Chapter 23: The Blond Ruins Everything
I see this chapter as a bit choppy, excuse that please.
Alec's POV
These days where I have to wake up at one am and wait for Isabelle's letter are becoming part of my daily schedule. It's odd because I'm not a morning person, but I don't show it as much as Jace and Isabelle. So instead of groaning and complaining, I just really need some coffee and I'm mostly silent; so when I'm gladly drinking coffee and talking with Magnus, it's definitely a new thing. Magnus and I talk while he makes the portal and we await Izzy's letter, hopefully what Magnus told her last time discouraged the wedding planning because if she went even farther I would've never returned home, afraid to face her, or had a mental breakdown, or both. We are currently in India and it was great. The culture, the food, and the fact that Magnus wore a sari. At first I would not let him go out in public like that, but after arguing about it for a while I lost and he went out in a sari. It was definitely one if his weirdest outfits yet, and that's coming from me who is the most accepting of his outfit choices. "So how do you think everyone I'd doing back home, or more importantly, what are we going to do about Julie. She doesn't seem to be backing down anytime soon."
"My family should be doing fine. I mean Clary's mom is marrying Luke, the werewolf pack leader, he's nice. Sebastian is a growing threat, which is the bad part, hopefully they can keep that under control, I'm confident in them. As for that bitch-slut who goes by the name Julie, I have no idea. She better back down soon or I might just throw her off a cliff and watch her burn. Why don't we just find out we're she lives and I hold a giant sign outside her window saying 'I'm gay, now fuck off' maybe she'd hopefully stop then. Or we could tell her sister, Luna, to bash it into her mind that I don't want her. Or-."
"Or I could set a spell on her pet, if she has one, or we get her one, to make it into a rampaging monster. Depending on Izzy's letter today it might work."
"Actually I was going to say enchant a piece of jewelry or something so that it does something bad to her, but that works too." We talked for a bit more, but when the clock hit 1:47 Mganus started counting down. Once he reached one Izzy's letter was on time. For some reason she always has them come around this time. I picked it up, mentally preparing myself for what she has in store for me this time.
Dear Alec and Magnus
How are you? Everything's just fine here. Thanks for the postcard with the picture if the Taj Mahal. It looks nice. Disregard my last few postcards. I see I overdid it. To make it up to you, I'm going to redecorate Magnus's loft for free.
I gave the letter to Magnus with a smile on my face. I gave him a hug and buried my head in the crook of his neck. "Have I ever told you I love you? Because I do." He gave a small laugh.
"Actually many times, what's with the sudden display of affection?"
"I'm just glad you got her to stop. All of your threats must've worked."
"I'm glad you're happy about it. Here's the letter back, and give me some more time to set up the portal. It's almost finished."
"Okay." We continued talking for a while, while he worked on the portal. In about half an hour the portal was up. "To be nice I'll actually tell you were we're going. Sydney, Australia to be exact."
"Magnus, that's great."
"Well don't just stand there and thank me, go see for yourself." He gave me a small push and I walked through the portal. A flash of colors went before my eyes and I landed on a soft patch of grass looking over a large body of water. The water was the bluest water I've ever seen, Magnus might've compaired it to my eyes, which were a cerulean blue, but it was true. In the distance you could see the Sydney Opera House. A pair of legs maimed mine on the grass. "Beautiful isn't it?"
"Yeah, it is. Seriously Magnus, you chose the best places to go to."
"Well when you've spent a majority of your immortal life traveling, you learn a few things." How can he talk about it so calmly? I have to admit, his immortality does bother me quite a but, but it kind of one of those subjects that I want to avoid. I love him so much, and I don't want our relationship to get complicated because of something I said. But it does worry me. He's been around for a long time, must've been with tons of people because of his age. I expect that, but I'm worried and jealous. What if I'm just trivial, once I die he just find a someone else, waits for them to die and then moves on to the next? And what if he loved someone else more than me, he constantly says I'm special to him, but what if he says that to everyone. What can I say, my insecurities are catching up on me again, just like they did in the beginning of this trip. "Aleccc, where'd you go?" Magnus had put his hand on my shoulder and leaned in.
"Oh, nothing, just looking. It's just really pretty," I lied.
"I agree, it looks like the color of your eyes, but we need to go get to our hotel right now. Since the jet-lag here is a lot worse than the previous places we've been, we'll just hang out at the hotel for today. We're staying here three days instead if two, so we'll start going out tomorrow."
"How did I know you are going to say that? But sure, let's get there then."
This hotel was the most different from the rest. It juts looked the same as any hotel in New York. Magnus and I set our bags on the couch and made it over to the bedroom. I collapsed onto the bed, the coffee I had this morning had worn off its effect. "Ugh, I'm suddenly okay with the idea of staying here all day, but just out if curiosity, where are we going the next few days?"
"Well you remember that one time you let it slip that you like the opera?"
"Oh course." It was just an average day, Magnus and I were in a cab coming home from a date. The guy driving the cab had the radio on and an ad was playing for an opera that was coming to New York. Magnus had asked me if I liked opera, and I replied with "Actually I do, its pretty nerdy, but I just do." and here we are in Sydney, Australia.
"Well I got us two tickets to go tomorrow."
"Magnus, that's great, amazing actually, but what am I supposed to wear? All I have are some worn out sweaters and jeans. Not anything to wear to go see an opera."
"That is when you're wrong darling, you may have not noticed but I got you a tux back in New York. Don't worry, it's nothing extravagant, just plain black and white, I even got myself a plain one."
"You? Plain black and white tux? Is that you Magnus?" I joked.
"Yes, it's me the one and only. And I'm only doing this for you, so feel special."
"What about the day after that?"
"We're going to the beach again. It's beautiful, trust me."
"I trust you. Do you have a dollar I can borrow? I saw a vending machine downstairs and I want to get a soda. You want anything?" Magnus said no, and dug in his wallet for a dollar and handed it to me. I said thanks and left the room.
Soon I was waiting on the machine to give me my soda. I was leaning against the wall with a hand behind my head. As soon as my soda came a guy came up to me. He was tall and lean, with sandy blond hair and brown eyes. "Hey, I'm Zach." He held out his hand and had a thick Australian accent.
"Hey, I'm Alec." I shook his hand. I was being awkward(nothing new),but I didn't want to be rude.
"Is that short for Alexander?"
"Uhh, yeah it is."
"I like that name. You new to Australia? You don't seem like you're from here."
"Ummm, no I'm on vacation here-" I was about to say "with my boyfriend," but he cut me off before I had the chance.
"Great I could give you the grand tour. I've lived here my whole life, I know the place like the back of my hand."
"If you live here, then why are you at a hotel?"
"I'm visiting a family member, so what'dya say? You want me to show you around, Alexander?" He practically purred my name.
"Umm, I don't know if I have time."
"Aww, c'mon, don't be shy." He kept leaning in closer and I kept walking back until my back hit the wall. "You have really pretty eyes, you know that?" I was bright red to this point.
"Uhhh, yeah, I get that a lot. Look you seem nice but I really have to go I have to go back to my room."
"Aww, but why? We could get to know each other a bit better." He started to trace my jawline with a finger, and I was just looking for an escape plan.
Magnus's POV
Alec was taking quite a long time getting his soda, I was beginning to get worried. So instead of what a normal person would do, which is call him on his phone, but who said I'm normal? I barged out of the room and started walking downstairs to where the vending machines were. Expecting to see Alec struggling with the machine, instead his pressed against the wall with some guy. The guy looked too close for comfort, and Alec was clearly uncomfortable, telling by his red face and stuttering. It clearly bothered me too. No it's not jealously, I just don't like anyone else that close to my Alec, besides me. Once again I know I'm not normal, as the rational thing would be to tell the guy to back off, but nahhh, go big or go home. So I briskly walked over to Alec, took his chin in my hands, and crashed our lips together. Alec responded quickly once he knew it was me, and eagerly kissed back. When our kiss ended I brushed his hair from his face and pulled off the "concerned boyfriend" act. "Oh Alexander, you took so long, I was worried about you."
"I'm fine Magnus, ummm, I was here with um, Zach."
"Ahh hello, Zach. Nice to meet you, now let me tell you something. This is my Alexander, there are many other men named Alexander, but this one is mine. Go find your own, and tata." Before he had a chance to say anything else, I dragged Alec away and back to our room. Once we were back in our room I finally calmed down. "Thanks, you really saved me back there," Alec said.
"No problem, why wouldn't I want another reason to kiss you and show the world you're mine."
"Yeah, what was that back there."
"What ever do you mean darling? I acted like I always did back there." Alec now had a huge smirk on his face.
"You were jealous, weren't you? Aww, Mags."
"The Magnus Bane does not get jealous, I was just making it clear that you're off limits to anyone else. Only I can have you pressed up against a wall, while you're blushing."
"Okay Magnus, that's enough. And I'll believe you weren't jealous, for now."
"Whatever, come, let's watch tv, and I can show you that I'm a much better boyfriend than that Zach would've ever been."
"Of course you're not jealous." He chuckled and joined me on the couch.
"Darling, trust me you look stunning."
"I still feel a bit uneasy. You are I look okay?"
"Oh, not just okay. Stunning, beautiful, extravagant, amazing, there aren't enough words to describe how you look right now. And the bow tie looks great on you." Alec and I were currently getting ready to leave to go see the opera. Alec was wearing the suit I got him, name brand by the way, and I was in similar attire, except I had a regular black tie and a white silk scarf. Alec, being insecure, doesn't think he looks good, but I have to disagree. His insecurities will always be a mystery to me, He is beautiful in every way possible. He knows he is, but refuses to acknowledge it, hence the baggy and unflattering clothes. Also because he hates attention, but loves attention from that one special person. Which explains my next few actions, I'm just waiting for the right time, which would be now since everything seems calm. "Hey, Alec. I want to give you something, don't worry it's not a proposal, you've made it clear enough that you're not ready, and I wouldn't push you to do anything you don't want."
"What is it, Mags?" I clutched the small box in my hand and sat next to him on the bed.
"You know I love you, I love you, I love you, I could say that a thousand more times and the meaning would still be the same. We're six months in, going on seven, and I cannot deny that you are the most important person to me in my entire existence. You are beautiful, kind, gentle and strong, loving, and I could list reasons upon reasons why I love you and they wouldn't be enough. I want you to know that I'll always love you no matter what happens, no matter what you think, I still do. Even after silly fights, I still do. There will never be a fight big enough to make me stop loving you. Yesterday, even if I didn't admit it, yes I was jealous, but that's only because I love and care for you. So I'm giving you this, so that you can always know that I love for you all of eternity." Alec looks completely amazed at my speech, I could see the tears pooling up in his eyes. I gave him the box that held the ring. It was simple silver with the rune for love in black, on the inside I had for eternity... engraved. He slipped it on his finger and pulled me into a hug. "Oh Magnus, that was beautiful. Everything you said, I feel the same. I love you so much." We shared a kiss and just stayed there in each others arms. Whenever we're happy together, someone's phone has to ruin the moment. It's my phone and I reluctantly reach for it. "Should I just use the passionate sex excuse?"
"Depends, who is it?" I checked the caller ID, still hoping the moment can be restored.
"Then no. If you do I'll never hear the end if it."
"Okay, if you say so. I still think its a good excuse." Even if I didn't want to, I answered the phone. "What do you want?"
"Magnus, you need to get back to the institute."
"Butttttt whyyyyyy," I said trying to sound as winny as possible.
"There's a vampire here we're questioning who refuses to talk to anyone else beside you. Please come back." A vampire who will only talk to me? No, it can't be. We haven't seen each other in over a century. Why does she decide to come into my life right now and ruin everything.
"But we have tickets to the opera!"
"I know! I tried to tell them but they won't listen. I'm so sorry Magnus, but you need to get here." I sighed into the phone.
"Fine, just give me some time to set up the portal." I hung up on her and turned to a confused Alec. "I'm so sorry, love, but get our stuff while I set up a portal. I'll explain everything later." He still look confused, but obeyed anyway. While I was setting up the portal I explained everything to Alec as quickly as possible. Multitasking was never my thing. The portal was finished up very quickly and we stepped through so that we were at the institute. Izzy greeted us as soon as we arrived. "Magnus, the vampire girl's name is Camille. Do you know her? Why will she only talk to you?"
"Actually I do know her." Alec was messing with his ring and looking at me. "Once upon a time one hundred-thirty years ago we dated."
"Wait, what do you mean you dated?" Alec asked.
"Alec, darling, I've been with men, women, and my different species before you. I just hoped I wouldn't have to see this species ever again."
"Magnus you should probably got talk to this um" Izzy cut in.
"Yeah I will."
Alec's POV
Dated? He dated this vampire girl Camille before. I didn't even know he was bi. These insecurities keep coming back to me and I can't help it, sadly. "Soooo, how was the trip, was it funnnn," Izzy asked wiggling her eyebrows.
"It was good until was had to come back. I wouldn't even had come back if you haven't stopped planning that wedding."
"I can't help it if you two are so cute together." I rolled my eyes at her.
"I'm only nineteen, I shouldn't be thinking about marriage right now. I'm not ready for that yet."
"Calm down Iz, it's only a promise ring. Nothing big."
"Of course it's a big deal! Let me see it!" Iz was practically jumping up and down in excitement. Reluctantly, I slipped the ring off my finger and handed it to her. "For Eternity. Awwwww, that is so cute."
"Okay, now give it back."
"Geez, someone's mad."
"No shit, sherlock. You would be too if you found out more about your boyfriend in one day than you have in seven months. To hell with it, I didn't even know he was bi! What if I'm just trivial? I'm just one in a long list of people he's dated, or just had sex with. I don't want to feel that way. Once I die he will just move on. Who knows, maybe that Camille girl has a ring too."
"Wait. You two had sex?"
"ALEXANDER GIDEON LIGHTWOOD. I WAS JUST CURIOUS. But besides that, I don't believe you're trivial to him. I see the way he looks at you. He really loves you, there's no way he can't.
"You're only saying that because you think we're cute together."
"I'm not. And it seems like he doesn't care much for Camille now. And THAT RING WAS FROM TIFFANY'S. TIFFANY'S FOR CRYING OUT LOUD."
"Yeah because getting a strange symbol on a silver ring in a mundane store isn't questionable at all."
"So you don't like it? I can lecture you about Tiffany's to get you to like it."
"No it do like it, it's just-"
"You don't have to continue, i see this is hard for you. And I can see you love him too. He got you in a tux for the Angel's sake. If you can agree to him taking you out of your worn out jeans and sweaters, it really shows your love. Oh, I know. Today is Clary's mom's engagement party, you two should go. All you need is some time to talk it out, you're okay."
"Thanks Iz, it means a lot to me. Though, on another note, how annoying has Julie been?"
"Ugh, so annoying. Do you know how many times she's been here once you've left? At least five. It's all dads fault, he told her not to give up."
"I wish he would accept me for me."
"Don't worry about it. Everyone accepts you and its fine. We chatted for a but more before Magnus came back. Magnus did most of the talking while I just stood a and nodded. It's because I'm still mad that he's never told me these details before. Being the stubborn person I am, I stay this way until we leave to his apartment. Even then the only thing I said was if he wanted to go to the engagement party, which he agreed to.
It didn't get any better at the party. Neither of us were talking, and it was getting worse by the minute. He tried to get my attention, but I refused. Not even an hour into the party my duty as a shadowhunter makes me leave him alone.
Magnus's POV
Why is he so mad at me? Did he expect me to stay a virgin my whole life? Oh course there been people before him, but that doesn't make him any less special to me. The point is, even if I don't show it, is that I look and crave for love. True Love. That is what Alec Has given me, true, unconditional, love. Not just those one night stands, not serious relationships, not people who leave me because they're afraid of me, just love. I've had very few life long relationships, but Alec is the one that stands out from the rest.
I would love to talk things out, but he's refused to talk to me the whole party. Trying to get his attention is no use, I've tried that. In the end I give up and leave him alone, which was a decision I regretted. Later on when I was looking for him, he was no where to be found. He's not the only one missing. Jocelyn Fray comes up to me looking for Clarissa. Next thing that happens is Sherman, Isabelle, Maia, Jordan, and Jace are noted as missing too. No one knows where any of them are. What if they're off getting them selves killed somehow? What of Alec only went because he was mad at me? He wouldn't throw his life away that easily, I know he wouldn't. But what if it's my fault, what if I've driven him to this. If he isn't found alive I don't think I'd be able to live with myself. The search is on for those idiot teenagers and Alec. They ask me to try to track them, since I have nothing of Alec or anyone else. Many shadowhunters come with me back to my apartment so I could give them the location once I can properly track them. I take one of Alec's most worn out sweaters and place the tracking spell on it. The picture is clear in my mind, an abandoned buliding, that could literally be anywhere in the city of New York. There's more though, there's tons of babies, all dead. Then an address pops up. "Jocelyn! I got it. Call Maryse Lightwood and the Clave, they all need to come. I don't know what we've dealing with but it's big." She silently obeys and I can hear her on the phone calling them. All that matters to me is that I need to know if Alec's okay. Most of the shadowhunter community is there with me, and we find everyone. That night talking with Alec gives me a new meaning to the word hope.
Hope now means to me that you can love someone enough to hope for them. Hope that they're alright, hope that they're always going to be with you. Hope for their love. But sometimes you don't have to have because you already have everything you hope for.
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