that clause?"
I nod, "Yes, sir. I have."
Shaking his head, Mr Archinson, begins walking towards his office, "Come to my office both of you."
"Please sit," he motions towards the chairs as Mr Archinson steps into his office and we follow behind him.
"What's going on, Alicia?" Mr Archinson asks as he settles himself on his large chair. Beside me, Alicia grits her teeth, and I just keep my eyes trained on my hand.
"Sir, she's working in a well-reputed company. How can she stay at home most of her days while everyone else shows up like normal desk-job holders?"
"Alicia, her job allows her to be flexible with her workstation. She requested that she be allowed to work from her home as well and the company agreed. You've known that since she's joined your team, haven't you? Then what's the problem?!"
When Alicia doesn't reply, Mr Archinson turns to me instead, "Gemma? Why don't you explain?"
"Alicia says I'm not qualified enough for this company," I reply simply. Not caring at all if I'm whistle-blowing right now or horn-blowing. It doesn't even matter if everyone else will call me a snitch for the rest of my working period here because at this moment I'm happy not protecting Alicia and being upfront and honest about what she actually did say. I've watched enough life and television to know that she will not feel a single ounce of gratitude if I keep her taunts a secret.
"Nonsense," Mr Archinson admonishes me, "Your contract has been renewed for another three years so get back to what you do best, Miss. Windly, and don't even think about resigning."
Despite the harsh reprimand; I can't help but smile a little. I nod, "Yes, sir,"
"Alicia, I can not believe that you, someone who has worked under me for twelve years could behave so harshly," Mr Archinson sighs disappointedly and I shuffle in my seat suddenly uncomfortable. Of course, despite my honest confessions, I start to feel guilty for getting Alicia told off by the CEO, regardless of whether she deserves it or not. The stupid kindness complex I have once again shows me it's a red arse and I almost give in and apologise to Alicia just to get out of this situation. I really dislike this flaw in me. I'm too weak.
"Anyway, the staff announcement is that your transfer has been approved for the main branch in New York," Mr Archinson continues, breaking me out of my internal battle and I immediately turn towards Alicia, "Congratulations, Alicia."
"Thank you, sir," Alicia beams at Mr Archinson, completely ignoring me. The former irritation that she was carrying is completely forgotten now though, so I'm quite content.
Now to start praying that the next Chief Editor is much nicer.
"I was so scared when she started yelling," Jason whispers as we both walked out of the company's main entrance.
It is almost six-thirty in the evening, exactly two hours after office hours end, but the two of us are still one of the first ones out. Everyone else seems to be planning overtime.
I grin at the young man, "You? Scared? I was pissed off though! I was about to smack a mouthful and a resignation on her face!"
"Yes. Scared. Even men get scared, okay?" Jason huffs, pulling the strap of his backpack tighter over his chest, "I'm glad she's transferring to be quite honest. She never liked any of my cover ideas,"
"I'm just glad I won't have someone attacking me all the time," I admit sheepishly, "Hey, do you think we should throw her a farewell party?"
"It is customary," Jason replies awkwardly and I nod understanding how the plans for the party are already halfway underway somewhere amongst the group do people that really like Alicia. After all, Alicia isn't really evil with everyone in the office.
"Will you attend?" He cocks an eyebrow up, looking at me sceptically.
"That would be the right thing to do," I shrug, "I guess we should get going now, aye?"
Jason's grin widens and he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, "Yeah, I guess. Hey... Er Gemma, could you... you know get this picture autographed by you-know-who?" Jason asks me shyly as he hands me a picture of Saara sitting in the middle of a field of lavender flowers.
"Sure!" I laugh as I grasp the picture out of his hand and carefully place between the pages of a book in my bag, "I'll get it to you in a week, okay?
"Okay, Cool! Thanks, Gem!" Jason grins sheepishly before he turns around and puts his hand up in a wave, "See you then!"
I can't help but let out a loud snort of laughter.
Jason trying to act cool after asking me for the favour makes me feel a lot better than I have the whole day.
"See you, Jason!" I call out as I, myself, turn around and begin walking away.
The air is chillier now than it was during the day. With the sun setting, the skies are now a tangy mixture of pink and orange. The night is falling quickly, it'll be dark soon. A soft smile settles itself on my lips as I continue walking slowly towards the bus stop, enjoying the pleasant change.
Disregarding the argument with Alicia, today wasn't exactly such a day. My contract has successfully been renewed today after all. That should stand for some sort of celebration.
"Wow what a day it has been," I think to myself as a soft chuckle leaves my lips randomly and I shake my head.
The sound of the passing traffic buzzes around me as I slowly continue strolling, thinking of ways on how to celebrate my contract renewal.
Takeaway? Pizza? A random movie?
"Excuse me,"
I stop in my steps.
My head turns towards the velvet-like voice and the sound of the traffic behind us turns into a blurry muffle. Staring at him, I can only blink as I feel my mouth go dry.
"Hi," Isaac's father smiles uncomfortably as he stands in front of me. His deep eyes that usually make me feel like they are reading my soul, today gazes into my eyes with a strange sort of emotion.
"Hi," I repeat his greeting, handing it back to him dumbly. What do I ask him? What does one say in a situation like this? Why am I so tongue-tied? Why is he acknowledging me?
"I don't think I've introduced myself. I'm William Noo," he extends a hand forward and I turn my gaze to it. His perfectly clipped nails complement his long and steady fingers. My eyes gaze over the variety of veins that run from his hand up to his arm and feel myself get apprehensive. If this guy decides to hit someone, they'll surely have a very solid blow coming at them.
Slowly, however, I move my own hand up and grasp his extended one as casually as I can. Giving it a shake.
Once again I'm left surprised. Despite the image of roughness, his hands exude at first glance, when touching it, I notice that it's actually very soft... and squishy.
I smile.
"Gemma," I introduce myself, "Gemma Windly."
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