ch 1 Have a banana
???: Uhm excuse me, is Sung Jin-Woo staying at this hospital
The nurse looked up from the computer and saw a rather attractive looking male. Although his expression seemed rather bored
Nurse: *blushing* Oh o-ofcourse, please wait a moment.... Sung Jin-Woo is in room 204 on the second floor
???: Thanks
The guy grabbed his groceries and walked straight to the elevator. Once the elevator door opened he found the room along with two school girls standing outside
They both wore their uniform with one wearing a hoodie while the other wore a blank expression. The guy looked to see if he was at the right room but the blonde girl was standing in front of the room number
Blonde: Do you need something?
???: Yes, actually, is this room 204?
Blonde: Why don't you check for yourself
???: I would but your standing in front of the sign
The blonde girl then turned around and saw that she was, in fact, standing in front of the sign. The girl in the hoodie then, while blushing, let out a small chuckle
Hoodie: He's got you there
Blonde: *tsk* Whatever
The girl moved out of the way and the guy confirmed that it was the right room
???: Sweet
He then reached into his groceries and pulled out a banana then handed it to the blonde
???: Here have a banana for your troubles
The guy walked into the room leaving both girls confused although the blonde shrugged it off and ate the banana. Once in the room the guy saw two people, one in bed and the other stands next to him
???: Sup
Girl: *blushing* (Y-Y/N)
(Y/N): You, Jin-Ah
Jin-Ah: *blushing* What are you doing
(Y/N): I heard Jin-Woo was in the hospital so I came to visit
Jin-Woo: Thanks (Y/N)
(Y/N): No problem. Want a banana?
Jin-Woo: No thanks
(Y/N): Well, I'll just leave it here in case you change your mind
He brings out a banana and places it on top of the bed. They spent most of the day there with Jin-Woo, although he did space out a lot, till the sun started to set.
Jin-Ah: Well I have to go now. I'll be going for now
(Y/N): Ok. Bye
Jin-Ah: *blushing* B-bye
She walked out of the room and left with her two friends. She then got an earful by them for making them wait till sunset
(Y/N): So.... how'd you get put in a hospital, you seem fine.
Jin-Woo: It's hard to explain. Hell I don't even know what happened
(Y/N): Yeah that kinda sucks. Can you try and explain
Jin-Woo: Well I thought I died but I didn't
(Y/N): Well that wasn't so hard now was it
Jin-Woo: There's more it's just.. I don't understand it right now
(Y/N): Hey it's alright we can get to it another time, right now you should rest
(Y/N) looks outside and saw that it was nearly night now
(Y/N): Well I guess I'll get going too. Anything else you wanna get out of your chest before I go
Jin-Woo: Nah man I'm alright
(Y/N): Alright I'll see you later
As (Y/N) was about to leave the room he was stopped
Jin-Woo: Wait!
(Y/N): Yeah?
Jin-Woo: Can I have another banana
(Y/N): Oh, sure
He gave him another banana before saying goodbye and left.
King crimson
A couple of days have passed since the visit to Jin and currently (Y/N) is taking a bath. His whole body is submerged in water minus his head and his knees. His bathtub is kinda small for him.
The sudden explosion made (Y/N) look out the window and saw smoke in the distance. Another explosion happened followed by two loud roars
(Y/N): *thoughts* Guess I have to get back to work. I'll have to cut my bath short
Meanwhile, at the are the explosion happened, two large monsters were wrecking the city. The two monsters were the bosses of the gate they had came out of
The blue one was swiping at everyone and anything in its path as the hunters tried their best to stop it
The red one, although it was smaller than the blue boss, was more destructive choosing to fight the hunters one at a time and not stoping till the hunter was dead
Hunter: HELP!
One hunter yells as he desperately tried to crawl away from the boss. Sadly everyone else was focused on the blue boss. The boss lifted its fist and slammed them down but was stopped halfway down
The boss was then thrown backwards by a sudden large amount of force. It crashed into a building and the crowd of people started cheering as the soldiers kept them at bay
???: Are you okay?
The hunter looked up at his savior and saw a beautiful red head in armour.
Hunter: Who are you?
???: Erza Scarlet
The boss got up from the floor while glaring at Erza. Erza glared back at it and momentarily looked at the crowd
Erza: They should be running away, not recording and taking pictures
The boss then lunged towards Erza but she grabbed the hunter and quickly moved out of the way. She dropped him off near the healer, although she seemed a bit shaken up but she couldn't worry about that right now
Erza: *thoughts* I need to move this boss away from the citizens. There was that construction site nearby, hopefully everyone's gone home
Erza: I'm going to drag the battle to another area, one with less people around, the rest of you focus on the blue boss
Hunters: Yes ma'am
They all said in unison. Erza lunged at the red boss and slashed at it but he blocked the attack. Now that Erza had it's attention she lead the boss away from the crowd
Meanwhile back in (Y/N)'s appartment, he is currently snacking the bottom of his shoe. A small pebble falls out of it and he puts it on
(Y/N): *smile* That's better
Back with Erza and the boss. She had just made it to the construction site alone with the boss chasing behind her. It then used it picked up and tackled Erza. She skidded back as the boss kept pushing but started slowly down till it came to a stop
It then felt itself be pushed back by her. She used her sword handle to push it back then she slashed at its chest, the only area where it wasn't covered in red a crystal like surface. Her slashes were quick and fierce, quick enough to become a blur and fierce enough to cut trough metal
The boss tried grab Erza but grabbed an after image instead. It started getting more and more frustrated and swiped at Erza. She slashed at his hand causing it to stagger, leaving his chest wide open. Erza then reels back and goes to impale the boss but all of a sudden she feels herself get paralyzed with fear
She looks up at the boss and sees pure hatred coming from his 'eyes'. The boss looked larger than when the battle had started. Erza then quickly stabs the boss but, much to her surprise, she didn't penetrate the skin and instead it broke her sword
Erza: WHAT!?
She jumps back but, once again, is surprised when the boss appeared in front of her in the blink of an eye. It goes to punch her chest so she tried to block with her sword. The boss then redirected its punch to the sword causing Erza to stagger, leaving her wide open.
Erza: *thoughts* That's my move!
While shocked, the boss punched Erza where she lacked armor the most. That being her sides. She felt an immediate pain from her ribs, which were now broken, then a large amount of pain coming from her jaw as she was thrown high into the air.
She flew high up to the air so the boss jumped up surprisingly fast. He then used both fist and hammers her back down. As she hits the floor a small crater forms around her leaving her immobile
Erza: *thoughts* Where did this strength come from
Time seemed to have slowed down she looked at the boss that was falling straight at her
Erza: *thoughts* This is it. It seems that I wasn't strong enough. Everyone, I'll see you soon
She awaits her death but then, out of nowhere, a guy comes and punches the boss and kills it
(Y/N): *sigh* One punch again. Hey, you alright in there, you need help?
Erza looked to the side and saw a guy standing there with a smoking fist and a bored face
Erza: *shocked* Y-yes please
He picks her up with no effort the sits her down and she sees the boss, or what's left of it. All that was left was the bottom half of it.
Erza: *thoughts* No way! Did this guy just.... how strong is this guy? I wonder
Erza: What's your name!?
(Y/N): it's (Y/N)
Erza: (Y/N), please, let me be your disciple
(Y/N): Ok...... wait what?
King crimson
The next day Erza was outside of (Y/N) appartment with a comedically large backpack. She took a deep breath then knocked on the door
Erza: Master, I have arrived!
After a few seconds of waiting around the door opened and (Y/N) peaked his head out. He looked confused and annoyed that she actually showed up to his appartment
(Y/N): You actually showed up.... uh
Erza: Erza Scarlet, Master
(Y/N): Right, don't call me master
Erza: Ok, Sensei
(Y/N): Don't call me that either!
He let her in and Erza forces her stuff through the door. After a few strong pushes she finally gets her stuff through the door and leaves a few cracks as well.
She plops her stuff down and the furniture jumps up in the air due to the weight. (Y/N) then places some drinks down and Erza bows politely
(Y/N): Listen I'm not looking for disciples so go home after your drink.... also aren't you supposed to be in a hospital?
The reason he asked was because Erza had bandages around her head and chest
Erza: *smiles* I'm perfectly fine. Just a few broken ribs won't be enough to put me down
(Y/N):.... Right. Anyway I can't be your Master so sorry but I decline your offer-
Erza: I can pay rent!
(Y/N):.......... Do you have a toothbrush?
What do you guys think? I hope you guys enjoyed and laughed a bit. And sorry but there's no Genos but I replaced him with someone just as funny.
Also expect some new characters like Erza who will show up later in the story. Anyway that's all bye
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