
"Uuuuuuuuuugggghhhhh." Connie banged her head on the table of Big Donut, not caring how dramatic and stupid she was being.

"Connie, relax. It'll happen eventually."

"I know. I've just been waiting for him to ask me again for foreverrrr." She groaned and lifted her head up to face her friend.

"You wouldn't believe it, but sometimes, our partners can be clueless to what we want." Sadie chuckled. "Besides, what's the rush?"

"I'm getting old!" Connie groused. "I'll be infertile by the time he wants to have kids, much less get married!!"

Sadie raised an eyebrow and blinked at her slowly. "You're 23."

Connie grumbled and took a sip of her soda. "Whatever. It just doesn't even seem like it's on his radar."

"When I started thinking of marrying Shep, like for real, I started to get antsy. Everyday I would think, 'Its gotta be today.' and I just ended up depressing myself about it. Finally one day I snapped and asked why they didn't want to marry me. And guess what?"

Connie was shocked but was curious to hear how this ended. "What?"

"Shep didn't even know I wanted to get married to them. They thought I wasn't into it as much as they were, and they didn't want to pressure me into saying yes."

"But you and Shep seem so..."

"Easy going and laid back?" Sadie laughed as her gaze flickered over Connie's shoulder and then immediately back to Connie.

"You guys seem so sure of yourselves and each other." Connie fiddled with her straw and pouted. "I feel so sure Steven is the one. But what if he's having doubts?"

"He's not."

Connie spilled her drink and shot out of her chair before turning to see Steven with a pained look on his face. He smiled through it, which in turn made Connie smile.

"Hey Steven." Sadie grinned. "I don't suppose you're here for a donut?"

"Actually, do you mind if I steal my Connie from you?"

Connie reddened and looked down. He had heard her worries. And worst of all, she had told Sadie instead of him. And he had caught her doubting him. She kept her head down as Steven politely dismissed them both and she mumbled a goodbye to Sadie.

He led them back to a small, hidden area they had found when they were kids and sat her down. "What's going on, Connie?" He touched her cheek and leaned in closer. "Why all the doubt?"

Connie's eyes grew misty and she turned away. "Sorry."

Steven frowned. "No, no. You have every right to be emotional and to be wanting to get married. I want it too."

Connie sniffed softly. "So you aren't mad at me?"

He sighed and rested his head on his fist, not quite looking at her. "I have to admit, I am a little irritated that you didn't just come to me-"

"I'm sorry! I just-"

"Hush, Ni-Ni. Let me finish! I was saying that I was irritated, but I understand it's easier to talk to your girlfriends about stuff like this. It makes sense. And I shouldn't expect you to always feel completely comfortable to come to me for anything. It'd just be nice." He sighed.

Connie bit her lip and shook her head softly. "I was being stupid. And overly emotional. And clingy." 

He winced at her dismissal and brought her into his arms. "I don't think you wanting to get married to me is stupid. Can I tell you why I haven't asked you to marry me yet?"

Connie was startled and tried to pull away but he held steadfast, as if she might disappear if he let go. "Steven--"

"No, I've been meaning to tell you for awhile. My therapist and I are working on retrying things. A lot of times, if I fail once, I feel like I won't ever succeed at it. I'm not like Pearl, or Peridot. I'm not a try guy. So many things come naturally to me that I just... get in my head when they don't."

Connie nodded and waited for him to continue.

"So, when we were 17, and I asked you to marry me on the beach, and you told me 'Not now', my brain took that as a 'Not ever'. So I've been scared to try again. This would be the first thing I'm trying for the second time that didn't go right the first time." He inhaled Connie's scent.

"You know I'm ready. Any day now." Connie murmured inaudibly.

"What was that?" Steven pulled back, his heart pounding.

She blushed and attempted to bury her head in his chest. "Nothing!" She giggled when Steven pushed her away and got down on one knee to tie his shoe. "You're an asshole."

He looked up and smiled at her, his eyes glowing pink. "Okay, okay. Let's go home. It's getting a little steamy out here."

They walked back, hand in hand and took turns telling jokes or stories.

"Oh crap," Steven patted his pockets when they got to the front door and frowned. "I'm such an idiot. I think I locked the front door but left the keys inside when I went out the back. I'll go grab them."

Connie sighed and nodded. "Hurry. I miss you."

Steven laughed as he easily cleared the fence. "I'll be back, Twilight." He said smirkily.

A minute later, her phone buzzed with confirmation that the door should be unlocked now.

She blew in and threw off her shoes, tripping over one of Stevens on the way to the bedroom.

"Dammit, Steven. I almost merked myself tripping over your--" She gasped and felt her face lose every ounce of blood at once.

There, in the middle of the bed was Steven, his eyes still glowing, his arms wide open for her to come cuddle him. But there was an issue.

He was naked, and she was not.

She decided to change that.

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