Kidnapped... for what?


(3 days later... On her birthday)

So it's her birthday today and she's scared of me? All because I made her come back in here...


"Baby. Don't call me sir. Call me by my name..."

"Ok. Ryan?"

"Yes Baby?"

"Is Dave still coming over today?"


"Can I have some pants?"

"No. Only my shirt I gave you."

"Fine! Your mean." She said as she got up and tried to go sit by the wall but I wouldn't let her... So I softly push her back onto the small bed in my basement and said... "Sorry miss sexy princess. But it's only because three days ago you started to cry when I had my hands on your legs."

"I'm sorry. But I was scared that you were going to put your finger inside of my."

"Is that why you had your legs closed?"

"Not just that but I didn't want anyone to look at it."

"I'm sorry that I scare you Babygirl."

"No your not. You said that you wouldn't bother me anymore if I ever got bought."

"No I didn't. I never have said that!" I said as I slapped her in the face and she cried... And I was on top of her and she won't stop crying.... "Baby I'm sorry for slapping you. But don't lie to me ever again! You hear me." And she was still crying and then I kissed her on the lips and she looks up at me and asked... "Please let me go. I'm scared. And right now all you are doing is making it worse, and making me sad..." Then I looked at her in the eyes and they were a gorgeous blue-greenish with tears and it hurts me to see her like this.... I've never seen her like this before...

"No. You are not leaving me!"

"Why? Because you want me to be scared? You want me sad? You want me to be afraid?"

"For someone who is afraid... You seem to not be scared the way you are talking to me..."

"I'm sorry Ryan... Please don't hurt me."

"Mmmm. Beg me for something."

"Beg you? For what?"

"Oh I think you know what I want you to beg me for baby..."

"B...b...but's my birthday today."

"Sh... Baby... Not talking about that..." Then I lean my head down to her ear and whispered... "At least not yet..." Then she started to cry and shake like she was scared and cold, so I laid down on top of her and held onto her... Until she stopped shaking... "Are you warm enough for me to get up?"


"Then I will stay here on top of you."

"Can't I just use a cover... Like a normal person would?"

"You could... But... I wanted to be on top of you like this. And to me you are not normal."

"Oh... Ok."

"Mmmm. So tell me what you want to do for your birthday."

"Can I go hang out with Dave?"

"Not alone.... But you could... He's coming over to see you..."

"Ryan... Will you at least let me wear some underwears today?"

"Sure." Then I screamed... "Dean! Come down here!" Then he came in the basement and said... "Yes Ryan?"

"Text Dave and tell him to bring some underwear for her to put on." Then I looked at her and then back to him... And said... "By the way, what happened to her underwears anyways?"

"I uh... Might have put them in my mouth when I tried to kill her then put them on her face and she called me gross."


"Ok. Well bye guys."

"Wait Dean!"


"Don't leave me alone down here with him... He's scarring me right now...."

"Sh... He's going back upstairs baby."

"Ryan sir please!"

"No screaming at me little slut!"

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright, just don't talk for a moment please..."

"Yes sir Ryan."

"Tell me something."

"What do you want me to say?"

"Tell me. Do you still love me?"

She started to cry and then I laid my head on her chest and said... "I can't be that bad... Can I baby? Am I really that bad?" And she didn't answer me instead, she cried more and I wispered in her ear... "I am aren't I?" And I could tell that she was afraid to talk or answer the question. "Baby, just be honest with me. I won't hurt you...."

"Honestly you won't?"

"Yes my sexy little Babygirl."

"I don't love you anymore like that... I love Dave..."

"But how do you feel about me?"

"I love you as a friend."

"At least you love me..."

"Thanks for not slapping the shit outta me."

"I told you. I wasn't going to hurt you baby. And your welcome." Then I slammed my lips against hers and kissed her so passionately....

"Ah! Ryan stop."

"Sorry baby... I couldn't help it..."

"Your.... Your... Your dick is hard isn't it Ryan?"

"Mmmm. tell me. How did you know that?"

"I can feel it through your Jeans." Then I smirked at her and lowered my head to her ear and wispered... "And do you know that. I don't have my boxers on...?" Then her eyes got wide and she said... "What? Really? Get off of me then!" Then to prove that I don't have boxers on I grabbed her hand and put it inside my Jeans and as soon as her hand hit my dick on accident her eyes had been wide open and I laughed at her shocked look on her face... "Mmmm baby you thought that I was lying... Didn't you?"

"No, I just wasn't expecting to touch it."


"Will you please let my hand go?"

"Not until you help me with something."

"What?" She asked as she started to cry and tried to pull her hand away from me... "Little slut stop it!"

"Let my hand go!"

"Help me and I will..."

"Help you with what?"

"Help me masturbate."

"And how do I do that?"

"Sh.... Just put your hand around my dick... And I'll help you by moving your hand up and down on my dick... Then I will cum..."

"And you plan on doing what with the cum, that will be on our hands?"

"That... You will find out after we are done... Got it?"

"Ryan, please don't make me. I'm scared..."

"I know you are. But you will be doing it!" And once I screamed that at her.... Her eyes got wide and she cried and it was pissing me off so with my free hand I slapped her upside the head and said... "Shut up little slut!" Then she looks at me and did as I said then I put her hand on my dick and I had my hand on top of hers and I forced her to squeeze my dick as we were moving up and down on my dick and it felt so good... I started moaning and screaming her name... Then she had to ask... "Are we done now?"

"No! You don't feel anything sticky do you?"

"No I guess not..." Then she stopped talking to me until I was done.

"There. Now we are. Thank you baby for helping me masturbate..."

"So now what?" She asked me, then I smirked at her and wiped the cum all over her face... And she screamed at me... "Ew! Your gross! Get this off of me!" And I had a little bit left on my hand so I put it inside her mouth then told her... "Swollow it baby!" Then she started to cry and said... "Your way too gross! Get away from me!"

"No sexy. Until the 5 weeks are over you have to do this..."

"You are gross! But fine." Then she actually swollowed my cum... And then she looked at the cum that's on her hand and then looked at me like 'do I have to?' Then I said... "Yes. I'd do it if it was the other way around baby."


"Sh... You don't have to though."

"Thank you!" Then I laughed at her and grabbed a towel and started wiping my cum off of her face then I said... "What if I would have put it in your hair what would you of done then...?"

"Don't even go there! Let's talk."

"Would you of tried to slap me? Or what?"

"I asked you to talk about something else Ryan..."

"Mmmm. Baby. I'd shut up right now if I were you."

"Okay." Then she stopped talking and looked at me like 'is this what you want?' And I smiled at her and laughed and said... "Sure baby. Now are you ready to take your nap?"

"Yes? Wait..."

"What baby?"

"Since when do I take naps?"

"Sh..." Then I looked down at the shirt that I let her where... "Crap! I ruined it!"

"What Ryan?"

"Your shirt I got cum on it..."


"Well I guess that means you have to take it off so I can wash it..." And after I said that she tried to get up... But I was still on her.... And didn't want to get off so I said... "Baby stop I will take it off of you." Then I pulled the shirt off of her and some of the cum touched her hair.... "Shit! Baby I'm sorry."


"It got in your hair."

"Oh my god! Really? Can you take me to the bathroom? So I can take a shower?"

"Yes Baby. As long as I can be in the shower with you. Mmmm. I wanna watch you touch your sexy little body baby."

"Uh....? Ok?"

"Did I make you uncomfortable?"

"A little bit."

"I don't care if you don't love me I have to tell you something baby."

"What Ryan?"

"I love you." As I said that she smiled at me and said... "Ryan... I'm sorry."

"Baby for what?"

"Not loving you like that. I want to love you but... You make it hard... The way you treat me..."

"Don't fucking say that I'm the reason why you don't love me!" She started crying when I had screamed at her....


"Stop crying!"

"I'm sorry... I can't help it... I'm scared and I'm not allowed to tell you the truth about why I don't love you... Because you get mad and hit me..."

"Sh.... Don't talk. Don't lie. I only hit you when you make me..."

"You mean when you get mad at me."


"Please don't hurt me. That means no hitting me, slapping me, and all that."

"You fucking talk to me like that ever again and you will see what will happen!"

"Ok. Sorry."

"It's alright, please don't make me hurt you..."


"Sh... Let's go to the bathroom and get in the shower. I Love you baby."

"I love you too. As a friend though."

"Don't lie I know how you feel about me."

"How do I feel about you?"

"You love me. You want me touching that body of yours..."

"No I don't!"

"Don't what? Love me? Or want me touching your sexy little body?"

"The second one."

"Mmmm. So you do love me?"

"I never said that I didn't."

"Ok. Whatever."

Then I take her to the bathroom and then I start taking off her bra and tell her... "Get in the shower. Now!" Then as she starts to go in I slap her on her ass... "Ouchy Ryan. Why did you slap me on the butt?"

"To make you move faster."

"Oh. Ok." Then I turned on the cold water and she shrieked as the cold water hit her body... And I laughed at her then said.... "Mmmm, baby I forgot to warn you that it was going to be really cold."

"You did that on purpose!" She yelled at me as she was crying....

"Even if I did. You can't yell at me. So no more yelling at me! You understand?"

"Yes Ryan sir. Sorry sir."

"And stop with the sir crap!"

"Okay. I'm sorry Ryan."

"Good girl." I said as I pat her on the head like a dog... "Ryan?"

"Yes baby?"

"Please don't pat my head like I'm a dog."

"But baby."

"Please. It's my birthday today."

"Sh.... Baby." And as I said that I pushed her up against the shower wall and got so close to her that she felt like she was trapped in a really bad situation that could turn to worse if she would fight back and it probably would... "Ryan?" I moved my body closer to her body and said.... "Sh... Babygirl, no talking... Unless you want me to be inside you."

"Inside me?" Then I smirked at her and said... "Look down." Then she looked down like I told her to and she saw that my dick was just inches away from her vagina... "Ryan Please don't."

"Then stop talking." Then she looked at me and shook her head. Then I turned the water to hot and cold... And Dean came into the room and saw me and her in the shower and said... "She's mine too can I come in?" She tried to say no but I said in her ear... "Sh... Baby you are his too. So there in fact he wasn't asking you for permission, he was asking me."

"Your too close to me Ryan."

"Sh...." I said as I put my finger against her lips... Then I looked at her perfect little body... "Mmmm, baby I want to hold onto your sexy little body forever..." Then I looked at her eyes and I felt bad for her... I was scarring her.... She's really close to crying... "Babygirl, are you alright?"

"Am I allowed to talk right now?"

"For right now. Yes." I said as I moved my body closer to hers and then I ended up being right next to her... "So are you alright or not?"

"Yes. I'm okay." Then I looked at her and she started to try and hide her face from me.... So I know that she was not just afraid but she was also lying to me.... "Baby. Don't fucking lie to me!" I might of slapped her in the face as I said that.... And she fell and landed on the shower floor... And she was crying after I slapped her.... "Baby, I'm so so so so sorry for that. I was just mad, that you lied to me..."

"Whatever! Get away from me now!" She screamed at me as she was crying and I was mad at her for screaming at me and so I said.... "Listen you stupid ass little slut, you are mine now tell me why you hate me so much!"

"I don't fucking hate you!"

"Don't fucking scream at me ever again you hear me you little bitch ass slut!"

"Please don't call me that."

"What? A slut? A bitch? Or what?"

"Both. A bitch and slut. I don't like it. It makes me feel dirty." I laughed at her answer to my question and said... "Sh..." as I had said that I put my finger against her lips... Then said... "Be a good girl. And I won't have to call you that..."

"You don't even have to. You want to. You want to make me feel dirty, and like I'm a bad person..."

"Why would I want to hurt you baby?"

"You hate me. The only thing you like about me is my body."

"Sexy. I don't hate you."

"Can I go back to Dave's? I miss him too much."

"No! You are mine and you are not allowed to leave me!"

"F... F... Fine!" She said as she was crying.... Then I grab her wet hair and pulled her out of the shower and put her bra on and smirked at her when she nearly fell to her knees then I said... "Babygirl, are you alright?"

"Why do you care? You are treating me like a thing that you can boss around... And also a slave..."

"I can boss you around!" As I said that I forced her to stand up and then I pulled her to her bed.... "Please Ryan."


"Don't what?"


"You don't want me to talk?"

"Yes." After I said that she stopped talking but, she won't stop crying... Then Dean grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the room for a moment to talk to her... And I heard him say... "Please just listen to him. He won't hit you if you just listen to him."

"Whatever! I'm done doing what people want! I'm done with being some stupid little slave! Why the fuck can't I have a normal life?! Instead of a normal life, I have a sex slave's life. And I don't like it! I thought my life would change if I did go with Dave! You should have finished killing me!"

"Whoa baby! No. No more talking like that!"

"Why? I should die. According to you and Ryan... All I am is a slut that you can boss around!"

"No! That is not what we mean!"

"Just please leave me alone." She walked back to me and she was crying then I said... "Baby?" Then she turned her face to me and said... "What? Master Ryan."

"Babygirl, are you alright?"

"No! I'm not alright. In fact I'm the opposite of alright! Now please let me be alone."

"No! Tell me why you think that I hate you!"


"Tell me!" I screamed at her as I was walking closer to her and forced her to lay down and I said.... "Babygirl, you need to tell me what's bothering you."

"You are!"

"What do you mean baby?"

"You bossing me around. Treating me like a slave. Dave, was supposed to be my escape from the sex slave lifestyle that I have. Then Dean shows up then you showed up and I get sucked back into that sex slave lifestyle..."

"I don't like seeing you sad like this."

"Don't even act like you care."

"But I do care baby. I love you so much Babygirl."

"No. You don't. You only know me as a sex slave... You don't know me personally, so there in fact you can't love me. You only love my body."

"But... I want to love you I want to know you personally."


"You intrigue me baby."

"I do? Why?"

"You have gorgeous Blue-green eyes. And you are really beautiful. And usually really nice and kind..."



"So... What are you going to do to me? I mean I have been yelling at you."

"I don't like to punish you this way. But until your stiches heal I am not allowed to have sex with you."

"What are you going to be doing?"

"Sh..." I said as I climbed up onto her chest and I sat down on her boobs and I put my hand in my jeans and pulled my dick out and it was so close to her face... And she started to cry and tried to get out from under me... "Ryan. I'm sorry. Please don't punish me." Then I stop and look at her eyes and the moment when I looked straight into her gorgeous eyes I put my dick back in my pants and she sighed in relief... "Thank you Ryan."

"Your so beautiful. And your welcome. And I'm sorry."

"Your sorry?"



"Making you feel this way. I don't like knowing that you hate being with me... It makes me sad baby, but I don't want to let you go because, if I did baby Dave wouldn't allow me to see you... And I know that for a fact because he looked pissed when I had you sit in my lap..."

"It's not that I hate to be around you... It's more like I'm afraid to be around you alone.... And plus you treat me like a slave, and I don't want to be treated like a sex slave ever again... It was really bad... Especially when someone threatens your life all the time..."

"Your dad, actually threatened your life all the time?"


"Oh... Baby, why didn't you tell me?"

"I tried to that day that I got home late and was bought.... I'm really curious about something though..."


"Why didn't you let me go home? You wouldn't leave me alone. I had to try and run away from you. I ran all the way home to try and make it..."

"I felt like it was the last time that I was going to see you... And I didn't want to never see you again... "

"Oh... But if you would have said that I would of just told you if I don't go he would either sell me or kill me..."

"I'm sorry baby. I should have just told you."

"It's alright."

"Can I ask you something baby?"


"Do you really want to go back to Dave's house or are you just saying that because of me scarring you?"

"Why ask that? It's not like you would let me go back." Then as she asked that Dean came in and said... "Hey, sweetheart. Dave is here."

"We are busy talking." I said as I looked at him like I was mad and he said... "So you sit on her boobs when you talk to her?"

"No. I actually forgot that I was still sitting on her boobs." I said as I leaned back and the back of my head hits her vagina and she moves and I got up and she tried to get up but I said... "No baby. We are going to finish our conversation with each other."

"Ok. Dean?"

"Yes sweetie?"

"Come here." Then he came down the stairs and she sat up. "Yes baby?"

"I want to say something to you."

"Which is?"

"I'm sorry."


"Yelling at you."

"Oh it's fine."


"Yes baby."

"Awesome. So. Did he bring me some underwear?"

"I don't think so."


"Dean go now and let us finish."

"Ok." Then he left and I turned my attention back to the beautiful girl that I have down here in the basement with me... "Ryan? Are you okay?" Then I looked at her then kissed her lips and said... "Yes baby I'm alright."

"Then why were you just starring at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like your memorized."

"Because you are mesmerizing to me."

"I am?" I laughed at her when she asked that... Then said... "Yes baby." Then she looked at me and surprised me... By grabbing my face and kissing me on my lips... "Baby? I love this but... What has gotten into you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you are kissing me.... I usually have to kiss you...."

"I was trying to show you that I could be a good girl."

"Well will you do it more often?"

"I uh..."

"Okay nevermind Babygirl."



"Are you mad at me?"

"No. I could never be mad at you.... Well actually I mean stay mad... But no I'm not mad. Will you kiss me again baby..."

"Yes." Then she kissed me on the lips again and I smiled at her and picked her up and sat her on the dryer and put the shirt in the washer then I take her upstairs but we went up the other stairs to get her another one of my t-shirts then we started to go back down to see Dave... And on our way down the stairs I decided to pull her back upstairs to talk... "Baby hold on let's talk for a moment please Baby."


"Come back to my room baby." I said as I pulled her back into my bedroom and shut and lock the door and softly pushed her onto the bed and I laid down on top of her.... And kissed her and said... "Damn... I so want to fuck you so bad.... But... Those stiches... I'm afraid that I'll break em' baby... But... I want to try... Will you please let me try? And if it starts to hurt you just tell me baby...."

"Wait... What if... I end up getting hurt and end up dieing...? Can you just wait until the 5 weeks are over? After all it is almost done."

"Yeah so... That means it has healed fine... Baby most people don't wait the whole time."

"Okay then Ryan...."

"Sh..." I said as I took my shirt off of her and she took my shirt off and touched my abs.... And I had my hand on her boob after I took her bra off... "Baby... Your boobs are so perky and so.... Soft I want to hold onto it forever." Then before I start... I start dry fucking her to see if. It will break or not and it didn't... So I started to pull my pants off... and then I kissed her on the lips and said... "Get ready for the fun baby..." Then I looked at her and realized that she was still scared of breaking her stiches... "Baby, you do know that if it didn't break open when I dry fucked you then it won't break."

"Okay... But can we try it tomorrow? After all it is my birthday today..."

"Baby? Are you just trying to push it off because your still scared about your stiches? Or are you afraid to have sex with me?"

"I've had sex with you before, so why would I be afraid to have sex with you?"

"Alright. I was just worried... So please... I want to do this..."

"Fine... Just do it..." She said as she looked like she was about to cry... "Baby don't cry... Please don't cry I hate it when you cry..."

"Can we do this tonight instead of right now?"

"Sure..." I said as I started to get up and I was a bit sad but it's alright... And I get dressed and she just puts the shirt on, and left her bra on my bed... "Are you not going to put your bra on?"

"Yes. If I'm not going anywhere then why wear a bra?"

"I don't know. But I love you."

"Aw! I love you too." Then I picked her up and carried her downstairs to see Dave... Then I say as I'm carrying her... "Hey Dave."

"Hey Ryan. Uh... Why are you carrying my beautiful sweetheart?"

"First off she's mine not yours." And as I said that I kissed her on the lips to remind her that she is mine... Then I said... "She does love you so much though, that is the only reason why we have you here... Don't forget that!" And as I said that I looked at her and she seemed to be cold so I said... "Dave hand me that blanket you are sitting on."

"Okay." Then he got up and walked over to us and he gave her the blanket then I put her down then touched her ass and squeezed it, then I wrapped her up in the blanket... Then I sat down on a chair and forced her to sit on my lap... And she asked me..... "Can I go and hug Dave?"

"Of course you can. It is your birthday after all." Then she looked at me and smiled and kissed me on the lips and said... "Thank you Ryan."

"Your so welcome sexy." Then she gets up and slowly walks over to Dave and wrapped her arms around him and she also wrapped the blanket around them both... And he kissed her forehead and she looked at me like she thought that I was going to start a fight with him if he kissed her on the lips.... Then I smiled at her and said... "Don't worry baby. Today is your birthday so you can kiss him if you want to."

"Okay." She said in a cute little way.... Then she kissed him on the lips and said something in his ear and that actually kinda pissed me off so I said... "Baby can you come back babe I need you." Then Dave kissed her once more when she was about to get up to go to me... "Dave she was about to came over here..."

"No! I don't trust you being so close to her..."

"Shut up. It's her birthday today, so why can't you be kind and not try to fight me..." And I looked at her and there were already tears forming in her eyes... "Dave, we are making her cry let's stop fighting..."

"Agreed. I don't want to make her cry." Then she kissed him on the lips and then got up and walked over to me and told me... "Ryan, I'm tired... And I don't know why can I have you and Dave cuddle with me til I go to sleep?" Then she kissed me on the lips and whispered in my ear... "By the way I need all the sleep that I can get for tonight." And as soon as she said that I smiled at her and said... "Damn baby... I'd love to cuddle with you."

"So would I. You surprisingly fall asleep faster and easier in my arms for some reason. In fact I miss that every night baby."

"You really love this sexy little girl... Don't ya?"

"Yes. And I hope that you are being a good person to her.... While you have her..."

"I am." Then she smiled at me and silently laughed... Then kissed me on the lips and said... "So... What are we waiting for... I'm tired." Then we all four went upstairs but, Dave, Samantha, and me went to my room and Samantha thew her bra onto my dresser and then went and laid down on my bed in the middle of the bed and Dave didn't trust me being behind her so I got to be in front of her and he was behind her... Then when we were all cuddling and she finally goes to sleep she had her head on my chest then she woke up for a little bit and said... "Ryan, I'm cold."

"Aw! Dave help me warm her up..." Then we cuddled up closer to her and Dave grabbed the banket and put it on all three of us then it was 9:00 pm at night... And she woke up and tried to get up... "Hey I gotta go use the bathroom guys!" Then I got up and helped her to the bathroom and she started to talk to me... "Ryan, I'm sorry that I didn't let you do that earlier it's just I was very tired and still a bit scared..."

"Baby, it's alright."

"Hug me please?"

"Okay..." Then I hugged her then smiled as I realized that she is completely naked. "Um baby? Where is your shirt?"

"Oh... Sorry I got hot so I woke up and took it off then went back to sleep."

"Well that explains my dream I had baby..."

"Dream you had?"




"What happened in your dream?"

"I was touching your body, kissing you, and holding you so close to me."

"Oh... Okay..."

"Yeah..." I said as I started slowly walking over to her and sat on her lap and touched her hair and said.... "I wish I could have sex with you right now baby. But... Dave is still here..."

"Ryan.... Please get off of me."

"Mmmnn." I said as I looked down to her body and then said... "I don't have to baby." Then I got up and walked over to the door and locked us in here so Dave couldn't interrupt us.... Then she had to ask me what I want. "You. All I want is you. Baby. Do you understand now?" As I was saying that I was right in her face.... Then I kissed her on the lips and she said..... "Yes... Ryan." And the way she said my name was so hot... "R...R...R...Ryan? What do you want with me?" She asked me as she was crying.... So I walked back over to her and kissed her lips and said.... "Sh... Baby no crying. After all until 12:00.... It's still your birthday...." Then I sat down on her lap again and put my lips against hers then I smiled at her and said... "Babygirl, you seem scared. Why are you scared?" And she looked at me like she was afraid to talk to me.... "Baby! Talk to me! Now!!!!!!" Then I laughed at her when she jumped when I screamed at her and then she started crying again and I punched the wall that was behind her then I said... "Baby, I said stop fucking crying!"

"I'm sorry Ryan. I'll stop. I promise you."

"Good girl."


"Yes baby?"

"How's your hand?"

"Fine. Thank you for caring."

"Your welcome."

"So are you going to be a good girl for me from now on???"

"Y..y...y...yes Ryan."

"Good. Now tell me. Are you done?" She didn't say anything at all but she did shake her head yes... So then I smiled at her and grabbed some toilet paper and got off of her lap and gave her the toilet paper. And then after she used the toilet paper I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her off of the toilet then laid her down on the bathroom floor and said... "Mmmnn, can't wait to fuck you so hard baby." Then as I said that she starts to cry again.... "Baby please don't cry. It won't hurt. I promise you that it won't hurt you."

"Please let me go Ryan."

"No. You are mine! You understand or not?"

"Yes, I do. I'm sorry I will just never talk again and be a little slave. That seems to be what both you and Dean want. Right? Or am I wrong?" Then as she said that she was crying and I laid myself down on top of her and told her... "Stop it! You have no idea what we want!" Then after I said that she started to cry and tried to get me off of her and once she did she crawled over to the wall and curled up and cried because she was scared... And I got up and walked over to her and said.... "Stop this nonsense and just listen to me."

"Nonsense? Is it nonsense for me to be afraid? After all you did kidnap me two different times. And Dean almost tried to kill me."

"You do have a point baby."

"So your not going to hurt me again?"

"I don't even hu-" then I thought about what I did in the basement and when we were in the shower... "Baby. I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt you."

"It's alright. It was my fault anyways..." She said as she was crying and sat up...

"No baby. It's normal to fight."

"You sound like you have kidnapped someone before me?"

"I did baby."

"You did?"

"Yes. Now sh.... And lay down with me." I said as I started to sit down on the ground by her feet.... "Only if you promise not to hurt me." She said as she looked at me like she was afraid. "And tell me who else you kidnapped."

"Baby, I've only kidnapped one other person... It was a long time ago back when I was still stalking you, and before I actually kidnapped you... Listen to me for a moment please."

"No." She said as she got up and ran over to the door and I grabbed her by her foot and she fell and landed on the ground and I crawled onto her and grabbed her hair and pulled her head backwards and said... "Bitch! Don't tell me no!" Then she started to cry and I screamed at her and said... "Stop fucking crying!" Then I laughed at her and put my head next to her ear and whispered in her ear... "Your so lucky that I have my pants on right now..." And she started to cry and after I said that then she said.... "Are you trying to threaten me Ryan?"

"No. But if you don't stop crying like I had asked... Then I might have to threaten you."

"Alright. Please just get off of me." Then I smiled at what she just said to me then I kissed down the back of her neck.... Then I start dry fucking her ass and she starts to moan and then I smiled as she moaned so loud that someone knocked on the door and said... "Sam, if you need help thow something at the door..." Then she starts to look for something to throw.... Then I whisper in her ear... "Unless you want my hard dick Inside of you, I suggest that you stop fighting with me and be a good girl."

"Then stop dry fucking me."

"Fine but no more yelling at me. You got that?" Then she shook her head yes and I stopped dry fucking her and turned her around to face me and she was crying... "So that didn't feel good to you?" I said to her in a sympathetic voice and I know it felt good to her she just doesn't want to admit it... "Ryan, don't-" I cut her off with a kiss then when she tried to make me stop I grabbed her hands and put them above her head and she asked me... "Ryan, what are you doing?"

"It's 12:30 a.m. it's time for sex baby. You said can you wait till tomorrow. And it's tomorrow now."

"Please wait a little longer it's too early for sex."

"But baby. I-" then I smiled at her and said... "Oh I get it... You don't want Dave to be here when it happens. Am I right?"

"Yes Ryan."

"Then tell him that you are fine and that he can leave now..." Then she shook her head no. And I lowered my head to her ear and whispered in her ear... "Do it or it's dry fucking time."

"I don't care if you dry fuck me!"

"Then let me."

"Do it. You wouldn't." Then I took that as a challenge so I started to dry fuck her and then I started dry fucking her harder and harder and she started moaning louder and louder and I did it harder for her and she moaned louder than before and according to her I started making a face... So she had said... "Ryan, are you alright?"

"Yes. Why are you not?"

"I am fine it's just that you started to make a face when you went down on my body harder it made me think about the time my dad punished me for something..." She said as she started to cry and then I stopped and said.... "Baby, do you mean that he fucked you really hard or he dry fucked you hard?" Then she cried and cried and more crying so I got up and ran to the door and told Dave... "Go get Dean! I need him in here now!" Then Dave ran to find Dean and she was just laying down crying and shaking so I go and get the blanket then I put it on her and she stops crying... And looked at me in the eyes and I smiled at her and took off my shirt and put it on her to hide her beautiful boobs and then she started to try and lift up her hand and put it on my face.... "Baby?"


"Tell me what your dad did to you when you disobeyed..."

"Smacked, slapped, beat, he even fucked me... But when he did that he would always do it hard and made a face... And it hurt really bad...."


"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you that."

"No it's fine." Then she looked down at my jeans and then she looked up to my face again and she grabbed my arm and pulled me down to the ground with her and said with her eyes hold me... So I pulled her close to the wall and sat down and put her on my lap and said in her ear... "It's alright baby. I won't let anyone hurt you like your dad did." Then Dean and Dave came running into the bathroom and said... "Are you alright?"


"Baby don't lie to them." I said as I started to play with her hair...

"I'm not."

"Well that's not what you just told me in fact you told me that you were thinking about your dad and how he would punish you when you disobeyed him..."

"I hate you Ryan! I said I was fine so they wouldn't ask me what you asked me..."

"You don't hate me. You love me that is why you wanted me to know but not them..."

"Whatever!" She said as she got up and started to cry and ran downstairs. To the couch and laid down.... Then I get up and run after her... "There's one thing that I want to know baby."

"What Ryan?"

"Did he ever lock you in the basement?"

"No. The only person that did that was you."

"Oh.... Ok." Then she looked at me and said.... "Are you mad at me for saying that I hate you?" Then I smiled at her and walked closer to her and kissed her lips and said... "Of course not. Do you want to know why?"  Then she smiled at me and said... "Yes Ryan."

"Because I knew you were just upset and mad at me...." I said as I kissed her on the lips and said... "I really need to stop kissing you right now baby."


"Because if I don't then something might happen."

"Like?" Then her smile faded away and she said... "Oh... Nevermind, I know."

"Are you alright?"

"Do you want to?"

"Want to what?"

"You know."



"Oh... Yes. But the real question is, Would you?"

"I don't care anymore really."

"Then don't cry when I try to take stuff off of you..."

"I only cried because I was afraid."

"There's no need to be afraid of me anymore Baby."

"And why's that?"

"Because I love you so much Babygirl."

"You do?"


"Then show me..."


"Let me go to Dave's house for at least 1 week every month."

"Are you trying to make a deal with me?"

"Yes Ryan."

"Awe! So cute."

"So... Is it a deal?"

"No. You will only get 3 nights each month... Understand?"


"Good girl." Then I kissed her on the lips and bite her bottom lip as I let go of the kiss... "Baby, what do you like about Dave?"

"His gorgeous blue eyes, his awesome long beautiful hair, and his British accent."


"So.... When do I get to stay with him?"

"Monday though Wednesday. For this month..."

"Ok... Wait you mean the first Monday of this month?"

"Yes baby...."

"But that has passed."

"That's the point baby."


"Sh...." I said as I started to kiss her and something happened and she laid down and I was on top of her and at first we were just kissing until Dean and Dave came down.... We were about to fuck each other.... But when she saw Dave she pushed me off of her....

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