If I Had One More Chance
Song-Yi Han
Ra Hye-Yeong
The horror that transpired before their eyes still leaves the remaining hunters quaking in their boots after the statue god made quick examples of the few who couldn't survive. Even now as they stare death in the eyes, they remain immobilized, fearing for their lives as this stone cold killer watches over them like a hawk.
Sungchul: *looking up in horror* "What is that thing?"
Joo: *fearful* "WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!"
Kang: "Wait! It might attack if we move!"
Joo: "Then, what do we do?"
Ra: *desperate* "There has to be a way to escape!"
Cho: *on edge* "Don't expect me to find it!"
Ahn: "Two of us just died!"
Chiyul: "Everyone, stay still! I think moving makes it mad, too!"
Jinwoo's eyes remain fixated on the statue god, but is then interrupted by the whimpering cries of his friend and healer, Joohee. Yabuki also senses Joohee's distress. Her timid nature getting the better of her as she lays on the ground, curled up and her hands to the sides of her head, cowering in fear... and who could blame her?
Jinwoo: "Hey, hey, Joohee! Stay with me!"
Yabuki: :"Joohee, snap out of it! This is no time to be buckling under the pressure!"
Yabuki's words fall on deaf ears. Even in the face of death, despite his body shaking to its core in fear, he chose to steel his nerves and remain hopeful of the chance to escape this hellhole.
Chiyul: "That was a close one. *to Jinwoo and Yabuki* We'd all be piles of ash right now if it weren't you two."
Jinwoo: "Us?"
Chiyul: "You yelled because you figured it out, right?"
Yabuki: "No, my instincts just told me we were in danger."
Jinwoo: *gasps* "Mr. Song, your arm!"
A closer look was all it took to realize that Chiyul's arm... has been lost. No doubt vaporized by the god statue's laser eye beams.
Chiyul: *chuckles* "If I grit my teeth, it isn't all that bad. But could you stop the bleeding for me?"
Jinwoo does so while Yabuki remain fixated on the statue, glaring at it, but too scared to risk getting up close to it.
Chiyul: "Normally I'd ask the party's healer to patch me up. Ours spooks easily, though. That's why she only does bottom rung raids despite being a B-Rank hunter. I've raided B-Rank dungeons and lived to tell the tale a couple of times myself."
Yabuki: "Same here. But if we're gauging this temple by rank, it'd feel more like an A-Rank if it's got an insta-kill statue. Or possibly even S-Rank."
While explaining this, Jinwoo finishes patching up what's left of Chiyul's arm.
Chiyul: "Those three comandments of the Cartenon Temple aren't there for fun. First, thou shalt worship God. Second, thou shalt praise God. Third, thou shalt prove thy faith. Those who do not follow these laws will not leave alive."
Yabuki: "Then it's safe to assume... that thing watching us like a hawk is a God."
When the first gate appeared, it gave rise to a number of supernatural phenomena. The likes of which humanity could only fathom in their wildest dreams. Those who awaken as "hunters" are a prime example of one such wonder. They used their enhanced abilities to conquer the beasts lurking in the dungeons beyond the gates. Though their power is static from the moment it sparks to life. To call a hunter "courageous" would be an understatement. For the terrors they find don't merely strike fear in their hearts, but can leave them in utter despair.
Chiyul: "It's too strong to fight. Meaning, our objective now is to escape. Let's collect ourselves--"
Joo: *desperate* "I'M NOT DYING IN HERE!"
The other hunters turned to the speedy hunter as he prepares a suicide charge out of the temple.
Yabuki: "Don't be stupid! If you try to run, that thing'll kill you!"
Joo: "SHUT UP! I just landed a contract with a major guild! Got too much going for me to bite it in this crap hole!
Chiyul: "If that's true, then don't move!"
Joo: "I can do this! Speed's my specialty! I'll get outta here, watch me!"
The reckless idiot makes a death charge for the doors at full speed. But fate does not let this kind of mistake go unpunish. As a result... the statue god's eyes shoot an instant flash of beams at the fool, vaporizing him completely. The only reminder of his existence were his own feet as they fall lifeless to the ground.
One of the girls screamed bloody murder and everyone else looked in horror.
Yabuki: *growls* "That STUPID idiot!"
Kang: "Damn it!"
Jinwoo: "That thing can end us the second it feels like it."
Chiyul: "Yeah, we're basically bugs waiting to be vaporized."
Yabuki: "Hold on a moment, let's back-track for a minute. Chiyul, you said the first commandment was to worship God, right?"
Chiyul: "Yes, that's right."
Jinwoo: "Yabuki, are you trying to get somewhere?"
Yabuki: "I have a theory... I'm sure you're thinking the same thing, too."
Jinwoo took a moment to think it over and then came to the same conclusion as his partner. As a result, the A and E-rank hunters stood up slowly. Despite Chiyul wanted to protest, but the look in these twos eyes told him... they weren't ready to give up.
Once the two were back up on their feet, the statue god prepared its attack again, but at the last minute, both Yabuki and Jinwoo ducked down to avoid getting zapped, about halfway. They look back up and see the light dimming from the statue's eyes.
Jinwoo: "We need to bow our heads towards the giant statue on the throne!"
Park: "Will that actually do something?"
Kim: "I think you might've snapped, you two."
Chiyul: "So your theories were right then?"
Jinwoo: "Yes, sir. It only attacks if you're above a certain height. We have to bow down and "worship God" like the commandment says." *bows down lower*
Chiyul: "This is your plan to get us out of here?"
Yabuki: "If it means we can go home, then what other choice do we have?"
Chiyul: "Guess it's worth a shot."
The rest of the team did as they were instructed, bowing their heads to the statued God sitting before them. There's an eerie silence for a moment and no doubt, a few of them are skeptical about this plan.
Kim: *thinks* "A little courtesy? That's what's gonna save us?"
Sure enough, the light in the statue's eyes dimmed completely. But what follows next... will leave the others quivering with fear.
Park: *flinches, thinks* "Damn, that's freaky!"
Yabuki: *shivers, blinks* "That's gonna give me nightmares."
After that... there's only silence for the time being. So, Beom-shik decides to test his luck by standing up.
Park: "It isn't doing anything."
Kim: "Beom-shik, why are you standing?"
He waits for a moment after standing up, but nothing happens to him.
Park: "You see? I'm still okay! It worked!" *chuckles with glee*
Kim: *stands up, relieved* "So that really was all it took."
Ra: "No more lasers?"
Kang: "Good riddance!"
Yabuki: "Don't celebrate just yet." *stares up at the statue* "We're not out of the woods yet. Now... for the 2nd commandment."
Just as he predicted, there's a loud rumble as the stone statued god steps up from his throne, towering over the others with that still smug, creepy grin on its face.
Kim: "I thought this nightmare was over!"
Chiyul: "C'mon, you two, what's next?"
Jinwoo: "It's just like Yabuki said. The 2nd commandment is... to praise God!"
Park: "Praise the giant?"
Kang: "How, exactly?!"
Yoon: *steps forward* "I might have the answer. As a dedicated student of ethnology, I have a few extolments of Gods tucked away in the back of my mind."
The brave man with the long hair stops a few feet away from the God before him and gets down on his knees, reciting a prayer to it.
Yoon: "O mighty Lord. Praise be to you who brings order to the world...
Kim: "I can't tell if it's working."
Park: "It looks like it's slowing down, so maybe?"
Yoon: "Show us the righteous path of truth."
Jinwoo: *to Yabuki* "Yabuki... I don't think--"
Yabuki: "Yeah... I can tell."
Yoon: "Thy will be done, O Lord, for only you know the way."
Yabuki: "No, that prayer doesn't apply to that God! *shouting* YOON, GET OUTTA THERE!"
The statue draws near, lifting its foot off the ground and aims to squash Yoon.
Yoon: "We revere and honor your holy name! O wondrous ruler, hear my cries!"
Just before he could be squished, Yabuki activates his wind magic, rushing towards Yoon and getting him out of the way just in time. But it was enough to cause more screams to ring out in the temple by their fellow hunters.
Yabuki: "EVERYONE, RUN! NOW!!!"
And most of them did run, except for one of them, who dropped to her knees. That was Ahn. But just like Yoon, Yabuki swooped in and saved her from being crushed under the God's foot and rolled her to safety.
Yabuki: "Snap out of it! This is no time to be turned into temple pizza, you idiot! Come on!"
Not wanting to risk her life, he carries her over his shoulder, knowing full well she won't run, even if she wants to. The others are being chased by the statued God, desperate to escape a death too brutal to speak about.
Park: *thinks* "No way I'm dying like this. I've got a family waiting for me."
In that moment, his mind visualized his pregnant wife, sitting on the couch with her current son, their hands warmly resting on her unborn child which sleeps within her belly.
Park goes up to one of the other statues, which gets Yabuki's attention. He gasps and rushes towards him at great speeds.
Park: "I think the safest place is up against the walls."
Yabuki: "NO, NOT THAT ONE!!!"
Kim: "No, Beom-shik! Look behind you!"
Just before he met his end, his life is also spared as the A-rank hunting prodigy reaches him and throws him out of the way... but then...
The young A-rank hunter rolls to the ground and grabs his left leg... mostly intact save for his left foot, now lost to him forever.
Yabuki: *wincing in pain* "Just run! Find a safe place to stand!"
Jinwoo: *thinks* "Praise God. Praise God. *looks back at God statue, still thinking* What is there to praise about that thing? It's more demonic than divine! Whatever I do, I'm not leaving Joohee or Yabuki by themselves! What's the hint here?"
Jinwoo observes each statue in the temple aside from the God statue chasing them. Most were knights with weapons of different varieties.
Jinwoo: "Spear, axe,
Hunter: *scared, hurting, crying* "It's all a bad dream, I'll wake up an--"
Sadly, he doesn't make it and this hunter is hacked to pieces, his life force fading away.
Yabuki: "NO!!! Fuck!!!"
Jinwoo: "Hammer, sword... trumpet." *figures it out* "Trumpet! That's it! I got it!" *yells out loud* "EVERYONE, QUICK! RUN TO THE STATUES HOLDING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS!"
Chiyul: "If you say so!"
The leader of the group approaches the statue holding a horn. Right away, its eyes light up and a steady, smooth melody is played from this statue, proving Jinwoo's theory right.
Chiyul: "What do ya know? The kid was right again. *to the others* Hey, none of the statues with instruments will attack, so hurry and find one!"
Kim rushes to the statue with a violin. Just like the one with the horn, this statue's eyes light up and plays an elegant violin melody. Kim sat down to catch his breath. He fails to stop the tears from running down his face as he puts his hand on his head.
Kim: "Damn it all."
Most of the other make it to the statues with instruments, leaving only Jinwoo, Joohee and Yabuki left.
Jinwoo: *arrives at statue with drum* "Come on, play your drum! Come on, please!" *nothing happens, thinks* "Is it just one person per statue?" *to Joohee* "Stay here, you'll be fine!" *runs off*
Joohee: *worried* "What about you?"
As soon as Jinwoo left Joohee, the statues eyes light up and a rhythmic drumming tune can be heard from it.
With Jinwoo and Yabuki left, the giant god statue chases after the one that can still run. Jinwoo makes a run for the statued angel with an open mouth. Yabuki, on the other hand, crawled over to the statue with the trumpet. The pain from his severed left foot sent jolts of agony throughout his body, but never gave up.
Jinwoo: *still running towards the statue* "So close!"
But his eyes widen as the shadow of the god's foot loomed over the E-ranker, ready to squash him, until...
The statue stopped and turned its creepy gaze towards the A-ranker.
Yabuki: "You think you're so powerful?! Well, you're not! You're just a giant-ass motherfucking heap of rubble just WAITING TO CRUMBLE!!!"
The sheer look of rage in that God's eyes... was like looking straight at a devil and it took the bait, heading towards Yabuki at a faster walking speed. Jinwoo was able to make it towards the singing angel statue while Yabuki crawled away from the angry statue and headed for the trumpet playing statue.
Yabuki: "That's it! Come and get me! You're nothing! You'll always be nothing! AND YOU CAN'T DENY THAT TRUTH!"
The stoned deity had enough of his disobedience and raised its foot high above and aimed to squash him, but at the last second, Yabuki used his own wind magic to leap to his safety.
His efforts reward him with a trumpet playing in honor of his victory while Jinwoo's statue sang praises for his efforts.
With that, the 2nd commandment has been fulfilled and the God statue returns to its throne, its angry grin gone, but still... one can't help but think it's still angry... and wants nothing more than to smite the one who dared to disrespect it so bluntly.
Joohee: *rushes over* "Jinwoo, are you okay?!"
Jinwoo: "Barely, but at least I'm alive. But... I'm more worried about Yabuki."
The team then checks on their injured A-ranker. The young prodigy was out one less foot. Joohee didn't hesitate to help try and heal him... but there was no use in trying.
Yabuki: "Joohee, stop. You're gonna run out of mana."
Joohee: "I don't care! I'm going to heal you."
Despite her futile attempts, she never stopped, but she soon felt her body reaching past its limit and leaked blood from her eyes and coughed it out of her mouth.
Yabuki: "What did I tell you? You don't have enough mana reserved. You keep this up, you're gonna die."
It was a bitter pill to swallow for the promising young veteran. But also a huge loss for the other hunters who couldn't be saved.
Kim: *looks at dead hunters* "What a bloodbath."
Chiyul: "No kidding." *winches in pain, grips lost arm*
Kim: "I count your arm as a casualty, too. But I also count it as karma since you led us here. Nice call, by the way."
Ra: "That's awful!"
Kang: "You're the one who said we should bend the rules..."
Kim: "I did what we all decided on!"
A moment of silence occurs from his shouting.
Yabuki: "Listen, we all took a vote about this ordeal. None of us knew we were gonna be dealing with gods and killer stone statues, okay? Yes, we lost some of our comrades, but there we should focus more on completing the last commandment before we can get outta here! I promise you, once we're finished, we can go home to our families but you have to keep your shit together until that happens!"
Jinwoo: "...Yabuki..."
For that moment, Jinwoo blinked as he came to a realization... behind Yabuki's brave facade, he knew he was scared for his own life too. And yet despite that... he refused to break down.
But then, another rumbling sound can be heard and felt.
Kim: "What's happening now?"
Chiyul: "Earthquake?"
Far from it. In the center of the temple, an altar appears.
Kim: "The hell is that?"
Jinwoo: "An altar. You know, like the kind in ancient mythology. For offerings to the Gods they pray to. Proving our faith is the last commandment."
Kim: "I may not be the smartest, but even I know what move to make. This god likes blood, so it's fair to assume that it wants... a sacrifice." *unsheaths sword, points at Chiyul*
Yabuki: "HEY! Put that thing away!"
Park: "Kim, stop!"
Kim: "I'm doing what needs to be done. Beom-shik almost lost his life and in the end, it costed Yabuki's foot to save him. If Yabuki hadn't stepped in, Beom-shik would've been cut in half. 4 others died because of you, Chiyul! If you really feel responsible for their deaths, prove it to us and God, leader."
Yabuki: "...You're lucky we're on the same team and I'm fucking disabled, otherwise I'd kick your fucking ass for turning against your leader."
Kim: "You stay out of this! This doesn't concern you."
Chiyul: "...Alright. Lower your sword and I'll go."
Yabuki: "CHIYUL, STOP!!!"
He tries to get up and stop him, but his imbalance makes him stumble forward. Thankfully, the hunters whom he saved all rush over to him, catching him before he falls.
Jinwoo: "Yabuki, please! You've done enough."
Yoon: "Yeah, don't wear yourself out."
Ahn: "Just take it easy, we've got your back."
Park: "When this is over and my newborn kid comes, I'll invite you to my house to celebrate my kid's birth."
Yabuki: "...That would be nice."
While cheering him up, Chiyul walked over and stood near the center of the altar and moments later, a flame appeared before him.
Kim: "So is the ritual beginning?"
But so far... nothing else has happened. Chiyul just stares at the linger ember and then turns to the A and E rankers.
Chiyul: "Hey, kids, what do you think? Am I supposed to do something with this flame?"
Yabuki: "I don't think this altar wants a sacrifice. There has to be a reason why... *realizes* Hold on... maybe it's..."
Jinwoo: "...Another theory?"
Yabuki: "Yeah. I need you guys to carry me to the altar. I wanna test something out."
Though hesitant, the hunters who were rescued by Yabuki help him up and bring him to the center and even Jinwoo walks towards the alter with him. Now standing near the center, more flames ignite around the inner part of the circle. One for each hunter standing inside.
Jinwoo: "Hey, I think we're onto something!"
Chiyul: "Did you solve the last puzzle?"
Jinwoo: "Not quite. If we wait here, is anyone likely to come rescue us?"
Chiyul: "Today marks the 7th day this gate's been open."
Yabuki: "Even if we got lucky and found a way outta here, it wouldn't matter. We'd be out of time and if we fail... the dungeon gate will open up... and... *turns to the statue god* ...that thing... will be let loose. After all... it takes about a week for a gate to fully open up and the beasts inside can cross over."
Jinwoo: "A dungeon break. The other objective of raids, besides scavenging, is to beat the dungeon boss and shut the gate down before times up."
Yabuki: *looks at the others* "Don't just stand there, you guys gotta step in, too. We need a flame to light up for each of us. If anything happens, it'll be after that."
The rest of the hunters step inside the alter and right away, more flames light up for each of them and right afterwards, blue flames ignite in the outer circle caused by the altar.
Confused by this, they still remained in the altar, not moving an inch, then noticed the doors opening up for them
Chiyul: "The doors opened."ra
Ra: "So, we can leave."
Kang: "That's bait if I ever saw it."
Yabuki: "I think it is bait."
Suddenly, one of the blue flames went out and simultaneously, the statued giant soldiers all awaken and slowly make their way towards the hunters, putting them on edge more.
Chiyul: "That doesn't sound good."
Kim: "Look! The statues are closing in!"
Kang: "Do we have a plan?"
Yoon: "What in their psycho God's name do they want?"
Yabuki and Jinwoo look in different directions, staring directly at the statues. When doing so, the statues stop moving. But when they avert their eyes away, the statues come closer.
Joohee: "WHY?!"
Jinwoo: "Wait, Joohee! Don't close your eyes or they'll keep coming! *other hunters get confused* See? Look, just like that old kid's game. So, all eyes on the statues!"
The others do so to keep the stone statues at bay. But one of them was already feeling pressured from staring into what looks like death.
Yabuki: *sees Ra panting heavily* "Hey! Keep your wits calm and focused! Don't let it get to you, we can do this!"
But for obvious reasons, she blinked in fear and the loud thumping of the statue's footing caused Ra to scream and let go of Yabuki before making a run for the exit. Thus one of the red flames went out. In doing so, the doors closed a bit.
Yabuki: *growls* "GET BACK HERE, YOU COWARD!!!"
But it was too late, she was too far gone.
Chiyul: "Talk to us, kid! Now what's going on?"
Yoon: "The doors closed a little, but I think she made it out!"
Yabuki: "Okay, let me piece this together. The blue flames have been slowly going out one by one, while the red flames go out when we leave the circle. We followed the first commandment by worshipping God, then we had to praise, now we have to prove our faith. The open doors are a trap, offering false hope in the wake of terror. We have to prove our faith by resisting the temptation to run."
Jinwoo: "You sure?"
Yabuki: "Positive."
Kang: *at his breaking point* "Guys, I can't. I tried, but I can't."
Yabuki: "Don't you fucking dare! DON'T YOU DA--"
But it was too late, he shoved Yabuki to the side and ran off, screaming.
Yabuki: *resentment* "GET BACK, YOU FUCKING PUSSY!!!"
But he couldn't stop, his red flame dies out and he runs for the exit, making it out. The doors close slightly.
Park: "Yabuki... Listen... if it's alright with you... I wanna go and get help."
Yabuki: "What?!"
Park: "I get it, I'm scared too. But... I'm not gonna disappoint the man I wanna call the godfather to my unborn kid. I'll come back with help... do you trust me?"
Yabuki: "...*pats him on the back* GO! GO!"
Beom-shik nods and runs out, determined to get help. Yabuki would've been pissed if he left without a reason. But the look in Beom-shik's eyes told a different story. He hasn't lost hope... not after he was saved from a splitting end.
However... Kim Sangshik wasn't so lucky to be brave enough. He was already buckling under the pressure of death before his eyes.
Yabuki: "Everyone! For God's sake! Do not run away! We gotta keep our eyes glued to the statues if we wanna escape!"
Yabuki lifts himself up and leans against the very center of the altar, keeping his focus on the statues, not flinching.
Jinwoo: "He's right. The blue flames are a timer. When they're gone, we can walk right out of here."
Kim: "There's also a chance the doors will shut completely. And we'll be trapped inside this room until we die. I never expected the weakest hunter of all mankind and the A-ranked prodigy to be the difference between us living or dying. But I can honestly say that I've never been happier to stand corrected."
Yabuki: "Kim... you better not..."
Kim: *tears fall from his eyes* "But that said, I've got a family that needs me. So dying in here just isn't an option. I wanna make it home alive." *drops sword* "I'm way past my limit. I'm sorry!"
Just like the other weak-willed hunters who fled, Kim does so, too. Yabuki has never felt more betrayed by someone who was so weak-willed.
Yabuki: "Damn you... *slams fist on alter* YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!"
But because of him, there's now more blindspots for the knights to sneak through to get to the remaining hunters.
Jinwoo: *thinks* "No, not yet. We have to survive this, somehow. We always pull through every single time." *cries tears of desperation*
Chiyul: "You all go while you still can."
Yabuki: "What?"
Chiyul: "As long as one of us waits in here the doors should remain open. You all have so much life left ahead of you, go and live it. Joohee, Yoon, Ahn, Jinwoo, can you carry Yabuki out?
Joohee: "Sure." *collapses onto knees* "No. No, no, no, no. Um, sir? My legs just gave out on me."
Yoon: "What do we do now?"
Ahn: "I can carry her out."
But just like Joohee, Ahn's legs gave out, as if they lost all hope of carrying her out of there.
Ahn: "Oh no! Why?!"
Yabuki: "Shit! Yoon, carry Ahn out of here and Chiyul, Jinwoo, you carry Joohee outta here."
Yoon: "What?! You can't be serious!"
Yabuki: "We don't have any time to spare! If you don't leave now, you'll die!"
Jinwoo: "No! I'm not leaving you!"
Yabuki: "One more thing."
The A ranker takes out one of his essence stones and hands it over to Joohee.
Yabuki: "There. Now you can treat yourself to a tasty meal once you get outta here. And Yoon... Ahn... come here."
Both hunters approached the handicapped hunter while Joohee just watched.
Joohee: "This is no time to be cracking reto--"
Chiyul: "I apologize, I really wish you could give a proper goodbye, but we really are out of time."
Jinwoo: "Please take good care of her."
Chiyul: "I will."
And just like that, Joohee's knocked out unconscious by Chiyul's hand chop to the back of her neck, while you... you placed one hand on Joon and Ahn, then activated what's left of your magic... to save their lives once more.
Yabuki: "Forgive me."
Their eyes widen and react too late and the A-ranker blasted them out of the temple with a strong wind spell. Now 4 more red flames go out and only 2 remain. Yabuki's... and Jinwoo's and the doors closer some more, leaving only a small gap.
Yabuki: "I told you to leave."
Jinwoo: "No, I couldn't leave you. I don't regret my decision to stay here with you. My only regret, though, is that I didn't enroll in a juicy life insurance package."
Yabuki: "Heh, so this is about money, huh? My only regret... is not being strong or quick enough to have saved the others."
While the two wait for the death giants to get them, Jinwoo grabs Kim's sword and prepares to defend himself and his friend.
Jinwoo: "I'll take at least one of you goliaths down with me! Let's see what you've got!"
Yabuki: "Jinwoo! Stop! Don't do this! Think about your sister! Your mother! THEY NEED YOU!!!"
But he doesn't back down. One of the statues strikes down, barely missing Jinwoo. It strikes again, but Jinwoo rolls to the side, grabbing Yabuki.
Jinwoo: "I WON'T LET YOU DIE EITHER!!!" *thinks* "I've always been the weakest, and I've been mocked for it at every turn. But I still try as hard as I can."
One of the other statues raises its weapon, ready for another strike.
Yabuki: *thinks* "I thought I was strong enough to take on any challenge! I was always told I had a future once I became and A-rank hunter!"
The stone soldier strikes down on Jinwoo as he tries to block it and Yabuki tries to lessen the damage with a spell, but both fail and lose an arm each.
Jinwoo: *thinks* "Shit! Shit!"
Another statued soldier attacks, literally putting the hammer down on these two poor hunters, smashing and tearing them to bloody shreds.
Jinwoo: *thinks* "I wanted to be stronger. I tried, but... I never could." *sobs in his mind*
Yabuki: *sobbing in mind, thinking* "I wanted to keep fighting the good fight! Protecting humanity from these monsters! But now look at me! I CAN'T EVEN FIND THE STRENGTH SAVE MYSELF OR MY BEST FRIEND!"
Jinwoo and Yabuki are tossed around like rag dolls, losing blood at a rapid rate, faster than they can keep up.
Jinwoo: *thinks, weeping* "I get it. I fought tooth and nail to earn my keep and I got this far, thanks to his help!"
Yabuki: *gets in front of Jinwoo, shielding him* "BRING IT ON, YOU MOTHERFU-- *gets skewered* AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGH!!!"
Sadly for him and Jinwoo, they both got stabbed by the giant's stone sword, their bodies bleeding out more.
Yabuki: *thinks, getting angry* "Past his limit, my ass! Kim, you bastard! EVERYONE felt that way, but you were just too selfish and made an excuse to leave!"
Jinwoo: *spitting blood, aching while thinking* "That gratitude was as empty as my wallet. Leave it to a genuine piece of trash and a gifted fighter, TO USE US AND THROW US AWAY FOR HIS BENEFIT! I'VE GOT A FAMILY, TOO AND SO DOES YABUKI!!! WE WANTED TO MAKE IT HOME ALIVE, TOO!"
The bloodbath continues on relentlessly. Both hunters are lifted high above the ground by one of the stone soldier's spears, then shakes them off, making them crash down on the center of the altar, bleeding helplessly as their ends were drawing near. With his remaining strength, Yabuki lifts himself up off his friend, his entire body and face bleeding intensely.
Yabuki: *in tears* "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Jinwoo! I... I let you down!"
Jinwoo, with all his strength, held his best friend's hand, clenching it tight. But unlike his friend, the weakest hunter couldn't form the words in his mouth and could only choke on his own blood, crying tears of regret that he couldn't save his own friend either.
Jinwoo: *thinks* "I'm sorry... I'm sorry too!"
The two bloodied, bruised and beaten hunters look to the statue soldier before them as it prepares its killing blow. As it prepares to end their life...
Both: "I wish... I had another chance."
And soon... the last blue flame flickers out and everything goes dark.
(Notification: The Secret Quest: "Courage of the weak." You have accquired the qualifications to be a Player. Will you accept? Your heart will stop in 0.02 seconds if you choose not to accept. Will you accept?
--->Yes No)
[This one's for Jinwoo]
(Notification: The Secret Quest: "Burden of the Strong." You have accquired the qualifications to be a Player. Will you accept? Your heart will stop in 0.02 seconds if you choose not to accept. Will you accept?
--->Yes No)
[This is for Yabuki]
[A/N: And here you go. One chapter for my Solo Leveling x OC story is up and ready to go. Enjoy the chapter and more to come and remember... STAY TUNED!!!]
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