Chapter 34:It's All My Fault

If you guys want to cry while reading this chapter, listen to "Amnesia" by Five Seconds of Summer while reading this. I listened to it while writing and I seriously started to cry. And prepare for a long chapter.

Isabelle's POV

Alec's body lay on the ground and I have no idea what to do. Magnus is still in town hopefully, he can fix up Alec. Barefoot, I dash outside the institute and run into Tessa. "Tessa! What are you doing here?"

  "I came to get Alec. He's here right? We need to go talk to Magnus."

  "Magnus! He's still in town, right?"

  "Yes, why?"

  "Oh, Tessa. I've done something horrible and I need Magnus's help." Without another word to her, I ran to Magnus's apartment as fast as possible. Every second counts. Each second that passes can be second closer to Alec's death. His apartment was in sight so I ran even faster. There wasn't time to wait for him to open the door so I hastily drew an opening rune on the door. It was messy so the door only losened and didn't open completely. No time, so I rammed my body onto the door to force it open. Nearly tripping up the stairs, I did the same with his door that what I did with the front door. Magnus was inside, slowly packing the rest of his things. "MAGNUS! I need your help please!"

  "Isabelle, you're getting blood stains on my carpet." I didn't even notice that there's a cut leaking blood on the bottom of my foot. Must've happened while I was running here, but that didn't matter.

  "I'm okay, but Alec's not." He seemed to brighten up at the name of Alec, but his mood darkened when he realised I said there was something wrong with him.

  "What happened to him?"

  "I-I was alone with him at home, a-and I was scared because he started beating on my door, probably because I wouldn't open it, but I was really scared and I opened the door and smashed a vase over his head because I didn't know it was him. By the Angel, it's all my fault he's probably dead. Sebastian left me scarred, oh but it's my fault I smash that vase over his head. When we went to rescue you he got hit in the head pretty bad and the silent brothers said to make sure he doesn't suffer anymore head injuries and look at what I've done. The Clave will deal with me for killing him. Help me Magnus." At some point during my speech I started to cry. I don't know if it was from fear, anger, sadness, or all three.

  "Isabelle! Stop rambling! Just, let's got to the institute. Screw running, let's take the portal I had set up." He took me by my wrist and we ran into hid office where a blue portal was set up. He went in first then me. We landed outside the institute and without a moment of hesitation I threw open the doors and ran up the stairs, Magnus hot on my trail. His body still lays on the floor outside my bedroom. How many times do I have to see him like this? Pale, lifeless, and bloody. First, when he got attacked by that greater demon, then when he suffered the first head injury, and now. Magnus leveled with Alec and put a glowing hand up to his head. His forehead creased and his eyes grew sad. He removed his hand and scooped Alec up in his arms. Blood already staining his clothing. "Move!" He ran down the hallway and I went to go catch up to him.

  "Magnus! Is he okay?"

  "Give me a minute!" I followed him into the infirmary where he gently set Alec down on the closest bed. "Go get me a cauldron, phoenix tears, essence of dreams, a knife, and dragon blood. Now!" He was urgent and I really needed for my brother to live, so I ran to get the stuff like Magnus asked.

Magnus's POV

  Sweat beated off my brow as I mixed the elixir over a fire I conjured up. This potion may or may not save Alec's life. It's supposed to make you feel like new. Healing every injury, mending bones, and more. The problem is that it rarely works on anyone at all, but I can't think of that right now. All that matters is saving the man I love. The elixir is ready and I put it into a cup for Alec. I tilt his head back and put the orange liquid in his mouth. If it doesn't work after five minutes, it's over. This is my only chance to save him, to see him again, even of its not with me. If he dies I will spend the rest of my now mortal life alone. There will never be anyone after him. It was Alec and Alec only that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. He can't die right now. He didn't even live a full life yet. He didn't have the chance to get married, have kids, grow old with someone. And I wanted to be the one that got to do all of that with him. Love is like a black hole. When it takes you, you can't leave no matter what you do. Yet, you don't want to leave, so if somehow you do, the whole world is different without it. Oh Lilith, Isabelle. She's already lost a brother, and blames herself for that, her father, and now she can lose another one and live with the guilt thinking it's all her fault again.

  Five minutes pass and he's still in a coma. That's the best I could do right now. It's a miracle he's not dead, but he's not awake either. "Isabelle," I said as loud as I could. It's impossible for me to yell right now, or I might just start to cry.

  "Magnus? Is he okay?" She came up behind me and put a hand on my back.

  "No, he's not waking up. I-I fear he won't wake up. I can only do so much to save him, and none of it working. I don't want him to die." I didn't care about being strong now, I just wanted my Alec back. My walls have been built up for so long, and a young Shadowhunter can make them all crumble to the ground. The sun in my world will not shine without Alec in it. The sky will never be as blue as his eyes. His raven black hair will still be the brightest thing in my life after he's gone. His laugh will be the most musical sound in the world to me. Lazy mornings will never be he same without a cup of coffee from Alec. Living my whole life being hated by Shadowhunters, and then he came along and changed everything. "C-Can I have a moment alone with him?" Isabelle didn't say anything, she just left. Leaving me alone with him. "Hey, Alec. I hope you can hear this because I fear I won't be able to say this when you're awake. I love you so much. A day hasn't passed when I haven't thought of you. It might seem like I don't care, but you're my everything. You're the reason I'm here right now. We can work everything out. I'll tell you everything you want to know about my past, anything you want. I'll do anything to make everything okay between us. Because when we broke up, you took my heart with you. It's all hollow inside now. The space can only be filled by you. You and your love, your gentleness, your hair and blue eyes, just, everything about you. If you don't wake up I can promise you that there won't be anyone after you. Someday, I wanted us to get married, adopt maybe, grow old together, and spend the rest of our lives together. It was only over half a year with you, but I wanted years. We were supposed to last longer. We were supposed to have that fairy tale ending living happily ever after, but I guess that only happens in story books. Our love was special, and it kept me coming back for more every single time. We can fix everything, start over, anything you want. Just please, come back to me."


  Maryse, Jace, and Isabelle stay next to Alec's side almost every day. I would know because I'm there too. It's been almost a week, give or take a day or two, I lost count a long time ago, since Alec was put in a coma. Isabelle has fallen into a depression since then, and she still feels guilty for this even though it's not really her fault. Every one tries to calm her down, but it never really works. She ignores everyone and stays silent most of the time. That's one thing we've found in common. I've snapped up some spell books and Isabelle and I are always looking though them, looking for a way to wake him up. Jace usually works with Clary to find a rune for him, and Maryse goes to Silent City and talks to the Silent Brothers. None have proved useful yet. People in Idris have heard about this, and many have told Maryse to give up, and its almost like she's starting to believe them. It might just be the pain of a parent watching their child being in a coma and not being able to do anything about it. Even if Maryse and Jace are here most of the time they still leave every once in a while. The people that are here 24/7 is Isabelle and I. They bring down food for us since they've accepted that we're not leaving. When was the last time I took a shower? At the moment Maryse went to Silent City again and Jace went to sleep for the night. "Isabelle, what are we going to do? Nothing's working," I stated sadly.

  "I honestly don't know, Magnus. But we can't give up. There had to be a spell, a potion, anything. W-We can't stop now. He'll wake up, he has to. Oh please, Alec. Just wake up already." She threw herself at him and pulled his body in a hug. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry. Sebastian left me like this. Please forgive me." It's hard to deal with a grieving sibling, so I just put my hand on her shoulder as a comforting gesture.

  "Isabelle, I know he'll forgive you. He has to once he hears the story."

  "What if he doesn't hear it because he doesn't wake up." Her tone was emotionless. She's just been so drained of her emotions there aren't anymore to show.

  "I'd rather not think that way. I can't imagine life without Alec by my side. Sometimes I think this is all a dream and I'll wake up in my apartment, and Alec comes in with a cup of coffee in hand and he'll give me a kiss. But then I snap out of it and accept that I'm awake and this is really happening. Just I don't really accept it, I just bear it."

  "You shouldn't have all of eternity to bear this weight on you."

  "About that, I never did tell you guys the price for my father's services. He took away my immortality, and I've been mortal ever since."

  "Why didn't you tell us?" Her voice was starting to strain now, but that could be because of a lot of reasons.

  "I was leaving, so I didn't see the point. Only Tessa knew as far as I know. It's awful knowing that Alec and I could've lived happily together, but who knows if that'll happen. If he does wake up, just think about what state he'll be in."

  "I'm so sorry," she whispered in a hushed tone.

  "How many times do I have to tell you. It's not your fault. You couldn't have stopped any of this from happening."

  "I know, but it was me who threw the vase at him."

  "It might've been your hand that threw the vase, but Isabelle Lightwood did not hit her brother with a vase. Isabelle Lightwood was taken over by fear, but it's okay because that fear was put there by someone else and it wasn't her fault. Nothing is her fault."

  "Thanks, Magnus. You two better get married once he wakes up."

  "That's the spirit. It might happen. He still young and I'll start aging from the age nineteen, so we still have time."

  "You have a point. I can wait for that say and I demand that I am you best woman at your wedding."

  "You'll have the honor, don't worry."


  "What day does today mark?" Isabelle asked sleepy.

  "Umm, I don't know. Lost count I guess. Somewhere in week two," I replied, rubbing my eyes. "God, I need to get drunk."

  "Take me with you, please. I'm known as being quite comedic when I'm drunk."

  "Yeah. Give me that spell book so I can repeatedly slam my head into it. Next time I see a spell about levitation or whatever it'll be too soon." Take out containers, water bottles, and books nearly cover the floor. Alec still hasn't woken up and we haven't found a spell either. It kills me to see him like this. To know that I will only see him like this. Not being able to tell him I still love him. "I love him," I barely whispered.


  "I said I love him. I just had to say it one last time. Isabelle, I think it's time to stop. Give up. Because nothing is going to work."

  "You're crazy. You can't be saying this."

  "I am. Your brother isn't going to come back I fear. As badly as we want him to."

  "No! We can't stop now. We can't." And I start to cry.

  "I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. It kills me to see him like this. I'd be better if you literally killed me."

  "Don't say that! When he wakes up you're going to be the first person he wants to see."

  "Can you leave. I want to be here alone with him." She obviously didn't want to argue, so she left. Now I'm left with Alec and I have no idea what I'm going to do. When I sent Isabelle out I thought I could talk to him, but no words are coming to me. I get out of the chair and settle myself on the bed next to Alec's. "When I wake up you better be awake also." And I slept.

Alec's POV

  Everything is so dark and quite. If only I could open my eyes. Why can I only hear things and not say them? When I wake up you better be awake also. Magnus! He's said so much to me and all I want to to wake up, and wrap my arms around him and say that I'm okay. But I can't. The last thing I remember happening is I was going to talk to Isabelle then everything went black. What happened. Why can't I move? All I want right now is to be awake. Then as if by magic, life goes through me. Like a bolt of electricity. My eyes open and I can see the infirmary. I don't know how long I've been out, but I know I'm glad to be awake. My whole body is sore, but it's not so bad. There's rustling besides me and I turn my head. Magnus is in the new next to me. Is he hurt? It seems like he's just taking a nap, though." "Mag-nus," I manage to say. "Magnus," I say a bit louder.

  "I don't care what you have to say, Isabelle. Let me sleep."

  "Magnus. It's A-Alec." This seemed to catch his attention. In seconds time, he jumped out if the bed and made his way over to me. He threw himself at me and pulled me into a hug. "Alec. I thought you were going to die. Everyone thought you were going to die."

  "I'm not. I'm not leaving you for a while."

  "Alec. You've been in a coma for two weeks." Two weeks? How have I been out for so long?

  "What happened?"

  "It's a long story, but I want some time with you before Isabelle comes back. Did you hear everything I told you in those two weeks."

  "Yes, yes, I think so. Did you mean it all?"

  "Of course."

  "I was going to your apartment. Get you to take me back, then everything went black. What I'm trying to say is that I know you're mortal. I heard you and Tessa talking about it, and I knew we could fix everything, so I was determined to win you back. Yachts what I'm trying to say right now. Will you take me back? "

  "Alec you are my everything. I'd be damned if I didn't say yes." We kissed, and it felt as if I had been reborn. Alec is mine and I am his again, and it does like I can finally breathe.

Haiii. I hope you enjoyed this. For those of you reading my other story "Blue-eyed Prince," there will be an update tomorrow. Sorry it's taking so long. Vote, comment, and stay awesome

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