Chapter 26: Papa Lightwood takes a visit

I know the institute only had a portal in the movie, but it does in here too :). This is just another filler, but hey, what can I do.

"You're kidding right?" I stare at Isabelle in disbelief. The closet thing I had to a best friend missing, no sign of her and her sister. Only yesterday I was happily talking with her and Isabelle, now, who knows where she is right now.

"I don't know how. Here, eat an apple." She tossed me an apple, but I dodged it. She's been trying to get me to eat more to gain weight back, not my main priority right now. My main priority is just to eat again, but Isabelle tries to give me unhealthy amounts of food just so I could be back to my old weight. Like I said, unhealthy. I'm taking it slow.

"I don't want an apple. Why isn't the Clave doing anything about this? Shouldn't they care about their own kind being taken and turned into these--things of evil. Can't Dad take it into consideration to get off his lazy ass and fight for his people?" Our dad recently got the job as Inquisitor, which gives him authority to things like this.

"Don't call him that," Isabelle pleaded.

"Why shouldn't I? I have every right. He's left this family in ruins. Mom told me my engagement was his idea, he was going to leave us, he still doesn't accept me when Mom and everyone else does, and the only reason he's still with us is because Max used to be with us. Don't tell me I can't say that because I can and will." I know I was being rude, but he deserves it now that I've learned about his previous scandals.

"Okay, okay, I get it. But if you feel that he should actually do something about it, call him. Tell him to come here and fix everything, or at least try to do something about it."

"It might just work, he liked Julie, so it might just work."

"See, you are smart. Sometimes." She batted here eyes at me in an innocent way. I got up and left her, to go make a fire message to him. Since I left my stele in the library, I just decided to make it there.

The library was always my favorite room in the institute. The smell of old books always lingered, the old artifacts simmered in their display cases, sort of like Magnus's hair-wait, no, don't think of him. The portal that stood at the back of the room, enclosed by doors decorated with runes. As a child I would always come here, just to escape all the people, and escape into another world for a while. There was a time when I climbed a latter to reach a book on a high shelf, just then Jace decided it would be funny to shake the latter. He almost broke my arm. Any time not spent training, I spent here.

We always kept paper on the shelf next to the portal, so I went to go get some along with my stele. I scribbled down the letter it read: Dear Father,

So many shadowhunters are being kidnapped by Sebastian, can't you come here to New York and try to do something about it. He mainly targeted New York, so it would be good to come here.

Sincerely, Alec.

After reading it over, I put the fire rune on the corner of the paper and it sent. I'm guessing it would take a few days for him to get it because he's busy, so when the floor started rumbling a fee minutes later, I was shocked. Out of the portal fell my Mom and Dad, both in gear. "Alec," said my Mother. She came over to me and gave me a hug. "How have you been doing? Isabelle told me, how are you holding up." This is why I've always prefered my Mother. She always has that caring feeling to her, like home should be. My Father on the other had, he's always been a bit distant to me, especially when I came out as gay.

"I-I'm doing fine, better than I was at least. But I'm fine, I'll get passed it, hopefully." The last part I said in barely a whisper. I didn't want them to think I'm childish and naïve. Also I'm lucky that my shirt covers me up to a point where they can't notice the weight loss.

"That's good, isn't that good, Robert?" Just now I notice all the problems that have been in their relationship. Sure, it never was perfect before, but now I see that it was because of my Father. When my Mother call his name, it seemed to pull him out of a trance. He was all dazed, I can't quite put my finger on why.

"Oh, yes, glad you're fine," he said quickly. I'll have to fine put what's going on with him later.

"I'll call Jace and Isabelle, and tell them that you're here." To be honest, I just said that so I could leave the awkward situation. It's just like that with my father since he's never really accepted me. Isabelle was in her room, on her phone. "Isabelle, get up. Mom and Dad are here. Where's Jace?"

"Jace went to Silent City with Clary, they're still trying to find a cure."

"It sucks that he has to deal with burning everyone whenever he touches them."

"Yeah, let's go see Mom and Dad now." She followed me back to library. Oh yeah, what's with the dress shirt?"

"I had no other clean shirts, they're all at Magnus's place." I changed the subject quickly. "C'mon, let's go."

They were sitting at a desk, talking. My Dad visibility perked up when we entered. "Ah, Isabelle, come sit. You too, Alec."

"How did you guys come so fast. Alec only recently sent the fire message."

"We were actually already planning to come, it as just a coincidence that your brother sent us the fire message the same time we were leaving."

"So what are we going to do?"

"We're going to discuss what we're going to do about these kidnappings, and demon hoards. Sebastian has sent a hoard recently to Brooklyn. We need to fine a way to stop him and prevent war as much as possible."

"So instead of going to war can't we just find where he is and slit his throat while he sleeps?"

"That's the problem, we don't know where he his. No warlock can track him and there's no sign of him. That's why we're going to talk about what to do."

For most of the discussion I was zoned out. Hoping I could at least look like I'm listening. There was only one part of the conversation that caught my attention. "Can't we ask the High warlock to track any of the people gone missing? Sebastian can't be found because we have nothing of his, but we could probably get someone's shirt and use it," my Dad exclaimed in frustration.

"Umm, I don't think so," Isabelle said timidly. Suddenly my shoelaces were the most interesting thing in the room.

"Why not? We can pay him whatever he wants."

"Ummm, after he broke up with Alec he probably doesn't want to work with us anymore."

"Damn it Alec! What did you do to him that was so bad?" He had a fiery look in his eyes. This is why I used to fear him as a child, he had a look that he could kill you if he wanted to.

"Dad, don't take your anger out on Alec. He doesn't deserve it, and there are more warlocks in New York. How about Catarina Loss? Jocelyn Fray knows her." The look in his eyes subsided almost instantly.

"Yeah, okay Isabelle. I'll call her up, asking if she'll work for us. With pay, of course." That's how the rest if the meeting went. Just discussing what would be best for us to do about Sebastian. Jace's Heavenly Fire came up in the conversation, they just said that they'll have the silent brothers take care of that. It isn't fair to him. They should at least try a bit harder. He's the best of our kind, his case should be treated more than it is now. When it ended, I can't help but say I was glad. It was constantly nagging in the back of my head that Magnus would come up in this conversation, and that's the last thing I want to talk about right now. Getting over him is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Just letting go of a huge part of your life, no matter what it is, will take quite some time. When everyone leaves the library and leaves me there alone, once again, I'm glad. I've been enjoying being alone a lot more lately, it helps me think. Finally deciding on staying here the rest if the day, I grabbed an old book and took a seat on a large chair.

About an hour later the door to the library creeks open. In its frame stands my Dad. He's probably here to write a fire message, I thought to myself, well more like hope. I really didn't want to have a conversation with him right now because Magnus would probably come up. He's probably wondering what I did to him, why he won't work with us, and more regarding the war. "Hey son." Shit, he does want to talk. "How have you been doing?" Without taking my eyes off the book, I answer.

"Good, I'm just reading."

"You know that's not what I mean. I mean what's happening with Magnus." Shit shit shit.

"Nothing much, we're not together anymore. It hurts, but I'll get over it eventually." Lie, lie through your teeth.

"See, I told you it was just a phase in your life. There was nothing in between you and that warlock, he was just something to entertain yourself with. When this war is over, you can find yourself a nice woman and settle down." My grip on the book tightened until my knuckles turned white, anything to keep me from throwing this book at him.

"No, no Dad. You don't know what you're talking about. Is that why you've been out if it today? Because you think I was wrong about how I felt? You're wrong, y-you don't know love." If I don't shut up, I'm screwed.

"What are You talking about? Of course I know about love, I love your mother."

"No you don't. If you did then why did you have an affair when I was young!" He looked taken back. I don't know what he was expecting me to say, but it certainly wasn't that.

"Who told you about that! You weren't supposed to know about that."

"So you're not denying it? It's true, isn't it?"

"Alexander! Shut up about that."

"No, Dad, I'm sorry I can't. You can't barge in here lecturing me about my love life when you clearly need to fix your own."

"At least I was in love with a woman! You disgrace to the Lightwood name, you can't carry on the Lightwood name, what you do is unnatural, so you're nothing to me."

"So this is how you really feel? I knew you never accepted me for who I was, but I see that this is how you really feel. It hysterical that you call me a disgrace when you're one too."

"Alexander, you say nothing of this to anyone else, but you're a disgrace to me. You've been nothing to me since that night at Accords Hall." Disgrace. It rang in my head a thousand times. His words burned holes in me. My Father, who was supposed to love me, hated me. It's not really a self esteem booster when mine is already as bad as it is.

"Fuck you, Dad. Leave. Now." He

"Never speak to me again." He stormed out of the room, slamming the door on his way out. The back of my eyes burned. No, he doesn't deserve your tears. I sort of just sat there, taking in all of the things he called me. All of the insults, everything, he meant every word of it. It's partly my fault for thinking he was capable of love. He was my Father, I kind of had to love him, but now I'm certain the feeling wasn't mutual. I wanted to talk to someone about it, maybe it'll help. Talking has been helping me a bit lately. Who to talk to? Magnus? No, don't even think about it. Isabelle? No. Jace? Jace isn't the most sympathetic person in the world. Mom? Maybe that would work. After mentally convincing myself, I finally left the library to find my Mom. She's always been the most understanding out if all of the Lightwoods. First I checked her room, no sign of her. She wasn't in the kitchen either which was odd because she loved to cook. If only she would teach Isabelle, but that isn't the main task at hand.

After I couldn't find her, I decide to ask someone where she was. Jace was with Clary, probably just hanging out. They've been together a lot more lately, probably because they want to spend as much time together before the war that will probably happen. So all that was left was Isabelle. Since she wasn't in the kitchen either, she was obviously in her room. Those are the only two room, besides the training room, she spends her time in.

I was right, she was in there. She was doing her makeup at her vanity table. "Hey, Iz, have you seen Mom?"

"She didn't tell you? She and Dad went to go check out a demon hoard in some neighborhood. Probably sent by Sebastian," she said while still doing her makeup.

"Oh, okay. I was just wondering, so what are you doing your makeup for?" She put down her mascara brush and stared in the mirror.

"Simon, he asked me to meet him at Taki's."

"Oh, well that's okay. Don't take any faerie drugs or get pregnant."

"Alec," she laughed. "You've been telling me that since I was fourteen, faerie drugs are some weird shit, and its kind of impossible for me to get pregnant with Simon."

"Oh, right, just stay away from the faerie drugs."

"Trust me, I will. Weird. Shit." I closed on the door and left to my own room. I'll just talk to Mom when she gets back with Dad.

With Dad.

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