7. So Stupid

"WIPEOUT!" Robin exclaimed.

Robin and Steve began to laugh at eachother, randomly.

Steve and Robin laughed for a while. Dustin went up to Steve and checked his forehead. Steve tried to push his away.

"He's burning up," Dustin noted.

"You're burning up," Steve mocks.

Robin looked at the two in amazement.

"One sec, one sec. Steve," Dustin told him.

"God no. Ow," Steve whined.

"His pupils are super dilated." Dustin told the group.

"Oh gee, tell us more, Doctor Henderson!" Sofia exclaimed.

"Maybe he's drugged," Erica suggested.

"The only smart thing you said today." Ryan muttered, Erica glared at him.

Steve booped Dustin's nose.

"Steve, are you drugged?" Dustin asked.

"How many times, Dad? I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana." Steve went to touch Dustin again.

"This isn't funny, okay? I need to know what they did to you." Dustin explained. "Are you gonna die on us?"

Steve didn't reply and booped Dustin's nose again.

"Oh my god," Dustin mumbled.

"Hey ryan!" Steve called out.

Ryan made his way to him. "Yeah?"

"Come here," He beckons, Ryan moved closer to Steve. "I love you man."

"Oh! Uh thanks steve." Ryan smiled. "I... love you too."

Steve giggles like a high school girl when Ryan said it back.

"They're totally drugged" Sofia muttered.

"But with what?" Ryan asked.

"Does it matter?" Dustin asked. "We just have to get of here and not die!"

"Are they gonna die?" Erica questioned.

"We all die my strange little child friend." Robin said. "It's only a matter of how and when."

"Robin, stop being weird." Ryan comments.

"They're gonna be looking for us up there, so I need you to tell me where you parked your car." Dustin told Steve.

"Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?" Steve asks.

"I would kill for a hot dog on a stick." Robin agrees.

"All right, yeah, food. Yes, you can have as much food as you want, but only if you tell me where your car is parked." Dustin said.

"Uh-oh," Steve muttered.

"Uh-oh?" Dustin questioned.

"I'm going to go crazy," Sofia mumbled.

"Not if I go crazy first," Ryan whispered back.

"We can go crazy together," Robin mimics an explosion.

"The car's off the board," Steve explains.

"What?" Dustin questioned.

"They took the keys," Steve explained. "The Russians, they took the keys like forever ago."

Steve and Robin began to laugh again.

"Ryan, where's your-" Dustin began to ask.

"At home," Ryan mumbled.

"That's a bummer, right?" Steve chuckled.

"More than you can ever know," Sofia groaned.

The elevator stopped, and it opened. They stepped out. Sofia dragged Nat's body and rested it on the wall. Steve and Robin started to taste the air(whatever that means)

"Steve, can you taste the air?" Robin asks.

"I can taste it, I can taste it." Steve exclaims.

As they were heading towards the gate, two Russian guards began to run towards them, guns in hand.

"Shit, come on, come on!" Dustin exclaimed as they all began to run back inside.

"Sofia, do something!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Stop right there!" The guard spoke.

"Hang on!" Sofia groaned.

She threw her hand out as if she was pushing someone away when, in reality, she moved the truck and blocked their way.

"That was awesome. You're like supergirl no- wonder woman!" Robin exclaimed. "Why are we running?" She laughed again.

The six children rushed into the movie theaters, they were watching back to the future.

"Make sure they don't go anywhere," Dustin told Erica. "Sofia, come with me."

"I don't feel good," Sofia admits.

Ryan instantly looked at her. "Cmon you're probably just hungry. We'll be back." He whispered, Dustin glared at him but he brushed it off.

They could barely make it out when Sofia threw up in the trash can.

"Okay, maybe you weren't hungry." Ryan mumbles.

Sofia wiped her mouth. "Now, I am." She groaned.

Ryan helped Sofia up and the two made it to the food court, it was practically empty.

Ryan brought some food for Sofia and let her eat.

"You okay?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, why?" Sofia looked at him.

"Well aside from being shot and all, you seem distant. Something else is bothering you." Ryan observed.

"I'm fine," Sofia huffed.

Ryan only stared at her, feeling defeated Sofia sighed.

"I hate you," She mutters.

"What's bugging you?" Ryan asked.

"My feelings," Sofia answered.

"What about them?" Ryan asked.

"How did you know you was in love with Evelyn?" Sofia blurted.

"Well there was alot of times when I knew but never confronted my feelings, when I did though it was a huge relief. Why?" Ryan explained.

"Okay..." Sofia processed his words.

"You can tell me anything, you know that?" Ryan reassured her.

"I know that, it's just..." Sofia struggled to find the right words. "I just don't want to lose you that's all."

"You won't," Ryan smiles.

Sofia sighed. "I have these feelings about this person."

"Right, isn't a friendly feeling or something more?" Ryan asked.

Sofia released a shaky breath as she chose her next words. "Something more," She whispers.

"Hey hey, that's okay. Having a crush is completely normal." Ryan whispered.

"Not this one," Sofia looked away.

"What? Of course it's normal. Sof, look at me it's okay." Ryan said.

Sofia looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "It is, Ryan. I'm a failure, I've always have been." Sofia wiped her face. "It's stupid."

"It's not stupid-" Ryan started. "Yes it is!" Sofia cut him off.

Ryan's eyes widened at Sofia's outburst.

"It's stupid and wrong! I want these feelings to go away, I wasn't-" Sofia started to cry even more. "I wasn't suppose to like her." She cried. "I- I can't like her."

Ryan went to Sofia's side and hugged her. "It's okay, it's okay."

"It's so stupid, I just want to dissappear." Sofia mumbles in his jacket.

"That's okay but I prefer having you here," Ryan told her.

"Why?" Sofia asked him. "Why would you want me here?"

"Because you're amazing!" Ryan explained. "You're probably one of the best people I have ever met and I never want that to change, it doesn't matter what you like or don't like. I honestly don't care that you like a girl, I just hate seeing you like this."

Sofia looked up at him. "You don't care?"

"No, it doesn't matter to me. As long as you're happy and safe, that's what matters." Ryan looked down at her.

Sofia smiled lightly. "What would I do without you?"

"You'll probably be dead in a ditch," Ryan muttered, Sofia punched him playfully. "Ow!"

The two were unaware that Robin and Steve were also having their own heart-to-heart, just upstairs.

"What uh was the last time you peed your pants?" Steve asked.

"Today," Robin answered truthfully.

"What?" Steve chuckles.

"When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw." Robin explained.

"Oh my God," Steve laughs.

"It was just a little bit, though." She giggled.

"Yeah, it's definitely still in her system." Steve chuckles.

Robin and Steve laughed.

"Alright, my turn," Robin said.

"Okay, hit me." Steve rubbed his eyes.

"Have you ever been in love?" Robin asked Steve.

"Yeah, Nancy Wheeler. First semester of senior year." Steve answered.

"She's such a priss." Robin scrunched her face in disgust.

"Turns out not really." Steve smiled softly.

"Are you still in love with Nancy?" Robin asked.

"No," Steve answers.

"Why not?" Robin asked.

"I think it's because I found someone who's a bit better for me." Steve chuckles. "It's crazy. Ever since Dustin got home, he's been saying, 'You know, you gotta find your suzie. You gotta find your suzie."

"Wait, who's Suzie?" Robin asked.

"It's some girl from camp, I guess his girlfriend. To be honest with you, I'm not 100 percent sure she's real." Steve answered. "But that's not- that's not the point. That doesn't really matter. The point is, this girl, you know, the one I like, it's somebody that I didn't even talk to in school." Steve explained.

"And I don't even know why. Maybe cause Tommy H would've made fun of me or I wouldn't be prom king." He says honestly. "It's stupid. I mean, Dustin's right, it's all just a bunch of bullshit anyways."

"Because when I think about it, I should've been hanging out with this girl the whole time. First of all, she's hilarious, she's so funny(he's describing me guys). I feel like this summer, I have laughed harder in a really long time. And she's smart, way smarter than me. You know? She's honestly unlike anyone I have ever met before." Steve finished.

Robin felt like she wanted to die, as she sat there in silent, taking in what Steve said.

"Robin?" Steve tapped on her stall. "Robin, did you OD over there?"

"No," Robin sighed. "I am still alive."

Steve slid on the floor and made his way to Robin. "The floor's disgusting." She comments.

"Well I already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt so, what do you think?" He asks.

"About?" Robin questioned.

"This girl." He explained.

"She sounds awesome." Robin answered.

"She is awesome. And what about the guy?" He asks.

"I think he's on drugs, and he's not thinking straight." Robin answered.

"Really? Cause I think he's thinking a lot more clearly than usual." Steve explained.

"He's not," Robin says blankly. "Look, he doesn't even know this girl. And if he did know her, like really know her. I don't think he'd even want to be her friend." Robin confessed.

"No, that's not true. No way is that true." Steve said.

"Listen to me, Steve." She says softly. "It shocked me to my core, but I like you. I really like you. But I'm not like your other friends and I'm not like Nancy Wheeler." She explained.

"Robin that's exactly why I like you." Steve said which made Robin scoff.

"Do you remember what I said about Clicks' class?" Robin asks. "About me being jealous and obsessed." Steve nodded at Robin.

"It wasn't because I had a crush on you, it was because she wouldn't stop staring at you." Robin revealed.

"Mrs. Click?" Steve questioned, Robin chuckled at his dumbness.

"Tammy Thompson." Robin stated. "I wanted her to look at me." Robin revealed. "But she couldn't pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair."

"And I didn't understand because you got bagel crumbs all over the floor and asked dumb questions, and you were a douchebag. And you didn't even like her. And I would go home and just scream into my pillow." Robin explained further.

"But Tammy Thompson's a girl." Steve stated the obvious.

"Steve." Robin said softly as she looked in Steve's eyes.

"Yeah?" Steve asked.

Robin grimaced as she stared at him when he realized.

"Oh," He said softly.

"Oh," Robin repeated.

"Holy shit," Steve said.

"Yeah, holy shit." Robin repeated again.

The two sat in silence which made it worse for Robin so she spoke up.

"Steve," Robin calls out. "Did you od over there?" She asks.

"No, I just uh just thinking." Steve answered.

"Okay," Robin asked.

"I mean yeah, Tammy Thompson, you know cute and all but I mean she's a total dud." Steve said to Robin.

"She is not." Robin argued.

"Yes she is, She's wants to be like a singer. She wants move to like Nashville and shit." Steve explained.

"She has dreams." Robin stated.

"She can barely hold a tune. She's practically tone deaf. Have you heard her sing? All the time." Steve explained as he began to sing terribly. "You see me now tonight."

"Shut up," Robin chuckled but Steve kept on going. "She does not sound like that."

"She sounds exactly like that." Steve exclaimed.

"You sound like a muppet." Robin stated.

"She sounds like a muppet, she sounds like a muppet giving birth." Steve said before laughing.

"And if you could hold me tight." The two teens sang in a Kermit voice. "We'll be holding on forever."

The two teens busted out laughing at the realization that she does in fact sound like a muppet.

"Exactly," Steve exclaimed.

"I know," Robin finally agreed.

"Maybe," Robin said in between laughs. "It's a bad time to say, I might have a crush on your sister." She continued to laugh while Steve just stared at her in shock.

"Wait what?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, Crazy right?" Robin began to laugh again, Steve joined her.

"So crazy," He laughed. "We have got to talk about your taste."

Dustin busted in the bathroom, interuppting the moment between them.

"Okay, what the hell?" He glared at them.

Steve and Robin looked at eachother in the eyes before laughing in reply once more.

"Are they still on drugs?" Erica asked.

"Probably," Ryan answered truthfully.

Sofia rolled her eyes. "Ryan,"

"Sorry," He apologized. "Cmon you two, we gotta go, evil russians are on our ass remember?"

The gang waited till it was the right time to come out of the bathroom.

"Okay now blend." Dustin said quietly.

They left the bathroom and tried to blend in with the crowd.

"Well, shit, that worked." Erica said, relieved.

"Course it worked." Dustin replied.

"Don't jinx it dude," Ryan muttered.

"Please you're the only one standing out, you're so tall." Sofia rolled her eyes.

"We just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes and home sweet home, here we come." Dustin explained.

"Uh Dustin?" Steve called out.

"What?" Dustin looked back at him.

"Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house." Steve says.

"Why?" He asks.

"Well, I might've told them your full name." Steve answered.

"So that's why you told me you loved me in the elevator." Ryan looked at him.

"What no I meant that!" Steve exclaimed.

"What is wrong with you?" Dustin asked.

"Dude, I was drugged." Steve reasons.

"So?" Dustin exclaimed.

"So?" Steve questioned.

"So, you resist. You tough it out. You tough it out like man." Dustin explained.

"Yeah I'd like to see you try," Sofia muttered. "We could have died."

"That's not how it works," Ryan says.

"Oh, yeah, it's easy for you to say." Steve agrees.

"Guys," Robin spoke up.

They noticed the guards and began to run the other way. They slid down the escalator and continued to run.

They hid behind a counter and have never been quieter in their life.

Ryan looks at Sofia with pleading eyes, begging her to do something. Anything.

Sofia nodded and closed her eyes, and blood began to trickle her nose. The lights started to flicker, and the chairs began to move.

The guards turned their attention away. That was their first mistake.

"It's the girl," one of them mutters.

Suddenly, the car began to go berserk, Sofia lost focus and opened her eyes.

"That isn't you?" Steve mouthed.

Sofia shook her head. "Too much energy," She mouthed back. "All at once."

They stayed silent after that, scared to move. The car was thrown over the guards, killing them.

Slowly, they lifted their head to see what happened to the car, and guards then looked to what caused it.


Mira Speaks

My babies are back together for the finale, soooooooooooo we're all happy B*lly's about to be dead right?

New closing gif :)

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