Chapter 15:What to do with you
Jace and I were walking back to the institute when Isabelle came running towards us. We could tell she was in a hurry because she hadn't even considered changing her pajamas. "Mom and Dad are with that girl are wondering where you are Alec, and from the looks of it they're pretty mad at you."
"Me? What did I do! They're the ones that are forcing me to marry someone i just met, I should be mad at them!"
"That doesn't matter right now, we need to get back." We ran the rest of the way to the institute and once we were there I quickly threw open the doors not caring about the noise it mght make. Isabelle kept walking so we followed her and ended up in the living room where my parents sat with the brunet i was being forced to marry. "Alexander come sit." There was a cold tone to my fathers words. I sat across from them and Isabelle and Jace were following when my father stopped them. "Not you two, we need to have a talk with Alexander alone." Isabelle looked at me with concern before walking out with Jace at her heels. "That was not very nice to just run off like you did yesterday, where did you go anyway? You weren't in the institute that's for sure."
"A friends house." I was hoping they would have me say anything more specific because how do you explain to your parents that you had to go tell your boyfriend of half a year that your being forced to marry someone, luckily they ignored it.
"Alright then, but you still shouldn't have run out like that, you didn't even give us a chance to finish speaking." I didn't give one damn about what they had to say about my forced marriage, but sadly i had to listen. "Right now the wedding is set for September the eighteenth in Idris, everyone is going to be there, your siblings, Aline and her family, Julie's family, and even if you want that Clary girl can come. Also I know you've just met Julie and I would like for you two to get to know each other. She is very smart but she isn't much of a fighter, something I hope you could teach her." He gave me a smile as if to say "everything is alright and perfect" but its not, its the exact opposite in my case. I just nodded and smiled back yet all i wanted to do was leave. "Now how about you two start bonding now, goodbye." I stood up as did Julie and she followed me out of the room. I walked into the kitchen and sat at the table and she sat across from me. "So Alexander what-" I cut her off.
"Don't call me Alexander please, I don't like it. Just call me Alec."
"Alright, Alec why did you leave last time?" Didn't she see that I don't want to tell her or my parents? I stayed silent and she got the message. "Why are you ignoring me? If we're getting married we should at least get to know each other a bit better! You shouldn't keep secrets from me!" My patience was wearing thin with this girl.
"They're not secrets, it just my business!"
"When you love someone your business is their business now." Love? She doesn't even know what shes talking about. "I love you and you Should back." I've had it with this girl.
"Listen up, you don't love me you simply think you do. As for me, I don't love you and I never, ever will. I was perfectly happy when you weren't in my life when i was-" I stopped myself there, i cant tell her I've been with Magnus.
"You what? When you were what?"
"Never mind that, you know what, I think you would get along with my sister Isabelle, let me call her. IZZY! In a few minutes she came into the kitchen. "Isabelle why don't you take Julie up to your room and show her your decorating skills. She understood the desperate look on my face and took her away. I put on a fake smile as Isabelle took her away. As soon as they left I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I got up and left the institute again without a word to anyone(but Isabelle and Jace probably guessed where I was going, Isabelle probably told Jace). I went to the same place I went last time this Julie girl came into my life.
My pace was calm as I was walking down the sidewalk, only about a block away from his apartment. I felt as if I was being watched but I ignored it as it really could be anything. Maybe my glamour wasn't working and the mundanes could see me, but I didn't care enough to fix it. I was outside the door and in the process of unlocking it when a high pitched voice called my name. I turned around to see Julie emerging from an alleyway from the side of the apartment building. The bottom of her jeans were wet, probably because she's lived her life in Idris and doesn't know her way around New York, especially since she came out of a ally. "What are you doing here!" I asked her firmly.
"Alec why do you have a key to this place?" She said while her head was moving around, surveying the place.
"I told you, it's my business! Not yours. How did you get here anyway?"
"Isabelle left me in her room as she went to go get us some water, while she was gone I snuck out." I was going to say something to her when my actions were cut short. The door then opened to show Magnus in his usual attire, which today consisted of lime green pants, a yellow shirt, and barefoot. The noise must have caught his attention and he came outside to see what was happening(most of the noise was just me yelling at her). "Alexander what are you-" He stopped talking once he saw an angry Julie.
"Magnus Bane, high warlock." She spat. She eyed him probably taking in his attire since she probably has never seen him before. Her eyes wandered to me. "Why can this, warlock, call you by your full name and your fiancee can't?" I mouthed "help me" at Magnus and he seemed to get what I needed him to do. He collected magic in the palm of his hand and flicked it off in he direction. Yellow sparks exploded in her face causing her to fall over into my arms. She was fairly light considering she was a head shorter than me and skinny. I turned to Magnus. "A little help here?" He then moved and grabbed her legs, and I grabbed my key from the lock. We then both carefully carried her up the stairs.
"Aw great how am I supposed to explain this to the neighbors, I can barely explain Isabelle's surprise visits every once in a while." He joked. With his leg he pushed open the door and we laid he on the couch. "She should be out for about an hour, and lucky for you I was actually brewing up a memory loss potion for a client. I could just give some for you to use on her." He was walking in the direction of his office when he turned and looked over his shoulder "You can come help if you want, I don't think she is very nice company." I followed him into his office where an old cauldron stood on his desk. "Now if you can be a darling, can you toss me the wolf's bane and that knife on the shelf?" I turned and grabbed a jar of wolf's bane and tossed it to him, I then grabbed the knife he was talking about and set it on his desk. He poured about one-fourth of the jar into the cauldron and sliced his palm with the knife. He must of noticed my eye widening as he explained. "Most potions require warlock blood, I'm fine though." He then put his hand into a fist and let the red liquid fall into the cauldron. When he was done he wiped his hand on a piece of cloth and clamped his uninjured hand on top of his injured hand and after a minute or so he let go, his injured hand now normal. "So that Julie girl, she isn't very pleasant isn't she?" He said while not taking his eyes off the cauldron.
"Nope, not at all. She keep annoying me and getting upset over little things. Like how I won't let her call me by my full name, that I refuse to get to know her, that I prefer the keep my business to myself, and she told me earlier that she loves me. She probably doesn't know the first thing about love, desperate bitch. Also she spat your name like it was some sort of insult " He looked up for the first time since we got here.
"She said she loves you?"
"Apparently." I said defeated.
"You don't love her back, do you?" He was genuinely asking me this, I could see the hurt in his eyes. I moved to his side and tightly embraced him.
"Of course not, I only love you. I could never love her when I have you." I tilted my head upwards and pressed my lips to his, putting our arms in there usual place, mine around his neck, and his around my waist. Our kiss was interrupted by a loud gasp. We whipped out heads around almost in unison and standing in the doorway was a very surprised Julie. "I must've used the wrong spell for a different amount of time." He whispered into my ear. He conjured up another spell and thew it at her, the same sparks landed on her face as they did earlier. She fell backwards onto her back with nothing to break her fall. "That one should work." He pressed another quick kiss to my lips and then got back to work on the potion. After a few more minutes of adding several different ingredients to the cauldron he took a small bottle and filled it with the teal liquid.
"Here, just slip this into her tea or something, it should make her forget the last hour."
"Thanks, just one question. How am I supposed to carry her back home?"
"Well she pretty light and I'm pretty sure you've lifted heavier things during training. As for the mundanes...Well she could pass off as your drunk friend you cant hold her alcohol, or you can just put a glamour on."
"Drunk this early in the day? Yeah I'm sure that's convincing, Ill just put a glamour on." I grabbed my stele and put a glamour mark Julie and I. "Goodbye, maybe ill come over later."
"That would be appreciated." He walked up to me and kissed me in a way that left me as deep shade of scarlet. I picked Julie up bridal style and walked out the door carefully so she wouldn't hit her head again. The walk back to the institute was fine because I didn't run into anybody I knew. Once I got back I thanked the angel that my parents weren't anywhere to been seen, at least downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and placed her on a chair as I made the tea to put the potion in for her. When i finished the tea she awoke as if on cue with a groan. I quickly placed the potion in the tea and it dissolved as if nothing was there. "Here have some tea." I shoved the mug in her hands and she was too gorggy to care about anything else. She sipped the tea in silence and once I thought the potion had taken affect I asked her "Whats the last thing you remember?" She looked at me with an odd look "We left the living room and came in here, why?"
"No reason, none at all." I smiled to myself as i sat in a chair across from her. Then i remembered, I hate this bitch. "IZZY!" I turned to Julie. "I think you ll like my sister, Isabelle." Isabelle came into the room holding her whip and an annoyed look on her face. "Get to know Julie here." She was obviously confused by the look of satisfaction i had on but took her away anyways again. Once i heard the click of the door closing I got up and walked down a familiar path to a familiar apartment.
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