When Louis wakes up Harry is still sleeping soundly, his lips parted and heavy puffs leaving his mouth with every exhale. It's a small bed, so they're a little squished, but Louis can feel the heat radiating off of Harry, who had turned in his sleep so that his back faces him.
Louis drags his fingers up and down the boys back. He tries thinking back on last night, but can't successfully do it unless he either wants to get a boner or die of giddiness. He cant believe he was able to be the one to take that from Harry, and that both of their feelings are mutual. He's never actually dated anyone, only a girl for a month when he was in his first year of high school. He's hooked up with people, and sure, he and Harry have hooked up. More than that too. Except this time even though it hasn't been long, he has these strong emotional feelings towards the boy.
Harry turns over, sleepy hands pulling the duvet up under his chin. A small huff goes past his lips, and Louis can't help how his lips twitch up a tiny bit in a smile. He tucks the duvet over Harry's shoulder, where his weak sleepiness causes him to not cover that spot. The younger boy hums, his lips parting.
Louis closes his eyes again, even though he knows he won't be able to fall back asleep. Once he's up he's up.
When he opens his eyes a few minutes later, he finds Harry looking at him with hooded sleepy eyes, squinting from the brightness of the room. He rubs at his eyes with the back of his hand, glancing at the clock before turning over onto his other side and fully facing Louis. It's only eight in the morning, and he's only a bit disappointed that his body hadn't let him sleep in longer.
Louis doesn't even care that he didn't get to sleep in, because the light rests perfectly on Harry's cheeks, and the dip of his collarbone looks smooth and soft. When he's asleep, and all of his worries are gone, he's pure, and delicate. He's beautiful, Louis thinks. A thought that always runs through his head. His hair is soft, his smile gentle and welcoming. He's the sun.
Louis sighs, his fingers dragging themselves slowly to the boys face. He can feel the huffs that Harry lets out with every breath against his arm. He smooths back his curls away from his eyes, and then let his fingers trail down to his chin. His touch lighter than a feather, his thumb barely skimming over Harry's bottom lip. His heart lurches, a heavy fluttery feeling in his chest.
Harry stirs, his nose twitching. "Hey." He mumbles, eyes not even fully open.
Louis smiles again, not suppressing it this time as he moves closer and wraps his arms around Harry. The boy lets his head fall down onto his shoulder. His curls fall over his eyes. "I love you." Louis whispers. He can feel Harry tense up in his arms.
Harry pulls away just enough so that he could see Louis' face. "Are you serious?" Harry asks, genuinely taken back.
Louis purses his lips. "Yeah." He mumbles. He would've laughed at how surprised Harry was, although he understands his thinking, considering their situation. They haven't even been "together" for two weeks.
After a moment, Harry's face contorts into the most wide grin Louis' ever seen. He lets out a small unmanly giggle. "I love you, too," he says as he attacks Louis in a hug, toppling him over. Louis just lets him lay on top of him, squeezing him tight and rubbing his hands up and down his back. He presses multiple kisses to the side of Harry's head, or really the closest part of his head that his lips can reach.
"I love you I love you." Harry's voice is muffled by Louis' chest.
Louis closes his eyes, sighing, the moment serene. He wishes it can last forever. No one around to judge or harass either of them for their decisions. Not having to hide, and just getting to enjoy his relationship with Harry. But unfortunately not all good things last, especially when having many roommates.
Someone bangs on the door, which practically gives Harry a heart attack. He rolls off of Louis and his legs fall off the bed, making his whole body slide off. Louis snorts, letting out a laugh while the boy stands up trying to collect himself. He runs a hand through his hair, and rubs at his tires eyes.
"Are you decent?" Bobcat asks from outside the room.
"Yeah." Louis laughs back, shaking his head at Harry's tshirt and boxer clad self.
The sixteen year old peeps his head through the door, and smiles. "Hey, Harry." He nods. Harry purses his lips. "Stans sister brought over left over breakfast. Dean said to tell you's before the others find out and come steal the rest." He tells the two before ducking back out.
Louis raises his eyebrows, and jumps out of bed. "I'll go down and get us some food. Borrow some clothes and meet me down when you're dressed?" Harry nods. Louis throws on a pair of jeans and a tank top. "Mar, that's Stanley's sister. Husband's good with money, so she's always got more than enough food in her house. Always sends some over 'ere." He grins, and before opening the door he grabs the taller boys collar and pulls him down for a kiss. Harry smiles right through it, but he doesn't care.
Harry grins to himself, sinking back on the bed and pulling his knees to his chest. His forehead falls on his knees. He can't believe what he's doing. Any of it. It's illegal and against everyone's beliefs and morals. His parents would no doubt kick him out and most likely call the police on him, yet he does it anyway. He can't help it. He can't imagine having to let go of Louis, even after the short time. His kisses blow up Harry's stomach with butterflies, and every time he touches his bare skin he's on fire.
Louis goes down to the kitchen, and helps himself to the food for both him and Harry. Boozer is biting on a pancake, eating it right out of his hand, with the newspaper in his hand.
"Got the good shit." He mumbles, mouth full of food.
Louis loads up their plates. "Love it." He murmurs, grabbing two glasses from the cabinet.
Harry comes down as he does, and Boozer notices, looking up as soon as he hears the boy walking in. He frowns. "Why's he 'ere?" he asks. "You into rich soc kids now?
Louis grabs the milk out of the fridge. "Didn't know it was your call whether I have my boyfriend in my house or not." He throws the boy a hard look, pouring two cups.
Harry smiles to himself, content with the title. And not at all pitiful of Boozer's defeated look when being shot back at. "Sorry." He throws out his trash, and jerks his chin up at Harry. "Right, uh. I'm Boozer."
Harry takes his hand, awkwardly shaking it. "M'Harry," he says.
Boozer nods, and walks out of the house without another word. Harry leans against the counter with his plate until Louis guides him back upstairs to his room. They eat their breakfast on the bed, and Louis can't help but watch the way Harry sticks his tongue out before he puts something in his mouth.
Harry notices, and swallows. "What," he says.
Louis just grabs his neck and kisses him, easily slotting their lips and slipping his tongue into Harry's mouth. Harry's body relaxes, and he kisses Louis back, his hand unknowingly holding onto his wrist.
"You know you stick your tongue out before you eat?" Louis mumbles against his lips.
Harry snorts, pulling away to see his face. "The truth has been revealed." He jokes.
Louis just smiles a bit to himself, turning his hand so that their palms are pressed together. He curls his fingers, holding Harry's hand. Harry notices the long look he has at it. "What're you thinking bout?" he asks.
Louis looks up, but shrugs. "Dunno. Don't want you to leave, gotta go back home to your folks and pretend to be straight all over again." He fakes a small laugh, but the slight pain is obvious in his voice.
Harry frowns, squeezing his hand. "My parents wouldn't care if I decided to move out and have a few roommates. If it was only one they'd be skeptical but as long as it's more than one other guy in the house they wouldn't even realize that one of them is my boyfriend." He smiles when using the title, and fiddles with Louis' small hands. "My dad lived with two other guys for a year once," he says. "Not that they'd care where I go live anyways. Never have cared as much for me as they do my older sister."
Louis frowns at that. "I bet they do care about ya though. If somethin happened to you, ya know?"
Harry shrugs. "Yeah, I guess. But I leave for days and they don't worry about where I am and if I'm okay. I spend most of my time on this side of town, especially more now." He looks back up at Louis, who squeezes his hand.
Louis cocks his head. "We all- the guys- we've all got ya now." He tells him. Harry nods, and a few minutes later Louis speaks up again. "You should think about moving in with me," he says.
Harry's head shoots up. "Yeah?"
Louis smiles. "Yeah. Definitely." He pecks his lips. "But for now you should get back home and make sure ya family knows ya ain't dead." He sits their plates on his dresser, and stands from the bed. Harry wipes his hands on his shirt, but Louis interrupts him by pulling him down by the collar and kissing him hard. Harry would think it's sexy if a thought hadn't run through his mind.
"When I first met you." He mumbles in between kisses. "I was scared and intimidated of you." Louis smiles and kisses him again.
"Good. I tried giving off my bad boy vibe." He snorts. "You were so... small compared to some of my guys." He leans against the door, his hand on the handle.
"I'm taller than you."
"Yeah but you're soft and innocent so you're cuter anyways." Harry rolls his eyes fondly, and Louis grips his shirt on the sides, leaning his body against the taller boys and tilting his chin up.
Harry looks down at him, not believing that he was ever intimidated and pinches his sides. Louis squeals, squirming out of his grip and sending him a glare. Harry can't help but laugh and tackle his boyfriend onto the bed, giggling into his neck and hooking his ankle around Louis'. Louis squeezes him tight from underneath him, then taps the small of his back. "Alright, let's get you up." He mumbles.
Harry groans, standing up. He grabs his clothes from the night before, and follows Louis out down to the front door. Standing in front of the closed door, Louis leaves the boy with a deep kiss before sending him on his way with blushed cheeks and a marked neck.
sorry for the long wait for the chapter, i've been a bit busy lately, but i've been working hard on all the stories! happy summer!!
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