Cystic Fibrosis
So let's start off with some things, I'm Rainbow Dash, I'm 8 years old and I have Cystic Fibrosis...
If you're wondering "what Cystic Fibrosis is "a hereditary disorder affecting the exocrine glands. It causes the production of abnormally thick mucus, leading to the blockage of the pancreatic ducts, intestines, and bronchi and often resulting in respiratory infection"
As my doctor says or basically "I have mucus in my lungs and there's no cure and it'll eventually kill me"
So ya...
I don't have anything mentally wrong with me besides anxiety from crowds, I don't like that stuff it makes me feel sick.
But anyway I can play sports and go to school and all of that. I'm like any normal kid just with 10x more hospital visits. If I get sick of any kind even if it's just a 100.2 fever. If I get tired, don't eat, loss weight or complain about not feeling well I'll go to the hospital too.
I have to take medicine and use a vibrating vest.
Soarin is my best friend and I love him he's amazing and always visits me in the hospital cause I just feel sad when I'm there...
But anyway let me show you my life.
As I laid in bed I didn't feel like eating like yesterday... I heard my alarm go off and I got up, I saw my little sister Cloud, she was in the room next to me.
She hugged me, "you feeling better sissy?"
I hugged back, "I'm still not hungry baby" I kissed her forehead
That's when mommy called us down.
"Mommy.... I don't feel like eating..." I said
"Baby..." She sighed "just try to eat... Please... While I help your sister get ready can you try... Your brother will be here and if you really don't want to we'll drop them off at school and go to the hospital"
I nodded and sat back in my seat...
Blitz picked me up, "oh dashie..." He rocked me gently
I cuddled and fell asleep...
After we dropped off my older bbrothe, we went to drop off my younger sister, I was in pink one-piece PJs. Mommy took Cloud up and Gilda knocked on my window...
I looked as she opened the automatic van door and her and her little gang started teasing me for my pj's.
"Looks like someone went back to the nursery" One said
"She's actually wearing pink HA I thought she was a tomorrow boy" Another chuckled
Gilda mad some remarks before giving me a black eye...
Mommy finally took me to the hospital...
I was checked in, brought to a room, given a check for, and go an IV... All still in my pink onesie PJ'S.
I laid there in the bed looking up... Mommy had left to get my stuff for an overnight stay
A lost would be
And all that.
I just thought about a dog, i've always wanted a service dog, and I feel it would give me more freedom to do what I want and go out with my friends more. I wanna go bowling and to the ice cream shop or even just a movie or the playground. Plus I would get to hang out with soarin more. Go watch his soccer games or just hang out...
I heard the door open and saw the doctor
"Hi Rainbow... How you feeling?" He asked
"I wanna go back home... I was supposed to go with my friends tonight to a baseball game! Now I'm stuck here..." I turned over grabbed my pillow and screamed..
I had forgotten to mention that plan with soarin, and the girls...
I was so excited yesterday! We were going to go with Soarin's mom but now.... They'll go without me...
My scream turned into sobs...
The doctor started rubbing my back... "Hey... It's ok... We'll put it on TV for you, you can watch it, I'm sorry but you need to stay here for a week or 2..."
I calmed down soon... And after that the doctor got a emergency and left...
I went back into my depressed thoughts....
Mommy had dropped off my stuff and went to work so I laid there sadly...
I heard the door and a woman came in, "hi sweet heart" She smiled "your doctor decided to try a new treatment for today"
"What is it" I questioned curiously
She just smiled....
I suddenly heard something run across the floor and gasped
A dog a little bigger than me came over and laid his head on the bed.
I gasped again and reached out and pet it, it was a Labrador as I remember Fluttershy telling me.
"This is Luna, she's gonna stay here for a little bit ok?" She said
I nodded as Luna then came up and laid next to me, she was bigger than me, and to be honest I very short and skinny.
I petted her and laid there... The woman sat there and watched.
"She's beautiful" I said
"Well she's gonna stay with you until it's bed time ok?" She said
"R-really?!" I gasped
She nodded "ya, we brought her here for you she's a newbie but she gets it," She looked at her phone "I have to go help my co-worker sweetie, she won't bite, I'll be back in a few" She smiled and tucked me in before leaving
I couldn't help but stare into Luna's eyes and smile... She was so calm...
I yawned and Luna pulled the covers up on me and got next to me
I wrapped my arms around her and whispered "I love you already... " Right before I fell asleep.
Once I woke I heard the door and loud chatter.
"Shhhhhhhh she's asleep" I heard
Footsteps made it through the couch and the chatter started again. I still had Luna in my arms.
I looked up rubbing my eye and I saw soarin and... And my friends!
I gasped lightly and sat up, "y-you came?!" They looked "I thought you would've gone to the game... "
"We did-" Rarity covered pinkies mouth
"We didn't go to the game darling" Rarity continued
My face turned into a frown and soarin, AJ, and twi became angry and shy immediately rushed over to me
Rarity then said "me and pinkie did go to the game but it wasn't for the reason you would think"
"Ya! We have something for dashie!" Pinkie said
I laid there ignoring everything around me.
I felt them shaking me and I ignored it, I heard them yelling it was muffled and I don't know who was saying what.
This is what I heard
"Rainbow?... Hey c'mon answer what's wrong... Rainbow?... Rainbow c'mon... Dashie?! You ok?!... I'm going to get a doctor..." And so on.
I later heard the door and I was still ignoring everyone
I heard the doctor "rainbow sweetheart c'mon answer me what's wrong" She shook me
I didn't answer
"C'mon sweetheart"
She clicked her light in nty eyes forcing me to blink
"What.... " I said
She sighed in relief "don't do that rainbow! We thought you were dead"
I felt bad and started to cry...
Luna nuzzled me and comforted me...
I held onto her and cried into her fur
Soarin rubbed my back and my friends left pinkie leaving something on the couch.
"Hey what's wrong" Soarin said
"I'm so sorry!" I cried
I cried in his chest for hours.
Once it was bed time the doctor came with the lady... The lady took Luna and the doctor gave me my medicine and put my vest on me and had me sit up.
It vibrated and the hospital ones always did it roughly so I usually got scared.
Soarin knew the drill and sat next to me, and held my hand "it's ok I'm right here it'll be over soon"
I whimpered as the doctor put a nebulizer on me for my medicine and started both.
It started vibrating and I clinged to soarin. I felt a gush of cold air through the nebi and I hide my face.
Soarin comforted me through it all and once it was done I was ready for bed.
The doctor helped me get the vest and nebi off and I was laid down for bed.
I almost immediately fell asleep.
2 weeks later I was home... I was sitting in bed when I was doing school work when the door opened? I loosed and saw soarin with 2 McDonalds happy meals.
"Thought we could go for a bike ride to the park and have a picnic... Just me and you" He said
"Ya... I would like that" I smiled
"I already asked your parents and they said that you can go if you take a nebi first"
I nodded and went down as Soarin went to get the bike cooler ready.
I know they seem young but you gotta admit It's cute but just imagine the the park is like a 5 minute drive or a 10 minute bike ride k?
Mommy hooked me up and gave me my tablet and I watched Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
After I did I got my stuff put it in my basket and me and soarin were off. Soarin is tall so he was already riding a big kid bike and could balance easily.
Once we got to the park we parked our bikes and set up the blanket and got out our soda and happy meals. I laid on him and cuddled.
I woke up one morning coughing up blood, it was gross and mom immediately brought me and blitz to the hospital, mom went to work and blitz signed me in.
We went to the room and I was scared. I wanted to be back home.
A doctor came in and immediately laid me down as she did the check up.
I coughed up more blood and she immediately got me an X-ray
Hours past and they finally fixed it but I was still being kept there as I wasn't breathing properly after.
I was being prepted for my vest and nebi but I didn't have soarin or mommy or blitz and I don't know what I'm going to do!
The doctor put the vest and nebi on me and started it
I immediately tried to pull them off as it was scaring me and I started to cry
I did get the mask off but then they doctor put it back on and a nurse and the doctor had to hold me still as I screamed and cried and fought!... But once it was done I saw soarin was in the room looking shocked...
I immediately hid under the blankets and cried more... He was going to hate me forever...
"dashie baby c'mere" I heard and looked, Soarin picked me up and held me "it's ok"
I hugged him and cried "I don't wanna be alone!"
A month past and I was allowed to give home...
It was the end of November and almost my birthday... I went to school and I immediately got engulfed in a hug which I let happen without hugging back...
I felt like a fool!
I laid on AJ and she could tell something was wrong but didn't ask me...
She picked me up and carried me to class one the hug was over.
My birthday soon came and I was laying in bed not caring about the day
Mommy came in and rubbed my back "hey baby, we got a surprise for you after you do your nebi ok?"
I nodded
Mommy picked me up and brought me down stairs and put me on my nebi and I watched Harry Potter.
After I was carried upstairs and put in a long sleeve dress and leggings and my ugg boots.
I then was carried outside and immediately clinged to mommy
I heard "SURPRISE" and looked...
I saw all of my 5 friends, soarin, blitz, and cloud!
I gasped and was taken by soarin from mommy.
I cuddled him and saw a bigger box and a couple small boxes
I was placed on a matter on the ground "open this one first" Soarin said
It was the bigger box. It has holes?
I opened it and I saw a puppy! I gasped and picked it up hugging the puppy
The puppy licked my face and I giggled.
I saw a service dog vest on her and gasped.
"Does this mean she'll be able to go to the hospital with me?!" I asked everyone
Mommy nodded
I just held her "what's her name?"
Soarin showed me her collar... It said "tonk"
"You mean like Nymphodora Tonks?!" I said and soarin nodded as the girls laughed
Tonks licked my face and sat on my lap
I opened my other presents including a new tablet as mine was old and glitchy
Soarin sat with me with tonks on my lap.
I was playing with tonks in my room went mommy came in "baby c'mon nebi then beddy"
"Ok mommy" I said and and got in bed as mommy set up the nebi and I held tonks in bed with me. Mommy put the nebi on me and turned it on.
"I'm going to go put cloud to bed I'll be back in 20 minutes" She gave me my new tablet that was Harry Potter themed instead of hello kitty. I watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
When mommy tucked me in and gave me a kiss Good Night and lef and tonks there
Tonks curled up next to me and I slowly drifted off to sleep...
Part 2...?? Yes no maybe so? Anyway leave ideas and I'll talk to y'all soon peace!
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