Chapter 30:The Plan

  "He's going to be okay. Just make sure that he doesn't suffer anymore head injuries or else something might really happen to him. As of right now, there are no long-term effects, just make sure he takes it easy," a Silent Brother's voice rang through my already throbbing head. I groaned out of pain and sat up on my elbows. First thing that I notice is that I'm still wearing my bloody gear and this is the hospital in Idris. What happened that ended me up here, no idea. My memory is a but fuzzy right now, but I still remember everything that lead up to my injury. We were on a rescue mission to get-who? Magnus, Luna, and Julie! That's what we were doing. A guy hit me in the head, hard. Isabelle noticed me trying to sit up and sat on the bed. "Alec, are you doing okay?"

  "I think so, but my head hurts so much."

  "I'll get Catarina to make you a potion when she's rested. She stayed up all night healing Mag-a person."

  "You mean Magnus."

  "I don't want you to worry."

  "I want to see him." Screw being nice, just be demanding. "Where is he?"

  "Alec that isn't a good idea."

  "Why? A headache won't kill me, I can walk."

  "Alec, that's not the problem. You need to prepare yourself for what you're about to see."

  "Move. Let me get up." She moved off my bed and offered her hand to me, and I jerked my hand away. She looked hurt, but I brushed it off. She lead me to an area cut off by curtains. She pulled them back to expose what was inside. There were two beds, on one lay Catarina, resting. On the other is Magnus. He's laying face down on his stomach with the sheets stopping at his waist, showing long white scars on his muscular-dammit Alec, that's not what I should be focusing on, back and hands. Isabelle tried to stop me, but I rushed to his side. Lightly skimming my fingers over them. "What happened," I barely was able to choke out the words.

  "We don't know. He hasn't woken up. We found him like this, except the scars we open and he was pale." It's hard to imagine him worse than he is right now. His lips aren't the normal pink color, or glossy if he has makeup on, they're more pale, and you can see that he tried to fight back given the bruses on his hands and wrists. Or it can be from being tied up.

  "What about the others. Julie and Luna."

  "Julie is in pretty much perfect condition, expect she's a bit unstable. Julie says Luna is still with Sebastian, and who knows where he is. The Clave is going to put her up to the mortal sword today."

  "When is she being put to the mortal sword."

  "At five. It's three right now. Catarina should be rested by then, you'll get a potion then."

  "Okay, I'm going to stay here for a while then. When Catarina wakes up I can ask her, and I'll stay here in case Magnus wakes up."

  "Alec. We don't know if he's going to wake up. He lost a lot if blood-."

  "I don't want to hear it. Just leave and go do whatever you planned on doing all day." Without responding, she closed the curtains and left. I moved and sat on the bed with Magnus. "Hey Mags. They say if you talk to someone when they're in a coma that can hear you. I really hope that's not the case because I'd be pretty embarrassing if you heard what I'm about to say." He didn't stir in his sleep, so I continued speaking. "This isn't how I thought we were going to meet up again. Actually, I didn't expect us to meet up ever again  unless it was for business. Knowing me, I'd probably call you saying it for business just to hear your voice; just to make sure you're still doing good. Wow, this is a lot harder than I thought. All those things I said on the note I left you, none of it is true. At the moment I was angry and confused, I didn't mean it, I still want you back. There's still hope at the back of my head that I'll be back at your apartment and we'd be happy. Who knows if that will actually ever happen, If you still love me back. You're really confusing sometimes. If only if there was a way to know if you feel the same way right now." Some point during my speech I grabbed his hand, and now I was rubbing circles on his hand with my thumb. What I didn't notice was the coldness of silver on my hand. Surprising that Sebastian let him keep it, even more surprising is that he kept it. After all of that I thought that he would've thrown it out, or given it away because according to Isabelle Tiffany's is expensive. "Maybe there is a way to tell me you still love me. I know this doesn't mean that we're back together, but I have time. I can wait. Maybe when this is all over we can talk it over and try again." That's when I decided to get up. "Hopefully when I'm back you're awake and well."


  Not much happened before the Clave meeting. Catarina woke up and fixed me a potion for my head. It worked perfectly and I felt like new. Now it was time Julie's questioning(in reality it was her trial) in front of the Clave. All residents of age(some exceptions) of Idris went to the Accords Hall. It was full of people, but I don't think I saw her parents there. Odd, really. Julie was at the front in front of the dais with Jia and a Silent Brother clutching the mortal sword. They haven't had time to find a replacement for my father in such short time, so it's just Jia working on her own. It must be hard on her; all of the hard decisions rest in her hands. "Eveyone be quite!" Jia yelled. The hall immediately went silent after. "Today Julie Silverscale will stand before the Clave and will have the mortal sword used on her. Julie, Are you ready?" Julie didn't speak, she just nodded her head. The Silent Brother, now I see its Brother Zachariah, place the mortal sword on her skinny hands. "Julie Silverscale. What were you doing with Sebastian Morgenstern?" It was hurting her a lot, that only happened if you were holding back the truth. She clenched her teeth in pain and gave a small scream.

  "We had an alliance," she finally screamed out. Everyone in the hall started to murmur. Some of it I could hear, "Traitor" and "weakling" were said. Jia ordered everyone to be quite so she continue the questioning.

  "Why did you make this alliance?"

"He said he would kill the few people I have left. Luna and Joshua, my boyfriend."

  "What about your parents? Don't you care for them."

  "No." Good thing her parents aren't here. That would've hurt. "I couldn't lose them. They're the only people I care about." She started to weep, I can't tell if it's from the pain or the memories she must have.

  "Where is your sister."

  "I don't know. When he found out that the Clave located him, he fled with Luna leaving me and the warlock." She started to cry even harder. "She spent her birthday alone and being held hostage."

  "Did you know of the acts committed against the warlock, Magnus Bane, that included being tied up, given little food, and whipped?"

  "No, not until recently, Sebastian kept us all in separate rooms at the end of each hall. Mine was okay. A mattress, a shower, and food. He always denied me when I asked to see Luna, so I never knew what was happening to either of them. When he fled he took off the demon wards so that we can be found and he threw me and Luna in the room with the warlock. Luna was in terrible shape. Bruses all over her, dried and fresh blood, her clothes were dirty and ripped, and she looked like she didn't eat. He started to whip the warlock saying that it's his fault that the Clave found us. I cried right then for so many reasons. For my sister and the warlock. When y'all found us, it was a blessing and a curse. Good because we can live, bad because Luna is gone and I'll be punished for what I did."

  "Do you know why he wanted you two and Magnus Bane?"

  "He wanted Luna and I for hostages, so he can use us for ransom. As for Magnus Bane, I don't know. But one day I could hear chanting and yelling."

  "Is there anything else Sebastian Morgenstern told you?"

  "He's planning the war. He expects it to go down on December fifteenth. Two weeks from today. I was going to tell everyone after my trial." Everyone in the hall started yelling. So many things were being said that I couldn't tell what was being said about who.

  "SILENCE!" Jia yelled. "Julie Silverscale. It is clear that you are guilty of your crimes, but you only accepted because lives were at stake. But you have given us information that will help us in this war, and we will ask Magnus Bane about his experience when he wakes up. Hopefully more information comes up from him. For now, you are free to go until the Clave decides what to do with you." Of course, many people objected with her decision. Someone yelled that she should be thrown in Silent City for her crimes of treason, but Jia made her decision, and its final. "SILENCE! Julie Silverscale has done wrong to an extent, but we shall take pity on her because loved ones lives were going to be lost. She will have an appropriate punishment once the Clave talks it over, and we need many shadowhunters for the war that is coming up. Until then, she is free, but I will have someone watching over her to be fair. Joshua Ravenwolf. Stand." A tall man with curly black hair stood up from his seat. Julie said this was her boyfriend. In a way I see why Isabelle fawns over him. "Joshua Ravenwolf. Do you accept responsibility over Julie Silverscale, so that she is protected in case Sebastian comes back for her or that she doesn't pull anything due to popular belief." So Jia did hear what everyone was saying.

  "Yes. I Joshua Ravenwolf accept responsibility over Julie Silverscale."

  "Then it is settled. Brother Zachariah, take the mortal sword." As soon as Brother Zachariah took away the sword, Julie tumbled to the ground. Like that sword was the only thing keeping her up. She was on her hands and knees with her brown hair curtaining her face. She hadn't stopped crying and Joshua rushed to her side. He sat next to her and was whispering in her ear. As soon as she saw him she threw her hands around him and sobbed out his name. Now I see what Luna meant when she said that they were serious about each other. He helped her down from the dais and left. He was only a few inches taller than her, which made him short for his age.

  Just when everyone thought all of the drama was over, Catarina rushed into the room. "Consul Jia! Magnus Bane is awake." Jia stepped down and rushed out if the hall. I followed and as I ran out I could hear snickering as a passed. I was never really accepted in this community, just ignored. Some people were kinder than others and kept their opinions to themselves, but others openly expressed that I was accepted. Most if them were people who were older than and were used to everything being old fashioned, but they can go fuck themselves. None of their opinions matter to me anymore.

  Eventually I caught up them and we went back to the hospital. At first Jia didn't know why I followed, but Catarina assured her that I could help. If he was going to talk to anyone, it would be me. Jace and Isabelle were already there, apparently Catarina told them too. In the hospital Catarina ripped back the curtains to show Magnus. He was sitting up in his bed, barely picking at his meal of corn and meat. "Magnus Bane," Jia said, not sounding as stern as she did with Julie.

  "Consul Jia Penhallow."

  "We have come to talk to you about your experience with Sebastian. Are going to tell the truth?"

  "Yes. Well one night I was alone in my apartment. All of a sudden Sebastian shows up and threatens me so that I can work for him."

  "What did he threaten you with?"

  "The Silverscale's lives and the life if someone else who is important to me that I do not wish to elaborate on." Crap. "He said he killed Raphael Santiago for information on me." It's clear that he's having a very hard time saying all this. This 'information' must've not been good. "Information about my father because Raphael paid a lot if money to find out." Looks like I was right. He never likes to talk about his father. To anyone. So Raphael must've paid him a lot of money to find out. "He said that if I summoned him then he would give Sebastian power. I didn't have much of a choice, so I went along. When Sebastian finally sent me to summon him I really didn't want to, so I tricked him and summoned a lesser demon. It kept everyone alive, but it almost cost me my life. He cut back on food, beatings and whippings became regular, and I was tied up to the wall. Not the most ideal way to spend a week."

  "Who was your father?" He took a deep breath.

  "What I'm about to say, you cannot say to anyone else. If anyone else finds out I will kill you." After a moment of silence he spoke. "My father is Satan's half-brother. Beelzebub is my father. Gasp if you want to." Everyone was quite for a while, just getting over the initial shock. "It's not a thing you're really supposed to be proud of."

  "It's okay, Magnus. You can't control who's blood is in you, and your father's actions don't determine you own," I said. It surprised even me that I spoke up. Magnus looked at me and silently said "thank you."

  "Magnus Bane, there is nothing else you can tell us. Thank you for your input," Jia said once she was out of her daze. She was about to leave when Magnus called her back.

  "Wait, I have more to say." She turned back faced hum. Magnus had determination gleaming in his eyes. "I know a way we can beat the endarkened, that what Sebastian called them, army and his allies are the fae. Well before I pissed him off I occasionally saw what his plans were. He would have some of his demons suck the energy out of a endarkened warrior. He said it made the demon more powerful, so I think I came out with a way for that to work at our advantage. If my father agrees, he can come to war with us and take all of the energy out if the endarkened army and the few demons, leavening only the fae. We could beat the fae, or they will withdraw from the war. They always wan to win, but pride might keep them around. Either way, we will win."

  "Magnus Bane, are you sure about this?"

  "I've never been so certain. All of you will live in the end, it's the last thing I can do."

"What do you mean by that?"

  "After the war is over, I plan on moving. There's nothing left for me in New York. A few days after the war is over, I'll leave and I won't come back." What. "There's nothing left for me in New York." He said he's still in New York only because of me, if he leavening because of me too? Before he leave, I'll make him change his mind no matter what it takes.

Aren't I nice to these characters  :) Anyways, Vote, comment, and stay awesome

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