I was at fluttershy's sanctuary with tank as he is getting ready for hibernation... I was crying... Twilight's owl is already in her box, and angel bunny was in a special little place as he is fluttershy's.

AJ rarity and pinkie don't have to worry about it... But I do...

I cried and held tank as the girls got the animals all set that lived there ready and helped them... Fluttershy was letting tank stay because he's my pet and my 'child' per say... I didn't want to let him go but AJ and pinkie dragged me here with him...

Once they got the other animals ready they came inside

I held tank close still crying

"You ready rainbow... It'll be ok... It's only 3 months..." Fluttershy said

"No!" I held tank sobbing "I don't wanna lose my buddy!"

"C'mon now it'll be ok, we have a special place for him do he'll be safe and sound" Fluttershy said

AJ got me up and the girls put a blanket around me and I sobbed

We made it out into the cold where a hole was already dug out for him.... I sobbed the whole time... AJ sat me down, "c'mon now sugar, say ba byes for now you'll see him in a few months"

I gripped tank tighter "no! I can't! I can't lose him!"

He literally went everywhere with me school... Soccer practice and games... The mall... The beach... In bike rides... You get the point!

I even have a special backpack for him that I wear everywhere but school but I just have a bed in my locker and food for him there... I bring him to lunch tho?

(That's the backpack)

I couldn't just part with him for a few months!

I just can't! He scares the bullies away cause they think he's a snapping turtle! He is the main reason why I'm opening up more!

I continued to sob and eventually I felt someone take him out of my arms and saw rarity put him by the entrance and he went in and looked at me giving me a slow smile before fluttershy shut the door and covered it.

"Tanky!" I cried and hyperventilated.I tried to get it open but it didn't work... "Tanky!!"

Applejack picked me up gently and brought me inside...

I wouldn't stop reaching out for him and screaming, "TANKY!!"

twilight came over "rainbow if you calm down we have something to give you"

I wouldn't calm down but I did stop screaming

"Phew! I thought she would be screaming for days!" Pinkie said

I threw my ball at her that was in my pocket


"Just give it to her darling" Rarity said

Twilight sighed and gave me a box as we sat on the floor

I sat like a child and looked at the box... It was painted like tanks shell

I slowly opened it and saw 2 things... A plush tank that was the same size as him, and a tortoise necklace... I held the plush and saw something at the bottom of the box? It was a little monitor that was if tank sleeping as if it was a baby monitor?

I held the plush and the monitor and looked at the girls

"W-whats this...?" I asked them

"That's where tank is now it's running off of batteries but you can plug it in at your house and the camera will run the whole 3 months" Twilight explaned

I smiled, "w-why did you get me the other things then"

"Well sugar we've been preparing this for a month now and rarity made the plush for you as we know you need him everywhere you go, and fluttershy got the measurements at tanks last appointment while you were helping pinkie find gummy" AJ said

"And we found that necklace so you would always feel close to him no matter what" Fluttershy finished

I smiled and reached for a hug from them all "thank you girls"

They hugged me.


They soon dropped me off at my personal dorm... It was mine and tanks but now I feel... Alone...

I sat on my bed and put the plush on the bed, plugged in the monitor to watch him, and put the necklace on.

I started to begin the process of submerging my feelings as it took me a week...

I decided to take a long nap, got into my onsie, climbed into bed, tucked myself in, and have the plush tank in my arms and fell asleep...


2 weeks past and I was at school and the teacher kept calling me... I didn't answer...






Nata thing


I looked... "Um... Yes Mrs. dayz?"

"Go to the councilor rainbow" She said

I immediately packed up and went...

In the office I was asked questions...

"Rainbow what's wrong" She asked

"Nothing" I replied

"It's ok no one will find out anything you say in here" She said

"R-really?" I asked

She nodded

I immediately teared up " I miss my little buddy"

"And who would that be sweetheart?" She asked

"M-My tanky he's in hibernwation" I said starting to get that baby voice

"Your tortoise?" She asked

I nodded

"It'll be ok sweetheart, he'll be done on 2 and a half months" She said

"I don't wanna weave him! I need him!" I was full on sobbing.

"Shhhhhhhh sweetheart..." She rubbed my back "why don't you go back to your dorm and take a nice long and relaxing bath get into jammies and take a well deserved nap ok?"

I nodded and dried my tears and put on a fake smile and she sent me on my way...

I was stopped by the girls... "Hey sugar cube how ya doing"

"Good" I said with a smile that was fake but they couldn't tell

"C'mon darling it's lunch time" Rarity said

"I'm just going to eat at my dorm today" I said

"I'll come with ya" Applejack said

" N- ...now is ok... Ya I'll meetcha outside " I said

"You two have fun we'll join you after we pick up lunch" Twilight said

"Alrighty twi, c'mon rainbow" AJ said

I nodded and started walking... I went past AJs truck

"Where ya going sugar I'll give you a ride" AJ said

Ya ya AJ can drive, she learned early, I hopped in...

Once we arrived I forgot AJ was there... I shut the door, threw my backpack on the ground, and went to my bed...

I have a 3 room dorm, a bedroom which was small, a bathroom that have a shower/bath and the rest was kitchen/living room I have a closet too but I don't use it much...

I laid there on my bed and AJ came in

"Hey sugar want me ta cook you something" She asked sitting next to me

I nodded "do you mind if I take a bath... I don't feel good..." I really didn't feel good

She felt my head "you are warm sugar I'll make ya something to eat while you take a bath the girls should be here soon anyway"

I nodded, got my clothes and went to take a bath...


After I came out in my CHS Sweater and black sweat pants on and obviously under wear and a sports bra... I really don't need one but rarity say's it's not 'lady like'

I went out, rubbed my eye, and I saw the girls

"Finally!" Pinkie said with a half eaten sandwich

"Hey darling come sit" Rarity said

I grabbed a plate with my name on it with a grilled cheese on it I then sat down "thank you"

"No problem sugar" AJ said, "how ya feeling?"

"Tired... " I said

I ate the grilled cheese a little before laying on my couch...

I had my necklace on, it calmed me down.

I yawned and curled up but wouldn't sleep...

Fluttershy came over to me and stroked my hair "it's ok dashie, we can leave if you want"

"I DON'T WANNA LEAVE!!!" Pinkie screamed

I covers my ears aandwhimpered

"I think me and pinkie will go outside, I hope you feel better soon rainbow" rarity said and dragged pinkie outside

"Let's getcha in bed sugar" applejack said and picked me up... I just laid on her shoulder

Applejack and fluttershy brought me to my bedroom while twilight did something

Applejack laid me down and tucked me in.

Fluttershy gave me my tank plushie and tried to take off my necklace

I started crying and tried to stop her

"Dashie you can't sleep with it... You'll choke" she said

I cried and held it, I curled up

They calmed me down, shut off my light, and left shutting the curtain, I had a curtain instead of a door,

I heard them clean up, saw them shut the lights, and shut the door.

I sighed and fell asleep...


I woke up to a familiar hand holding my hand, I looked up seeing soarin...

"Soary..." I hugged him and started crying

"Shhhhhhhhh it's ok dashie... I'm here... I'm here... Relax... " he hummed

"I miss tanky!" I cried

"Hey hey look dashie" he showed me the monitor, I held it and watched as my buddy slept... I laid on soarin for hours... Watching my buddy... I think I dozed off and woke up but I don't remember...


2 months later I was cuddling soarin, I hadn't talked to anyone.... Just text really...

I looked at the monitor and saw tank moving towards the door! I gasped and showed soarin!

"Hey dashie what's wrong?" He asked

"Tanky awake!" I said and immediately got up and ran to the door, "c'mon!!"

He chuckled and picked me up and carried me to his car, "we'll go see him ok"

"Tanky!" I said as soarin drove down to the center.

Fluttershy and applejack we're there already to give the animals food and other items.

I ran inside and was so excited!!!! I finally get my buddy, my baby! Back!

"I wanna see tanky!" I bounced and hugged soarin

"Calm down sugar you'll scare the other animals" AJ said

"But my buddy! I-" I started

"And you'll see him in just a minute dashie" fluttershy said

Suddenly the outdoor area was filled with bunnies and other animals fluttershy scooped up angel bunny and lead the others to their feeding area's but no tank...

"Tanky... " I started to tear up and hid my face

Soarin placed me on the ground...

"is this who you're looking for sugar?" I heard AJ

I looked....

I saw tank!!!!!!

I immediately hugged him and sobbed "tanky!" He nuzzled my cheek "I missed you buddy, you're coming everywhere with me for a long time"

Tank gave me a smile

And after a half hour of cuddles and a nap for myself, I got tank into his backpack with a blanket and soarin took me home... I let tank out on his bed and set up his area and his stairs to get on my bed

"Guess you don't need my cuddles any more"

I looked at soarin and ran over and hugged him "I'll always need your cuddles"

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