Chapter 12:The Fight
Hey so this chapter takes place after Jace is forced to live with Magnus in city of ashes, just letting you know
I'm walking up the old cherry oak stairs to find Magnus standing there, waiting for me. "Has he drove you crazy yet?" I asked.
"Not completely, but he won't stop trying to organize my hair products and makeup by brand."
"Yeah sorry about that, but it is your job"
"Sadly my job includes watching overly neat shadowhunters, come inside we can talk about this in there."
"Mags, you know I can't, he can't know."
"You know what I find funny Alexander, that you fight demons off everyday but you can't be seen with one, well one who is only half demon, but still you can't even face your own brother with me." I shot him a glare. Him calling himself a demon just infuriates me, he is not a demon, not the man I know.
"Don't call yourself that, you are not a demon."
"It's what I am, I can't control what made me."
"Don't, you are much more than a demon."
"Well if I am then why can't I be seen with you even by your brother, only your sister knows and she's only seen us together once!"
"Lets not talk about this here, he could hear us." We walked out and went to the coffee shop he always steals from. We sat in a booth in the far end of the shop, away from most of the people.
"Okay we're here, now why can't you just at least tell him. We've been together for five months and he doesn't know a thing, he thinks your going out with some girl!"
"He can't know okay, being with you is very frowned upon and there-"
"I know there is no rule against it but it shouldn't be done anyway, let me tell you a story, I once had a friend who had his marks stripped for a mundane girl he met only a few weeks ago, you know they won't strip you of your marks but I believe you can handle a few bad looks from people"
"They are not just people, most of them are my family, cousins, aunts, my parents."
"Alec they will love you no matter what, your parents and Jace, Isabelle already accepted you, heck she even supports it, I'm not saying that your parents will support it but will accept it."
"You know I love you, can't we just leave it like it is."
"No because it's almost like your embarrassed of me"
"I am not embarrassed of you! I love you more than anyone else in my entire life but it can't happen yet, of course I will tell them later on but not right now."
"You know what, I'm just done with this right now, call me when you finally got the guts to tell at least Jace." He got up and walked outside of the shop and to his apartment. I sat there in shock. I really am an idiot sometimes. I put my palms up to my face and just sat there to process this. I have really angered Magnus, all this time he was bothered by me keeping our relationship a secret and I was too blind to see it. I got up and walked towards the institute to figure out what I'm going to do with this situation
I slammed the door shut not worrying about it bothering blondie. He immediately jerks his head up and shot me a glare. "What was that for?"
"This is my house, if I feel the need to slam the door I will do so"
"Well can you not, it's really annoying."
"Shut up, blondie."
"For the last time, STOP CALLING ME BLONDIE." He threw the tv remote at me but with a flick of my wrist it stopped in its tracks. "Screw you." He flicked me off and returned to reading his book. Bloody hell if I survive the week it'll be a miracle. I walk into my office which is a mess of papers in demonic languages, books, and a growing number of coffee cups on my desk. I sit over at my desk but I have no desire in working right now. Not only because Jace makes me want to jump out a window but because of the fight me and Alec had earlier. I have lived a very long time and in that time I have learned not to give a crap about anything. If someone judges you, so what it's only their opinion, how you see yourself is what matters and why can't Alec see the world the same way I do? He is afraid to be judged by his kind and he honestly shouldn't, as long as the people who he loves support him then that's all that matters. I really am over thinking this, Alec hasn't live as nearly as long as I have and he didn't understand yet, he is still so young, he is going to make mistakes in life and I should just let him go at his own pace, to actually be ready to tell his family about me, about us. I snap myself up a cup of coffee and then I try to work but my mind is in a billion other places right now and I can't think straight. Before I know it the sky has grown dark and the moon is out. I am taken out of this trance I'm in by a knock at my door. I didn't even have time to get up before I hear a click and Clary, her mundane friend Simon, and no other than Alec walk into my office. I am slightly taken back by Alec being there but it's clear that he is just here with the others, not to see me. Clary is the first to speak up. "Magnus, I'm sorry but we need Jace now, it's important, the Seelie queen has asked to have a meeting with us."
"No, I can't give you Jace, the clave has given me him in my care and he cannot leave and I cannot go with you to see the Seelie queen because...we just don't get along."
"Magnus, please I'm begging you is there anyway you can loan us Jace for a while." There was true want in this girl's voice, enough for me to think of a reason to give them Jace, though it may benefit me more than them.
"There is one way, if you agree to it, I can give you Jace for an exchange of a another shadowhunter." I immediately switch my gaze from Clary to Alec, just to look into his sapphire blue eyes. Clary turned around and also looked at Alec.
"Is rather not have you all stare at me." He said under all the eyes.
"Alec, please, I need to be there and so does Jace, Isabelle is the only one who knows how to get into the court and Simon is just a mundane. Your the only one left." Clary gave Alec the same look of plead she gave me.
"So if I switch with Jace I have to stay here until you come back, which could take a few hours, alone, with him."
"I'm so sorry Alec but-"
"I'll do it." He had determination in his voice.
"Really?" Clary looked confused. "Just a second ago you wanted to go to the Seelie court."
"I mean, if it get Jace there I'll do it."
"Yeah and I have the whole series of Gilligans island on DVD.
"YEAH WHO COULD TURN THAT DOWN." I heard Jace scream from the living room, with his usual sarcasm dripping in his voice. Clary thanked Alec and walked out if my office along with Simon and grabbing Jace on her way out the doors.
"Could you have not been anymore obvious?" I ended that sentence with a laugh just to show how not serious I was. He smiled back at me but it was almost forced. u git up and did what I could and pulled him into a passionate embrace. I hurried my face into his hair now familiar with his scent of laundry soap and lemons. He tensed up and did not relax the whole time he was in my arms. I let go of him confused as he seemed to be afraid of me. "Magnus, I-" I didn't let him even start what he was saying.
"No Alec, I should apologise to you, I shouldn't pressure you into coming out to anyone at all. It is your choice, and as long as your with me and happy that is all that matters."
"It does mean a lot to me that your saying this but I've already made up my mind, I'm Jace, and Clary, and even Simon about me, about us. And your going to do it with me weather you like it or not."
"I wouldn't have it any other way." I pulled him into me and kissed him knowing it would mean a lot. He pulled away a little reluctantly. " Watashi wa anata o aishite " The Japanese rolled off my tongue
"What does that mean?" He said wearing a crooked smile.
"It mean I love you."
"And I do too." I swooped in for another quick kiss.
"Now would you like to watch tv or..."
"Actually I would like to cook for you."
"You know how to cook?"
"Stealth cooking actually, in order to stay alive and not be poisoned by Isabelle's cooking Jace distracts her while I switch the her pot with a pot of my own cooking. It keeps us alive and teaches me cooking, and plus I should repay you for saving me from the cooking in question that day."
"Your welcome, now let's see about your 'stealth cooking.'" He dragged me off into the kitchen and got to work. The kitchen was soon filed with the smell of...well I'm not sure what it was at the moment but it smelled amazing. He put(now that I know) the pasta into plates and we proceeded to eat. Me mostly ate in silence, it wasn't awkward it was just there. We finished eating and we walked over to the couch and sat there with his head in my lap. I played with a lock of his hair until sleep took me over. As sudden loud ringtone that wasn't mine, that I sadly recognized because it always interrupted us. He slowly got up getting his phone from his pocket and answering. He sounded grogy and flinched when a yell came from the other line. He got up asked me where we could get some blood. Blood? Why does he need blood? "You can get some from the butchers shop-p?" I answered a little uneasily still confused by the request.
"We need some now, it's Simon, he's going to rise." I stood in shock. I never thought that I would see the nerdy mundane rise, or see a vampire rise at all. I haven't had close contact(besides some clients but those don't count) with a vampire since the fall of hotel dumort, when I had to get Camille and her clan to stop feeding on mundanes who were on drugs, and I was doing pretty well on avoiding Camille's kind. Avoiding that we ran to the butchers shop and using some glamour we stole some packets of animal blood. "Now where did you say this cemetery was?"
"It's the Jewish one, right down the street two blocks" He said while still looking straight ahead. We turned a couple of corners until we reached the cemetery. Alec started to yell for Jace and Isabelle because they were no where to be found. I sudden yell of Jace's voice attracted Alec and I to a part of the cemetery behind a hill, completely blocked from the rest of the place. We reached the side of the hill and saw Clary on her knees next to a pile of dirt, standing next to her was no other than Raphael, and Jace and Isabelle were on the opposite side of the mound. Alec went stiff, he probably hasn't ever seen a vampire rise either. I have never wants to put my arm around him and comfort him more in my life, but I knew I shouldn't that would just lead to another fight. The ground started to shut slightly and we knew Simon was going rise within a matter of moments. Pale fingers started to appear on the surface of the mound and Raphael pushed Clary away and told Jace and Isabelle to move out of the way, he swore in Spanish under his breath as an entire hand started to claw at the grass. He started to move the dirt away so that Simon can come out and feed. Finally a paler version of the nerdy boy we all knew was covered in dirt and sitting next to Raphael with a murderous look in his eyes. Alec threw the bags of blood to him and he handed them to Simon. He tore each bag with his fangs and desperately drank the blood. The blood trickled down his chin and with the back of his hand he cleaned it off and licked his hand clean. Everyone stood in awe at him, like an animal at a zoo. He had finished all the blood we brought him and the look in his eyes was gone. Clary looked at Raphael as if asking for permission, he nooded his head at her and she sat next to Simon. "S-S- Simon? Are you okay." Her voice cracked a little at the end. He didn't reply. "Raphael is it okay if I take him home?"
"Yes just be careful, he is a fledgling and his cravings will get worse if you don't keep him supplied."
"Okay, Simon lets go." She got up and helped him up. He was perfectly able to get up on his own but I guess Clary just felt the need to protect him. "Jace, Isabelle we should get going too." That was the first thing Alec said since we got here.
"Yeah we should." Isabelle choked out. I didn't want him to leave just yet so I came with the most believable excuse I could
"Wait, you forgot your weapons belt at my apartment." I hoped that worked.
"Yeah he's right, I left it there, I should go get it then I'll meet you back at the institute as soon as I go get it." Isabelle smirked at us.
"Sureee, no problem." She said with a snicker at the end. We walked away from them and as soon as we were out of sight I put my arm around him pulling him closer to me. I could feel the warmth of him through his jacket, which was good because it was starting to get a little colder than it had been earlier. We walked back to my apartment still in each others arms. Once we got inside he collapsed on the couch, silently laughing. "What's so funny?"
"I wasn't wearing my weapons belt when I came here, I doubt Jace will notice but Isabelle and Clary probably did."
"Well I wanted some more time with my blue-eyed shadowhunter before you left." I kneed beside him and put my hand on the side of his face to he could face me. our faces were only centimeters apart when he decided to close the small gap. "Yous should probably be getting back now before they begin to worry. I don't want you to go but it's probably for the best for the both of us." I muttered against his lips.
"Yeah I probably should, sadly." He got up and started to move toward the door when I called him.
"I love you." I heard him laugh his beautiful laugh.
"Love you too." I heard the door click and I was alone. I slowly got up and walked over to my room to sleep.
The walk back to the institute was short and and soon as I was inside Jace was bothering me again. "Where's your weapons belt?"
"I don't know, he said he must've misplaced it but once he finds it he'll snap it over here" At least this time my lie was believable.
"Then why didn't he just just snap it up back at the cemetery? Alec these are important questions that need answers."
"I don't I guess he didn't think it through."
"Or was he helping you go out to see your girlfriend,or should I say boyfriend." I choked on my spit.
"What?! Jace what are you talking about!"
"It all makes sense now to me, you weren't wearing a weapons belt, when he offered for you to stay with him you took the opprotuniy to stay with him, and when you thought you were out of my line of sight I saw him put his arm around you, you didn't pull away or anything in fact you got closer to him-"
"Jace it was cold, he was warm."
"Ah but I am not finished yet. Isabelle's smirking and giggling at you two, sneaking out at night and you know you smell when you come back? You have that burned sugar smell of magic on you. All of it makes sense, now how long have you been gay, and why haven't you told me?"
"Jace this is ridiculous, this so not the truth. I am not going out with some girl nor am I with Magnus. Just let it go because it's nothing."
"That's what you say, but I don't believe it one bit."
"That's it I'm done with this conversation. Come to my room if you want talk about anything else besides my love life. You don't see me asking you about Clary." This seemed to infuriate Jace as he stormed away leaving me. I went back to my room to all into a deep sleep.
Hey guys, ideas, questions, anything let me know. So so far this Fan fiction is very fluffy but the chapter after this I will state the main conflict so just stick around for that, and i know that the dialogue was really heavy this chapter. Well stay awesome
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