5. Nerdy = Physically Ill

"THIS IS A CODE RED, I REPEAT, A CODE RED," Dustin spoke into the walkie-talkie. "Does anyone copy?"

"Dustin, no one is going to pick up." Sofia was tired of hearing that phrase.

"Can't you just use your powers?" Steve asked.

"I'll try but nothing gonna work." Sofia closed her eyes and put a bandana over her eyes. (Don't ask why she has one on her, she just does)

Sofia tried to maintain her focus, that was until she heard Steve and Dustin.

Sofia ripped off the scarf, and Dustin and Steve continued to talk.

"You're cranky after spending the night with Robin." Dustin teased Steve.

Sofia felt a pint of jealousy, Steve and Robin? Love sure does suck. (Our girl doesn't know much about love, maybe she'll ask Ryan later)

Sofia began to look around and listened to the boy's conversation.

"After eight hours, we're still nowhere exactly, which is why I guess I'm a tad bit cranky." Steve unzipped his shorts.

"What are you doing?" Dustin asked.

"I'm taking a leak, look away." Steve did a shoving motion to Sofia and Dustin.

Sofia looked at her brother in disgust and went back into the elevator.

Erica was banging the capsule on one of the boxes, Sofia watched the young girl confusion lacing her face.

"Hey, hey, be careful, careful, careful," Robin said walking up to Erica. "We don't know what that is," Robin stated, holding the capsule.

"Exactly it could be useful," Erica said.

"Useful how?" Sofia asked.

"We can live without water-" Erica started.

"For three days, at the latest." Sofia interrupted Erica.

"Therefore, we can survive without food for a long time, right nerd?" Erica asked in Sofia's direction.

"Uh yes, for about 21 days, humans can live without food." Robin looked at Sofia in surprise. "What? I like science." Sofia shrugged her shoulders.

"I also like it, Mr. Clarke was the best seventh-grade science teacher," Ryan added.

"Wait, you have Mr. Clarke for seventh-grade science too?" Robin asked.


The group was watching the Russians from above, waiting for them to leave.

Steve put a finger to his mouth and looked at Sofia as well as Erica, the Harringtons were talking with their eyes.

Steve and Sofia took another glance at Erica, who was still holding the capsule.

Moments later, the Russians finally left and Steve quickly put the capsule underneath the door causing it not to shut for a moment.

They were sliding out, one by one, Steve was the last to come out.

The capsule broke and the liquid went sizzling through the floor.

"You still wanna drink that?" Robin asked Erica, who was annoyed by the question.

Dustin stopped looking at it, and looked ahead, he tugged Sofia's jacket, and Sofia began to look at where Dustin was looking.

"Holy mother of god."

"Whoa, that's long."

Dustin and Sofia stated, gaining the attention of the rest of the group.

"Well hope you guys are in good shape." Steve walked through the group."Looking at you roast beef." Steve patted Dustin on the back and started to walk.

"That's not nice Steve!" Ryan caught up to him.

Sofia snickered lightly before Dustin glared at her, who put her hands up in surrender.

"Let's go, come on." Robin pushed the two kids to go forward.

"Why me?" Dustin asked with a tone of sadness, Sofia patted his back.

"He didn't mean it Dustin, and if you were to think about it, Steve doesn't have good hair as I do," Sofia responded, Dustin smiled.

"I heard that!" Steve called to her.

"Alright, you both have awful hair!" Ryan exclaimed.


The group was still walking down the hallway.

"I mean, you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone, this is impressive," Dustin confessed, Sofia nodded in agreement.

"Very impressive," Sofia commented in her Russian accent, Erica noticed but didn't question it.

"What are you talking about? This is a total fire hazard." Steve with against Dustin's words.

"There's no stairs, no exit. There's just an elevator that drops you halfway to hell." Steve list some reasons,

Sofia looked his way in confusion. "And that's exactly smart reasons, they probably didn't want normal civilians like us down here."

"Yeah, I mean they were doing some shady business down here," Ryan added to Sofia's statement.

"They're commies, you don't pay people, they cut corners," Erica stated.

"To be fair to our Russians comrades, I don't think this tunnel was designed for walking," Robin said, gaining a nod from Sofia.

"It doesn't matter what this tunnel was designed for, it's long," Sofia said, putting her hands in the air.

"Think about it, they developed the perfect system for transporting the cargo. It all comes into the mall, like an old delivery." Robin explained. "Then they load it up onto those trucks and nobody the wiser."

"You think they built this whole mall so they could transport that green poison?" Steve questioned.

"It would make sense if you think about it Steve, but of course, you can't think," Sofia muttered, Steve heard her as he glared at her.

"I very seriously doubt it's something as boring as poison." Dustin states.

"Poison is already dangerous in its own right and you think that there's something more dangerous here." Alex got a nod from Dustin.

"It's gotta be much more valuable, like promethium or something," Dustin explained further.

"What the hell is promethium?" Steve asked.

"It's what Victor Stone's dad used to make Cyborg's bionic and cybernetic components," Robin answered.

Erica comments. "You're all so nerdy, it makes me physically ill." Erica held her stomach.

Steve glared at the young Sinclair. "No, No, No. No, don't lump me in with them. I'm not a nerd, all right?"

"Why so sensitive Harrington? Afraid of losing cool points to a ten-year-old Harrington?" Robin teased.

"No, I'm just saying I don't know jack shit about Prometheus," Steve argued.

"Promethium." Sofia corrected.

"Prometheus is a greek mythological figure, but whatever," Dustin said.

"Who got his nipple ripped out?" Ryan looked at his younger brother.

"Yep, you know everything Ryan, everything," Dustin mumbled.


Russian guards were passing by, Steve poked his head out, and Steve motioned his hand for them to move.

"I saw it, first-floor northwest," Erica said.

"Saw what?" Sofia asked.

"The comms room," Erica answered.

"You saw the comms room?" Steve asked in disbelief.


"Are you sure?" Dustin asked.

"Positive. It was open for a second and I saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there."

"That could be a hundred different things." Steve reasoned.

"One of those hundred things could be a comms room." Sofia raised her eyebrows at Steve.

"I'll take those odds," Robin said to the two Harringtons and Ryan, Sofia looked at Steve who sighed.

The kids began to make their way into the Comms room.

The kids sneakily went into the comms rooms, they saw the Russian guard staring at them.

"Steve." Sofia tugged her brother lightly, Steve turned around and saw him.

The Russian guard was about to grab his gun before Robin started to speak the code to him.

He didn't understand what Robin was saying, he began to reach further for his gun.

Steve let out a battle cry and headed straight toward the guy.

Steve grabbed the radio (I think that's a radio, Idk. also I was too lazy to write the whole fight scene) and knocked the Russian guard out.

"You did it!" Dustin cheered, and Sofia smiled. "You won your first fight!"

Steve was breathing heavily as he smiled lightly. Dustin went up to the guard and took his keycard.

"What are you doing?" Erica asked.

"Getting our ticket out of here," Dustin answered.

"You want us to walk all the way back," Erica said in disbelief.

"Well, we can hang out for a little bit, relax, have a picnic maybe," Dustin said sarcastically.

Robin began to walk up the stairs, Sofia soon after.

Sofia looked through the glass of the door and horror took place on her face.

There the Russians were opening it, the gate. Memories flashed through Sofia's head, of her opening and closing the gate with El.

"That must be why the mind flayer is back." Sofia thought.

The four other kids stood behind them and watched too, Sofia grabbed Steve's hand for support. "You did nothing wrong," Steve whispered which only Sofia could hear as Ryan put a hand on her back for support.

Sofia shed a tear as she watched the Russians open something she thought she wouldn't have to see again.

Mira Speaks

Finally finished this lol! Feel free to vote or comment. :)

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