turn back time

Rainbows POV

Me, soarin, and two of the girls work with superheroes in a hospital called, 'mighty med' and we had been working with one that can make things older or younger, and now let's go to this morning...

"Dashie wake up" I heard

"No" I said my voice was higher pitch

"Dashie c'mon" He said

"No!" I screamed

He picked me up and held me in front of the mirror... I looked not even one! I was in a onesie, with a binky cliped to the Coller, my hair was in two spiky pigtails.

I started crying, soarin held me in his arms, he put the binky in my mouth, I immediately calmed down.

"Rainbow, you must have been in the superheroes way yesterday, and he changed you into a baby, even though you are adorable" He said

"Swor" I said

"Right we gotta get you to mighty med" He said and put me in the ground,

"Swor"I said again

"Right," He picked me back up

"Cold" I said

"Right you're probably only a few months old, but where do we get baby clothes" He said

"Shelf" My vocabulary was limited, but I could think like my age.

"Shelf?" He thought, "oh right!" He layed me down on the bed, "I'll be right back baby dashie"

He left me laying on the bed, I put the bink back in my mouth, I was bored,

A few moments later he came back and had a box.

"Ok dashie, I got the box of your old baby clothes" He said

Look I kept a few in my box of memories of my mom.

"Let's getcha changed and then we're going to mighty med" He said

I nodded sucking on my binky

He changed my outfit, I even had a diaper on. He changed me into some dress?


When we left, we went to the hospital, and into the closest, where the entrance to mighty med was.

"Soarin there you are... Who's the baby and where's Rainbow" It was Dr.Diaz the head of mighty med

"This is rainbow, she got hit with the brains aging powers" Soarin said

"Well she's going to have too wait, he was fighting the incapacitator and is severely injured" He said

I pouted, I didn't want to be a baby!

"Isn't there something you can do to fix her" Soarin asked

"Um... No" Diaz said, "but we can do this"


"Kwll me" I said I was on the couch in the rec room

They put some dress on me, I didn't like it,"she's so cute" Soarin said

"No!" I said,

"You're so cute dashie" Soarin said

"Wucky I can't walk" I said

"Dashie, your like 10 months old,of course you can't" He explained

I put the Binky in my mouth for some reason, now I know why babies like these so much,

"What's going on soarin" I heard, it was twilight her and fluttershy worked here with us but fluttershy worked with the animals here.

"We got a tiny problem" Soarin said

"What's the problem" She asked

"It's about dashie" He said

"What's wrong with rainbow" She asked

"I'll just show you" He picked me up, cradling me in his arms, he showed me to twilight.

"Is that" She said, "it can't be, is that rainbow"

"Yup, she got hit with one of the brains powers" Soarin said

"This is incredible" She said

"No!" I said

"I see you can still talk" She said

"Wes" I said,

"Well the brain isn't allowed to do anything for a couple hours,"she kept talking I stopped paying attention.

I suddenly got tired, I gave a small yawn, they stopped talking.

"Are you sleep dashie" Soarin said

I fought the sleepiness, "no!" I complained

"Let's go see fluttershy, she's the only one that knows about babies" Twilight said

"I no baby!" I complained now crying

"Here" Soarin said giving me the Binky, I stopped crying, me

"That got her quiet" Twilight said

"Her brain is wired like a baby's, remember" Soarin said

"Right, thanks for reminding me" Twilight said

"Let's go see fluttershy now" Soarin said

We went to where fluttershy was, she was in the break room, we went there and found her, I still was sleepy and had the Binky in my mouth.

Fluttershy was the only one in the break room for some reason, we went in fluttershy looked, "hey guys"

"Hi fluttershy," Twilight said

"Is that rainbow" Fluttershy asked

"Yup" Soarin said

"She's so cute" Fluttershy said coming over

"The brain accidentally aged her back to a baby, we thought you would know more about how to take care of this one for a few hours," Soarin explained

Fluttershy took me out of soarin's arms, "I can definitely help, she's so cute"

I pouted, before giving a small yawn.

"Are you sleepy now" Soarin asked

"No!" I complained

"I think she's just cranky," Fluttershy said,

"How do we get her to sleep" Twilight questioned

"Well that pacifier helps her calm down" Soarin said

I had put the binky back in mouth and was now sucking on it.

They all sat down on the couches, fluttershy rocked me in her arms, I soon yawned and fell asleep.


I woke up, and fell hitting the floor, I started crying, I almost immediately got picked up.

"Dashie, it's ok, you're alright" I heard, it was soarin.

He gave me the binky, and I calmed down, he held me close to his chest, and sat back on the couch, rocking me slightly, I calmed down. He rubbed my back gently.

"What happened dashie" He said

"I dwn't know" I said

"You fell dashie" He said

I cuddled into his chest, sucking on the binky.

"Hey guys" I heard

"Hi fluttershy" Soarin said

Fluttershy came over and sat next to us.

"Someone's awake" She said looking at me.

I hid my face in soarin's chest,

"What's wrong dashie" She asked

I stayed still, only sucking on the binky.

"She might've fallen off the couch" Soarin said rubbing my back.

"She fell off the couch! Dashie are you alright" She asked

I shrugged, I don't think I was hurt, just shaken up.

"C'mere, let me make sure you aren't hurt" She said

"No" I said I wanted to stay on soarin,

"It's only fluttershy, dashie, it's ok" Soarin said

Fluttershy took me off of soarin's lap, I put the binky back into my mouth.

She checked my head, back, and stomach. Once she was done i tried to crawl back to soarin, but ended up falling off the couch again.

I hit the back of my head giving myself a headache. I started crying again but got picked up be soarin immediately.

"Shhhhhh shhhhhh it's ok dashie," He said, he grabbed the binky, "here"

I sucked on the binky, calming down, I leaned on him,

"Is that better dashie" He asked

I nodded, but my head was throbbing.

Fluttershy checked my head again but I stayed on soarin this time,

She looked worried for a second, "dashie, do you have a headache?" She asked

"Uh huh" I said

"You hit your head didn't you" She said

I nodded

"Poor baby dashie" Soarin said he rubbed the back of my head, his hand was literally the size of my head.

I started to get hungry. But I hope I could wait till I'm back to normal.

I cuddled into soarin's chest. He moved me to his arm near the arm of the couch. I cuddled into his side curling up, ready to fall back to sleep.

I gave a small yawn, closing my eyes, I immediately fell asleep.


I woke up with a yawn, I turned to my back, I looked up, soarin was looking at me, he smiled,

"hi dashie" He said putting me on his lap.

I leaned on his chest. Sucking on the binky

"Did you have a good nap" He chuckled

I nodded.

"Why are you so cute" He said

I shrugged

"What's wrong dashie" He asked

I curled up sucking on the binky. My stomach growled.

"Dashie, are you hungry" He said rubbing my stomach.

I didn't say anything, I just wanted to stay on his lap, against his chest.

"Are you dashie?" He asked

I nodded slightly

"Alright, that's all you had to do" He said

He sat me in the corner of the couch.

A few minutes later he came back, he had a small bowl with him? He picked me up and sat back down on the couch me in his lap.

"Here dashie" He said. He handed me the bowl, it had cereal.

I smiled, took out the binky, and I ate some, then looked at him, he smiled.

"Is that better" He asked

I nodded

He smiled, and kissed the top of my head.

I smiled and layed on his chest.

I heard the door open.

"Hey" I heard,

"Hey twilight" Soarin said

"Awww is she cuddling with you" She said

"Ya" Soarin said rubbing my arm.

"That's adorable" Twilight said

"She's adorable" Soarin said

I just put the binky back into my mouth, I curled up cuddling into his chest.

I felt someone rubbing my arm, I could've stay there for a gazillion years.

Something beeped loudly making me jump then get as close as I could to soarin.

"Shhhhhh, it's ok dashie," Soarin said picking me up, to where his heart was,

I quickly found his heart and calmed down, I put the binky back into my mouth

"That beep scared ya huh?" He said

I nodded, I was still a bit scared, I got closer to him.

"It's ok dashie, it was just Phillip, he had something I'm the microwave" Soarin said

"Sorry I scared a baby" Phillip said sarcastically, while walking out.

I somewhat relaxed, when another beep louder than the first one scared me making me jump again, making me cry.

"It's ok dashie," Soarin said rubbing my back, "don't cry, it's ok, I gotcha" He gave me my binky and I calmed down a bit.

I was tense and shaking.

"It's ok dashie," Soarin said kissing the top of my head, I finally calmed down.

"Rainbow," Twilight said

I looked at her

"Ready to go back to normal" She said

I nodded, I was excited, finally going back to normal.

Soarin held me close.

We went to the emergency room where the brain was, when we got there Dr.Diaz told soarin to lay me on the bed, he did,

Then he said, "you might black out"

Wait what!

But the brain already was using his powers, I blacked out.


When I woke up I opened my eyes and saw soarin and twilight.

"You ok dashie" Soarin asked

"I think" I said, my voice was back to normal,

I sat up, the brain and Dr.Diaz had left.

I was back to normal... I was back to normal!

"How about you two go home, it's been a long day" Twilight said


Me and soarin left mighty med, and went home.

"I'm exhausted" Soarin said, "all you did was sleep... All day"

"Well I slept like a baby" I chuckled

"Ha ha very funny" He said

We both relaxed, it was good to be back

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