Feeling Useless

Connie immediately knew today was going to be rough when she rolled over to see her Steven still in bed. Normally he'd get up early to do his exercises and meditation. But today he laid curled up on his side hugging a pillow to his stomach.

Sighing, she leaned over and kissed the back of his head full of chocolate curls.

"Oh Steven..." She ran her fingers through his hair gently and decided to get ready for the day. After putting on some joggers and a tanktop, she quickly left the house to run some errands.

She was deep in thought as she drove to and from the store. She knew he had a messiah complex but sometimes, the savior of the universe needed a break. Therapy had been helping her a lot since the incident with Kevin and Ronaldo, and she was beginning to feel less tense and was even having a huge decline in nightmares. They had engaged in some vanilla sex to get her back into the rhythm of things. More and more comfortable, Connie was able to enjoy sex throughly possibly even more than she did before.

Steven, however, had taken it hard. And despite what the therapist said, he wouldn't have it. Just recently, they thought he had made a breakthrough and was able to come to terms with the situation and how he couldnt have prevented it or known about it. It didn't last long, however. He started working at LH again, making his days slightly more busy than usual. Homeworld visits became more and more frequent to the point where he was almost always in Diamond form when he returned. He went out of his way to help everybody, making sure they were happy and fixing anything that made them not so. He slowly began slipping back into his younger selfs habits, and nobody caught it until it was too late. Connie felt sick to her stomach thinking that she could have stopped this, but was too caught up in her own little world to notice. He was overworking himself, just like she used to do in college. And while she would get irritable and yell at anything that teed her off, Stevens anger was a bit more...explosive.

Connie blinked and realized she had pulled in the driveway and zoned out. She grabbed the keys and groceries and hopped out. "Honey, I'm home!"

A soft grunt made her set down the bags and follow the sound to the source. He was still in bed but had his eyes wide open as he stared irritatedly at the ceiling. He flinched when she opened the door and walked in. "What?"

A sharp blade staked Connies heart as she swallowed nervously. "I, I bought some groceries..."

"And you didnt think to tell me?" His voice was icy venom that snuck its way into her blood stream causing her temper to flare.

"Im sorry, I wasn't aware I needed permission to leave the house." She said cooly before realizing she had made a huge mistake. "Biscuit, I shouldn't have said that I-."

He narrowed his eyes as they flickered to the angry dark pink eyes of a beast that she intended to keep sleeping inside him. "Oh, so letting me know where you are going is a problem?" He seethed quietly.

"No no no, I meant-." Connie stuttered backing up slightly.

"Oh I know what you meant!" He stood up abruptly and turned away from her. "So apparently my wishes are not important enough to respect, huh?" Setting his jaw he glared at the woman staring at him with insulted disbelief.

"Are you serious? Cause I'm not about to play this game today." She pursed her lips and gave him an equally intense stare.

Steven scoffed and muttered, "Whatever." Walking past her, he went into the kitchen to fix himself some viddles.

Connie groaned into her hands exasperated at herself. She let herself get defensive and set the timed explosive bomb herself.

The day went slowly with Steven avoiding Connie and rebutting any attempts at conversation. At one point she tried to talk to him about why he was so angry but that quickly devolved into a shouting match.

Connie bit the inside of her cheek as she read her book. The living room was next to the kitchen so she checked on Stevens progress on his lunch from time to time.

Her eyes lazily skimmed that page as she fell into deep thoughts again.


Connie immediately threw down the book and was at his side in an instant. "What happened? What's wrong?!"

He sighed and showed her his bloody thumb he had sliced when he was cutting onions.

"Oh god. Ummm... I have first aid in the bathroom hold on!" She raced to the bathroom and grabbed the gauze, tape, disinfecting wipes and first aid gel.

She hurried back to the kitchen only to see the man calmly cutting onions again with a newly healed thumb. She could see the glittering of the healing power flowing to his thumb. She stared in momentary shock before sighing and turning around to put the items back.

When she came back, he was gone.

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