Chapter 20:The Mortal War

Sorry this took so long

Alec's POV

  My head feels as if it's getting hit my a hammer over and over again. I try to sit up, wincing as I do. Magnus is fast asleep next to me, and I don't want to wake him just to bother him with my hangover. I notice that there are items on the nightstand, and I turn my attention towards them. There two glasses of water, aspirin, and a note. First, I grab the note and smile at how caring Magnus is. You are perfect and I don't deserve you. I started drinking the water when a pair of hands wrapped themselves around me. He kissed my temple and whispered into my ear. "You deserve the world, and I plan on giving it to you." It didn't slip my mind that I said my thoughts out loud and I turned my head and brought my lips to his.

  "Thank you, but I'm not as perfect as you say I am."

  "Yes you are, come here." He waved his hands over my head causing my terrible headache to go away. "There, that should do it." He gave me a smile, and I buried my face in the crook of his neck, and wrapped my arms around him.

  "I'm not perfect, but you are, to me." He laughed, and put two fingers under my chin, so I was looking up at him.

  "We're perfect to each other. Come let's go eat."

  "I'll be there in a second." Before I left with him, I went to take a shower, wash my face,and just do the basics. In my reflection I didn't look that bad. I had bags under my eyes, but that was it, so it wasn't too bad. After that I went to the kitchen to go eat with Magnus. He was at the stove boiling water, so i went up behind him and wrapped my arms around his bare torso, and rested my head on his shoulder. "Well hello to you too." He said. He turned to face me and I noticed sometime in his hands. It was a pair of thin black frames. "I didn't know you wore glasses.

  "How did you know they were mine?" I asked stupidly, of course he knew they were mine, no one else who's lived here wears glasses.

  "Ragnor never wore them, I don't, and when I found these on the table where you were passed out it was kind of obvious," he said with a shrug. I grabbed them, and slipped them on, since I'm practically blind without them. Magnus was grinning when I looked at him. "Why don't you wear them more often? You look even more adorable than you usually do." My face started to heat up, like it always did when Magnus complements me.

  "I don't like to, I usually have on contacts instead."

  "Mmh, well wear them more. I like it when my shadowhunter wear them, I think he's cute." My face turned a darker shade of red. Magnus kissed the tip of my nose,and we just stood there, enjoying having each other around. Then it hit me, I've been away from the Silverscales for over two days now. They're for sure going to become suspicious. "Oh by the angle Magnus, I have to leave now. I swear after today these early morning leavings are going to stop, but for now they're still going to happen." 

  "As long as they stop I'm okay with it for now." He stopped to give me a kiss before I left. I ran most of the way there since I have no idea if Jace covered for me, or if he tried to but failed. Once I did reach their house I knocked on the door, hoping Julie didn't open it because if she did shed probably be angry or jealous. To my luck Julie didn't open it but Luna who had a smirk creeping up her lips. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside. "You're lucky no one else is home right now, and ironically they went to go look for you." She said while she plopped herself down on the couch. "So where were you? And don't think about lying because I have a pretty good guess, and I just want you to confirm it."

  "Well if you guessed 'with Magnus' you were right, but probably not the same reason you're thinking. I'm guessing you've heard about my brother," I choked the last part out, I still can't openly talk about his death without feeling sorrow. "well i went for ummm, to deal with it."

  "Awww, you two are so cute. Going to him for comfort, I must say even though you're lying to my sister I should be upset, but when this is the reason I can't help but think it's adorable. Anyway you probably get bothered with this question on a daily basis, but when do you plan on telling everyone? And if you don't invite me when you tell my parents and Julie I will find you, and I will skinnnnnn you."

  "Today, I don't know when exactly but today."

  "Good luck to you two then." I was about to say thanks when the rest of the Silverscales family entered. Julie immediately ran up to me, and put me into a tight embrace. "Where have you been? It's been like two days since you been here." Suddenly I'm not very sure Jace covered for me properly.

  "I've been clearing my mind at a friend's house, I thought Jace would've told you."

  "No he didn't, he just said that you were 'out'" Great, he used the worst excuse ever. Ironically though that's what I always told people whenever I was out with Magnus. "You're coming to the meeting today right?" Mason cut in.

  "Of course I am, I sort of have to be there. If there's going to be a war I'm going to fight." I said with determination, I feel the need to protect everyone, even if I don't know them. "How about you guys?"

  "Mary and I am, Luna is underage though, and Julie is going to stay with her because she can't be alone." Or because she has no basic training at all.

  "Why can't she be alone? She looks capable enough to do so."

  "Because... because Luna has mild anxiety, and can't face this alone." Luna is the last person I'd expect to have anxiety, she just doesn't seem like the kind of person who does.

  "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

  "No, no Alec, it's alright. You didn't know, and if you're going to come into our family you might as well know about these things." Luna snickered in the background, making things too obvious.

  "Right now what time does the meeting start? I want to leave early so I can go with my family."

  "In about a few hours, so you have some time to yourself before you have to go." That's all I needed to know, in the mean time I can figure out how I'm going to tell my parents and everyone about Magnus.

~Time skip because I have no idea what to write between these two scenes~

  Clary is standing in front of everyone, ready to showcase her ability. No one knew what she was going to do besides create a new rune, but what it did remained a mystery for now. She brought the stele up to her hand and began drawing. The hall filled with the normal burned smell. Then she began to change. It wasn't a fats change, but as if her skin was fading into a new one. The first thing I see is the caramel colored skin, then I can clearly see that it's not Clary standing up there, but Magnus. I have no idea what this meant, was the rune supposed to change you into a different person? First person who came to mind? Everyone was whispering about me. Several names were said Joseph, Jennifer, Robert. I looked around me and every one had their eyes fixed upon Clary, what told me what the rune meant was when I saw Mason and Mary's hands firmly clasped together. Of course, all the names being said, loved ones holding each other, me seeing Magnus, it shows the person you love. My eyes searched the hall for Magnus, but when I found him I didn't recognize him at first. He had his hair pulled back, and was wearing all black like the rest of the people here, he just looked so plain compared to how he usually is. My eyes locked with his, and in that moment I knew that he saw me. Everyone was astounded that she could do this, whispers were going around. Some people found this amazing, others saw it as something bad. The Councul caught our attention again to discuss weather or not we were going to use her powers to out advantage. Clary and Simon left the hall before it started, probably because she didn't want to listen to the arguing.

  The meeting wasn't long, and the answer was clear. We were going to listen to Clary, and use her runes. Clary and Simon then made their way back in. She then showed us a rune she claims it will bind us to a downworlder. The hall suddenly erupts in movement as soon as she finishes showing us how it's done, shadowhunters looking for the best, and mostt powerful downworlder as their partner, and many people just trying to get out of the commotion. I spotted Izzy, Simon, Maia, Julie, and Luna in a far off corner since none of them will be fighting, besides Simon. I made my way over to them and Luna gave me a smile. "So Alec, who are you going to choose to be your partner?" She probably already knew the answer to that question, she just wanted me to say it.

  "Oh, no one special." I said with a smile, making sure her and Izzy knew what I meant. My eyes scanned the room searching for him, it should've been easy since he was one of the tallest people here. But it would been easier if he wasn't dressed so plain all of a sudden. "Izzy, have you seen Magnus?"

  "Last time I saw him he was talking to Clary."

  "Okay, oh never mind I see him." He was standing on the opposite side of the hall. As soon as I saw him I pushed though people making sure I got to him before anyone else. Being the clumsy and awkward person I am, as soon a  I get to him I trip, practically throwing myself into his arms. "Look, I have attractive shadowhunters throwing themselves at me." He said while he helped me up.

"Hey Magnus, wouldyouliketobemypartner." I stutter out very quickly, I was still getting over the face I fell, and the complement he gave me. This seemed to amuse him, as my embarrassment always does.

  "Yes, of course." He gave me his right hand, and I took out my stele. When it made contact with his skin, he winced sing  He  not used to the pain yet. When I finished he held his hand up to his face, admiring the intricate design. "Okay, now give me your hand." I handed him my stele, and stuck out my left hand since I have a rune on my right hand. He was so focused in drawing the rune, it's clear he didn't want to mess it up. When he finished he spoke. "You know it kind of sucks I might die before I meet your parents." The thought of him dying out there just hit me. He can't die, I won't allow it. It also means that I never fulfilled my promise of introducing him to my patents, when an idea hit me. It was bold, but it would work.

  "Don't worry, you'll meet them." His eyebrows knotted in confusion.

  "Alexander, what are you talk-" I cut him off by putting my arms around him, and pulling him down, meeting his lips with my own. There were gasps and whispers going around, but I didn't care what anyone thought at that moment, all that mattered was Magnus. Though, he seemed to be in a state of shock since he was completely frozen. I pulled away and looked around, Izzy and Simon looked proud, Maia is surprised, Luna is trying to control her laughter(I took that as a good sign), Julie looked completely horrified(I really didn't care), and my parents were whispering to other shadowhunters. But what mattered was Magnus, he had a look full of love on his face. "You cocky little shit. When I said to introduce me to everyone I meant everyone in your family, not everyone in entire shadowhunter and downworlder community." I couldn't help but smile, not everyone might accept me but I have siblings, friends, and a magnificent boyfriend who will always love and support me. The whispers don't even bother me, it feels as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and I can finally breathe.

  "Come, let's go with Isabelle." We laced out fingers together as we walked though the crowd. "Alec!" As soon as Izzy saw me she pulled me into her signature hug. "I'm so proud of you. That was so brave, and its about fucking time anyway" Maia had gone off somewhere, probably to look for a partner, and the only other people here with us were Simon and Luna. Simon patted me on the shoulder and said "good job." Luna was still partly laughing. "Hey I said I would invite you, I lived up to my promise."

  "Yes you did, I didn't see my parents, but Julie's reaction was just as good."

  "You are a terrible younger sister. Anyway where is Julie anyway." I said the first part sarcastically so she knew I was joking, but I was serious about the second part.

  "I have no idea." Then I remembered that she has anxiety, and needs her.

  "Luna, are you okay? I mean don't you have anxiety?"

  "I do but I'm fine, as long as I'm around people I know in big crowds I'm okay, and I know all of you so it's fine." My worries subsided when she told me that she was okay, I see her a younger sister, and I feel the need to protect her. "Okay enough about me, how did you get the courage to do that?" I pulled up my sleeve to expose a burned out fearless rune. Magnus laughed and looked at me. "Like I said. Cocky. Little. Shit." He gave me a peck on the lips, and wrapped his arms around me. We stood there in the hall until the battle was about to begin. In the mean time Magnus taught me how to use his magic we now shared. "Okay now imagine collecting all of your energy into your palm. That's how you create lightning bolts." I did as I was told a summoned a bit of electricity in my hand. "Good. Now what else, ah self heal, and how to heal others." I stared at Magnus in admiration, it's cute when he's so focused in teaching me something. He noticed me staring and tried to get my attention again. "Alec, are you paying attention?"

  "What? Oh yeah, what we're you saying about self heal?"

  "Alec, if you're not going to listen at least do something more than stare." He then cupped my face and brought it up to his own, bringing us centimeters apart. "You really are beautiful." Then being the arse he is moved away, and tried to teach me again.

  "And you are a tease," I scoffed. "but I love you anyway." Now he gave up his teasing ways and gave me a kiss.

  "And I love you, now seriously you need to learn this, it could save yours, or another person's life."

  "Okay mister Bane."

  "Anyway...Stop being so adorable and distracting me. You have to once again, try to focus your energy into your palm, but now at the same time imagine something broken being fixed. It can be anything."

  "I didn't know magic was mostly mental power. Well you learn something every day."

  "It is, now just a few more spells and you'll be ready." The rest of our "lesson" I learn a few more simple spells, such as hurt, how to summon light, and how to summon things. "Well now that we share my strength and stuff it's not that hard. You're just stronger, more flexible, and probably have better aim. If you want a weapon here, I have plenty so it's okay." I handed him a few throwing knives which he put in the pockets of his jacket. All of the other shadowhunters and downworlders started to walk out of the hall, all anxious. "I guess that means we're about to start." I said nervously. He nodded in agreement and I took his hand in mine. "Ready?"

  "Ready." And we joined everyone else leaving.

  When we got outside we both ran to the woods, knowing there must be something in there. It was safe at first, but before we knew it something happened. A scream came from the other side of us. I followed it to see what had happened, if it was anyone I knew, or if they were still alive. Both of those thoughts were wrong when I reached the body. It was a man who I've never seen, with a branch though his heart. Above him was a demon, before I could react Magnus took one of the knives I gave him and threw it at the demon, effectively killing it. "You were right, I do have better aim." Even in a serious moment Magnus always finds a way to make a remark. We walked a few minutes, killing the occasional demon, but nothing extraordinary. I guess we choose the place for least action when we ran to the woods. Before twenty minutes passed people were cheering, yelling "it's over!" Magnus looked at me in confusion. "What it's over already, it just started."

  "I guess so, we should head back to be sure." We made it back at the hall to see if it was really over. The Councul told everyone that it's over, and that there's going to be a celebration in Angel Square in honor of our victory. "Do you want to go back to the house?" Magnus asked me.

  "Sure let's go." Aide my way through their cheering crowed to get out and get to Ragnor's house with Magnus. I spent the night there, it probably wasn't a good idea because Izzy and the others would think I had gotten killed or something, but I just hoped it wouldn't be too bad when I got back.

  Once we got back from visiting my family, which didn't go as bad as I expected. Izzy was slightly worried but not that much, and Jace knew I was okay. By the time we got back it was already becoming dark, almost time for the celebration. I, out of habit, threw myself on the couch and threw my head back. "So about the celebration in Angel Square today, do you want to go?" I said stuttering out my words. "With me I mean."

  "Of course, just let me go change." Until he was back I sat on the couch, messing with a loose thread. When he came back I was surprised at his attire again. He wore a black suit with a violet waistcoat. "Now I know I look good but what about you? Would it kill you to wear a suit?"


"C'mon, just one suit. Dolce, Louis Vutton?"

  "If you mange to get my brother into a suit I'd be a miracle. He won't even wear one to a wedding or anywhere." Isabelle put in.

  "Haha, no. You're not getting me a suit. Fashion is your thing, not mine."

  "Well I can try, can't I?" I was sitting at a table with Izzy, Magnus, and Luna. Clary had gone off to look for Jace, and Maia went to get a drink. We were all chatting, making jokes, and Magnus trying to coax me into getting a suit, It was all perfect. Finally being free to show my love for Magnus to the world, but then my parents came. Izzy was the one who told me they were coming out way. They both had a serious look on their face, which worried me. "Alexander." My mother said. "Aren't you going to introduce us to your boyfriend?" I looked at Magnus in shock, I expected to be scolded, not them asking to meet Magnus. But being the calm person he is, Magnus stuck out his hand to them, shaking them both. "Magnus Bane, high warlock of Brooklyn." He said with a charming smile.

  "Good to meet you, Magnus." My mother seemed oddly okay with the whole situation, while my father looked like he would be anywhere else. "Maryse, I need to go, I'll be back later." I was right, my father would rather be anywhere else. "Alexander, ignore him, this doesn't change anything."

  "T-That's good to know."

  "No Alexander really, it's okay. We still love you no matter what. I just wish you would've told us earlier, or we wouldn't have of tried to get you to marry Julie. I'm sorry for that."

  "Mom, it's okay, you didn't know. And thank you, it means a lot to me."

  "As for you, Magnus, if you ever hurt my son, just remember I am trained in a variety of weapons and happen to own all of them."

  "Don't worry Misses Lightwood, I love your son. And I believe I've already received that threat from Isabelle." Magnus said. Isabelle then put on the fakest, biggest grin she could muster.

  "Good job, Isabelle, but Alec, I can't help bit ask but how long have you two been together?"

  "Ummm, about half a year, is that right Magnus?" He gave me a nod that let me know I was right.

  "Wow, and you've just told me! I'm offended, but I am happy for you two. Well the fireworks are about to start, if you want a better view I suggest getting closer to the center."

Magnus and I moved a but closer to the center of Angel Square, and sat on the front steps of an abandoned house. "You're family are so alike, Isabelle and your mother both use the same threats on me."

  "Hehe, well they're something. I really didn't expect my mother to be joking around with us, but I'm glad she did. Hey, look, the fireworks are starting!" I pointed up at the sky where flames of red, blue, yellow, and green were erupting. "Wow, it's stunning."

  "But not as stunning as you, and I've seen better ones. You should see the ones in they so in Paris, oddly also around this time of year."

  "Well why don't we go?"

  "Alexander, are you asking me to go to a different country with you."

  "Well, only if you want, if you don't want it completely fine, just forget I-"

  "Shhh, I'm only teasing, of course I would want to go to Paris with you, while we're there we should visit a bunch of other places too."

  "So, vacation around Europe?"

  "Yes, yes I'd love to."

Next few chapters(about 4)are going to be really fluffy. Well stay awesome and goodbye

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