Chapter II: Inevitable


The consequences of Jessica's decisions


Chapter II: Inevitable

The next day, Kevin had recovered to such an extent that he could get out of bed and he took the opportunity to play a little with Jessica, to show her his collection of Rugby player stickers.
He also lent her his ball, going with her to the garden, where she took a noteworthy shot.
Albert decided to give his son some freedom before resuming the tests, which took place the following day.
The results went beyond all expectations: there was no longer any sign of the disease and none of the other organs had been compromised.

"Kevin, you are healed. No more experiments, dear my son, you can have a normal life, like all other children. " Albert hugged him, followed by Louise as well, as they removed those hated cables that would no longer be needed.

"Jessica, we'll can never thank you enough." Louise looked at her, touched.

"It's me who thank you for trusting me, and thank you too, little Kevin, you have been very good." Jessica hugged him.

In those few days she was really fond of him and he of her.

He was a lovely little boy and now he would be happy too.

Kevin ran to the room and returned immediately after

"Girl from the future, this is for you." He murmured handing him a stylized drawing of her with her trusty black leather jacket and time travel bracelet well on display.

"Oh, Kevin, thank you, it's beautiful, I'll keep it as a treasure." she smiled, folding it and putting it in her pocket.

It was time to say goodbye.

"My assignment here is finished," She declared, pulling out the bracelet and opening the faceplate. "Be the happy family you deserve to be!"

Those were her last words, before focusing on the date she wanted to reach in her mind.

With a few tears streaming down her face, Jessica reappeared in 2017, in Hell's Kitchen at her home.

The first thing she did was take off that bracelet and crumble it between her fingers.

Time travel was a way too dangerous thing and she couldn't risk it ending up in the wrong hands.

The second thing was to go upstairs, where, even without opening the door, she could hear Robin and Ruben bickering and their cries never seemed more wonderful to her ears.

She went back to her office to do some research - nothing about Hope Shlottman, other than her athletic contests.

She probably stayed at home in Missouri with her parents.

She didn't need further confirmation, she already knew that she was no longer responsible for Reva's death, that she would continue a happy marriage with her husband Luke.

There was no time to rejoice, she had important issues to resolve.
Oscar had finally made that counterfeit passport, perfect in every detail.
Jessica, who hadn't told anyone about her plan or left the slightest trace, found Dr. Malus where she had left him.

The changes she had made in the past had made him remember nothing of the device he had told her about.
Karl Malus reached South America, according to plan, Alisa released her confession, trusting that he was now untouchable and in return she was able to stay in that prison without being transferred to the RAFT.

Jessica visited her as soon as she could, happy to somehow have gotten her mother back.
The fact that Trish had never come across Will Simpson and everything it had brought her to, had ensured that she remained focused only on her role as a speaker, no more superhero fever for her sister.
However, if many things had improved, one for sure had gotten worse: Jessica realized that things no longer worked the same way with Oscar and broke up with him, but they remained friends.

It was another person she terribly missed.

Someone who no longer existed.

But Jessica then came to other conclusions: okay, Killgrave no longer existed, but Kevin Thompson remained, somewhere in the world, maybe England, maybe London.

Kevin who could be anywhere, doing any kind of job.

How likely would she have found him?

Probably she had less than 1% of chances, which made her wonder why she was packing her bag and booking the first available ticket to London.


Jessica returned empty-handed.
She didn't even know what she hoped that could happen, she had traveled through London far and wide for three days, visiting all the most prestigious companies.

She had the feeling that Kevin must have become an important businessman.

However, she had to surrender to the evidence: she would never meet him again and she had to put her heart at peace, focusing on the positive aspects which her choice had led to.

********************************* (In the meantime)

"Doctor Thompson, Doctor Thompson, the patient from Room Ten is gone in cardiac arrest! " the head nurse advised him.

Kevin Thompson didn't get it repeated and rushed into the room.

"There is not a minute to lose. Give me the defibrillator, I'll try cardiopulmonary resuscitation." He commanded his staff which he performed swiftly and accurately.

The first outcome was unlucky, even the second, but Dr. Thompson was stubborn and determined.

"Don't even try to die in my hospital!" He said, applying the defibrillator again, with a slightly higher intensity, a risk to run.

There was a gasp of the patient and then the crescendo of 'beep, beep' which testified to the resumption of vital functions.

The applause of the staff of the Royal Devon, a prestigious university hospital in Exeter, was not long in coming.

Their Headmaster never ceased to amaze them with his prowess.

"Thank you, but there is no time to praise ourselves. David, urge the lab because I want the tests about the patient in Room 8 as soon as possible, Krysten, prepare the patient of Room 4 for her surgery. Rachel, take care of the new arrival at the ER. " he gave his orders.

"Yes, Doctor Thompson!" the diligent crew answered, going to get busy.

Nearly forty-year-old Kevin Thompson loved his job, he felt he had a real calling to save lives.
After all, a very special person when he was a kid had saved him from a terrible disease and this had given him the right motivation to specialize in Internal Medicine, with great pride of his parents.

His enthusiasm and dedication were such that in ten years the Chief of Medicine job was easy to obtain.

The next day, after assigning the various tasks to the trainees, Kevin found himself walking in the corridor of Room Ten, noting that the patient was improving, perhaps thanks to his young age, as he was just over thirty years old. .

"Doctor Thompson!" he called to him, seeing him from the outside and the Primary approached him.

"I wanted to thank you, you saved my life." the patient said, sitting up.

"I just did my job." Kevin replied.

"You are too modest. When I felt bad during my business meeting, I thought I would never go back to New York, kiss my wife, pick up my three-year-old daughter... "

"But now you can do this and much more." The Chief of Medicine smiled at him.

"You know, two weeks ago, an extraordinary girl stopped with her bare hands a car that was about to hit my daughter and I thought I had already had my dose of super heroes, but now, what you did ... I really think I have found another one. " He smiled at him.

At first Kevin smiled back, then better recorded what he had been told.

"A girl with super strength, did you say?" He asked, trying not to sound eager.

"Oh yes, but Jessica Jones in my hometown is famous for these and other amazing deeds. And you know what? That is not even her main job, she is mainly a detective ... " the patient continued to tell him, not understanding why he had to smile so much.

"Oh, believe me, Mr. Rittant, I have to thank you."


"I've found her!" Kevin broke into his parents' house, without even bothering to say hello.

He lived alone in a three-room apartment with a broad view over Devon, but he often enjoyed visiting his parents, with whom he had an excellent relationship.

"Did you find who, dear?" Louise met her, who despite her advanced age still maintained an elegant bearing.

"Today I spoke to an American patient who told me about a girl with incredible strength, who acts as a super heroine ..."

"Oh, Kevin, but then ..." Louise was excited, having already understood everything. "Albert, come and hear it too!"

"Yes she is, the girl from the future. I will always be grateful to you for never making me believe that I imagined it all, that it was just a child's fantasy. We've been sharing this secret together for thirty-two long years, wondering if there was a way to find her, looking for her in every woman's face I met... but I only knew her name, Jessica. No information on where he lived, and by where I mean in what years, how far the future was from where she reached me... " He began his account. "But now I know everything: Jessica Jones, she lives in the same era as me, she has a detective agency in New York , I ..."

"You have to go to her." His father encouraged him.

"Run to pack your bags." His mother echoed and he did not make her repeat it, running away with the same eagerness with which he had entered.

"But dear ... what if he finds out the whole truth?" Louise worried.

"Honey, remember? We promised Jessica that night that we would protect little Kevin from the ugly truth, maybe it's time for the adult Kevin to know everything, maybe from her. " replied her husband, holding her close.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------

Kevin had acted so impulsively that he did not calculate the time zones well, so much so that he found himself in New York, at 485 W, on forty-sixth street, at four in the morning.

Sure, it would have been more rational to go to sleep at the hotel he found for himself and then show up in the morning, but Kevin had no intention of being rational and couldn't wait a minute longer.

He was lucky, because one of the tenants of that condominium, perhaps returning from a party, left the door open for him.

He followed the directions and soon found himself on the fifth floor, in front of inside F, where he could read 'Alias Investigations' clearly.

There was only one thing left to do.

Jessica had inadvertently fallen asleep on the desk, with the computer running and the glass of whisky still in her hand, but the noise woke her.

Someone was knocking and it was four in the morning.

It could only mean an emergency.

Maybe Trish, or Malcolm making an important discovery, or maybe something had happened to little Vido.

When she opened the door, she couldn't believe his eyes.

Killgrave, no, Kevin Thompson was standing right in front of her.

Dressed in black, albeit always elegant, but with nothing purple.
Nothing disturbing in his gaze, yet it was him, as beautiful as she remembered.

She almost regretted being in jeans, with a very simple cream-colored sweater, even though the way he was looking at her made her feel like a red carpet star.

"So ... you really exist, indeed!" He exclaimed, his English accent very strong.

Some things never change.

"Forgive the time ..."

"I'm a nocturnal animal," She shrugged, inviting him to enter.

"But I couldn't have known that, it still sounds rude of me. And anyway, no, I'm not a customer who wants to hire you; it's not easy to explain who I am, not if you're used to doing all the amazing things you do... " Kevin began to ramble, visibly nervous.

Jessica gestured for him to shut up, then walked over to her desk, grabbing something from the drawer.
Something he knew very well too.

"I think I know very well who you are." she said, showing him the drawing he had given her. "I told you I was going to treasure it."

"Girl from the future!" he murmured, going towards her to hug her, taking her by surprise, but Jessica didn't even try to free herself from that hug, if anything she returned it.

Even his perfume was the same as it always was, probably a French cologne.

"A future that is now a present, not so little Kevin!" she winked, pulling away to motion him to sit with her on the sofa. "But tell me about you, I want to know everything."

And Kevin briefly summarized everything that had happened since she left.

"Primary? So you will give orders here and there, 24/7. Some things never change. If nothing else, now you do it in a legal and harmless way. " she let out.

"Uh?" Kevin looked confused.

"Uh, never mind." she replied nonchalantly.

They had talked for so long that it was beginning to dawn outside.

"Well, now I'd better go and go back to my wife." He said, getting up from the sofa.

For Jessica it was like a cold shower.
She had allowed him to have a new life, a new beginning, so it was more than plausible that he had built a family, a family where there was no place for her.

"Oh, yeah sure..." she moaned, a bit out of sorts.

Kevin gave her a sassy smile that reminded her too much of Killgrave.

"I was joking. No wife or girlfriend. I just wanted to see your reaction and it seems to me that you did not take it very well. Then you do like me, Jessica Jones. " he gloated, smugly.

"Fuck! You are still such an arrogant and control freak, just as I recalled you. " Jessica snapped, then realized she had said too much again.

Kevin frowned.

"What does 'Just as I recalled you' mean? Have we two met before? I don't mean when I was a child ... "

" But no, what are you saying? Did you see what the fucking time it is? It is logical that I can talk nonsense ... " she tried to justify herself.

"No, Jess, I'm not buying it. Even before, as soon as you opened the door, the way you looked at me, too surprised ... even before I spoke," he mused.

"But no, I didn't..." she stumbled.

"Jessica Jones, is there something you're not telling me?" he peered at her, with his large, searching eyes.

"Come on, let's sit down again," she invited him. "Would you listen to a story that is unbelievable?"

Kevin took both of her hands.

"I have you here in front of me, is there anything more incredible?" He smiled at her.

Jessica made up her mind to tell him everything.


Kevin was appalled to hear all the atrocities he had committed, yet there was a subject that intrigued him not a little.

"Killgrave. What a high-sounding name! And then the mind control... " he stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"No, you have no idea what a weapon of destruction such a power is!" Jessica warned him.

"Don't talk to me about a weapon of destruction: you killed me!" He reproached her, insulted.

"But I also seem to have remedied it!" she countered, shrewdly, making him smile.

"And anyway, such a power could also do good. Imagine: a patient in the hospital, in critical condition and me, ordering him to heal. "

"I don't think it would work. For the most part you have always done the opposite. "

"Did I go around ordering people who were okay to get sick?" He asked with feigned naivety.

"Idiot! You know what I mean!"

Kevin became serious again.

"Jessica, I really appreciate that you wanted to tell me everything and I also understand why my parents never did. But just because you told me everything, I can't help but wonder: with the possibility that you had to travel in time ... why didn't you prevent the accident you had in the car with your parents? "

"Because I had to take a threat out of the world, not deprive it of a so-called heroine they might need. So I can continue to do good, even if the world often doesn't deserve it." She murmured, seeking comfort in his arms.

"I don't know about the world, but England will have to do without an excellent doctor." He told her.

"Are you thinking of taking a few days off to stay here?" She asked hopefully.

He got up in response, going towards the door.

"Oh no, quite the contrary, I think I'll leave immediately, the taxi is still waiting for me."

Jessica pouted,

"You know how it is, I'm going to have to pack up, sell my house, resign and apply for a Chief of Medicine position at Metro General Hospital, you say I have a good chance?"

Jessica jumped around his neck, hugging him happily.

The air was charged with electricity and a glance was enough for them to understand what they both wanted.

Kevin kissed her with the vehemence she remembered well, but mixed with a sweetness that surprised her.
Jessica deepened the kiss, sinking her hands into that brown hair, perfect as always.

Kevin would have paid even a thousand dollars to the taxi driver who was waiting for him downstairs with the parking meter active, anything to continue to hold in his arms that girl who was a vision to him.
Anything to kiss her over and over again.

"Do you know what I think, Kevin?" she murmured, on the edge of his lips. "That sometimes you stumble upon your own destiny on the way to avoid it." She smiled, kissing him again.

"And I think that that Killgrave I will never be anymore was right about one thing," he stroked her face with both hands. "We are inevitable."




Prompt Used:

'I don't know if this is a prompt because maybe it is too long, Jessica goes back in time to save Kilgrave as a child, so that he remains Kevin and does not become never Kilgrave, and by doing so she unwittingly becomes his childhood heroine. After Jessica returns to the present and discovers that Hope is still alive, Rubén is still alive and therefore Kilgrave never exists. Obviously she goes to look for him and finds him ... He's not a criminal anymore, and maybe he's not that cool and trendy because he doesn't have all that money and so on ... ' by EcateC, (go and read her wonderful stories * O *)
Well, dear my friend, I don't exactly follow all your suggestions, can you forgive me? ^^'

'Mental traps are difficult to escape because they make her see exactly what she would like' by GiWeasley

"Sometimes one stumbles upon one's fate on the way to avoid it" by Amalia Frontali

'Sliding dooors effect 'by Giada beth Dixn Novaresi

' At four o'clock na 'by Arianna Mura.

For those who know 'Jessica Jones': just see 2x11 to understand that with the events of Alisa, Karl, etc. went way differently.
Speaking of Karl, well, he is a scientist who in a certain sense has succeeded in not one but two 'resurrections', it seemed more than plausible for him to invent the cure to a childhood neurodegenerative disease ..

In another story of mine ('Ineffably Inevitable', as the title suggests, crossover with Good Omens) Kevin is a psychologist, here he's a Chief of Medicine ... in short, he is called ' Doctor ', this is so perfect that I can't resist XDD

And the pretext for time travel I got it from Torchwood, which has to do with' Doctor Who ', who has read' You're not Ten anymore (?) 'Should know that I like to mix those worlds ;)

Usually I can't stand Louise and Albert but here there were the conditions for a truly serene family and I took advantage of it <3

I graduated with a thesis that addressed, among other things, the (wonderful) movie 'Serendipity', I think it influenced me a little and I hope to having moved you a little bit, a tear fell from my eyes while I was writing * O *

I have an unhealthy and visceral love for Killgrave, but for once I liked to write simply about Kevin, I hope you too (leave me a little comment if you want , I swear I don't bite), but since no one happened to like the first part of this story, I really have no expectations, but I'm proud of what I wrote anyway ^^'

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