The animagus and werewolf

This is a Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts reference, it will explain what one is in the story, this took a LOT of research so I hope you enjoy! Video is six minutes above explaining everything from harry Potter!

Rainbows POV

3 long, hard, and painful, months to become a animagus, at the age of 14.

Now you might be asking, "what is a animagus?" Well an animagus is someone that can change from a human to animal and back again, it's a very tough and painful at first, but in the end you get to be half animal!

Me and my sister are somehow both witches, that live with our parents... Well it might explain that, (in this realm) we are adopted, and raised poorly, almost like Harry Potter. As you probably already know I'm 14,in my 4th year at Hogwarts, and my sister Cloud that is 11 will be in Hogwarts this year.

We got kicked out of the house, and left at Diagon Alley, where we would've spent a whole month if someone didn't find us. This is how it went...

"Sis are we really spending a month here, then having to find someone to take us to platform 9 3/4" Cloud asked me

"Probably," I said, "but don't worry alright, we'll get there," I said to her

"At least we won't get hurt" She said

"Yup, for about a year," I said, "let's go find a place we can sleep"

"Ok" She said "what if we ask Ollivander"

"We'll ask him later" I said, he's nice and all, but he can be a bit crazy on my terms.

"Alright" She said, "knockturn alley hm..."

"Girls that's no place for children" I heard and grabbed Clouds wrist,

"Come on" He said, I couldn't see his face, but I think it was hagrid, he was tall.

I held Clouds wrist and walked over to him. It was hagrid.

"Hagrid" I asked like I didn't know who he was.

"Why are you two over by knockturn alley," He asked

Cloud hid behind me in fear, she had never seen hagrid before.

"We got kicked out of our house, and now are looking for a place to stay" I said

"Oh," He said, "let's find ya somewhere, and I'm guessing that this one behind you is a first year"

I nodded, cloud looked at him in fear.

"I'm not gonna hurt ya" He said, "I'm one if the Hogwarts professors"

Cloud came out of hiding, and gripped my arm.

Hagrid asked her, "what's your name little witch"

"Cloud chaser"she said quietly

"Alright cloud chaser, let's go find you two somewhere to stay" He said. We started walking to one of the shops.


"You want me to watch 2 girls for a month"

"Yea" Hagrid said,

"Why" The shop keeper if Broomstx asked

"Because it's only a month, well 2 and a half week but you get the point"

"Fine but I better get that Niffler" He said

Hagrid rolled his eyes.

"Thank you" I said.


We stayed in a spare room next to his son's, soarin. A Gryffindor in my year.

Around 10,maybe 11, I heard footsteps, I got out of the bed and saw soarin going down the hallway, and outside, I followed him, he ran into the forest, and started to change... He turned into a werewolf!

I turned into my animagus form, a light greyish blue wolf pup. We had learned about werewolves in my 2nd year, they only attack people so I would be safe.

I followed him around the forest, watching him, until around 4 A.M. he turned back, I stayed close enough for me to see him, still in my animagus form.

I stepped on a twig, accidentally getting his attention, "who's there" He said

With no hope I came out, still in my form, he backed away and grabbed a stick, not a wand, a normal stick.

"Stay away wolf I'm not afraid to use this!" He shouted.

I turned back into my human form, he gasped.

"Rainbow! How did you! What-huh!" He shuddered

"Over the summer becane a animagus and ya" I said "and you're a werewolf" I said

"How did you find out"

"Followed you when you snuck out, and all night" I said

"Let's just, go back before my father and your sister wake up" He said

"Ya" We started back, "does anyone else know"

"Only you, the professors, and my dad found out" He said,

"What's it like" I asked

"Painful to transform, and I don't really remember anything after I transform" He said, "you shouldn't have followed me, you could've been killed"

"I know, I was curious I guess" I said and rubbed my arm

"I know you were," He said, "I just don't want you to get killed by me, I would never forgive myself"

I smiled, "alright"

We arrived back and got a couple hours of sleep.


The day had finally come! Off to Hogwarts! I couldn't sleep for two nights, I was so excited! We had our stuff and we went to platform 9 3/4.

Once on the train me, soarin, and cloud were all in one cabin, cloud was holding her wand trying to do "widgardiam leviosa" On a piece of paper, while me and soarin were just talking about... Stuff.

"Soarin why won't you let me come with you tomorrow" I asked

"I don't want you to get hurt" He said "I might attack you"

"No you won't," I said "I'll be a wolf"

"Still what if I do, what if I can't control myself enough, what if-"

"Soarin, you won't, and just gonna say this," I said, "the more you denied me the more I wanna do it"

"If you're awake fine but I don't want you to be there at first," He explained, I didn't question him,

"Thanks soar" I said


The sorting hat was going back and forth between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff for my sister, he chose Gryffindor. The whole hall clapped but mostly us Gryffindors. After she was picked, she immediately ran to me, I heard a few of my friends chuckles and giggles. She sat next to me soarin was across. Once everyone else was sorted, the headmistress gave her 10 word speech and we had that feast... Thing.


The next night around 10, soarin and I went to his place, as soon as we got to the womping willow I turned into my animagus. Professor McGonagall lead him through, I followed soon after taking the same route. But jumping behind a bus after accidently getting the professor's attention.

She casted a wordless spell on my bush, I backed away in fear, just pretending, "who are you, I know you're a animagus" She said, Secret revealed. I changed back with no hope again.

"Hey... " I said worried about what my punishment was.

"Ms Dash, I didn't know you were a animagus, like myself and surprised you got it right too" She said with her weird smile, "and a 4th year too, you're still only 14"

I started walking towards them, I didn't get to close. "Sorry professor, I was just worried about my friend"

"You're just like the Marauders," She said, "and you know what Mr skies is"

"She does professor, she followed me carefully last time I transformed" Soarin said.

"You're a very smart girl," the professor commented, "but you best be going before the full moon completely rises,"

Soarin nodded and ran off to the shack.

"Alright, what's my punishment for following you guys" I asked

"Your punishment is to watch him every full moon, making sure he doesn't get into any trouble, the students and others have been hearing things that about a werewolf," She gave

"Thank you Professor" I said

"Alright, now make sure you stay in your form until you know it's safe," She said, I nodded, "now run along, I'll meet you both at the tree in the morning"

I nodded, and changed into my form and went were soarin had gone.


I saw soarin transforming, it was a bit, gross but awesome! I watched from the doorway and noted what he said on the train, "i don't want you to be there at first" We learned that werewolves are most aggressive when they first transform but calm down soon after.

He started to go haywire with biting and grabbing things, throwing them across the room.

He was actually a smaller werewolf, a pup like me can keep him under control for a while. He soon calmed down and just started to pace, I slowly creeped around the corner, he saw me and froze, so did I, his eyes widened for a second, then started to walk around the room on his 2 legs.

I watched him carefully, he walked around most of the night, growling at me a few times, I always did it back making him stop. He howled too and I let him.

As the moon started to set, and the sunrise, he changed back, he sat on the ground, finishing the night. Then be saw me, I forgot I was still a wolf pup.

He leaned against the wall, I creeped towards him slowly, he had this weird look on his face.

"Rainbow is that you" He asked sarcastically

I realized that I was still a pup but didn't change back, I nodded

"You going to change back" He asked

I nodded and changed back sitting in front of him, "hey"

"Hi rainbow, were you her all night"


"Didn't you get punished for following us"


"By the way where is Professor McGonagall" He asked

"That's my punishment, every full moon I have to baby, or werewolf sit you, and make sure you don't cause mayhem"

"Ohhhhh" He said, "did I do anything to you, the professor never tells me what I do"

"You threw some things at first, then you calmed down, I came in, in my form and sat over there" I pointed to a almost broke chair "you stared at me for a second went back to pacing, a d growled at me a few times"

"Oh, at least I didn't hurt you right"

"You didn't hurt anything...besides a few bricks"

"Oh ok"

"Let's head back, professor McGonagall is waiting to see how we did last night"

We headed back through the tunnel and back to the tree and saw professor McGonagall waiting, "hello how'd you do"

"He was calm half of the time, nothing happened besides a few bricks being thrown across the room" I explained

"That's great, 30 points to Gryffindor" She said, "now go get a few hours of rest, today is your first after all"

"Thank you again professor" Soarin said

"No problem, now off to the common rooms"

We left and went to the common rooms


Classes were tiring, I couldn't fall asleep, maybe a hour but that's it. I could barely function, soarin kept me awake but it was hard.


As soon as we got back to the common room I sat on the couch, about to fall asleep, I had my chin on the arm of the couch, and it was only 3 in the afternoon!

Soarin sat on the chair besides the couch, "still tired" He said, and ran his hand through my hair.

I nodded, half asleep.

"Why don't you go take a nap, you probably won't make it through the rest of the day if you don't"

"You sure" I asked and yawned

"Come on" He said and pulled me up

I stood up and leaned against him, he walked me towards the stairs when the head boy came over, "what are you two doing" He asked

"She said that she didn't get much sleep last night so I was just bringing her up as far as I can" Soarin said

"Well if you go up the stairs then it'll turn to a ramp, you can't follow her up," He explained

Soarin looked at me, my eyes kept opening and closing, trying to stay awake,

"Poor thing, " Soarin whisperer to me, then normally said, "I'll just lead her to the stairs,"

"Alright, but don't go up" He said, soarin nodded and lead me to the spiral stairs leading to the girls dorm

"You got it from here, or do you want to wait for cloud" He asked, he was worried about me, I had never been this tired in my life!

"I'll be ok... Thanks" I said

"You're welcome, now go get in bed" He said.

I started up, I suddenly stopped, couldn't walk any more, I sat down on the steps and leaned against the wall, I felt my eyes close, and I couldn't fight sleep anymore, up for a bit more then 3 days straight. I fell asleep...


Soarin's POV (for a bit)

I watched rainbow go up the stairs, and just hoped that she got up there, two other boys ran past me making the stairs go to a ramp. They slid back down and ran away in shock. I hope she got up already, but I saw her leaning against the wall, I picked her up, she was asleep, I chuckled but carried her into the hallway sitting against the wall, placing her in my lap, holding her close to my chest. I ran my hand through her hair.

I hoped that she was ok, when i noticed her eyes flutter open...


Rainbows POV

I opened my eyes and saw someone holding me, I blinked my eyes a few times to clear my vision. I saw soarin! He was holding me on his lap, "you ok dashie" He asked me

I nodded and leaned my head over his heart, listening to the light thumping in his chest.

I heard him chuckle, "just go to sleep, wait for Applejack or your sister, just sleep here for now ok"

I nodded, he ment to sleep on him for a bit, until AJ on of my friends and roommates, or cloud comes back from wherever they are.

I started to fall asleep again and my vision quickly went black.


I woke up in my bed in the dorm, I saw AJ sitting up there on the bed next me.

She looked over, and smiled, "hey rainbow, great to finally see you awake" She came over

"Huh?" I said, I was confused, how did i get there?

"Soarin told me what happened, I carried you up her and put you in your bed, he said that you fell down the stairs"

I was even more confused, the last thing I remember is his heartbeat, I had forgotten about trying to come up here. "Oh..." I said

"It's almost time for dinner, if you're coming" She said,

"I'll meet you you there" I said sitting up.

"Alright" She said and headed down.

I got out of bed, and put on my school robe, strike my animagus owl friend flew into the room and sat on the windowsill.

"Hi strike" I said. When I first turned into a animagus he was there, his actual name is Cedric after the famous Cedric Diggory but, he's no more than a friend. He's 5th year older than me and in Hufflepuff but he acts like a Weasley, not like they're bad but...crazy? He lives next door to me at our old house.

He changed back to his normal form "How do you always know it's me" He asked.

"Always are coming strike" I said.

"Don't call me strike when I'm in my normal form... Frost" He said

"Look CEDRIC if you're going to call me frost I get to call you strike" I said

"Fine" He said, "race ya too lunch!" He said changed into his animagus and flew towards the stair.

"Aye! " I said and ran after him, he's a tiny owl, and slow owl for that matter. I grabbed him holding his wings down.

"Hey rainbow" I heard

I looked, soarin had saw me,

"Hey soarin" I said

"Glad to your awake, you feeling better" He asked.

I was trying to keep Cedric or strike down, "ya I'm feeling better," I said

"Great, I didn't know you had a owl" He says

"Yup, this is strike" I said, "um let's just go get dinner"

"Alright" He said and started to walk down the hallway.

Cedric tried to bite me he is crazy. I let him go, I sighed, "come on strike"

He followed me outside, and turned back, "seriously, rainbow" He said holding his arm,

"Sorry Cedric, but I gotta go, talk to you after" I said leaving, he is crazy!


A few months past it is now December, and it's snowing! It's freezing! We were outside for some reason I was bundled up in my warm robe, I was getting dark and tonight was a full moon, I'm just going to curl up into a ball tonight while soarin does his thing, we were sitting on the snowy ground near the tree.

"Why is it so cold!" I asked no one

Soarin wrapped his arms around me and chuckled, "bet you can't wait to be a wolf"

"Uh ya I want to right now! It's too cold" I said

He chuckled, "you get used to it" He said,

I glared at him,

"Sheesh you're the one that was interested"

I rolled my eyes, "let's go the sun is setting"

"Fine" He said

We went to the shack, I immediately turned into a wolf pup, dragging the light blanket I brought just in case. The sun Hadn't set fully we were early.

I was still dragging the blanket,i was not turning back and freezing! I heard soarin chuckle at me. "Need some help pup"

I looked at him and nodded, why does he have to call me pup all the time!

Soarin picked me and blanket up and went into the shack, he wrapped the blanket around me, leaving my front paws out. I think he knew I wasn't changing back until we were back into the common room. I layed my head on my legs in front of me, now just have to watch and wait for him to change to and back. This is going to be a long night.

"You're so cute as a puppy dashie" Soarin said

I growled with my mouth... Mussel closed.

He tormented me for about ten minutes, I mentally groaned,

Soarin walked to the other side of the room and started to transform. I covered my eyes, it was so gross.

I heard him stop, and I looked, he was still the small, gray, short haired, werewolf. I watched him almost all night.


I was watching Soarin when he wondered out of the small shack, I jumped up and followed him. He started to run, I ran after him, he suddenly stopped, and I slipped on some ice rolling onto a rock and into a pile of snow.

He howled at the moon, I limped over near him, he than ran back to the shack, I ran the best I could and by the time I was back he was about to transform back.

I hopped back onto the chair as he transformed back into his normal self.

He groaned for a second, and blinked seeing me still as a wolf.

He came over to me, "hi dashie" He said,

I whimpered laying on my stomach my head on the chair.

"What's wrong dashie" He asked noticing my whimper.

I pushed my paw a bit with my head.

"Did I hurt you" He asked

I shook my head.

"You wanna turn back so you can tell me"

I shook my head again

"Alright" He sighed, "let's head back" He said.

I got off the chair and soarin grabbed my blanket wrapping it around himself. I limped after him,shivering from the bitter cold.

He noticed me and picked me up holding me in the blanket too. I shivered and whimpered. "It's ok dashie" He said, as he continued to walk to the tree, "you're gonna be alright," He held me close.

I felt warm in his arms, I got as close as I possibly could,

He chuckled, "let's getcha warm"

We made it back to Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall was waiting as she told us she would.

I was hiding under the blanket shivering and whimpering, the professor couldn't see me.

"Hello Mr.Skies, did you lose Mrs.Dash" She asked

"No professor" He said

"Then where is she" The professor asked

He pulled the blanket down a bit reveling me.

"Oh goodness why didn't she change back"

"She didn't want to professor, she's been whimpering since I saw her when I transformed back" Soarin explained, "she's been shivering to"

"Let's get you both inside," She said putting a arm around Soarin slightly pushing him inside.

I whimpered my paw or hand was hurting SO BAD!

"It's ok dashie, it's ok" Soarin kept whispering to me.

The professor smile slightly, almost like a smirk but she looked pleased. "Let's see what's wrong with Mrs.Dash and get the both of you warm"

We went into the hospital wing and found Mrs.Pomfrey the nurse. I was still shivering and whimpering, I was also hidden under the blanket again. Surprisingly no other student was in the hospital wing.

Mrs.Pomfrey came over and asked, "what happened, why are you up so late"

"We have a problem Mrs.Pomfrey" Professor McGonagall said

"What's the problem"

Soarin pulled the blanket down a bit so she could see me, shivering violently.

Mrs.Pomfrey gasped, "why'd you bring a wolf here!" She yelled, my ears snapped down and I hid my face.

"It's Mrs.Dash, she's a animagus" Professor McGonagall said

Mrs.pomfrey relaxed, "oh, sorry, Didn't mean to frighten you"

I whimpered.

"should she change back" Soarin asked

"No not yet Mr.Skies, incase she has a broken bone we don't want to mess up her arm" Mrs.Pomfrey explained.

I was still whimpering, soarin was petting me.

"Let's check it out" Mrs.Pomfrey said

Soarin put me down on one of the beds and down on the end behind me.

Mrs.Pomfrey attempted to look at my paw or hand, but I limped behind soarin, everything was so big and scary right at that moment in time.

"Can you hold her still Mr.Skies" Mrs.Pomfrey asked.

Soarin picked me up putting me on his lap and moving so she could look at my hurt limb. I whimpered hiding behind my tail. Soarin was trying to keep me calm but it wasn't working.

"I think it's fractured I'm just going to get the medicine potion" She said and went to her closet.

I looked up at soarin, he smiled at me, I looked down hiding behind my tail agmain. He stroked my fur, I layed down on his lap, wrapping my tail around myself and whimpered.

"It hurts doesn't it dashie" He said rubbing my ear.

I kept whimpering. Mrs.Pomfrey came back with some sort of potion in a small cup, almost like a tea cup.

She smiled at me, "it's ok dear, here drink this, you'll feel much better in by lunch tomorrow at the most,"

Soarin placed me next to him. "Come on rainbow, it's ok" Soarin said.

I drank it, it wasn't much actually. It had a vile taste, but I didn't taste it when I first had it in my mouth. It burned on the way down my throat, almost like acid.

I opened and closed my mouth, trying to get the bitter taste out. I heard soarin chuckle at me.

"You can change back when you want to," Madam pomfrey said "but I would at least wait until morning,just to make sure nothing happens" She wrapped my paw in bandage.

Soarin held me, "thank you madam pomfrey," Professor McGonagall said, "you don't want her to stay here incase"

"I would but tomorrow is Saturday and it's busy, she's gonna be alright" Mrs.Pomfrey explained

"Alright, come on back to the common room" Professor McGonagall said

Soarin carried me in the blanket, I was getting warmer, it was cozy.

We made it back to the common room, professor McGonagall changed the stairs to let all girls and soarin in, since clearly he can be trusted and needs to be allowed.

After the professor left.

"You wanna stay with me" Soarin asked,

I nodded

"Alright," He said and went to his room.

I mean I wasn't going to change back till tomorrow so might as well.

He brought me to the boys common room, it was the boys common room. It was the same as the girls.

He sat on his bed, and smiled at me. He layed down and put me next to him. Soarin stroked my fur, and watched me as I curled up and fell asleep.


I woke up still a wolf pup. I saw soarin and jumped, then I remembered that I slept with him, as a puppy. I pawed soarin, trying to wake him up.

He woke up, and looked at me. "Hi dashie" He whispered, and petted me.

I rolled over closer to him.

He chuckled,"come on let's go downstairs, " He said to me picking me up, he carried me downstairs. He set me on the couch, "why don't you change back,"

I nodded and did, I sat knees at my chest. I waved, I had Gauze wrapped around my hand and forearm. "Hi..." I said

"How do you feel dashie" Soarin asked me

I shrugged, "still hurts a bit" I said "sorry about yesterday, you had to carry me all night"

"It's ok,"

"I really am, you shouldn't have had too"

"Really, it's ok, you're cute when you're a puppy, I liked carrying you" he said. He picked me up, and put me on his lap.

I leaned on his shoulder, "thanks "

"It was nothing," He said, and stroked my hair. I smiled.


"Where were you last night!" Cloud asked me at lunch.


"Because you never came to bed"

"I went to bed after you, and woke up early" I said I hate lying to her, she's my baby sister.

"Ok..." She said and ate her lunch

Applejack looked at my hand that was hurt, "rainbow what happened to your arm"

"Oh that" I said and chuckled

"She fell on some ice," Soarin said,

"Why is it bandaged up" Cloud asked

"I fractured it," I said "madam pomfrey gave me a weird potion and said I should go get some rest in the common room"

"Alright" Applejack said

"Heyo" I heard behind me

I looked...Cedric"what do you want"

"Heard what happened" He said

"Um rainbow who's the huffle-buddy" Soarin asked

"That's Cedric, old friend from home" I said

"Yup right next door" He put his arm on my head like a armrest

"Gets your arm off me!" I said getting aggravated

"Fine" He said and then whispered "frost"

"Alright that's it" I said aggrieved "I'll be right back," I said and dragged Cedric out of the great hall.

"Woah rainbow"

"What do you think you're doing strike" I said

"Wanted to know if you're ok" He asked

"I'm fine, just please Cedric, I don't wanna ruin my friendships, you can just ask to have a word you know"

"Calm down rainbow"

I tool a deep breath and calmed down, "alright" I said calm now "you can talk to them but please don't make a fool out of me, and don't call me frost, the only one that knows in my house are soarin and my little sister, no one else knows besides you in the whole school"

"Alright" He said


We went back in I sat back down with my friends

"What's the fuss about RD" AJ asked

"Nothing he just likes to get under my skin"

"Hey Cedric" Cloud said

"Well if it isn't the best first year, you could have been stuck with me you know" He said to cloud

"Right hat stale" Cloud said sadly

I wrapped my arms around cloud, "cloud, it's ok, you know who else that happened to"

"Who" She asked

"Soarin," I said

"I thought we agreed not to talk about it" Soarin said


"And nothing"

We chuckled.


FINALLY BED TIME! I collapsed in bed already in pajamas. I had gone to madam pomfrey who took off the gauze. It felt so much better. Soarin had told me that throughout the night I would whimper, and that he had to keep me quiet, madam pomfrey had told him that I would be in pain while it was healing, and this morning I was.

I was about to fall asleep when cloud jumped on me,

"Cloud" I complained

She backed off "sorry sissy"

"It's ok baby, c'mere" I said and sat up

She climbed onto my lap, and yawned

I rocked her, "go to sleep baby it's ok" I rubbed her back

"Oka-" And she fell asleep

I giggled and carried her over to her bed and kissed her forehead "sleep tight sissy" I said and went back to my bed

"Didn't think of you as loving motherly sister Hufflepuff type" AJ said

"She's my baby sister, plus you don't wanna know what happens at home to us"

"What happens RD" AJ asked

I sighed, "you don't wanna know" I layed down and hugged myself

"Yes I do, now tell me"

"Alright," I sat up, a few other gryffondors and strike made his way here, I went over to cloud,and held her in my arms, "where do I start... Um... We're adopted, our so called parents abuse us, like punching bags, we get no food, a crumb if we're lucky, and we got kicked out of the house onto the streets of diagon alley, and that should be it"

All were in shock, ok including strike, AJ came over, "why didn't you tell us"

"Not important at school" I said

We all went to bed after, cloud had woken up and asked me to sleep with her, I gladly did.


It's now the last week of school, I had grown feelinga for soarin over the school year.

But it was another full moon. As per usual me and soarin snuck out, and went to the shack, I had changed to my animagus, still a little baby blue and white wolf pup.

About 15 minutes after he changed and I just sat on my chair the whole time.


After a few hours he changed back, I was about to pass out, but he changed back. He cames over to me, "hi, my little pup"

I looked at him, like his nickname, "pup"

"What's wrong dashie"

I yawned

"Awwwww you tired pup"

I nodded

"Come on, let's head back, you're lucky that this is the last week of school" He said

I got out of my chair and transformed.

"I'm exhausted, you always have the same energy when you transform" I said and leaned on his chest wrapping my arms around his neck.

He stroked my hair, "at least tomorrow we don't have class till 11"

I groaned, "I'm not going, I don't care if I have umbrige as my detention teacher, I just wanna sleep" I was falling asleep on him already.

He chuckled, "I know, you wanna sleep, but it's barley any work this week" He said

I nodded, too tired to talk anymore

"Let's just head back" He said to me.

I just nodded and we went back I leaned on him hugging myself, he had his arm around my shoulders. He slowly grabbed my hand, I looked at him, sleep in my eyes. He smiled at me, I smiled back, and wrapped my arm around his waist.

I wasn't thinking, and said, "I love you" I didn't catch myself!

"I... I love you too, dashie" he studdered

I finally caught myself, "sorry, I didn't mea-"

"It's ok, I like you too" He cut me off, "and not just as a friend," I looked up at him and he kissed my nose, I blushed hard.

"I like, like you too" I said blushing


We became a couple, but it was the end of the year, me and cloud would be in the streets for 3 months till we come back. We were in our cabin.

"Sissy, what are we going to do?" Cloud asked me

"I don't know baby," I said "we're going to find somewhere"

"You sure" She asked

"Ya" I said I'm not sure if we'll find a house, but we might find a alleyway...

"You two ok" Soarin asked

"We might not have a place to go" Cloud said

"Maybe I can ask my dad," Soarin said

"You would do that" I said

"Of course" He said

We hugged him, saying "thank you"


We started to live with soarin's family, he has a squib sister the same age as cloud, and a muggle mother. Also wizard dad.

(A squib is someone that has a magical parent but and can see all magic just can't perform it, and a muggle is just a normal person)

We are having the best time of our lives this summer, and we fit right in, they took us in as there own and are raising us right, we're both happy here, and soarin is the best, one of those friends everyone wants. I can't wait to see what year 5 brings!

~ Ⓡⓐⓘⓝⓑⓞⓦ Ⓓⓐⓢⓗ

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