Chapter 21:The First Trip

Yeah I've never been to a foreign country, so I have no idea what these places are supposed to look like. Oh and I'm incorporating Cassandra Clare's postcard short story(which I don't own either) If you haven't read it yet you can read it here

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, Jace, I've never been so sure about anything else in my life." I said while packing clothes into my suitcase.

"So you really love him don't you?"

"Jace, how many times do I have to tell you yes? Yes I love him, yes I'm moving in with him, yes I'm going on vacation with him. It's that simple"

"I'm sorry man, I just don't want you to go. You're my brother and best friend, I've lived with you since I first came into your life. I'm just afraid since you've found someone you'll love you'll forget about us."

"The great Jace Herondale saying I'm sorry, that's a first. Anyway, I'm not going to forget about you, or Izzy, or anyone." He pulled me into a hug.

"This is the last time I'm going to be seeing you for a while. Just make sure you come visit us at least three times a week, Izzy might just panic if you don't. Or else, I don't care what condition you're in at the moment I will go to his apartment and drag you out of there, and have you eat with Izzy."

"Woah, you don't have to take it that far, but don't worry, I will."

"Where is Magnus taking you anyway?"

"I don't know, but I'm about to find out. Goodbye, Jace, I'll see you soon." I gave him a hug then went to find Izzy to say goodbye. She was in the kitchen, sadly burning an egg. "Hey Iz, I'm leaving."

"When you move out of here, make sure you come visit a lot."

"Bloody hell, I'm only moving out of the institute, not the country." Isabelle pouted and looked at me with wide eyes.

"I know, I've just lived with you for my whole life, it's going to be different without my older brother around."

"Isabelle, it's okay. I love you, and I always will. You're my sister for crying out loud."

"Okay, I love you too, goodbye. Send me a post card."

"I will." I yelled from making my way towards the door. Having memorized Magnus's address by now, it was a fairly easy walk to his apartment, but it didn't calm my nerves. I'm going on vacation with him, first of all, I don't even know where we're going. Second, I'm afraid, what I'd moving in was the wrong decision? What if we get tired of each other, and we break up? That's is ultimately the worst possible scenario that could happen. And to top it all off, his immortality is definitely a problem, we'll have to find a way to deal with that. Also, what if his past catches up with him? I don't know very much about his past, every time I ask he changes the subject. Little things around the house catch my attention every once in a while, like a silver box with the initials W.S engraved in the top, and a wooden chest he keeps in his closet. Of course I still love him, I love him as much as I can, but these little insecurities I have are too much sometimes. I feel as if he doesn't tell me anything because I'm not enough for him. Yes I know he has live hundreds of years, has had many past lovers, and he says I'm special to him, but what if he's lying? What if I'm just trivial to him. I'm just hoping this trip together will clear up some things, and make our relationship stronger. I make my way up to his-our apartment now, and open the door to find it completely quiet. That was changed when Magnus came waltzing into the living room with a eye liner stick in his hand. "Hello, darling. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, do you have the portal set up?"

"Yes, it's in my office. Now will you help me with my luggage? It's in the room." The amount of luggage he had astonished me. I had simply one suitcase, but he had four. "Uh, Magnus, you do realize we're only going to be away for about three weeks. You don't really need all of this stuff." He came stumbling into the room.

"What do you mean? Of course I need all of those bags, how would I not. Unlike you I wouldn't be caught dead outfit repeating."

"You are truly something else. C'mon I'll help you, let's just go." I grabbed two of his bags, and walked over to his office. In the far wall there was a large blue hole, a portal. Magnus then came in with the rest of his bags. "So do you mind telling me where we're going?"

"It's still a surprise, so why don't you step through, and find out." A little reluctantly, I stepped through the portal, and I got that familiar feeling of free falling before I hit solid ground. My feet hit a concrete sidewalk. The place I was in was modern, yet it still had some cultural aspects to it. There was a sound of a something hitting the concrete next to me, and I knew Magnus had come. "So still don't know where we are?"

"Nope" I said popping the "p."

"We're in Egypt baby! Now come, today we're going to go to the pyramids, and tomorrow we're going to the beach, but now we need to get to our hotel." He grabbed me by my hand and pulled me though the city, turning several corners until we reached a large hotel. He went inside and told the lady at the desk about our reservation. She gave him two cards and he handed one to me. "Here, let's go up now. You'll just die when you see the suite I got us."

He was right, it was beautiful. The suite was huge, the whole place had red, gold, cream colors everywhere. The living room had a red velvet sofa along with a matching loveseat and chair, and a flat screen tv. The kitchen was all stainless steel, with granite countertops. The bathroom was larger than the one at the institute, with a large bathtub that could fit both of us even with our heights, a glass shower, and double sink. But the most magnificent room had to be the bedroom. In the center was a king bed with gold and red sheets, heavy oak bedside table and dresser, but the best part of the room was the balcony. The view was breathtaking, you could see the whole city from the balcony. "Magnus, this is amazing. How did you afford all of this?"

"Why do you think I put up with annoying clients? They pay well, and by well I mean great."

"Bless those annoying clients."

"Yes, Bless their annoying souls, now let's get to the pyramids. Have you ever been?"

"No, I haven't traveled outside of the United States. Well that is until now." He lead me out of the hotel and into the cab. He was speaking a language I didn't understand, so I thought it would be a good idea to put on a language rune. Magnus told the man where to go, and in a few minutes we were there.

It was awfully more sandy than it was back in the city, not that I'm complaining. The pyramids were grand though. "You know I could get us in there, if you want." Magnus whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, you probably could, but that doesn't make it anymore legal."

"So that's a no."



On the way back to the hotel we stopped at a tourist shop because I promised Izzy that I would write her. While Magnus looked around I wrote down the note.

Hey guys! Wish you were here, except not really. We're having fun. Check it out-the pyramids! -Alec and Magnus.

When I finished writing it I checked around me to make sure that no mundanes were looking, and I drew a fire rune on the corner of the postcard, and it sent. "Are you ready to go back?"

"Yeah, let's go." I held his hand, and we made it back to the hotel for a night of cuddling and soft, sweet kisses.

The smell of something sweet woke me up. I'm always staving in the morning, I have no idea why. I made my way to the kitchen where Magnus was standing over a bowl of batter. "You're finally awake." Magnus greeted me with a kiss.

"And I see you're making pancakes. I didn't even know you could make them, you never cease to amaze me."

"They'll be done in a bit, just give me a few minutes." I went to go take a seat where Magnus had already set my coffee. Black with sugar, how I always drink it. In a few minutes he came to the table holding two empty plates, and a plate with a stack of pancakes. He passed me my plate, and I grabbed two of the pancakes. "Mmh, coconut. Like I said, you never cease to amaze me, but it would be nice if you stopped stealing the ingredients."

"Old habits die hard I guess."

After we finished eating two fire messages appeared before us. "Those must be from the guys back home." I was only half right. One of the letters had It clearly written on the front Isabelle Lightwood. The New York Institute, To Magnus Bane & Alec Lightwood, Giza, Egypt. Hotel Blue Stripes. Yet the other only had our address and names. I opened Izzys first, since I trusted it more. Dear Alec and Magnus. It's Izzy.

Got your card. Glad you're having fun. Nothing's happening here-Clary's mom is marrying some werewolf. I think you guys should get married too. I'm thinking about planning it. I love planning parties.


I started choking on my coffee, and coughing uncontrollably. Magnus went over to me, patting my back. "Alec, what's wrong?"

"Izzy, she insists on us getting married now."

"So you wouldn't want to marry me?"

"Of course! Just not right now. I'm only nineteen for the Angel's sake."

"Okay, okay. Let me write her back." Magnus snapped up a piece of paper, and a black pen, and turned away so he could write. He scribbled on the paper, and I looked over his shoulder to see what he was writing.

I think an autumnal theme would be nice


"No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're not encouraging her." I took the poster away and crossed out what he wrote, and wrote something else.

ABORT! ABORT! Isabelle, are you insane?


Before Magnus could have another say in it I quickly drew the fire rune on the paper and it sent away.

"Aww, you're no fun. I just want to mess with her. Anyway let's see what that other letter was. Right as I was going to get it, Magnus beat me to it. I read it next to him as he ripped it open. It was in neat, cursive hand writing I've never seen before.

Alec, I'm not going away.

Your father told me that it's okay because you're just confused at the moment. Well I believe him, and I'll see you when you get back.


As soon as I saw the initials I knew exactly who it was. "Bloody hell, just when we thought we got rid of this bitch she manages to snake her way back into our lives. Can't she see we've perfectly happy without her?" Magnus exclaimed in anger.

"Ugh, I wish she would. My life was hell with her, and now you're in the picture, so I'm worried for your sake. She doesn't like downwor- people like you." Even in serious moments I still refuse to call Magnus a downworlder. He pulled me into a hug, and I buried my face in his chest.

"It's okay, we'll get through this together, but I for one am not going to let her ruin our romantic vacation. Anyway go get changed, we're going to the beach. Don't complain, you'll love it." I did as I was told and changed into blue plaid shorts, and a white t-shirt. Magnus on the other hand had put on bright green shorts and a white t-shirt. "Lets go, the beaches here are simply gorgeous. I've never seen water so blue anywhere else." He lead me out of the hotel and down a block or two to a large beach. He was right, it was beautiful. The water was a crisp blue, and the sand was white. "You were right, this place is stunning."

"Not as stunning as you." I blushed, and he applied a soft kiss to my temple. "Now let go in the water." He peeled off his shirt, and walked over to the water's edge. "Aren't you going to join me?l He said teasingly. I took off my own shirt, and walked over to him and took his hand and in. We walked further down the water until it was up to our necks, and began to swim around, enjoying the beauty, but Magnus always stayed where his feet could touch the ground. In the distance I noticed something."Hey, you know they have water motorcycles here. Do you want to get one?"

"You know how to drive one?"

"Actually yes, one time Izzy, Jace, and I traveled to Hawaii on to check on the institute there, and Jace stole one, and we just rode it around at a resort. And that is the story on why all of us, including Jace, I thought he would've found his way out if it, are no longer allowed in that resort."

"Ah, I always knew he would get banned from something. And if you want we can get one, it's up to you." Magnus seemed a but uneasy but I hoped it would go away. We made our way to the man who rented them. Right as we paid for it, I hopped on and Magnus joined me. He wrapped his arms rightly around my waist. "Are you sure you can ride this?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure." I was wondering why Magnus was acting so strange since we got here, then I remembered "When I was ten my father tried to drown me in a lake." "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just don't let me fall."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"Yeah because me falling into the ocean wouldn't be a pleasant dream." Seems we can't stop doing certain things in serious situations. With his okay, I took off as fast as the thing could go. Magnus was a little surprised as he tightened his grip on my waist. When I saw the first wave I immediately jumped it which gave me a gasp from Magnus. "You know what, screw this let me down."

"Okay, give me a second." I then turned around to leave Magnus on the shore, I wasn't going to miss the chance to ride one of these, and since I'm banned from that resort who knows when I'll get this chance again. When I left him on the shore I rode it around for a while, trying to jump off as many waves, and get my adrenaline rushing. Before long it was time to leave since Magnus had to set up the portal for us.

Once we got back we showered, and I went to the bedroom, but Magnus stayed in the living room to set up the portal. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay up with you? I could keep you company."

"No, you go get your sleep. Sorry to say this but you need plenty of sleep, so that you don't fall asleep as soon as possible, and with the jet-lag that comes with traveling by portal will just make it worse."

"So you're saying you want me to sleep as much as possible, so I don't pass out? Seems reasonable enough."

"Can't say it hasn't happened before, though."

"Okay that was one time, and that was because you dragged me off to a party, and we didn't return until about two am, and I had to leave early to get to the institute at about six. The alcohol in my system didn't help either. So basically it's your fault I passed out at taki's, and had Isabelle cover for me."

"Whatever, the point is go to sleep, love." After a moment of slight arguing(not really arguing) I decided to do as he asked and go to sleep. But at about one am it was time to leave again.

Hey look, another boring note. This one is actually important. Tmi is set in 2007, that means Magnus has no idea who Adam Lambert is. This literally changed how I see the world now. Now you have a useless piece of information, you can continue on with your day. Vote, comment, and stay awesome

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