Talk About Depression

Okay, so another Depression chapter that I've been trolling for awhile. I kid you not, this has been on my brain for almost a week and I haven't slept since I started. I worked hard. This is gonna be good. *grabs popcorn and shoves some in my mouth* oh *swallows* this is really long so, yeah. Have fun with that. *proceeds to take 50 year nap*

Steven sat on the edge on the bed, sobbing, wailing and hugging his Connies waist. "P-please don't go." He cried. "Please don't leave me!" He tightened his arms around her, oblivious to her speaking to him soothingly and whispering sweet nothings to him. He desperately clung to her like a wet bathing suit.

And that was to be expected.

Connie rubbed his back as he sobbed, letting him cry it out for awhile before the funeral.

The way he shivered and heaved made her heart wrench in pain. Much to Stevens oblivion, tears gently drifted down her face as well. But this was her time to be silent, and give her beloved Biscuit her undivided attention. Just like she should have done before his meltdown. She was making up for it little by little, fixing the doubt she had planted when she ignored him out of petty anger. So she stayed quiet and hugged him closer.

Someone near and dear to her and Stevens heart had passed away suddenly. As sad as she was, she had to stay strong for him, because in this moment, he needed her.

"Shhh..." She cooed. "It's gonna be okay baby. Its gonna be okay." She ran her fingers through his hair, stroking each curl with tender loving care. "I know it feels terrible." She took a deep breath trying to contain her tears and steady her voice before continuing. "So, for now, let it out baby. I won't judge you. I'm here." She paused as his sobs became slightly quieter before crawled further onto her lap.

In any other instance it would have at least made the woman smile, but this was not the time, and not the place.

"You are the strongest person I know, Steven. I'm so proud of the person you've become. The things you've worked through. But right now, you dont have to be strong. I still will love you through every tear, every sob, through everything. You've come so far, Biscuit. You have every right to feel your feelings..."

"I- *gasp* j-just cant believe *breaks into another sobbing fit* hes gone!! I'll never hear his voice, or...or laugh with him... o-or hear stories from him..." Steven gripped Connies skirt desperately. "Why? Why is this happening to me?! What did I do wrong?!!" He asked as his skin inevitably took on what the gems called The Rose Quartz Glow Of Doubt.

"Oh steven, you did nothing wrong. It's a way of life."

He buried his head in heat skirt as if trying to hide from the reality of his life. Suddenly, Steven took a deep breath and wailed, "I want my dad! I just want my dad! Please! I JUST WANT MY DAD!!"

Connies heart broke again and again as she listened to the man cry. Greg wasn't responsible for Steven like most nuclear fathers, but he stayed in Stevens life and always made the best decisions for his son, even if it was hard.

Recently, he had gotten bit by a tick when he joined Priyanka, Doug, Pam and Vadalia on a short hiking trip. He didnt notice till the little guy had latched on tightly. He ripped em off and continued his journey. A day or so later he began to get ill. High fever, vomiting, and shaking. Steven and Connie recived a voicemail from him that requested they come over immediately. They walked in to see Greg on the floor. But after Connie checked his pulse, they found he was still very much alive. They called an ambulance and Connie called her mom.

Priyanka cleared her morning schedule so she could see Greg and followed the EMT's to a little secluded room. She took his vitals and ran some tests while the nurses sent the pink boy and his lover to the lobby to wait.

Connie tried everything to distract him, but to no avail. She started singing softly, trying to serenade Steven into relaxing a bit. (HOWS THAT FOR ALLITERATION BITCHES?!? Whoo! 6!!! (Btw I know it was extra but idc)) Soon, he grew exhausted and laid his head on her lap while they waited for results.

They had been at the hospital for around three hours when Connie had to go to the bathroom. Steven, sensing her uncomfortable shifting, insisted he'd be fine for a few minutes and that she needed to take care of her precious body.

After taking an impossibly quick potty break and washing her hands, she meant to walk back out and comfort him a bit. But...Connie peeked around the corner into the waiting room. Steven sat in the same position as he had when sheleft. His eyes were red and swollen, his face pale and ghostly in the fluorescent lighting. She was just about to walk out when he put his hand up to his mouth and licked it, much like he did when he healed gems and people. Connie watched him breathe in deeply and press the magical healing essance over his chest...

As if trying to mend his broken heart.

She walked out immediately, trying to act as casual as she could with the growing lump in her throat.

Taking a small chair beside Steven, Connie grabbed his slumped shoulders and leaned them against her legs. He trembled a little, and kissed her knee as he laid his head on her lap and sobbed quietly.

Priyanka came out an hour later, lips pursed in a thin line. "Im afraid I have some bad news... Greg has Lymes disease and West Nile. He's not exactly healthy for his age, so Greg's very ill. But we will do our best to help him Steven." She put a reassuring hand on Stevens shoulder.

"Don't think for a second we will let him be. We'll update you everytime we find something worth sharing."

"Can we at least see him?" Connie and Steven simultaneously inquired. Priyanka smiled a bit and shook her head.

"I'm sorry but we can't allow that until the intial test results come back. We want to make sure he doesn't have any underlying illnesses since his immune system is weakened. In all our years, us medical professionals haven't ever seen a case like this...." Dr, Mahashwaren shook her head, seemingly lost in her own world.

A very small nurse timidly tugged on the tall womans tailcoat. Leaning down, Priyanka nodded once and told her to begin preparation. Turning to her daughter she said, "Connie, take him home and call the gems over. They'll wanna hear this too." She sighed, gave them both a quick hug and briskly walked back down the urgent care hallway.

About a week later, Greg was released and all was well. Until he had a severe heart attack and was rushed back into the hospital a month and a half after he had left.

Gregs lips, fingers and the tip of his nose had gained a bluish color. His skin was a sickly green under the hospitals harsh lighting. Despite his condition, Greg still appeared happy and talked to his son for every second he visited. They laughed and cried and even went silent, just enjoying each others company. It almost felt normal.


With every laugh came a cough. Every smile was accompanied by a grimace of pain and a flash of fearful acceptance in his eye. His voice became smaller, although Steven tried not to notice. He could feel the fear bubbling in his stomach as the dam of emotions threatened to break open.

One day, Steven came in unexpectedly. He gently knocked on the door frame. Feeling a bit anxious when no answer came, he slipped inside and approached the bed.

His dad lay sleeping on his back, stomach and chest rising and falling gently.

The oxygen tank was leaned against the wall and mask was snugly on his face, bubbling softly with each intake of breath.

Distant sounds of other beepings and hushed intense whispering carried down the halls.

The heart monitors gave seemingly random beeps that sounded all too forlorn and depressing to the hybrid.

He gently grabbed ahold of his hand, feeling the weakness, the lack of oxygen and Gregs unstable heartbeat through them.

Dull colored paint and crisp sheets made him dissociate a little as he sat down in the chair beside his fathers cot. He sat for awhile, gazing at a random point on the floor as he flashed back to his memories.

The smell of salt and sand musk danced in the air as a 6 year old Steven was encouraged to play for the crystal gems by his father.

Sitting in his dad's van, bouncing happily to 'Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart'.

Getting to record 'Dear Old Dad' with him and falling asleep talking about life under the stars.

His pep talk for Stevens first date with Connie.

Greg beating against Stevens corrupted form as he screamed, "What can I do? Name anything and I'll do it! You hear me?!"

Shutting his eyes, he tried to keep the building pressure at bay, knowing he needed to be strong. He had to hold it together, he had to. Some found their escape on to his now glowing skin and trickled down, ever so slightly tickling his face.


Steven looked up, the glow shutting off like a light switch at hearing his fathers voice. It was frail and quiet, but it was still his dads voice.

"D-dad! You're awake!" He squeezed his hand gently.

"Yeah.... son," he started again.

"Yeah Dad?"

"I'm not afraid to die." Greg whispered closing his eyes.

"Dad... you're not gonna die. You're gonna be okay." He waited for an answer but was met by dreadful silence. "Dad?!"

"I'm just thinking, kiddo. I'm not leaving yet." He chuckled softly and coughed.

"Dad, I can heal you. Just an easy tingling, it doesnt hurt at all I promise. This'll be all over soon. And then everything will go back to normal." Steven smiled excitedly, tears now racing down his face and dripping off his quivering chin...

"You don't have to go yet Dad."

"Steven, I love you. I don't tell you that enough and I should, cause I'm your father. So I'm saying it now. Let it be known that I loved my son till the moment I died, and then until the universe ceases to exist."

The monitor connected to Greg began beeping rapidly as an alarm went off outside the door. A nurse walked in and looked to Steven.

"Mr. Universe, your father is showing some troubling signs. We're going to have to ask you to cut your visit short for today." She nurse smiled blankly and guided the pink man towards the door.

"Son, I will always be with you! I'm going to finally answer the Universes call! How awesome is that?!" He dissolved into another hacking fit as the Diamond Prince was pushed out and concerned nurses rushed in. Medical jargon was heard left and right but above all, he could hear his father saying, "I love you son! Never forget it!"

"Sir you need to relax! Your blood pressure is getting higher than we'd like."

Another week was spent in the hospital until Greg, surrounded by the Crystal Gems, Mahashwaren family, and Steven and Connie, took his last breath on this earth.

Steven was heartbroken, and just wailing as the monitors stopped beeping. Connie held the man as the doctors covered Greg in a white sheet and wheeled him away.

Now, after 3 days, they were having a funeral and sea send-off (much like Greg did with his hair) in half an hour.

"Steven, we have to go. We dont want to be late for the send off." Connie coaxed trailing kisses along his forehead and cheek.

Steven took a deep shuttering breath and nodded. "Will you stay by me? I dont know if I can handle this alone, Connie."

"I'll be there the whole time. I'm gonna be right by your side no matter what. Okay?" She cupped his face and kissed the bridge of his nose. "I'll hold your hand the whole time if you want me to. Would you like that?" He nodded.

"Good. Now lets get going."

15 minutes later they pulled in to the beachside funeral. Doug and Priyanka handed out programs, the Onion family worked the food stand, and the Crystal Gems mingled as people went up to say their goodbyes.

Connie and Stevens arrival was welcomed with hugs and condolences as they slowly made their way to the front. Connie kept her promise, never leaving his side and holding his hand whenever he reached for it. Finally, they made it to the casket, where Pearl was standing looking in and murmering something as tears rolled down her face.

"Oh, hello you two." She took a few steps to where they were. Pearl hugged Connie and then held Steven for awhile before pulling away and saying, "I'm so sorry, Steven."

"It's okay Pearl," He breathed out a shaky sigh and ran his fingers through his locks., "its a way of life." Connie tilted her head and asked if he wanted some alone time with Greg.

He shook his head and sighed. "I-I cant look yet. We'll go after the funeral." She nodded in acceptance as they made their way to sit in the front row, next to Uncle Andy.

Garnet cleared her throat, asking for everyone to take their respective seats before starting. "Greg De Mayo-Universe. A musician, a father, a friend. Greg lived a lot less years than he deserved. In his mere 42 years, never once did his enthusiasm waver, his determination fade or his unconditional love for his son taper off. He, above all else, above music, above his van, above his star crossed lover Rose, loved his son. He cherished and treasured his son in a way I've never seen a human do in my 5,570 years of existing. Greg didnt have a fancy house or car. He didn't indulge in pointless pastimes like gambling or drinking. Greg enjoyed the little things. Things like spending time with his son, sharing stories, playing music... he enjoyed those small things and kept them close to his heart. I remember meeting Greg for the first time, with his long, unruly hair and his rock band shirt. I never thought that man with a guitar at his back, and persistent pursuit of my leader Rose, would ever come to mean so much to me and bring about a new life...that has changed mine forever." Choking up, she pursed her lips and nodded at Pearl, who got up nervously and took her spot.

Steven had unending tears falling down his cheeks, and had long quit trying to dry them so to let them flow freely.

He was surprised, however, that Pearl went up to replace Garnet with a small speech of her own. "Greg and I didn't always get along, but thanks to Steven, we began a friendship all these years ago, that I can't believe is ending so suddenly." She sniffled a bit and pushed on. "He was a great man, he was accepting, and kind and generous. And Steven, we can't stress this enough, he loved you more than life itself. You were his life. And I will be forever greatful of those two for causing you to be in my life. Thank you." She sat back down next to Amethyst as the audience clapped loudly.

Steven took another deep breath, as he squeezed Connies hand and stood. She looked at him, asking a silent question. He gave her a sad smile and shook his head gently.

Walking to the podium, he nervously fiddled with his hands willing himself not to turn pink. Looking into the audience, he made eye contact with everyone in the room before stating, "I'm sure, at more than one point, my dad was afraid he would be in my spot, and I in the casket. I remember telling him about all of the dangerous things I've had to endure. He panicked, like any sane parent would do," He paused as some chuckled rolled through the crowd. "And yet, he tried to calm himself down. He supported me 100% through thick and thin." He glanced at Connie and continued, "I always hoped dad would be at my wedding, be there to hold his first grandchild, be there forever. But it was his time to go. I wanted more years for him, god I wanted so many more years. We had so many things to do. So many dreams to fulfill, so many songs to many more memories to make. He wasnt the best dad ever, but he was mine and I wouldn't trade him for anyone else. Not in a thousand years, not in an eon. He will forever be in my heart, and hey." He shrugged and gave a lopsided grin. "Maybe he's with mom. You never know." He smiled a bit, and turned to look in the coffin becoming solemn again. "We will have a short break..." He gazed at his fathers empty shell and almost lost it. He closed his eyes and finished the sentence. "And meet at the shoreline where Lapis Lazuli will preform the send off to the sea in 45 minutes. Thank you for attending."

People got up and grabbed refreshments as Steven stood quietly gripping the stand.

After giving him awhile of alone time at the casket, Connie hugged hin from behind and whispered, "Steven, Biscuit... c' mon, we gotta be social."

He nodded and reached for her hand tentatively interlocking their fingers before letting her pull him toward the crowd of people gathered to see the send off.

Lapis was knee deep in the water, waiting for the cue from Steven while Peridot stood on the edge of the tide.

Steven looked into the casket, one last time, and placed a gentle kiss on his fathers forehead. It took a lot of self control not to heal him, but he knew it wasnt what Greg would have wanted. So, instead he loaded the coffin in the back of his father's notorious van and pushed it to the shoreline.

Peridot closed her eyes and willed the van forward slowly into the sea. Lapis moved out of the way, as Peridot parked it 10 feet ahead of her wife.

Lapis held out her arms and a ocean wave caught the van in a current. It rocked farther and farther away as it slowly sunk down into the murky depths of the ocean.

"Im sorry for your funeral." Peridot said giving the man a hug.

He smiled tearfully and returned the affectionate gems embrace.

"Thank you guys."

"No problem, Steven."
Peridot said, linking hands with Lapis.

"Anything for you, Steven. We're here for you."

He looked out to the horizon and saw the remaining tip of the van plunge below the waterline.

"And thank you, Dad. For everything,"


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