Chapter 33:War

Alec's POV

  "Isabelle, you're being serious, right?" Isabelle was in Idris and we literally have a couple of hours until the big battle. All of the people that are going to participate in the war all gathered in Accords Hall to discus strategy, and Isabelle wanted to say something before we began. She explained her whole encounter with Sebastian, perfectly repeating what he said. It's disturbing and flat-out wrong for him to try something like that. She isn't doing very well either. When she went out to see Simon after the whole thing, she involuntarily flinched away from him every time he tried to touch her. Sebastian is sicker than we all thought.

  "Oh course I'm being serious! Why would I lie about that?"

  "You have a point. Thanks for telling us; now he's really going to pay for what he did."

  "Wait, I'm not finished. I'm enraged by what he did, so I want to be the one to kill him in a way that will for sure leave him begging for death." Jia spoke up before I replied.

  "Well don't keep us waiting. Tell us."

  "Well, with the help of Jace, once we weaken his army that I can run towards him with Jace. He's learned to control his heavenly fire now, and he can grab Sebastian from behind and let his heavenly fire burn him. Once I feel like he's hand enough, I'll take his head off with my whip." Everyone started to talk all at once, so it was just a muffle of voices. Others might think her plan is crazy, she could get killed any moment while she does that, along with Jace. But, it could work too. He's caused so many people to lose family and loved ones, so he deserves his final moments to be as painful as possible. If it wasn't for him Luna, Max, and Catarina would still be with us.

  "I'm all for it. Anyone whos against it, speak now." No one said a word. It was completely quiet, which is rare. "It's settled then. Isabelle Lightwood, I hope you're ready for this."


  It's time. Time for this bloody war to end. It's exiting yet nerve racking at the same time. Everyone's lives depends on their part in this battle. For once, everyone is important, like it should be. The plan is basic. It's very unlikely that the Seelie Queen will be here, even though she like to be on "the winning side" she doesn't fight, she leaves that to the members of her court; so we won't really worry about her. Sebastian is what we're worried about. Magnus is in another room, summoning his father to come here in physical form. Once he's here and the battle has begun he'll go out first and suck out all of the demon energies. Magnus asked him if he could take out Sebastian's demon energies, he didn't agree unless he was given something else in exchange. Magnus didn't like this, so he just left it as it is. After he absorbs the energies that will only leave the faeries, which won't be too hard to beat. If they don't back out after most if Sebastian's army is "destroyed" as Magnus's Father liked to call it, we wipe out as many of the fae as possible and while they're in small numbers, Jace and Isabelle will attack Sebastian. It's likely that the remaining fae will leave because they've lost, or keep fighting because of pride, which, once again, won't be hard since they'll already be in small numbers. Even though my life is on the line, it's not the thing that's been nagging at me all day. I'd makes no sense if I explained it to someone, but the thing I've been thinking about all day is Magnus leaving New York for good. It's stupid, I know, a normal person would think I'm on something of they knew that's all I cared about. What I would say to them is "Love does crazy things to you."

  Minutes seem to lengthen into hours, but I use this as an advantage. Tessa Gray also came to fight today, and if anyone knows anything about Magnus it's her. She's standing at the end of the hall, seraph blade in hand. I go though what feels like a thousand bodies until I reach her. "Tessa, I wanted to ask you something." She looked up from the ground with her gray eyes. She seemed dazed at my eyes, but quickly snapped out of it.

  "What do you want to ask me, Alec?" She's really polite. It almost makes me feel bad for being jealous of her earlier.

  "Do you know when exactly Magnus is leaving New York?"

  "After this battle and his father is sent back to help, but he said he wanted me there to send him off. He'll probably wait for me and pack up, so that'll take time."

  "Tessa, please. Will you tell me when you're heading over there. I-I'm going to win him back. I don't know how exactly, but I know I want to."

  "About time, he won't shut up about you."


  "Yes! You two should be together, it'll make both of you happy."

  "Thank you, Tessa. Good luck."

  "Same to you." Jia got up on the dais and told everyone to be quite. "Today, we face Sebastian Morgenstern. You should all know the strategy and be prepared for this battle. Thanks to Magnus Bane, we have a better chance now." While I was talking to Tessa, I didn't even notice Magnus come out of the room. He stood near the dais with a man who must be his father. "We will now go out on the battle field. We will return victorious!" Everyone started to cheer and marched out the hall. This is it. I'm ready.

  Even though it's the middle of December, the sun is still blazing in Idris. There stand a Sebastian and his army. It's significantly larger than we though, but luckily it's mostly endarkened. Sebastian is standing on a wooden box, and half of his face is heavily bandaged. It's pretty clichè. "Hello, Shadowhunters. Now, I know most of you are planning to kill me as I speak, but give me a second." He turns to the endarkened warrior on his right and whispered something in her ear. She disappeared into the crowd and came back with someone in her hands. Her hair curtained her face, so at first I couldn't tell who it was. Sebastian grabbed the person and lifted her up with him. "Well, I'm guessing you guys are missing someone. He forcefully grabbed the girl by her hair and lifted her head up. It was Luna. She was unrecognizable. She was a lot thinner than when I last saw her, her clothes were torn and tattered, she was covered in bruses, cuts, and dried blood, and she's crying and shaking. "LUNA!" someone screamed from behind us. I turned around to see Julie was struggling against Joshua because he was holding her. She keeps screaming at the top if her lungs and Joshua is trying to calm her down, but it isn't working. "I'LL KILL YOU FOR HURTING HER. SHE NEEDS ME. SHE'S HAVING A PANIC ATTACK." Another guy went to help Joshua keep her back because if she get out of his grip I don't doubt for a second that she would go running towards Sebastian. She could also kill her by where she's standing if Joshua lets go of her because she has a belt of throwing daggers. The other guy clamped his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming while Joshua tried to calm her down. Sebastian looked amused.

  "Yawn, yawn. Your attempt at entertainment is awful. I know this girl has panic attacks, I've seen her suffer them almost everyday. It's annoying. Whatever. Let's just get the action started, but every good war has to start with a death." He raised the Morgenstern sword to cut her throat. This couldn't happen, so I grabbed an arrow and quickly let it fly. It landed in his hand, making him drop the sword. "Son of a bitch! You all are going to be sorry." He let go of Luna and kicked her to the ground. She crawled into the fetal position and just laid there. For a second I thought she was dead, but she started to cry harder. I heard someone yell "now" and the endarkened started to drop to the ground. Through the sky went the demon energies. It looked as if the wind was carrying thin black fabric. Everyone seemed to have parted in the center to make way for Beelzebub to walk. All of the demon energies seemed to just disappear once they touched his skin. He just stood there with a satisfied smirk while Sebastian look horrified. After all of the endarkedned fell to the ground, he left. "What was that!" Sebastian yelled.

  "My father you wanted me to summon for you. He worked for us and now he's more powerful," Magnus said.

  "I'll kill you all." He then turned to the remaining faerie warriors. "Don't just stand there. Fight!" Most of them looked confused for a moment, probably deciding if they should fight or not. One if the fae charged forward and got into a sword fight with someone I didn't recognize. That was the trigger for the rest to start fighting. We have a bigger army. Warlocks, werewolves, and shadowhunters all fighting, but the fae are strong, and their magic is very mysterious. Swords are clattering, arrows are being launched, knives are flying through the air, and whips are glowing in the sunlight. A fae comes up behind me and tries to stab me, but before she gets the chance I jab a knife into her gut. She falls to the ground and I continue to shoot arrows.

  Everything is going to plan, but there are a lot more fae than we thought there were. Suddenly, Maia runs past me in Sebastian's directing, claws and teeth out. Before she gets too close I grab her by her hand and pull her back. "Maia! What are you doing?"

  "The fae just killed Jordan. He died in my arms! I'm going to kill him, even if it's the last thing I do."

  "No, it's a death sentence. Don't do it."

  "Try to stop me. I'm going to rip his throat out." While I wasn't paying attention, she freed her hand from my grip with her werewolf strength and ran again. She was close to him and coming up behind him, ready to kill him when he whipped around and took he  in his arms. He took a dagger from his belt and preceded to slit her throat. She lets out a scream and a cough and went limp after a moment. Sebastian just threw her body on the ground like she was a piece of trash. I wanted to kill him right then. Shoot an arrow straight through his heart but I can't. There's still too many fae to be safe, so if I killed him some fae may turn on me for killing their leader. Plus, Its Isabelle's duty to do that. After a moment of being shocked, I continued to fight.


  It feels as if it's been hours, but it's only been about one. The fae finally seem to be thinning out, and it's almost time for the grand finale. Isabelle is only a few yards away from me, whip in hand. She looked over at me and there's some sort of silent signal that tells her it's time. She and Jace dash to Sebastian and all I can do is watch. He's very clam and has faeries guarding him from anyone that comes near him. So far no on has gotten past them until Isabelle and Jace work together to knock them out. Sebastian starts to fight with Jace and Isabelle, pulling the Morganstern sword out of its stealth. He and Jace start to battle, but it isn't long before Jace unarms him. Little did Sebastian know, Jace has been training a lot. In those few moments where I wasn't paying attention to the action around me, one of the fae came charging at me. I quickly grabbed a knife and slit his throat. Luckily I caught that quick enough or else I would be been dead. There was a scream and I saw Jace had Sebastian's hand twisted around his back, and his hands seemed to be glowing. The heavenly fire was being put into Sebastian. Part one to our plan. He screamed in agony as the heavenly fire entered his veins. When Isabelle decided he finally had enough, which was after a long time, Isabelle wrapped her whip around his neck and gave a harsh tug. His head fell to the ground and Jace let go of his body. The grass was stained dark red with new blood. It only took a second for the fae to notice that he was dead. Now it's a waiting game, whether they'll back down. They respond in an unexpected way. One by one, they each dissolve into the ground. Fae magic always did work is strange ways. As soon as they disappeared, Luna reappeared on the ground where she originally was. Julie rushed, Joshua trailing behind. She went to her side and lifted her up and cried. It was a little bit of a relief to see that Julie and Joshua were alive. Julie and I never really got along, and I barely know Joshua, but it's nice to know that some people I knew survived. Bodies littered the ground, shadowhunter and fae. Everyone was silent for a second, but then people started to cheer.

  It's over.


  Oh course, there were going to be parties, celebrations, and and banquets, but I was heading back to New York to get my boyfriend back. Everyone who was returning home when through a portal, not that many people went home, just my siblings, Tessa, Clary and her family, a few random shadowhunters, and of course Magnus. He looked broken, like he didn't want to go, but we all knew he was. Tessa and him were side by side, occasionally whispering to each other. She said she would call me about an hour after we get back home, which gave me plenty of time to decide what I was going to do. And I need each and every minute to figure out what I'm going to say. What I'm going to say to win him back hasn't occurred to me until right now. What if he doesn't want me back? What if I'm too late? What if he really doesn't want to stay in New York? Isabelle pulled me out of my thoughts by hitting me in the ribs with her elbow. I tried to put a hand on her shoulder, but she flinched. "Sorry," she said timidly.

  "Don't be, it's not your fault. It's Sebastian's fault, and you killed him. Be proud of yourself."

  "I'll try, but c'mon, we need to get back to New York to fix your own problems." Magnus was only a few feet away from us, he could easily hear us, but screw it. Jace stepped through first, then Isabelle, then me. The portal swallowed me up until I found myself at the steps of the institute.

  Paceing. That what I've been doing the last fifty minutes. Back and forth, back and forth. Why is this so difficult for me? The blue scarf around my neck was suddenly very uncomfortable. It's just nerves, I repeatedly told myself. Maybe I can ask Isabelle for help. Isabelle and I are the only ones in the institute. Jace left with Clary to try out a new rune she came up with that she thinks will cure his heavenly fire. It might work, but then again it might not. She's had plenty of other runes that only lessened the amount of heavenly fire in him, but didn't take it completely away. It's terrible that he still lives with this, but we'll find a cure one day. Right now, I needed  focus on my own problems. Isabelle was alone in her room, so I knocked on the door. She didn't answer so tried to open the door. Locked.Desperate times call for desperate measures, I started beating on the door and yelling her name. This was urgent! He could leave any second now. Not caring about the noise I was making, I kept beating on it.

Isabelle's POV

  Beating and yelling , that's all I can hear. Even if I clamp my hands around my ears I can still what it. The tone reminds me of how Sebastian spoke to me. No one is home but Alec, and why would he be beating on my door? Sebastian is dead. He's dead. No matter how many times I tell myself, but he's made me extremely paranoid. There's no relational decisions now. I'm afraid. My body takes control and I take a heavy vase from the bathroom and stand next to the door. Quickly, I open the door and who ever it was, I smash the vase over their head. They immediately fall to the ground with a loud thump. Blood starts to seep into the ground and I check to see who the intruder was. It was messy black hair on the ground, not white-blond. Alec.

What have I done?

Fun Fact, well not fun for you but fun for me: I considered killing Luna this chapter. It was only a couple of chapters ago I decided not to kill Luna. Vote, comment, don't kill me, and stay awesome. Oh, and I wrote a malec one-shot so go check it out. :)

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