Chapter 6:The party

So going to start switching point of views every now and then so that chapters will be longer and I can put more into them

  Alec's POV

  After Isabelle and I's "moment" there I left my room and into the weapons room. it was dimly lit like usual and had a mysterious feel to it, weapons lined the walls ranging from samurai swords, daggers, seraph blades, feather staffs, and the list goes on until I reached the place on the wall that held my bow and arrows. I grabbed my bow and swung the quiver over my shoulder and walked towards the targets. In the center it had the red bulls-eye and had a rings of color surrounding it, the rings varying in color as it reached the rim of the target starting with yellow, green, and then blue. I stood a good 17 feet away from the target and grabbed a arrow and loaded my bow. I pulled the string back and let it fly, land in the red center of the target. I have never missed the target which is why the bow is my weapon of choice. I was halfway done with the quiver when I heard the institute doors open.

  I walked out of the room and walked to the staircase to see who came. Isabelle was standing near the door and Jace and Clary were standing together in front of Isabelle. Clary was discussing what happened but I couldn't hear her from all the way upstairs so I just looked, Jace was staring at her and was and was smiling. I couldn't help but feel jealous because I still had feelings for Jace even though it was odd considering he was technically my brother but I couldn't help it, even though Magnus had walked into my life I couldn't help but still like Jace.

  I walked down the stairs and the others heard my footsteps and looked up at me. As soon as I made it all the way down I asked what was going on and what happened at silent city. Jace began to explain what happened, saying that Clary saw the name "Bane" in her vision. Bane, that name brought back so many thoughts at the speed of light and had me dazed off for a minute. Isabelle knocked me out of it when she started to speak. She said that she recognized the name (well she winked at me also which made blush, hoping no one noticed) and had an invitation to a party he's having that she got from Pandemonium. As soon as she finished I grabbed her by her wrist and lead her out of entrance hall.

  I went to the closest room, which was the kitchen, and closed the door behind us. "Why didn't you tell me you had an invitation to Magnus's party!" I said it quietly enough that no one could hear me but firm enough to get my point across.

  "I didn't want to freak you out, but now you know so I have to make you look good enough for him." She dragged me out of the kitchen and to my room and started rummaging through my closet. She tossed me a navy blue button down, a nice pair of black jeans, and a black leather blazer, along with a pair of simple black shoes. She walked out of my room only to come back a minute later with a dark green box in her hand, she handed it to me saying "here, I was going to give it to you for your birthday but now is a better time for it." Inside was a black leather cord with a silver charm on it shaped to look like a dagger. With that she walked out of my room and I quickly changed and met the rest of the people in the hall also dressed nicely. We walked out of the institute with my heart pounding out if my chest. 

Magnus's POV

  "GET THE HELL OUT" I screamed at a werewolf who spilled his drink all over my new outfit. I was wearing a lavender button down(hardly buttoned at all), a purple velvet jacket, and Persian blue pants, now wet with some fairy drink. I walked into my room and snapped on an identical outfit, but no pants, because why the hell not. I walked out with my makeup as perfect as ever. I got some odd looks for the sudden lack of pants, but screw them.

  Then a sudden blob of color caught my attention, as I got closer I realized what they were, shadowhunters, I thought to myself as I walked towards them. "Well, well, well, look at what we have here" I loudly exclaimed. I looked at all 4 of them, one with a halo of golden hair and wearing all black, a firery red-head wearing a green dress, and a tall girl with long black hair wearing a short red dress, and I swear my heart skipped a beat when I saw him, Alec. Alec was here(looking truly amazing if I do say so myself), or as my friend, Catrina, liked to call him "blue eyes".

  "I don't remember inviting any children of the nephillem" my gaze turned to Alec.

  "Magnus Bane, we need to talk" the golden one said.

  "You know I don't like you guys, but I'll let you stay, but only because of the hot one" I knew flirting with Alec was a risk, but I risked it anyway. The tall girl and the golden boy both thanked me at the same time, I shot them a confused look. "Not you, him" I pointed at Alec, "the one with the blue eyes." I smiled at him as I saw him turn a light shade of pink, cute. "And because of Clary, now Clary you come with me", I dragged her by her wrist off. 

Alec's POV

  By the angel, he isn't wearing pants, I thought to myself as Magnus walked into my view. He spoke in a deep, velvety voice, saying things that I didn't pay attention to. I tried not to stare but I couldn't help it, I tried playing it off as if I was just looking around but I'm sure someone noticed.

  "-him the one with the blue eyes" I heard him say. Did he just flirt with me? I blushed at his words and looked down, he took Clary with him, as soon as he left Isabelle dragged me off into the crowd.

  "By the angel Alec, he DOES like you" her stupid grin returned.

  "And your point is..."

  "Shut up, the point is that you DO have a chance with him, and thanks to muah you look amazing tonight and one way or another you two will hopefully end up together."

  "We'll see Iz, but who knows what if he was just messing around"

  "He was not, now look here he comes, that is my que to leave Tata" She was right, Magnus was walking my way as she left.

  "Was that your sister?" He said in his voice which I've come to love.

  "Yeah, she's defentaly something" I smiled.

  "Come follow me, and by the way you look absolutely gorgeous" I blushed and followed him through the crowd until we reached a door. He opened the door and gestured me in. Inside was his room which was a slash of color everywhere. White walls but color was everywhere, his bed sheets were Carney yellow, with random red pillows on it, next to the bed was a electric blue chair, curtains the same color of the chair, a white desk with several books and papers on it, under that desk was a neon green chair, and two doors that lead to his closet and bathroom. He sat on the bed and gestured me to the blue chair. I sat down and he began talking. "So Alec, how have you been."

  "Fine I guess" I said a little uneasily.

  "Okay let's cut the chit-chat, how deep in the closet are you?"

I nearly choked

  "what?!?, how did you know."

  "It's not that big of a deal, and I figured it out myself, when you live a while you learn a few things, and I caught you starring at me, what can I say my face is absolutely gorgeous."

  "Yes, I mean what?" I blushed again.

  "Ahh so you are interested in me" he smirked.

  "Yes, but the thing is I've never been in a real relationship, or even had my first kiss." He looked at me in shock

  "I find that hard to believe, considering your the second best looking guy in the building, the first being myself, so how about I take you out on Friday." I again blushed a deep red.

  "Yes Magnus, I would love that" we both stood up and walked to the door.

  "Oh and about that you have never kissed anyone, come here" He grabbed me by my shoulders and turned me around to the point where I was facing him. He look me in the eyes for a second before he dipped his head down and locked my lips with his. I stood in shock for a second before I relaxed into the kiss. I was calm yet passionate how ever that worked but that's how it went. He let go of me after a while and smirked at me, we walked out as if nothing happened. The rest of the night I stood in a corner(I never liked parties I was always awkward) and me and Magnus gave each other looks every one in a while, he would smile, I would smile back and blush. I wasn't sure about much but I was sure that I really liked him.

Hey guys I hoped you liked the chapter and I cannot thank you guys enough for reading this, so in the next chapter I will write the date scene but I'm not quite sure what to do, I might just write a simple dinner date scene at takis but I would like you guys to suggest things, also help me out with both of their outfits for the date, I'm really bad when it comes to writing about clothes, like for this chapter I had to get a friend to help me out with the outfits, so I would REALLY like suggestions for the date a outfits so comment away :D

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