GUYS, GET GAMETOONS ON THE PHONE(not exactly a one-shot, more like a fan script)

So I just watched Undertale Logic, and after watching it, I GOT THE MOST AWESOME GAMETOONS VIDEO GAME LOGIC IDEA.



Ah okay okay...I went a little bazonkers there, but this is seriously something they need to do at some point, and it would be so epic I can already tell, even if they didn't do it like how I wrote here.

Just take this fan script I made for now while you wait for my next art dump. You'll probably enjoy it. XD

And now, without further ado...


Pokémon Logic | Cartoon Animation


*Player spawns in Pallet Town*

Player: So this is Pokémon...Can't believe it took me this long to give it a try. How long's it been around? Like, 25 years? Well, better late than never, I guess.

*Player eyes up Route 1, just to the north*

Player: *starts heading towards the tall grass* Welp, like it said on TV, all boys leave home some day. I guess I better get a move on if I want to-

???(Duncan's voice): Hey! Wait!

*Someone in a lab coat rushes over*

Player: Oh, uh...who are you?

???: Who am I? I'm Professor Oak! I've been studying Pokémon for my entire life! How do you not know this? I live just southeast of your home!

Player: Sorry, Professor. I'm just kinda new to this whole Pokémon thing.

Prof. Oak: Hm. Well, I guess that checks out...Luckily for you, I'd be happy to teach you all the basics! First things first: you should NEVER go out into the tall grass without a Pokémon of your own to protect you. Or else you'll be jumped by the wild ones!

Player: Oh. Well, where do I get my own Pokémon?

Prof. Oak: You're in luck, erm...What's your name?

Player: It's Player.

Prof. Oak: Right. Thank you. Follow me, Player! To the lab!

*So you know that little 8-bit ditty that played in a few earlier episodes whenever it was showing the crewmates' icons moving around the map to get places? Sell imagine that playing, but it's Player and Professor Oak's sprites running down to the lab instead.*

*Player and Professor Oak head into the lab*

Player: Wow. So this is where you do your research?

Prof. Oak: For as long as I can remember!

???(Bro's voice): Hey, Gramps! What took ya so long!?

Player: Huh? Who's that?

Prof. Oak: Oh, that's my grandson! He's been your rival ever since you two were babies.

Rival: Bout time you two Slowpokes decided to show up. I've been waitin' here for an hour or somethin'!

Player: Wow...I've barely known you for ten seconds, and I already hate you.

Prof. Oak: Sorry for keeping you waiting, uh...erm...Sorry, what's your name again?

*A smug grin stretches across Player's face as his rival speaks*

Rival: Come on, gramps, don't tell me you forgot my name again. How many times I gotta remind you? It's-

Player: Fartface.

Rival: Whah-

Player: His name's Fartface, don't you remember?

Prof. Oak: Oh, yes, Fartface! Now I remember! thank you, Player!

Player: No problem, Professor.

Fartface: *looks dang ready to murder Player where he stands*

Prof. Oak: Anyways, I've brought you both here for a very special reason.

*Prof. Oak points to the three Poké Balls situated on the table*

Prof. Oak: When I was younger, I was a very serious Pokémon Trainer. Now, being much older, I've either released most of mine or given them to others. Those three Poké Balls on the table there contain my last three Pokémon, but since none of them are used much anymore, I've decided to let each of you have one.

Player: Wow, really?

Prof. Oak: Certainly, my dear boy! You go ahead and choose yours first.

Fartface: Aw, come on, Gramps, why does he get to go first!?

Prof. Oak: Now now, Fartface, be patient. You'll get yours!

Player: Hmm...Let's take a look here.

*Player opens the first Pokémon Ball to have a better look at his options, releasing Bulbasaur*

Bulbasaur(Captain's voice): Hiya, human! I wanna be your best friend! You choose me, and I won't ever leave your side!

Player: Meh...It's friendly enough, but I was thinkin' something that looks a little cooler.

Bulbasaur: *deflates* Oh...Well, that's fine, I guess. You do you...

Player: Let's see what's in this next one.

*Player opens the second Pokémon Ball, releasing Charmander*

Charmander(MrCheese's voice): Oh, hey there. My name Mr. Charmander. You wanna go on an epic quest together and destroy every enemy in our path?

Player: Oh. I know about this one a little...I hear a lot of other people seem to pick you. I can kinda see why, but I might want to try something different. Seems a little overrated.

Charmander: Hey man, you'd be makin' a pretty big mistake not choosin' me. I evolve into a fweakin' dwagon.

Player: Yeah, but from what I've seen and heard, you also tend to get more stuck up and rebellious the stronger you get. I think I'll pass.

Charmander: Psh...Your loss.

Player: Welp, that leaves me with this one. Let's see what we've got.

*Player opens the third and last Poké Ball, releasing Squirtle*

Squirtle(Veteran's voice): Hey, dude. You, uhh, wanna bring me along on your journey? I can blow water bubbles and stuff, and I can swim real good. That might come in handy.

Player: Huh...You know, I might just go along with that. You seem like my kinda Pokémon.

Prof. Oak: So, you want the Water-Type Pokémon, Squirtle?

Player: Yep! That's my pick!

[*Player received
a Squirtle!

Prof. Oak: So, would you like to give Squirtle there a nickname before you start your journey?

Player: Hmm...You know, you remind me of a friend of mine. I think I'll call you...Wateran!

Squirtle(Wateran): Wow. That's...really dumb-sounding.

Player: Oh, come on. "Fartface" is way worse, isn't it?

Wateran: Well, I can't disagree with that...Man, who would nave their grandson something like that, am I right?

*Fartface gets even more pissed off*

Fartface: Hmph! We'll see who's laughing once I pick MY Pokémon out! Yo, Bulbasaur! Imma choose you!

Bulbasaur: Oh boy! I'm not going to spend the rest of my life stuck in this lab after all!

Charmander: Yeah, whoopee, have fun with that, ya big cabbage patch dork.

[*Fartface received
a Bulbasaur!

Prof. Oak: Alright! You two are all set to head out into the tall grass! You'll be able to face off and battle against wild Pokémon from now on, and once you get some Poké Balls, you'll be able to catch some for yourselves!

Player: Sounds great! Thanks, Professor Oak! Wateran and I are gonna head out and-

Fartface: Hey, Player! Get your butt back here!

Player: Huh? Why, what is it?

Fartface: I wanna KICK IT. In a Pokémon battle between MY awesome Bulbasaur and YOUR puny Squirtle! Right here and right now!

Player: Uh, maybe some other time. I gotta-

Wateran: Nope. Once a Trainer battle is issued, there's no turning back until there's a winner.

Player. Oh...Oh, man.

*Battle engages in the lab*

[*Fartface wants
to fight!

Fartface: Bulbasaur! Show me what you're made of!

[*Fartface sent
out Bulbasaur!

Bulbasaur: Sure thing, boss friend!

Player: Well, uh...Get on out there, Wateran!

Wateran: Sure thing. I still kinda hate that name, though...

Player: We'll discuss that later. Let's see...

*Player looks at Wateran's moves*

Player: Tackle and Tail Whip...Tail Whip lowers the enemy's defense, huh? Guess we can give it a shot before getting down to business. Okay, Wateran! Use Tail Whip!

Wateran: Will do.

[*Wateran used
Tail Whip!

*Wateran turns around and wags his tail at the opposing Bulbasaur*

Wateran: You wanna piece o' me? Huh? Yeah, you just try.

Bulbasaur: Ha ha! You expect me to be intimidated by that?

defense fell!

Bulbasaur: Wait...what?

Fartface: Don't just sit there, Bulbasaur! Tackle 'em!

Bulbasaur: Oh, okay!

[*Bulbasaur used

*Bulbasaur charges forward and slams into Wateran, inflicting 3 damage*

Player: That's it? I think we got this. Come on, Wateran! Use your own Tackle on him!

Wateran: Prepare to get *puts sunglasses on* shell shocked.

[*Wateran used

*Wateran slams into Bulbasaur with even greater force, dealing double the damage the opponent had*

Player: Wow, that's great! Keep it up!

Fartface: Come on, get up, Bulbasaur! Use Tackle again!

Bulbasaur: Well, okay, I'll keep trying!

[*Bulbasaur used

*Bulbasaur inflicts 4 damage, but it's still nothing Wateran can't handle.*

Wateran: Think you're tough, huh Bulbasaur? Well, how 'bout some more from me? Tackle again, Player?

Player: Yeah! Give it all you got!

[*Wateran used

Bulbasaur: Gyah!

*Bulbasaur is thrown across the battlefield from the damage dealt*

[*Critical hit!]

Bulbasaur: Yep, that's gonna need a visit to the Pokémon Center...

Fartface: Get back up, Bulbasaur! Come on! Keep up the Tackles

*Both sides keep spamming Tackle until they're both down in the red*

Wateran: Uh, dude...I'm gettin' kinda worn down. I don't know if I can take another hit.

Player: Uh-oh.

Fartface: We got 'em now! One more Tackle, Bulbasaur!

[*Bulbasaur used

*Bulbasaur is hindered by his injuries and is unable to run as fast as before, allowing Wateran time to hop off to the side and dodge the attack*

attack missed!

Player: Wait, Pokémon can dodge attacks?

Wateran: Heck yeah, dude. Some moves are more accurate than others when used in battle, and some moves like Sand Attack or Double Team affect the odds of a move landing on them.

Player: Wow. That's good to know. Okay! Give it one more Tackle!

[*Wateran used

*Bulbasaur's health bar emptied*

[*Critical hit!]

*Bulbasaur falls over onto his side, and his eyes turn to swirls*

[*Bulbasaur fainted!]

Fartface: What the-!?

Player: Yes! YES! We won, Wateran!

Wateran: Heck yeah! Phew...Didn't think we'd make it for a sec.

[*Wateran grew
to level 6!

Player: Wow! A level up already? That should help us out!

Wateran: Yep. Every battle you win gives you EXP, and with every battle, you get closer to leveling up.

[*You defeated

Fartface: Dang it! I picked the wrong Pokémon!

Charmander, still standing there on the table watching: Uh, yeah, you think so, dum-dum?

Fartface: Ugh...A'right, here's your cash.

[*Player got ₱175
for winning!

Player: Wait, I get paid to fight Pokémon battles?

Wateran: That's the way of the Trainer. The loser's gotta pay up.

Player: Wow. Rugged system. But considering what I was able to do here, it shouldn't be too hard, right?

Fartface: Don't get cocky, dork. Imma head out and make my Bulbasaur stronger, so next time we meet, I won't go so easy on ya.

Prof. Oak: Wait, you two! Before you leave, there's something else I have for each of you!

Player: Really?

*Professor Oak hands each of them a PokéDex, a red one for Player and a blue one for Fartface*

Prof. Oak: It's my greatest invention: The PokéDex! It collects data on any Pokémon you see or capture; a digital, self-writing encylopedia! It's always been my dream to catalog every Pokémon species in the world...Alas, I've grown too old to achieve it now. But you two are young and spritely, so you'd be fine for the job! If you're up to it, at least.

Player: I'll do it. I've gotta catch more Pokémon to build a team and get stronger anyways, don't I?

Prof. Oak: You've got the idea! I wish you two the best of luck!

Fartface: Yeah, guess it'll come in handy. Player! Gramps! Smell ya later!

Bulbasaur: Uh, could we by any chance stop at the PMC before fighting again...?

*Fartface has left the building*

Player: Welp, guess we better get started, huh, Wateran?

Wateran: I still kinda hate that name, but yep, I'm with ya.

*Player and Wateran leave the lab and head back out to Route 1, and the same ditty from before plays*

Player *in the tall grass*: So, all we have to do is wander around some and we'll eventually find something, right?

Wateran: That's about right. But we're gonna have to fight our way through the route this time around. You can only start catching things when you have empty Poké Balls on hand. Which you do not...The good news is this is a good time to grind and level up. I should be able to handle things pretty well.

Player: You think so?

Wateran: Yep. Just give me the command, and I'll take it.

Player: Well, okay. Let's get down to business!

*Insert inspirational montage of Player and Wateran taking down every single Pidgey and Rattata they encounter on Route 1, finally arriving in Viridian City after several battles*

Player: Wow, Wateran. That was awesome! We're almost up to level 8 already!

Wateran: Yeah, man...phew...Don't mess with the shell...But to be honest, my PP for Tackle is pretty low, and so's my energy. Think we can stop at the Pokémon Center and heal me back up before we buy some Poké Balls and head into the forest?

Player: Sure thing. How much does a heal cost?

Wateran: At the PMC? It's 100% free, dude. You can stop at a Pokémon Center and have 'em heal us up to full health whenever for absolutely no charge. And it only takes a handful o' seconds.

Player *heading into the Pokémon Center*: Are you serious? Wow...That should REALLY come in handy.

Wateran: Yeah, especially once we start running into really strong opponents. But that's a ways off; for now, it shouldn't be that hard.

Player*approaching the front desk*: I hope not.

Nurse Joy(Angel's voice): Welcome to the Pokémon Center! Here, we take all of your Pokémon that've been beaten up in battle and restore them back to full health so that they can get back out there and beat each other up again!

Player: Wow, that...sounds disturbing when you put it that way.

Wateran *getting ready to re-enter his Pokémon Ball*: Eh. don't sweat it, Player. The PMC nurses tend to say a lot o' weird things. Just roll with it.

*Wateran enters his ball and Nurse Joy heals him up before giving him back to Player*

Nurse Joy: There we go! You're Pokémon is fighting fit!

Player *turns around and starts to leave*: Thanks, nurse.

Nurse Joy: We hope to see you again~!

*Player exits the PMC and releases Wateran again, looking disturbed and confused*

Player: Uh..."We hope to see you again?" Does that mean she wants me to lose battles and continue having my Pokémon worn down?

Wateran: Like I said, Player, don't try to think about it too hard. The nurses say strange things sometimes.

Player: Well...Alright. What do we do now, buy some Poké Balls?

Wateran: Yep. See that blue building over there? That's the PokéMart. That's where you get Poké Balls, among other things. Just make sure you don't blow all your cash in one go.

Player: Got it...Let's get catching.

*quick sequence of Player purchasing a handful of Poké Balls, leaving the city and heading out into Viridian Forest*

Player: Okay, so do you know what we might find around here, Wateran?

Wateran: Uh...To be honest, it's been a while since I left the Professor's lab, so I don't really remember what lives in here. Guess you just gotta walk through the tall grass and see what you can find, huh?

Player: Guess so. Wonder if we'll find anything strong-

???(Happy's voice): Hey! You!

Player: Huh?

*A Bug Catcher approaches him, Poké Ball in hand*

Bug Catcher: Ha! We made eye contact! Now we have to battle!

Player: Uh...okay. I guess show me what you got.

*Battle ensues*

[*Bug Catcher
wants to fight!

[*Bug Catcher 
sent out Weedle!

*Weedle emerges and makes a smol buggo noise*

Player: That's it? Ha...This shouldn't be hard. Go get 'em, Wateran!

Wateran: Weedle, huh? Ho boy...Hope the worst doesn't happen right off the bat.

Player: Okay, Wateran! Let's start this off with Tail Whip!

Wateran: Got it.

[*Wateran used
Tail Whip!

defense fell!

Bug Catcher Rick: Go, Weedle! Use Poison Sting!

Wateran: Uh oh.

[*Weedle used
Poison Sting!

Wateran *gets hit, braces himself for a moment as a small chunk of HP is taken off him, then pries one eye open*: Wait...Am I good? Oh, phew, okay, yep. I'm still good.

Player: What's the matter?

Wateran: Oh, right. A lot of Poison-Type moves, like the one that Weedle just used? There's a chance I might be poisoned by something like that, and if that happens, I'll either have to be given an Antidote or taken to the PMC again.

Player: Uh oh. They did sell those at the Pokémon Mart, but I never bought any.

Wateran: Then just hope and pray that I don't end up poisoned.

Player: I'll keep that in mind. Okay, Wateran! Go ahead and Tackle 'em!

[*Wateran used

*it takes out about a third of the enemy Weedle's health*

Bug Catcher: One more Poison Sting, Weedle! Maybe we can get lucky!

Wateran: Oh, boy...

[*Weedle used
Poison Sting!

Player: You hangin' in there, Wateran?

Wateran: I...Oh, God...*wretches and turns slightly purple in the face*

[*Wateran was

Player: Oh, no...C'mon, Wateran! Just a couple more hits oughta do it! You can take it down while you still can!

Wateran: Urf...I'll try, dude...

*Wateran charges shakily, but still lands his hit*

[*Wateran used

Wateran: Oh, boy...Ow...

*a bit of his health is depleted*

[*Wateran is hurt
by poison!

Player: Hang in there, Wateran! I'll make another stop at the PMC after this! Sound good!?

Wateran: Uh-huh...*wretches again* Sure hope so.

[*Weedle used
String Shot!

*Weedle shoots a mess of bug string at Wateran's feet, making them sticky and harder to move.*

speed fell!

Player: We can still win this! You've still got a lot of health left!

Wateran: Yeah, but...Don't expect me to move first this turn now legs are kinda tied.

Bug Catcher: Use String Shot again, Weedle!

[*Weedle used
String Shot!

speed fell!

Player: One more Tackle!

Wateran: Alright...finishing move here.

[*Wateran used

*Wateran successfully depletes the rest of the enemy Weedle's health, making it faint.*

[*Weedle fainted!]

Bug Catcher: *returns his fainted Weedle* Hmph...Guess you were able to beat my Weedle, huh?

Player: Yeah, we sure did. You did your best though!

Wateran: Dude, I am literally poisoned right now.

Bug Catcher: Oh, you thought I was done? Wait till you get a taste of my Caterpie!

Player: Whah..."

[*Bug Catcher
sent out Caterpie!

Player: Oh, man, this isn't good. You're still poisoned, Wateran!

Wateran: Don't...don't give up hope yet, man...Caterpie don't have any poison in 'em. Might be able to keep going with the same strategy with the Weedle...Granted I can stay on my feet for long enough...

Player: Okay...Give 'em your Tail Whip, Wateran!

[*Wateran used
Tail Whip!

defense fell!

*the rest of the battle plays out as following*

[*Caterpie used
String Shot!

speed fell!

[*Wateran used

[*Wateran is
hurt by poison!

[*Caterpie used

[*Caterpie's attack

[*Wateran used

[*Critical hit!]

[*Caterpie used

[*Wateran used

[*Wateran was
hurt by poison!

[*Caterpie used

*Wateran enters the red zone with his HP*

Player: Come on, Wateran! One more Tackle and it's down!

Wateran: I don't know if I can do this anymore, man...I think I'm gonna hurl.

Player: I know, I know it's bad! But we're just an inch away from victory! Come on! Use Tackle!

*Wateran growls, then locks his gaze onto the opposing Caterpie(who doesn't look very aware of the situation) and sprints forward.*

[*Wateran used

*the Caterpie falls over unconscious*

[*Caterpie fainted!]

[*Wateran gained EXP
from the fight!

[*Wateran grew
to level 8!

[*Wateran learned

[*You defeated
Bug Catcher!

Player: We did it, Wateran! We finally did it!

Bug Catcher: bugs...Oh, maybe next time...

[*Player got ₱72
for winning!

Player: Cool. I can put this into the Antidote I'm gonna get.

Bug Catcher: Well, good luck with your journey. I'm gonna go look for more bugs!

*Bug Catcher leaves the scene*

Wateran: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea about now. Let's just head to the PMC first; I need more than just an...*wretches again and sticks his tongue out* Antidote about now.

Player: Well, no worries. Let's just get out of the tall grass here and head back to-

*He gets jumped by another Pokémon from the tall grass before we can finish*

[*A wild Pidgey

Pidgey(Flamingo's voice): Well hey there, stranger! Haven't seen you around these parts before!

Player: Yeah, I would pitch a battle, but I've REALLY got to take my Squirtle here to the Pokémon Center. He's in bad shape.

Pidgey: Oh, well that's a shame...And just when I was about to show you something special!

Player: Uh...really? What were you gonna show me?

Pidgey: Just a little something I've been working on... *Pidgey's eyes flash demonically*...Called SAND ATTACK!

*Pidgey proceeds to kick up a mess of sand into bot Player and Wateran's eyes, blinding them.*

Player: AURGH! What the-!?

Pidgey: And here's my finishing move!

[*Pidgey used

[*Critical hit!]

*Wateran exclaims loudly, then when the dust clears, he's revealed to be on the ground, the wind completely knocked out of him.*


Pidgey: *flying away already* Ha ha, see ya later, losers...!

[*Player has no more
Pokémon that can fight!

Player:...Welp, that's just my luck, isn't it?

*Player falls over backwards into a faint*

blacked out!

Wateran: *still lying on the ground, in no condition to battle* Heh...C-classic Player...


Aww, Bellsprout! Player's got his work cut out for him.

So what'd you guys think of this little fan episode I made? Let me know!(and I mean, seriously, Gametoons needs to do something like this.) :D

Oh, and before you go, check out this recap of the original Pokémon games that How It Should Have Ended posted a little while back. You'll get a laugh out of it. Trust me. XD

oh, and don't worry, i'll come back with another one-shot soon fellas. see ya later. :)

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