The Rainbow Princess

Rainbow's POV

As I walked through the castle with my book,

I heard "Princess, please put that book down, your family is waiting" It was the buttler Cedric.

"Alright" I closed my book and put it into my bag

"By the way happy birthday" He said

"Thanks" I smiled slightly.

Ya, it was my birthday and no one ever knew except for the staff, they would do something small but special so the king wouldn't find out.

I followed Cedric to where my "family" Was. I have my dad who's king and a older sister who gets everything from big parties to friends...

Sometimes I just want to be a normal girl, I'm not even the King's daughter, I'm his step daughter, you see my mom married the king when I was around 6 or 7, but then one day when she was coming back from visiting my uncle the car she was in spun out of control and she died... At least that's what I got told, I can still feel she's alive though, I can just feel it...

I got into the carriage thing, I don't know why we still use them, probably because of the accident

"Rainbow Dash, you better not start any chaos with that... Magic...of yours," My dad twitched at the word magic,

You see I can control wind, only the king my sister and the Royal staff know.

I can levitate and move air, I've created tornadoes and destroyed a little abandoned shack both on accident. I have done good like help clean, and can get things up high with it too. I can also cool things down as long as it's not food... You don't want to know.

But anyway when we got to the town the king told me, "pick you up here at 10 PM, if we remember" Then they went off. Good thing I don't wear the same dresses my sister does. I'm forced to wear them but sometimes I get away with overalls and a T-shirt like today.

I walked through the city and people waved and said hi, I finally found the book store, I went in and looked around I wasn't watching where I was going so I bumped into someone.

"Sorry! Sorry" I said to the person,

"It's ok, Are you ok" It was a boy.

"Ya I'm ok, are you ok" I said

"Ya I'm alright" He said, he had pale skin and Navy hair. He reached out his hand to help me up and I accepted, "I'm soarin, soarin skies"

"I'm Rainbow dash" I replied

"As in princess Rainbow dash" He said

"You can say that" I said

"Your majesty" He bowed

"No, no need to bow, I'm just a normal person today" I said

He nodded, "what are you planning on doing today"

I shrugged, "I don't know, I usually just read all day, I never have anyone to do anything with anyway"

"Well, I'll hangout with you" He said

"You don't have to" I said

"I have nothing to do today and no one to do anything with either, we could be friends?" He said

"I... I would love to be friends" I said

"Well then, that's awesome!" He said, "c'mon I'll show you a cool spot to hang out"

I followed him to a tree house. We climbed up and I looked around.

"Wow this is aweso- woah!" I tripped and my bag fell, my book and tiara fell out,

"You alright" He asked

"Ya I'm fine, just tipped, I'm just a clutz" I said he helped me up.

I got my bag and book, he picked up my tiara,

"So this is your crown, how come we never see you wear it" He asked

"Oh that old thing, I'm not allowed to wear it when I'm with my family but it's required at my school" I explained

"Why can't you wear it with your family" He asked

"The king and my sister sorta don't like me" I said

"Isn't the king your dad" He asked

"He's my step dad, he didn't like me from the start, why do you think no one knows what I look like, or hear anything about me I was turned into a turtle for a week last month and I was locked in a cage in the wizards tower, or even when my birthday is, he only cares about my step-sister" I said

"That must be terrible... When is your birthday by the way" He asked

"Today" I shrugged and rubbed my arm.

"Well, happy birthday, " He slowly grabbed my hands, "i can tell you're special, and unique,"

I smiled, "thanks, that's actually the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me"

"Is not" He said

I nodded, "it is"

He grabbed my tiara, "you should be wearing this" He but it on my head,

"You don't really like me, you only like me because I'm a princess" I said

"No I like you for who you are, I don't care if you're a princess or not, but you're a true princess, no matter what anyone else says" He explained

"Thanks soarin" I smiled

"You deserve to have a good day today," He said, "it is your birthday after all"

I giggled, I took off the tiara, "I really shouldn't be wearing it"

I injoy wearing it, it makes me feel special and not a freak,

Soarin stopped me from putting it in my bag, "I can tell you like wearing it," He took it from my hand, "you deserve to wear it" He put it back on my head, "if you like wearing it, I like seeing you wear it"

I smiled, then thought for a second making me frown, "what'll the king say"

"Who cares, if you're happy, then he shouldn't be doing anything to you" Soarin said

"Thank you," I wanted to hug him, I moved to hug him but pulled back, I haven't had a hug since my mom went missing, I don't believe that she died...

"C'mere" He chuckled and held out his arms

I smiled and hugged him he hugged me back, it felt nice.

He rubbed my back, I never wanted it to end.

But when it did I missed it already.

"Whens the last time someone gave you a hug" He asked

"When my mom disappeared" I said

"You poor thing, that was 7, 8 years ago," He said

I sniffled and started crying. I miss her so much,

He hugged me again, I hugged back and cried into his shirt, "it's ok, I gotcha," He whispered into my ear, he ran his hand through my hair a few times

When I calmed down I just layed on his chest still sniffling.

"Feeling better?" He asked

I nodded, "uh huh, thank you,and sorry" I smiled,

"You know you say thank you and sorry a lot" He chuckled

"Sorry I can stop" I said

"No it's ok, I know you've been through a lot," He said,

We pulled away,

"You wanna see something" He asked

I nodded,

He put his hand on the wall and after a minute water started to come out of the wooden planks, the water dropped a bucket.

"You can do magic too" I said

He nodded

I pulled a little gust of wind into the room and it went around me then soarin, I giggled,

"Woah" He said

"I usually break stuff"I said, " Do you remember that tornado a couple months ago "

He nodded

"That was me" I said

"That was awesome!" He said

"It was?" I asked

He nodded, "of course! It didn't even destroy anything"

"My step-dad told me it destroyed everything and that I was never to use my magic again" I said

"Well the king is a liar, and now I know that"he said


Hours later we wear walking through town, soarin insisted I wear the tiara, and I did...

Be whispered others asked me if I was "The forgotten rainbow princess"  And I would just nod and say, "yea I am" Guess there aren't a lot of rainbow haired tiara wearing people.

When I had to leave I said by to soarin and went to that abandoned part I was dropped off at. I took of my tiara and put it back in my bag.

"Oh you showed up" The king said

I nodded and looked at Cedric, "we would never forget you princess" He said.

I got on and we went back to the castle.

Once we got back my sister started demanding things she bought in town while I snuck into the castle, I went to my room and sat on my bed looking at my tiara, it was one my mother picked out for me.

"I miss you mommy" I whispered, "I love you mommy"

A few hours later Cedric came in, "hello princess," He was smiling, "you ready"

I nodded

I followed him we made it to the kitchen I was sad, I turned 13, and I just really wish my mom was here.

The kitchen door opened, everyone had big grins on their faces.

I looked at everyone, I noticed that the wizard of the castle Album was there, he never came unless he did something.

"We have a surprise for you rainbow" Cedric said I was looking down.

The staff made way for someone...

"Hi baby" I heard

I looked up, I started crying "Mommy!" I ran up to her, and hugged her, "I missed you so much" I cried,

"I missed you too baby girl," She said and kissed my forehead

I was turned from complete sadness to complete joy in that moment.

She picked me up, I was still so small she could, I was full of joy I was crying and saying, "mommy, it's really you, you're back, I missed you so much, I love you mommy, don't leave me again, I missed you so much mommy"

She just held me in her hug.


What felt like a hour later my mom brought me back to my room, "where were you all these years" I asked her

"Well you see baby, I was turned into a bird, I watched you from your window, Albus finally got me back yesterday, but we waited til today to tell you," She said

"But... How" I asked.

"The same magic that gave you your powers saved me, and I really couldn't wait to hold you in my arms again, you aren't a baby anymore dashie, but you'll always be mine" She said

"I love you mommy"

"I love you baby girl" She held me close as I feel asleep in her arms, having my mommy back is the best gift in the world.

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