Chapter 29: Natalie's Surprise

Carter's POV

It's been a month since the whole Clark incident. Cole calmed down so we didn't have to tranquilize him. He is coming up with the most painful death for Clark, and all of his ideas are pretty gruesome.

Anyway, Natalie is 8 months pregnant, and it's making her....restless. As her due date approaches I can't but feel.....scared. I'm a gang leader, I'm not suppose to have kids....Or am I? I don't know. All I know is I'm excited yet terrified for the baby's arrival.

Natalie and I have been talking about a nursery for the baby. Since we don't know the gender, we decided that the wall color should be gray.

I know we should've had this done awhile ago, but running a gang takes up a lot of time. Natalie has been stressing over the nursery, but that's why I'm here.

"Natalie come here!" I yelled.

Natalie's POV

"What do you want Carter?" I growled, and walked out of the room. Carter was standing outside of the nursery room, that has yet to be made!

"Close your eyes," he stated.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just do it," he groaned. I closed my eyes, and Carter led me into a room.

"If you're going to show me an empty room, I'm going to smack you," I huffed.

"Shut up and open your eyes,"Carter chuckled. I opened my eyes, and saw the most beautiful nursery I've ever seen.

The walls were light gray with white polka dots, the crib was white with gray designs inside, and the floor was almost covered with a soft white rug. 

There were two chairs in the room, one was a gray reclining rocking chair, and the other one was a gray chair with a white foot rest. There was also a white changing table with a teddy bear on it.

"Do you like?" He asked,"We can always change it when you have the baby."

"I-I love it," I cried, and wiped some tears away. I walked....well wobbled over to Carter and hugged him. It was quite difficult, because of my stomach but we made it work.

"I can't believe we're having baby," he smiled. I sat in the rocking chair since my feet were killing me, and I sighed in relief.

"I can't believe it either,"I admitted,"Just think this all started with you buying me."

"I guess you can say I have fine taste," He smirked. I rolled my eyes, and laughed.

"Why'd you buy me anyway?"I asked. Carter sat in the other chair, and propped his feet up on the foot rest.

"Well," he began,"You were hot, and your father owed me something. So, why not his beautiful daughter."

"Thank you," I smiled.

"For what?" I he asked.

"For buying me," I admitted,"It's not as bad as I thought it was gonna be."

"You thought it was going to be bad?" he chuckled.

"Yeah my brother said you were an a*s, and I just learned about the whole gang thing," I explained.

"Keith is an a*s," Carter grumbled.

"Hey watch yourself that's my brother,"I laughed.

"Whatever," Carter smirked. I glanced at the changing table, and l looked at the bear.

"That's a cute teddy bear," I smiled. The bear was a light brown with a bow tie.

"Yeah, I got that from Babies R Us," he explained.

"I like," I smiled,"I think she'll like it too."

"The baby is a boy," Carter stated.

"Whatever," I chuckled,"Have you picked out any names?"

"I'm thinking about Kayden or Dalton," he stated.

"I like Kayden, it's cute,"I smiled.

"How about you?" He yawned.

"I've always liked Sierra and Katrina," I smiled proudly.

"I like Sierra," he stated. We continued talking, until Thomas and Dana came in. Thomas had the twins in his arms, and Dana had a gift bag.

"This nursery is beautiful,"Dana exclaimed.

"What are you guys doing here?" Carter asked.

"We bought the baby some stuff," Dana smiled.

"And the kids wanted to show you something," Thomas smiled. Dana handed me the bag, and Thomas sat the twins on the ground.

They crawled around for a bit, before Lucas stood up and walked towards Carter.

"Oh my god," Carter smiled,"They walk." When he said that Lucas fell on his butt, and he looked at Dana. Carter picked up Lucas and Lily, and bounced them on his lap.

I took the items out of the gift bags, and examined them. There was some clothes, bibs, binkies, teething rings, wipes, and diapers.

"Thank you guy so much," I smiled.

"Those diapers are for Carter,"Thomas chuckled.

"Ha-Ha-Ha,"Carter frowned.

"I'm afraid we have to go,"Dana sighed,"We're having dinner with my parents."

"Oh god,"Carter laughed,"Have fun with that Thomas."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Dana asked. Carter kissed the twins on their heads, and handed them to Thomas.

"The Johnson's are soo uptight," Carter chuckled.

"They are not," Dana glared.

"Babe your mom is kind of.."Thomas trailed off.

"Okay my mom is," Dana admitted. I laughed, and got up to hug Dana goodbye.

However, when I stood up I felt something.......wet.

"Oh no,"I whispered.

"What's wrong?" Dana asked.

"My water broke," I panicked.


The Baby is coming!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you guys are getting as excited as I am.

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