Chapter 21:The City of Love

Disclaimer:I don't own these characters or the postcard story and I never will, and I don't speak French so all the translations are from Google translate, sorry if anything is wrong.

"Alec, wake up." Magnus gently shook me awake. I groaned and pushed my hair back from my face. "Ugh, what time is it."

  "Hmm, about one am. C'mon get dressed, your bag is in the living room, I'll wait for you there." I forced myself up, and I changed, and brushed my teeth. When I finished I saw Magnus sitting on the couch examining a letter. The other thing I noticed was he was wearing a tux, which made me curious to where we were going. "What did Iz send thing time?"

  "Not just Iz, Jace and Clary too. It's quite hysterical once you get over the initial shock." Now I was afraid to what Isabelle has done to get Jace and Clary involved. He handed me the letters so I could read them.

Dear A & M,

I talked to the manager of the Beauty Bar because I definitely saw our guys getting married against a hot pink backdrop, but he doesn't think we can fit more than fifty people inside and I'm thinking three hundred. How would you feel about getting married in the park? It might get cold, but you could ride a horse-drawn carriage into the ceremony. How do you feel about wearing matching wedding crowns?


Is she really going along with this? I'll never be able to live this down if I come home and she's going along with this. This has to stop, but everything got worse when I read Jace's letter. 

Dear Alec,

As your best friend and parabatai, I am offend not to have been asked to be your best man at the wedding.


Alec he's really upset. He hasn't washed his hair in three days.


"Magnus, can you go get me a pen and paper? I need to write these three back."

  "You're not mad are you? It's quite funny to be honest. Isabelle planning this, Jace being upset, and little Clary worrying about golden-boy being upset." 

  "I'm not that mad, but these guys are too much, in a bad way. But yeah can you get me the pen and paper? Please."

  "Only since you asked nicely." He snapped up the paper, and pen I wrote the three(well two because Clary wasn't really involved)idiots back.


There is no wedding! Stop Isabelle! Sit on her if you have to. Just stop her from doing whatever she doing or I can never come home.


Before I was going to ask Magnus about our trip I sent the letter. "Now, I see you're in a tux. Where are we going that has you so nicely dressed." I stuck my thumb through a hole in my sleeve suddenly concerned about how I look. As I took a closer look at Magnus I noticed he didn't have any makeup on or glitter. Even his hair look nice, it was slicked back. "Okay really, where are we going? You have no makeup, glitter, spiked hair, and you're in a tux. You should've at least told me to dress better.

  "I would've told you dress better, but you don't own anything better, and this way it's more romantic. Your boyfriend waiting for you looking dashing, and it goes with our trip. As for that, I still want to keep it a small secret because it's so cute when you're surprised at where we end up. How your eyes eat up the scenery, so all I can say is we're going to the city of love." My mouth curls up into a smile and I wrap my arms around him.

  "We're going to Paris aren't we?"

  "Yes, sweet cheeks."

  "Just stick to darling and love."

  "Whatever you say, but you can't control my contacts list." He smirked.

  "C'mon let's go." We stepped through the portal together and landed in the middle of a street. I grabbed Magnus's hand and pulled him away from the traffic. "Magnus! Why did you transport us to the middle of a busy street!"

  "I don't know why it was this street that I remembered, anyway I didn't think it would be this busy this late at night. It's about one-thirty am."

  "Lets just get to the hotel, I need some sleep." Now I really regret not having coffee before I left. Magnus showed me down a couple of streets, turning and twisting in several different directions. It wasn't long before we passed the same trash can, or store. "Magnus, are you sure you know where we're going. When was the last time you came anyway."

  "Yes I know where I'm going, and last time I came here alone about a century ago. I couldn't have of forgot the direction to this place."

  "We're lost aren't we? Can't I just put on a language rune, and ask for directions?"

  "No, that won't be necessary. I know where the hotel is just have some patience." I groaned inwardly. Magnus is the type of person who won't admit they're wrong even in the most serious situations. Once I was helping him brew a potion, and he put too much vampire blood, and I tried to tell him he did it wrong, but he refused to listen. That ended up with him almost losing a finger because with the extra blood and more ingredients he accidentally created liquid fireworks that go off when they're next to a heat source, and sadly for us the cauldron was held over fire. In the end he still blamed it on nerves, and refused to acknowledge he didn't know the potion by heart as he claimed to. "You know what, I'm just going to go ask someone because clearly we're lost, and you just don't want to admit it."

  "We are not los-hey where are you going?" I went to an alleyway so I could draw the rune on myself because smoke coming off of my skin isn't very normal to mundanes. When it was drawn on my forearm I made my way back to Magnus and asked a random person if the knew where the hotel was. Even though I was speaking English, the words came out in French. "Excuse me, do you know where-Magnus what's the hotel's name."

  "Hotel de Paris" He rolled his eyes at me, and I turned back to the mundane. "Yes, do you know where hotel de Paris is?" He gave me directions, and turns out we took a wrong turn about five streets ago. Once we finally took the right turn we ended up at a hotel, to call it large was an understatement. It was huge with a lot of windows. Once again I have myself thanking those clients Magnus has to deal with. The inside was extravagant. Chandeliers hanging, marble floors, and velvet couches. I took a seat on one of the couches while Magnus went to get the keys. It didn't even occur to me that he knew French, I really need to learn more about him. Almost seven months and I should know more than I do. He soon meets me with the keys, and we go up to our room. The room is much like the lobby. Chandeliers, velvet couches, and marble floors, but it looked very elegant. Pale yellow wallpaper, a large bedroom with a large bed with white and cream sheets, and an even larger, elegant, bathroom. "Seriously Magnus, where do you get the money for this stuff? It must cost a fortune, and those clients can't pay this much."

  "Ah darling, the high warlock's services do not come cheap. No, not at all, and others are more desperate for my help than others." He said while he threw himself on the couch. "And nothing less for my boyfriend and I."

  "It's amazing. Oh by the Angle, is that coffee?" When I wasn't looking Magnus must've snapped it up. "Thank you, so what do you have planned for us?"

  "Well today, after we get some sleep, we'll go to the Eiffel Tower, and to go eat at this restaurant that is simpley divine, and tomorrow we'll just walk around until it's time to leave again. So let's go to the room and cuddle until we fall asleep." And that's exactly what we did.

  Sunlight streamed in through the blinds of the window I hadn't bothered to close. It hurt my eyes, so I groaned and forced myself to sit up. Even if I did move as quietly as possible, Magnus still stirred, and I worried if I had woken him up. He slightly opened his eyes only a bit. Even under his thick, black eyelashes I could still see the his golden-green cat eyes. It's moments like these that make me remember why I fell in love with him. No makeup, hair down, sleepy eyes, even in these moments he was simply breathtaking. He must've noticed me starring because he sat up and placed a kiss to my cheek. "Morning." I returned the gesture and also greeted him morning.

  "Do you want me to cook breakfast? You cooked last time so I guess I should this time."

  "Sure, can you just call me when it's ready? I want to get a few more minutes of sleep." He laid down once more, and I got dressed and did my usual morning routine. Before long I was in the kitchen beating some eggs, getting ready to make omelets. Years of stealth cooking that kept Jace and I alive finally pays off in another way. After I poured the eggs onto a pan to cook, and went to go find a spatula I was surprise by a kiss on my temple and a pair of arms enveloping me. I looked at him, and was surprised even farther. "No way in hell you got ready that fast without using magic." He was wearing tight red leather pants, a navy blue lose button up shirt, navy blue eyeliner, glossy lips, silver glitter in his spiked hair, and he dyed the tips red.

  "That's what magic is for, isn't it? And we're in Paris so I thought 'Why not go a bit themed today?' And here I am."

  "You make me seem so lame next to you." I stuck a finger through a hole in my sleeve. Magnus suddenly had an eyeliner stick in his hand.

  "Is that an invitation? Didn't Isabelle give you some for your birthday, what did you do to it?" It was hard to suppress uncontrollable laughter.

  "No it's not an invitation, and nor will it ever be. As for the eyeliner, I left it in the bathroom back home hoping you'll think it's yours and you'll use it."

  "At least you were thinking of me, but if you were really thinking of me you would've kept it and put it on."

  "Whatever, what do you have planned for today?"

  "Well since the Eiffel Tower looks better at night and it's more romantic, we'll go later on, but for now we'll just hang out there, and at lunchtime I'll take you to this gorgeous restaurant."

  "So, where do you want to go?"

  "Lets just walk around, enjoy the scenery, sit down at some park bench, anything really.


   Lunchtime came fast than expected. One moment we were at park bench watching little kids play, and buying snacks from street vendors, now Magnus was pulling me through all of Paris looking for a restaurant. After dragging me through several streets and getting lost(again)Magnus finally told me we were there. It was a large brick building, at first glance you would believe it was abandoned. But after stripping off the glamour it's was a magnificent building almost completely made out of what looked like mirrors, and in large letters it said Le Jardin, which Magnus informed means The Garden "It's a downworlders and shadowhunters restaurant, so you can take off your glamour if you want to." Looked into his eyes I can see he's already taken his off, displaying the beauty that is his eyes. Though, what my glamour is hiding is a lot my obvious than his eyes. If I walked outside without glamour on, then the mundanes would think that I have a very unhealthy tattoo problem.

  Of I thought the outside looked nice, I was so wrong. The inside looked as if it had come straight out of a fairy tale book. The whole place was a giant garden, full of many types of plants. The mirrors outside turned out to be one way glass, and you could see the hectic city of Paris outside. But oddly enough, it wasn't hot given the bright sun and all of the windows. There was a stone pathway in between the plants, it branched off to several circles which stood the tables. Magnus lead me to a table near to the wall, so we could look out. As soon as we took a seat our waitress came. She was a pixie with eyes that were completely bubblegum pink. I had gotten water to drink while Magnus got a latte. Since Magnus has been here before, and knows the city better than I do, I let him decide what food we were to get. He wondered for the both of us then the waitress left. "So, how do you like it." He asked as soon as she was gone.

  "Magnus, this is amazing. I didn't even know a place like this existed."

  "I'm glad you like it." Then a man who appears no older than myself with green hair makes his way to us. "Magnus? Is that really you?" He asks.

  "Ciel!" He immediately pulls the man into a hug. "How long has it been since I last saw you. At least a century." They begin to catch up like old friends, but I can't help but feel a but jealous. What exactly was their relationship? I know I'm being a but over-the-top, but I can't help it. There are still certain things that I'm still insecure about. In order to some how...remind Magnus I'm still here I 'accidentally' let the dagger I carry around in my sleeve(the leather jacket I wear has storage places for knives and such, can't never be too prepared) fall onto the table, well that's where I wanted it to land. Instead it fall on the table onto the ground, successfully creating a loud ding as it made contact with the concrete ground. It got both Magnus's and Ciel's attention, and I act as if I didn't mean for that to happen. I slip it back into my sleeve and Magnus looked at me as if he just remembered my presence, which is kind of sad for me. "Oh, right. Ciel this is Alec Lightwood, my boyfriend. We're on vacation here together."

  "Oh, I'm sorry if I was interrupting anything. But you don't happen to be named Alexander, do you?"

  "Actually I am, my full name is Alexander Gideon Lightwood, I just prefer to go by Alec." Maybe I misjudged Ciel, he seems nice enough, but that pang of jealousy is still there.

  "Alexander and Gideon, I knew them both once. You even look like Alexander, but there's just something about you that makes you look different from him. Might be the jaw, I don't know." Our food arrives and Ciel noticed that it's probably time for him to go. He says goodbye to us, and tells Magnus to send him a fire message before he leaves. I want to ask more about him, but I really don't want to start a fight now. We're in Paris, what's supposed to be the city of love, and I hope it stays that way for the rest of our trip. The food looks amazing. It's an assortment of vegetables and meats that I don't think I've tried. "It's called choucroute garnie if you were wondering. It's also divine." I gave him a smile and took a bite out of one of the meats. He was right it was divine, like nothing I've ever tried before. We mostly ate talking about random things, but being the idiot that I am I have to ask about Ciel. "So who was that Ciel guy anyway?"

  "He was an old friend of mine I met when I was traveling the world. I found him here and we became friends, nothing else. But we lost contact when I went back to New York. It was a pleasant surprise seeing him here again after so long." He's actually telling me something about his past! This is a step in right direction, and I hope it stays this way.

  "Oh, he seems nice." We finished up our meal and he asked me if I wanted dessert. Honestly, I was too full so I said no. The sun had started to set. The sky was a variety of mixed colors, almost as colorful as Magnus's hair. We paid for the meal and left the restaurant. I start walking in the way of the hotel when Magnus grabs my hand. "Where do you think you're going?" He said raising an eyebrow. "Have you forgotten that we're going to the Eiffel Tower? And as you see it is becoming night so we must go." He then lead me to the Eiffel Tower. It was easy to find since you could see it from where we were.

  The sky had fully grown dark once we reached it. Magnus took me to the top of the of the tower and wrapped an arm around me. You could see the whole city from up there! The lights, the people, the stars, everything. You don't really get this luxury in New York, so it's amazing that I got the chance to see it. I took a picture with my phone to send to Jace, and leaned into Magnus. resting my head on his shoulder. "Come, let's go sit down." He whispered into my ear. He lead me to one of the tables they had set up here. Before I had a chance to take a seat Magnus sat down and pulled me down, so I ungracefully fell on his lap. My face burned a bright red, but that didn't discourage Magnus. He wrapped his arms around my chest and nuzzeled his face in the crook of my neck. If I wasn't blushing before I was now. PDA was never really my thing, but Magnus always tried to get me to kiss him, hug him, and even dance with him at his parties all the time. Magnus then put a finger under my chin and turned my head to face him. He pulled me into a slow, soft kiss, I easily melted into him. It came naturally to me when it came to moments like these. They say love is a strong word, well they're right. It's a strong feeling you get from your heart that says "Yes I love him, and he is my everything." We ended our kiss, and I rested my head on his chest. "I love you." He kissed my cheek and replied the phrase. "I wish we could stay in this moment forever. If there was one moment I could capture and stay in forever it's now. Not giving a damn about what's happening anywhere else, and all that matters is you and me. Us. In this beautiful city enjoying our time together."

  "If only we could. Alec, I love you more than anyone else I've ever met in my long life. It's really you and only you I truly care about." He started trailing kisses on my neck, up to my jaw, then my cheek, then finally my lips. "Come on, let's go back to the hotel." The taste of the kiss was still on my lips, so I only nodded and got up so we could go back.

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