Chapter 1 Part 2 - Picked up
A/N - Majority of the OCs as of now belongs to me, and the canon characters belongs to Man of Action. Johan belongs to xdeadlysmoorex btw, I am FINALLY back and gonna start updating this every two weeks from now on!
Ps - Also, I realise the number translation thing would be too tedious for you guys. So, I'll just leave the translation at the end of each sentence. You'll get it very soon what I meant. Anyways, begin!
(Meanwhile with the main trio)
Sollie happily strolls along with Johan and Jenny till they overheard two of the boys talking where one has a football-shaped head while the other has unkempt brown hair along with glasses. Those two are Cash and TK, two annoying bullies that wouldn't shut up, yet Sollie overheard a bit of their conversation.
"Hey, I heard some creepy noises from a warehouse." Cash told TK, where his eyes widen and shake his head a bit.
"For reals? You sure you aren't hearing things?"
"I'm dead serious, man! There were that weird eerie orange light too!"
"Woah, that's so creepy! Where is it?"
"I think it's around that one warehouse in a field of hay."
"Wait, that's somewhat close to our school, isn't it?"
"Yeah! That's the one!"
When Sollie overheard that, her eyes sparkles with glee and turns to Johan and Jenny, who also overheard and their faces contort before Sollie even speak.
"I-I didn't even say anything!" Sollie complained.
"And yet, we both know what you're gonna say." Johan remarked.
"Oh really? Then tell me what I'm gonna say?" Sollie dared him.
"You gonna ask us to check out the warehouse, aren't you?" Jenny interjected and predicted, making Sollie pout at her.
"Come on! It will be fun! Please!" Sollie implored to them.
Before both Johan and Jenny could object, they heard tree branches breaking and they look to see a brunette boy with green eyes fell to the ground with parts of his pants destroyed. The boy groans in pain as the trio walks up to him where the redhead girl kneel down and poke his cheek where he ends up blushing a bit.
"You okay there, buddy?" Sollie asked casually.
"Really? You asked a guy who got wedged if he's okay?" Johan blurted out sarcastically, which Sollie just gives him a death glare and pouts.
"Ignore him, they're both buzzkills." Sollie told the boy.
"Hey!" Jenny called her out in an annoyed tone.
"So... wait, aren't you that kid who always gets picked on by those losers?" Sollie asked the boy where she helped him stand up.
"Y... yeah..." Ben introduced himself in an awkward tone while blushing out of embarrassment which Sollie notices and chuckles a bit at this.
"Heh, well, I know we don't talk a lot, but between me and you, those guys are annoying pigs!" Sollie joked around with him which made him laugh.
"Heh, good one! They-"
Suddenly, they hear honking noises from a RV where they see an elderly man driving it, and some redheaded girl with short hair and green eyes on the passenger seat.
"Oi doofus! Are you coming or not?!" The redhead girl called out.
"Ugh... great... it's dweeb..." Ben groaned in annoyance as he tries to soothe his rear from getting an wedgie and his face turning red out of embarrassment over being seen like this. "Ugh... I gotta go now..."
"No worries. Enjoy your summer, Ben!" Sollie smiled at him as she goes back to her friends while Ben mumbles under his breath as he goes to the RV.
Than the trio hear a car honking this time, where they turn to see a normal blue car where there is a middle-aged and warm-brown skinned man with curly, dark brown hair, freckles and soft brown eyes with the same eyes shape as Sollie, along with wearing an pink polo shirt, beige trousers and black shoes.
"Ah! Hey papá!" Sollie cheered as she rushes up to the car with her friends following her.
"Hola Mija!" Her father cheered once he sees his daughter coming towards him with her friends, "Ah, hola chicos!" (Mija is a slang for 'my daughter' and Chicos is 'children' in masculine/plural)
"Hey Mr Gonzales." Johan waved his hand at him in a casual way, rather relaxed at Sollie's father speaking Spanish.
"Your daughter is being annoying as ever, again." Jenny told him, causing Sollie to dramatically gasp.
"Jenny, how could you!?" Sollie gasped as if Jenny caused some treachery to her, which she rolls her eyes at her while her dad chuckles at her daughter's usual antics.
"Ha ha ha, ah to be young again." Her father smiled at the three, "Anyways, ready to go home, mija?"
"Sí papa." Sollie nodded. "Hey guys, you wanna hop on the ride since we live in the same neighbourhood?"
Johan thinks for a moment and before he answers, he hears two familiar, feminine voices.
"Oh! Hey mum!" Johan calls out as he turns around with Jenny as they see two middle aged women where one of them are waving their hands at him.
"Mum!" Jenny called out with joy as she rushed over to one of the women, who happened to be a light brunette with blue eyes while wearing a white sweater and blue jeans.
"Hello there, Jenny. How was school?" Her mother asked with a gentle smile.
"It's fine as always. No worries." Jenny lied to her as she doesn't want to worry her.
Johan stayed quiet and looks at the other woman who has short black hair, green eyes and ivory pale skin where she wears a white beret, black blazer, red top, blue jeans and black heels.
"Ah, hola Vanessa and Clara!" Sollie's dad greeted them joyfully.
"Oh, hey Antonio." The black-haired woman named Vanessa said as she holds Johan's hand close to her, "I see you're picking Sollie up as always."
"Of course! Mi amor works late, so I often come to pick her up, you know how it is." The man named Antonio responded.
"Heh, yeah. She sometimes works late." Vanessa nodded in agreement.
"Sí, but she always comes home regardless." Antonio said with a smile, "So, let's go back home, mija."
"Okie, papa." Sollie nodded and turns to her friends, "See ya, guys!"
"Don't even think about getting into trouble, Gonzalez." Jenny told her off.
"Nah, knowing her, she will." Johan snickered, knowing he's right to Jenny's dismay.
"Hey! I heard that!" Sollie yelled out, very aloud and annoyed at Johan's comment and Jenny's facepalm.
Johan, being nonchalant and relaxed at his friends reaction, replies, "I know, that's why I said it out loud." With a teasing smirk at Sollie.
Sollie rolls her eyes in a grumpy mood as she says, "Whatever, I'm leaving." With a groan as she closes the door while her dad laughs at the banter, prompting her to say, "Hey! It's not funny, papa!" While growing more grumpy.
Antonio lets out a warm yet heartful laugh as he says, "Lo siento, mija! I just find it funny." Making Sollie cross her arms and pout. (It means "I'm sorry, my daughter")
"Anyways, Ciao Vanessa and Clara." Antonio said to the mothers.
"Bye, Antonio. Have a good day." Clara replied back.
"See ya, and oh! My husband wanted me to say hi to you and he wanted to ask if you want to hang out after your next shift?" Vanessa asked him.
"Ah! Bueno, si! Si! That would be great, thank you!" Antonio answered joyfully. (He says "Ah, good, yes! Yes!")
"Great, I'll let Jesse know. Anyways, see ya." Vanessa replied as she waves her hand at him while walking with Johan.
"Don't get into trouble, Sol." Follows Johan.
Sollie frowns and responds, "I don't get into trouble!" In denial.
Jenny rolls her eyes at Sollie and says, "... That's a lie and we both know that." In a deadpan tone while walking with her mother.
Following this banter of a conversation, Clara and Vanessa leave with their kids while Antonio drives away with Sollie. During the car ride home, the two run into expected yet annoying traffic. Antonio was used to it but Sollie is noticeably frowning because of it. Seeing this, Antonio asks, "Qué tal la escuela?". ("So, how was school?")
"Era lo mismo de siempre, lo mismo de siempre." Sollie replies casually yet still bored, ("It was same old, same old.")
Following a short pause, Antonio responds with, "Ya veo, ya veo. Bueno, hice Bistec a caballo para la cena, ¿qué te parece?". ("I see, I see. Well, I made Bistec a Caballo for dinner, how does that sound?")
"Oh! Genial! Estoy tan emocionado de comerlos!" Replies Sollie in excitement. ("Oh! awesome! I'm so excited to eat them!")
As the father and daughter continue talking and bantering eagerly in Spanish during the drive through, they eventually arrive at their home which looks like a standard American house.
Upon getting out of the car, Antonio lets out, "Hole free hole!" In a joking manner, making Sollie groan and pout from that as she follows him.
"Seriously? You're still doing that old joke, papa?" She replies, fed up with his dad's jokes.
Antonio, letting out a hearty laugh, responds, "Ha, lo siento, I couldn't help it."
"Ugh... I wonder if mum is at home now?" Sollie asked her dad while annoyed by his joke.
"She should be at home by now, Mija." Antonio told her.
Sollie nods as they both walk out of the car and enter the house, where they are greeted by a slightly tall woman in her early 40's with messy, short orange hair, ivory skin and blue eyes. She has a somewhat slender figure, albeit she has a small round belly, where she wears a simple red sweater and black sweatpants.
"Hola amor!" Antonio greeted after he walks up to her and hugs her to kiss her cheek.
"Hola, mamá!" Sollie greeted as she smiles brightly at her mum.
"Hi." Eleanor greeted them in a monotone yet there is a small smile under that aloof exterior.
"How is work, amor?" Antonio asked his wife while nuzzling against her neck due to being a bit shorter than his wife.
"Pain in the butt." Eleanor answered bluntly while censoring herself due to Sollie being around.
"Don't you mean ass?" Sollie corrected her, but sees Eleanor glaring at her, making her realised her mistake, "Oh... oh Sugar!"
"... Did uncle Ryan teach you that?" Eleanor asked coldly while her eye twitch with annoyance at her brother-in-law's shaningans.
"Dios mios..." Antonio mumbled while shaking his head, "Not mi hermano again." (Dios Mios means My god, and mi hermano means my brother)
"... Ahh... no..." Sollie awkwardly tried to lie to protect her uncle from her mum's wrath.
"... I'm gonna have a long chat with him tomorrow." Eleanor stated with a hint of anger in her tone, "But right now, I just want to eat."
"Sí, ma'am!" Antonio replied jokingly.
"... Don't call me that." Eleanor told him off gently as she feels old being called that.
"Why not? Aren't you old?" Sollie pointed, which earns a glare from Eleanor, "... I'll shut up."
"Good." Eleanor nodded, "Anyways, eat."
"Of course! I already prepared beforehand." Antonio told her happily, but she raise her brow at her husband.
"Wouldn't that mean it needed to be reheated?"
"Nah. I finished cooking just when Sollie finished school." Antonio reassured her, "So, it's no problemo since I get home early from my janitor work."
Eleanor nodded in acknowledgment as she goes to the kitchen and checks on the foods. She sees that the foods cooled down a bit, but it's still decently warm, "Mm, good." Eleanor noted as she smiles a bit. she grabs the plates of Bistec a Caballo and puts it on the table. "Here."
"Mmm! Gracias, bonita! You're an excellent chef!" Antonio said in a joking manner.
Eleanor simply rolls her eyes and shakes her head at her husband's joke and chuckles a bit as she understood he was just kidding around and sits down with her family.
"Yay! Yummy!" Sollie cheered happily as she begins eating on the foods.
The whole family eats where Antonio decides to ask, "So, now that summer is starting, how about we go to Colombia to visit your tios and tias?" (Tios and tias are uncle and aunt respectively)
"Oh, si si!" Sollie excitedly replied.
Eleanor raise her brows and glance at Antonio as she asks with concern "Do we have enough money for that?"
"Ah! Right... I don't know." Antonio realised it awkwardly.
"Awe, come on, mama!" Sollie pouted, as she wanted to see her relatives back in her father's home country.
"Don't 'come on' me, Solana." Eleanor told her off with her real name, but sighs and says, "Besides, maybe we can go to a zoo instead?"
Sollie immediately beams up in excitement at the thought of going to the zoo, and beamed, "Oh heck yeah!" I get to see all the bugs, snakes and frogs!"
Eleanor cracks a small smile at her daughter's joy, than frowns a bit for unknown reasons. Antonio Notices this, so to have a private moment with her, he glances at Sollie and asks, "Sollie, how about you finish up dinner, si?"
"Okie, papa!" Sollie nodded excitedly, but her expression saddens a bit once she notices her mum's frown that felt a bit more sad than usual.
They continue eating in silence till Sollie finishes up and gets up while saying, "I'm gonna go back to my room now!" With her cheery attitude to hide her own sorrow.
"Of course, Mija. You can go." Antonio nodded as he let Sollie leave the living room where she walked upstairs to get to her room.
Her room is filled with anime posters such as Pokemon, Bakugan and other typical anime for children generally, but there are also Naruto and other such animes. She also has a gaming console such as the Xbox 360, Nintendo DS and PlayStation portable.
She gets to her bed and grabs a picture frame where she frowns at the image the frame contains, and looks up at the ceiling as she shakes her head in annoyance, wishing she could remember that day, but couldn't because it happened so fast and she got knocked out for being nearby in that crossfire.
Then her eyes widened once she remembered what Cash and TJ talked about before she left with her friends; a mysterious glow in the warehouse that happened to be located in some fields of crops that is a ten minutes walk from the school.
"Maybe... just maybe..." Sollie mumbled to herself as she considered some possibility. So, she smirks and decides to execute her plan tonight. In the meantime, she decides to play on her PS3 where she sets it up to play Rayman 3 HD and begins playing.
A/N - I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day! Aqua out!
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